
Gaming Development Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"The more people who play the game, the better we can make it."
"Weathering Waves finally reintroduced the meaning of a beta."
"Respecting your audience, respecting your community and their wishes, and what they're expecting out of your game, especially with platform and release date, having that level of consideration goes a long way in garnering people's trust."
"Diversify—it's not just part of advocacy or activism, it's going to make your games better."
"You could make non-playable characters and enemies in video games much smarter and much more believable."
"When you have the engine, the talent, and the passion, that's how great influential video games are made."
"It's gonna change a lot based on the beta and people playing in the beta."
"Let that be a lesson to all you WiiWare developers out there."
"That's the natural organic way to grow out a multi-genre title."
"BM has gone forward the most in terms of gameplay."
"CDPR were trying to do the impossible, they were trying to create one of the biggest open-world games right at the moment when next-gen consoles were coming out at precisely the same time that the RTX 30 series of video cards were being released."
"They saw these glitches that we like, the people have done, they've seen these things right, they've seen these things in breath of the wild and they're like okay all right fine we'll put it in the game."
"Is it worth asking our dungeon artists or 3D artists to spend a few hundred hours rebuilding Stormwind?"
"It's been said that the PS2 is a very complicated piece of hardware and that development is complex. That's indeed true, and it's taken a long time to master it, but the harder you try to push the hardware, the more rewarding the results."
"I want new exciting stories to unfold, I want the game to grow and expand and try new things."
"Pillars of Eternity 2 dead fire really expanded on everything from the first game... one of my favorite games overall."
"Making games is impossible... And yet, somehow, it gets done."
"I have explicitly stated that the animations are fine and the reuse is not an issue."
"Crota's End and King's Fall were originally planned to be a single massive super raid."
"They have really done a vast improvement in terms of build flexibility."
"Please just drop the weird NFT crap and make it a good game."
"This looks so amazing and one of them remember that's it hey alley-oop on three these developers are magicians."
"It could not be a more exciting time to be part of Team Xbox."
"Challenge yourselves, think creatively. What is the gaming experience you always wanted to build?"
"The combat, if they could like do a rework like most of these games right, if they get a demon fall type combat, I'm a hundred percent sure the team will, like, literally be on the home page of every Roblox player."
"Purchases of these supporter packs are the only thing that fund ongoing development of Path of Exile, its sequel Path of Exile 2, and expansions like Ultimatum."
"The specs turn into the games that people want."
"But yeah, I you know, it is safe to say exponentially more powerful than any Forge we've ever released, is my understanding."
"Last Epoch has successfully finished its Kickstarter."
"I think bringing Blizzard World to life was particularly special for our entire team."
"We're trying to show people how to do early access right."
"They could turn this into a fantastic video game that lasts for years."
"Ultimately the game can only get better from here. I said we'll probably have a pretty playable game in a couple of years or something and here we are."
"It's going to enable them to create literal Galaxy sized open world."
"It's positioned as Overwatch 2, but they had to split the PvP and the PvE. The PvP still carries the Overwatch 2 name and the expectations that come with Overwatch 2, even though it seems like really the bulk of the two in Overwatch 2 is the PvE."
"It's the next big step in the Overwatch universe."
"If we were to theoretically work with another company on a new Ninja Gaiden title, we would need to make sure that it would be a title that the fans would really enjoy and exceed their expectations."
"What a disaster right but there's a couple of things that you need to realize when you think about the original sin to this is 120 our game that was made in two years time so that is I think quite an achievement of the team."
"The mini-games chips and dips were outright cut."
"More competition in the RPG market would be fantastic."
"The idea of creating a more persistent Universe for live content to live in so that they can just keep updating the game world with expansions instead of having to recreate a whole new set of Worlds and characters."
"Cliff's response to lawbreaker's poor reception was, 'It's a marathon not a sprint. We're going to keep iterating and keep working on it.'"
"We want to make absolutely the best version of Call of Duty for any player on any of those platforms."
"ESO consistently go back to... adding new zones, classes, systems."
"It seems like it is finally getting to a place where games are more than just proof of concepts, and that’s really exciting."
"And I wonder if they have the bandwidth to be able to make a different game after this gets up."
"We're gonna make this an action casual game with a pirate theme for the mbox next using the long dong silver 2.0."
"This is actually a really cool idea, all built by other gamers using Unreal Engine."
"It's exciting to hear that they're working on the combat snapshot."
