
Psychological Benefits Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Practicing mindfulness can calm you down and make you less anxious."
"Nostalgia, the personal kind, has been associated with very healthy aspects of well-being, such as empathy, compassion, forgiveness, social connectedness, belonging, anxiety reduction, continuity of self, and optimism."
"Research has shown that demonstrating to yourself the discipline and patience needed to save money, especially in the long term, has huge psychological benefits in your overall life."
"My primary thing that I get out of being submissive is structure, security, consistency."
"A little bit of emotional acknowledgment can do wonders for everybody."
"It's all about mental health, Wild Spaces Urban places, and just something that is good for people's mental health."
"Why does a simple scream help alleviate some of this stress that moms or anyone else is feeling in the pandemic?"
"I've never had a person tell me that they wish they hadn't talked about what happened to them."
"There could be many benefits of being able to induce lucid dreaming."
"From hitting the beach to taking a long stroll through the park, multiple studies have shown that there's something about nature that helps us feel happier."
"Stretching can help improve posture and increase serotonin levels."
"Working out makes me feel really good, it does give me energy."
"Five minutes of awe gives you that suite of benefits that I think are comparable to anything you can do, no kidding."
"Embrace space... we can actually stand to benefit hugely from embracing white space."
"There's something about task completion that sets you up to complete other tasks."
"Music therapy is a growing field that uses music to evoke and assess emotional responses to help people relax or to heal."
"As soon as you get in the iron temple and start working out, it unlocks a part of your mind."
"Laughter, warm connections, another person's touch not only calms us down but enhances our well-being, our sense of connectedness."
"This is why I say to people I said the working out is not just to get a bigger bicep or bigger delts and bigger Petro muscles and abs notice it's just what it does also psychologically and mentally for you it just gives you such a boost."
"Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don't shoot their husbands."
"We're all wired to benefit from some sort of keto reset."
"It feels like a real hangout with people. I think a lot of people benefit from that."
"A lingering sense of cognitive Rejuvenation well-being and mental Clarity can sometimes last for hours days or even weeks after a dimethyltryptamine experience."
"The psychological benefits to doing heavy singles in the training, plus it's friggin fun, like it looks awesome, it's just fun putting loads right on the bar."
"Making your savings automatic has tons of benefits, not just for the amount of money you'll likely be more able to save, but also for its psychological benefits."
"Hope comes from the belief that the future will be better."
"The latrine relieves a small amount of stress when used which is fantastic."
"You make yourself 31 percent smarter just being in a positive frame of mind."
"There's something profound about expressing gratitude that actually makes our brains happier."
"Just because it's beneficial and makes people deal, give themselves a sense of purpose, that doesn't mean it's entirely false."
"Watching fish swim and exist and do absolutely nothing for some reason has a calming effect on our brains and sometimes animal brains too. Science."
"This is the perfect time to do that shadow work and see a lot of great benefits from tapping into your subconscious mind."
"Psychologically I think the effect of having an extra day on the weekend is awesome cuz that you know I remember what weekends are like."
"Not only does exercise distract you from your negative thoughts, but it's actually been proven to physiologically increase your sense of well-being."
"Laughter changes us when it's really deeply felt. Laughter, laughter changes us even at the level of our central nervous system. It feels so good, so we want more."
"Gratitude is one of the closest frequencies to love."
"Nostalgia appears to confer positive effect, optimism, and creativity."
"People enjoy doing it. They often report that they feel better afterward."
"Taking care of your brain sends all these happiness chemicals throughout our body."
"In a pragmatic way, surrendering disbelief can be functionally therapeutically useful."
"A right to disconnect law... helps people detach from work and if you can detach from work... it helps people more effectively reattach the next day."
"Happy, gracious individuals are less prone to vengeance."
"As you start to really understand okay if I do this, I'm actually going to feel good."
"The beauty that magic of solitude of being in nature and outdoors."
"Games like 'The Witness' gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment."
"There truly is no better feeling than just that satisfied feeling after... having a clear out."
"The lack of news is not necessarily a sign that few things are happening."
"Reading fiction reduces your anxiety by like 60%."
"Experiencing the sublime has also been shown to lower stress markers."
"There's a value in stoicism. It pays dividends psychologically to get over your own [__]."
"Hugs are powerful, hugs are incredibly powerful."
"People generally want to work... it really helps your psyche."
"Freeing something up in your life naturally makes you freer as a person."
"Quiet meditative forms of learning and study are actually better for us psychologically and in terms of our own knowledge base."
"Parasocial relationships could help fulfill some of people's loneliness and social needs."
"Discovering things like mindfulness makes life so much easier."
"When we show up in compassionate support for someone else... can very literally reduce our suffering down to the physical level."
"Depression scores dropped by about 20 to 30 percent in healthy college students."
"It solves two problems... financial and psychological."
"Gratitude is very, very effective. It changes people's mood, attitude, outlook, and makes them happier."
"Intervening on poverty has positive psychological effects. What I haven't told you yet is that it also has positive economic effects."
"You can become like a surgeon of your own emotions. You can just say, for your own emotions. And once you do the simple act of labeling how you feel, huge benefits."
"There is also evidence to suggest that hugging people or animals makes you happier."
"When you touch someone, it sends a signal to their brain, it helps to boost their serotonin, and it also releases oxytocin."
"Sometimes we do things that are good for our psyche."
"They all help your psychology, they help your body physically, and they'll just make you feel better about life."
"There's something about that style of camping that does really good for the human psyche; you become very intricately connected to Nature."
"Unit testing is the biggest psychological shot in the arm you can ever have."
"A regular dose of healthy nostalgia actually does extraordinary things for the brain."