"They really stuck to the rules of what it takes because this is their first open world game."
"Hogwarts Legacy could end up being the game that finally proves licensed games can be incredible if they're given the right amount of care and love."
"There's a path to it, a real realistic path to this gaming experience existing."
"I would love to see more mods in the future adding more of the raw humans."
"Eight gigabytes is now holding back game development, holding back the progress of the gaming industry. We want PC to be the superior platform, really don't we?"
"If you don't want someone doing that then create something original instead of paint by numbers game development."
"Sony's Secret San Diego team is revealed working on a PS5 exclusive and it's a new IP."
"Fans of our past games will be stoked about what's to come. Our game will deliver insane visceral combat, engaging progression systems, and a unique survival experience."
"Without D'Arnot, there'd be no UFO, no wave, there wouldn't be any levels with good deco, no fixed on 1.9, and everyone will probably be using 1.0 blocks all because of one creator."
"People actually begged for it so much that they went and actually did it."
"Sony Santa Monica succeeded so comprehensively here that I am just in awe of the talent that it took to produce it."
"That's what betas are for. They're designed not only to bolster pre-orders and fill hype for the game but they are also used by the developers to gather valuable feedback."
"Bluepoint, their next game is not going to be a remake, it's a new original piece of content."
"Bad news guys," he says, "that the development of Overwatch 2 is going slow, that they're going to be delaying its release."
"The game is actually really far along for being this early of an access game."
"Reforger is an important and exciting milestone in our journey."
"Returnal delivers one of the most impressive developer glow-ups in recent gaming history."
"I do like the direction and the approach to side activities."
"Contracts could be drawn up between players to create shipping routes and procure rare ingredients for player-owned shops."
"Make a Cold War you don't have to replace the whole map but I mean take some of the parts from out, put some like old BO1 maps in or like just Black Ops maps."
"We are investigating but would like to see it make it nine."
"The entire point of this is to turn World of Warcraft into an immersive action RPG."
"He doesn't chase trends, he doesn't try to make the game that will monetize the best or whatever he just tries to I think genuinely make art that's interesting and unique."
"You must delay your game if you cannot have an incredible launch and follow through."
"If they're using those assets to build an amazing game, then we just don't care that they're reused."
"I think this is at least a clue suggesting that while they are working on other stuff God of War is also going to continue."
"Passion doesn't equal a good game... sadly, I wish that was the case."
"This two-year commitment plan ensures the devs have more time to polish their games, and it allows Infinity Ward to take the gloves off."
"I hope you guys understand and see we still know very little about the game and it’s too early to judge."
"It felt right for a sequel. It felt like reusing the link to the past map was maybe just a way to speed up development and that we would for sure be getting a follow up with a completely new world to explore."
"For me, if the base skeleton of the PVE exists on day one of whatever the PVE is and if there's room to scale that forward to add to it in the future, then that's all we really need."
"It's coming in hot gets bandied around a lot in video games development."
"Bugs suck, but you know what sucks more than bugs? Developers who don't try anything new."
"Ubisoft have the talent, they have the developers with the skills and creativity to make beautiful worlds."
"The modders are the ones that pour so much love and effort into these games."
"Tajiri's interest in games grew beyond just playing them and into the early stages of game development."
"Throughout its development and reveals, we have seen one of the most divided fan bases put back together."
"Development of a battle royale would no doubt have resulted in less content in other parts of the game."
"Resident Evil 4 is a culmination of Capcom's efforts in the RE engine."
"Mafia: The Definitive Edition is a complete remake, a faithful recreation of the original. The entire city has been rebuilt and even redesigned in some areas."
"Modding continues to evolve and each time someone comes up with a new faction it seems to just get better and better."
"You are moving thinking and fighting fundamentally different than you were in the beginning."
"Radical's transition to 3D was smooth with games like Grid Runner, showing their ability in original IP."
"With a generous budget, a large, very capable development team, and the backing of Sony, this latest take on the webslinger promises the most complete spider-man experience to date."
"I think by that time I'd be ready for it... Right now, I would like if Naughty Dog did something new."
"I'm very interested to see where Larian will go from here."
"Sonic Forces was developed by Sonic Team, composed of the same members who developed Sonic Generations."
"The longer Diablo 4 takes to break out of its issues, the further the game falls from general interest."
"We haven't even seen gameplay footage of it; apparently there's been a playable prototype for a very long time, so people are optimistic."
"It almost seems like it's kind of a late addition that doesn't really make much sense."
"All in all, Civ 3 was the first game where they had almost everything from the modern Civ formula."
"Mike Watson passed away... He worked on the Saint Row 2 patch until his dying day."
"If there is a united nation of fighting game developers that comes together to make the experience better for everybody then holy [ __ ] best timeline we are in the best timeline."
"The crazy thing is a lot of these developers are Japanese and a lot of these developers are seemingly working with each other now in a very weird amalgamation."
"I'd be super happy, I'd be insanely happy if there was a way for me to somehow encourage or activate the developers to make the things that I would love for them to make."
"Every bit of support helps them get this game made for us."
"Mirror's Edge never would have happened without the city-state mentality."
"Making games is becoming easier and easier so you can literally make all three of these games today even if you're a complete beginner."
"Paragon would have had its own little pocket of success if they kept on developing it."
"I think this project has access to talent that's going to start to really gain them up."
"Blizzard president Mikey Barros said that after playing for several hours himself he was excited about the team's vision for the game."
"Mario Kart DS was the first one to introduce online play."
"Capcom should be trying to make a product that is better than the originals."
"Poke Pelago uses the menu Sprites these are the result of a pure passion project of mine."
"The creator himself has said he doesn't want to release a shoddy broken horrible survival game, he wants Rust to be the best survival game on consoles that you can play."
"Like there are games that are breaking through that barrier and I think we're seeing it happen."
"Here is my verdict on what should be done if Dice and EA want this game to be great: fantastic. It needs to be delayed another year."
"The hope we have is SNK jumps on board SNK is the next smk is the next jump like the hurdle we're climbing a ladder to space right now and we're trying to get to the moon and the next the next developer to arrive at the moon is no [ __ ] SNK."
"Halo Infinite will stand out as a shining example that if your game isn't ready, it's okay to delay it."
"Pretty much anything is on the table when it comes to Xbox revisiting old franchises."
"Have you ever wanted to make Roblox games to become rich and famous?"
"This is going to be something they've had 25 years in the making I think it's going to be big man so I'm really excited for it."
"Efficiency is key in developing a stronger game."
"Build a good game and people will play that game, want to get good at the game, and an esport will happen."
"Once you're on this addressable system not only can you do all of this but you're gonna get much faster startup times because all this stuff doesn't need to be loaded into memory right away at the beginning of your game."
"If you're not using addressable yet I highly recommend you just experiment with it."
"It's going to allow you to make so many unique things because being able to just put video footage into the game you can literally add whatever you want."
"Now it's time to see the rest of the iceberg and everything the covenants entail." - Game Director
"I kind of wish we could have a game where it's like all the tech side of infinity ward and then the gameplay philosophy of treyarch."
"The improved AI should keep them from getting caught on trees and generally running into masses of infantry when they should be circling them."
"We want to grow the game... bring new goals for everyone."
"Guys, what did you think? If you like what you see here, I might include some steam features in Engine Simulator 3D which I'm working on now."
"Overall, I think this is a net positive for the game."
"For core game releases, stuff's finally happening."
"Let’s make something hardcore, ultra-niche, with pixel art and ridiculous difficulty."
"Petroglyph and LucasArts kept the momentum going by rolling out the Forces of Corruption expansion in October 2006."
"What could have made these Terminator games great was if the license holder was far less strict on the developers."
"Marvel vs Capcom 2 was the maturation of years of versus titles."
"I've added to the console game engine the ability to draw a triangle."
"Seemingly against all odds, teams within rare worked to bring the series to Nintendo's portable systems."
"We must benefit from our hindsight and tell Blizzard what we want or we may just be on a course to make the same mistakes over and over again."
"Let's get this game done... it is going to be a fantastic title that people will really enjoy."
"I think right now for the first time on FIFA I can actually say that EA are thinking in the right direction."
"Tekken 5 set us up for great future Tekken games."
"They're releasing it sort of module, so this is an example of the dogfighting module before they put the whole game together."
"Let us know what you want to test with this mod in the future."
"These ancient cities will be added to the game, and they're literally insane."
"For starters, the addition of this structure shows the developers are clearly willing to add gigantic additions to this game."
"Ray tracing technology not only will games start looking more realistic but they will essentially be quicker and more flexible."
"Honestly, I'm so excited about it. I think it's a really, really cool addition. Right now, mud will be making up a lot of the mangrove swamp generation. Mud is literally everywhere."
"The graphics and fun you could have was just incredible."
"So for me on the whole, if we could just end up with the Azeroth plot being more important, more RPG mechanics, a different feeling world with a bit more in the way of story content, I think that could be a great thing."
"It's really just an opportunity for players to give us feedback about how we could improve that experience."
"I've come up with a little bit of a list of things that I would absolutely love to see added into career mode."
"Any other ideas or things you would love to see in career mode for FIFA 910?"
"They need to do balance patches with the expansion if they want to release like this, yeah, exactly like without toning down old stuff if they release new stuff as like a half an expansion it's not going to be good."
"New and faster GPUs are usually seen as a good thing when they become available to consumers."
"Sonic CD's technology is as fascinating as its design, taking advantage of every major hardware feature introduced with the Mega CD."
"Ballista, what a game and it's still an alpha."
"The scope of Halo CE Rebalanced is bigger than ever before."
"We should not assume that civilization is robust... there's a life cycle to civilizations."
"It hurts the publishers, it hurts the developers... However, it works."
"Fire Emblem 3 Houses is an absolute treasure trove of unused content and cut tossed away ideas that quite frankly sort of blew my mind."
"I like seeing developers try to port challenging content to less powerful machines, I think that's genuinely pretty interesting."
"What if they released Animal Crossing when it was complete?"
"It seems substantial enough, it seems like a substantial leap from the PS3 and it's gonna be easy to make games for, that is HUGE."
"If not now, then when? 10 years for a game is a massive achievement."
"Here we are finally. So now what we are going to do is we are going to create the player."
"It's really interesting how Nintendo figured out full analog for Mario's first 3D adventure."
"I think this is actually the kind of thing that could really help a lot of those open-world RPG games as well."
"The possibilities for an experimental playlist are truly endless... I really do hope they have some good ideas cooking up."
"I feel like asking for bunk beds is a lot smaller than asking for a whole feature like horses or University."
"Didn't have proper content support and was abandoned."
"They're going to be adding hundreds of new talents to the game."
"Last year's leap was so good already that now we're just adding to it what needs to be added and perfecting the formula."
"It feels like it is a way off before being a widespread feature unless game developers can find ways to much more significantly optimize Ray tracing."
"They're pulling in the not so well known name into their game for the sake of exposure for the sake of creativity."
"The idea of seeing DLC expansions for Pokemon Switch."
"Vera was already boasting to be one of the largest playable spaces at launch of an MMO, being similar in size to ArcheAge. However, now they've tripled that."
"Valve needs to put more time and energy into Counter-Strike in order to compete."
"How well it's all to do with a single tool a tool I believe holds the solution to the current lack of games and that tool is so game modding."
"Unused content is one of my favorite topics to discuss when it comes to video games because you get to take a look at what went on behind the scenes."
"Improvement on the summoning is on the way, guys."
"And it's just the speed bit that the storage can put assets into the game engine just that alone increases the amount of RAM available to developers."
"They're trying to create an open world Star Wars game, which is something that has been attempted in the past."
"This is easily one of the best ideas that from software has ever had for their online systems."
"Fans of our previous work will be hoping we stay true to our ARPG roots."
"Interestingly, special stage 3 here became a hidden unused special stage in the final release."
"It's resetting the industry, which is like we need it desperately."
"The fact that it's in the game is amazing to see and honestly, like, I'm really impressed with how far this has come."
"If you're on the fence, I would wait a little bit, see how the game ends up getting developed and changed and then hop in."
"I sincerely hope Capcom makes more games that look, feel, and play like this."
"Ultimate Custom Night turned a humorous post-game mode into a legendary epilogue."
"Very, very impressive what they're doing with Warzone."
"I want to make something of myself that's not just Guild Wars."
"I just love seeing the industry rally around accessibility as a core pillar of their games."
"Skyrim's touted scope was revealed to be a dragon jealously guarding its pile of development resources and manpower."
"We're suspending work on all the DLC and the next-gen versions to get current-gen versions to a place that they run decently."
"Concerned Ape originally planned to release on Xbox Live Arcade."
"I want to continue playing the game and get better... there's so much I can learn, I'm so excited about what I have to learn."
"The more we remove all the different ways a player can express skill within our video game, the less of a reason players have to play the game in the long term."