
Community Contribution Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"The more people who play the game, the better we can make it."
"If you're not contributing to the group, you will have this sense of meaninglessness."
"I want to create a future where young people can think critically, be financially literate, and contribute positively to their communities."
"All of the newer packs have had such immersive worlds because they've been having simmers do the builds so they're a lot better."
"Thank God for pirates, modders, and hackers. Emulators are pretty much why."
"Be the best friend, the best neighbor, the best worker, the best teacher, the best parent, the best person you can be."
"It's going to the landfill, why do you even care? Dumpster diving is a way of living for many people— it's their way of feeling liberated and allows them to give back to the community in ways they never could before."
"The coolest thing any mom can do is simply be present and give her imperfect best to her family, her community, and herself."
"The community is what's allowed D&D to constantly remain fresh and many would argue that the community has created some of the most compelling content even compared to what Wizards of the Coast has officially produced."
"Contributing to the group in some way... nails down those directives that we all have in our mind."
"A hero goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and returns changed or transformed to share that gift with their community."
"WordPress, unlike these other companies, is open-sourced, which means that anyone can build anything for WordPress and release it to the public."
"You're truly pushing what was thought possible, and we're all the better for it."
"The greatest experience you will have to help continue your personal development is by sharing what you've learned with others because it makes you sharper, it makes you better."
"There's so many good people out there, they're anonymous heroes of society."
"Life treated Joey Dunlop pretty well, and he tried to pay it forward as often as he could."
"We love flight, we want to continue doing it and giving back."
"But it's when we take these unique experiences - and what we've gained from them - and apply them to the community around us, that we become truly fulfilled."
"Each of us can play a part in making up for the deficit created by the loss of the physical."
"Open source game development turns players into designers."
"Every single part of that is actually made by the community and every single part of that is actually given to us as gifts from our community."
"In the early-00s, Zhi loaned his cartridge to an NES ROM dumping group."
"Back in the ancient times of August 2017, a member of the Hollow Knight community known as Nook began chipping away at mapping out the entirety of Hollow Knight’s world."
"The hobby isn't just about doing runs, but about contributing to the collaborative vision."
"Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you got a business that you didn't build that somebody else made that happen."
"I just want to be a good person, you know? Any time that I could put something out that someone could donate to or anything, even maybe just humor." - Hangman Adam Page
"Known by many in the crypto community for thoughtful insight... contributed massive amounts of education... can do just about anything."
"Just a huge word of appreciation for you for being one of the good ones out there."
"Contributing to the whole, the drop of water in the pond kind of thing."
"We see contributing giving back to that as being a super important thing."
"Hope doesn't come from Washington. Hope comes from you and me. Hope comes from God."
"By me contributing to this game, I'm part of something bigger, helping others, and if I've already spent as much as I want to help myself, I can continue to spend to help other people and feel like a good person."
"I think about myself being able to afford a nice white shirt, you know. I don't live in Harlem anymore, but I don't forget where I come from." - Giving Back to Harlem
"Contribute to open source projects. It's never too early to contribute."
"Don't ever feel like your problems don't matter, they don't amount up to others because everyone has their own [ __ ]."
"Bethesda games are kept alive for decades because of the modding community."
"We as humans become better and then we can contribute to our global community."
"Wikipedia: the encyclopedia that anyone who understands the norms socializes themselves to contribute."
"I've just got too much respect for Rafa and what he's done for the city of Liverpool."
"Don't be discouraged by the level and size of what you're trying to contribute to our community."
"So what we're really excited to announce is that this is going to be available open source."
"And that means getting the best education possible so you can think critically, so you can express yourself clearly, so you can get a good job and support yourself and your family, so you can be a positive force in your communities."
"The progress that we are seeing is a testament to what all of you have done."
"You stand on the shoulders of people. Remember that a little bit and give back."
"With every place added, photo taken and review shared, Local Guides inspire us to explore our world."
"Every contribution matters and counts; the smallest updates and edits help millions of people."
"It's because of you, having your eyes on the skies and being your own investigator, UFO hunters out there that are sharing the information to us. And as soon as we get it, we share it to the world. So that's our job."
"I'm glad you're still here anyway, it's good though we're still here."
"It's important that those that figure it out still have the opportunity to give it back."
"He's just been an awesome part of the community since the beginning."
"We lost a great one that was a part of our hip-hop community Nipsey Hussle and a lot of people did not know the impact he was having on his local community."
"It means something to the city that's part of."
"Shout out to all the mod creators for hooking us up with all these awesome mods."
"Black folks are some of the most philanthropic people in the world."
"I want this to be my creation... to really be contributing to the community and to Lego."
"Guys are doing a little things like people take granted for it."
"I'm gonna try to wrap a bunch of these and then drop them off at little libraries in my neighborhood."
"Sam Briggs just truly one of the best ambassadors that the sport community has to offer."
"Thank you for your contributions to this community."
"That is a way to democratize software contributions."
"This game is deeply extensive in what it offers players and it's perhaps the most impressive fan project that has ever been undertaken."
"Just to be a worker among workers... What can I do here to serve?"
"Anyone holding the token contributes to a charitable cause."
"It's quite impressive what people can do without direct access to the game code."
"The GTA modding community is a huge part of the game's legacy."
"He continued to give back to the community in which he lived and thrived." - Aaron Cummings
"There's something that you guys are here to build, to put out, to create."
"I teach people Python and Django and occasionally bits and pieces of JavaScript mostly as penance for my sins."
"Cogin's absence will be profoundly felt... his passion enlivened the community." - Tribute to Howard Cogins.
"There's often such missed opportunities for being a productive member of society. Let's be productive here, man."
"You want to leave a legacy, build a school, contribute to a hospital."
"Thank you for everything you do, you're such a giver to the community."
"I'm not doing important things, you guys are trying to."
"Value equals fundamental value plus community value."
"Art inherently or not, brings value to people outside of yourself."
"We have a responsibility if we just spent literally a few hours every day fulfilling that responsibility instead of waiting for somebody else to do it and pay them for it."
"Thank you for supporting the platform, don't fumble the bag."
"Still extremely impressed, very much impressed every single time I see a mod that has this much effort put in."
"You need to go see sway so that's that what you've done for our station man it's just incredible so if I never had a chance to thank you for that I'm thanking you right now freeze tag man I appreciate it man thank you."
"Flutter is open, with thousands of contributors adding to the core framework and extending it with a huge ecosystem of packages."
"Thank you, Mr. Bidochka, for all you've done for us."
"Modders did more than add a few features, they literally made the game playable."
"The idea for the book was really brought about by GCN viewers, so I suppose they have some ownership within that."
"This is about sovereignty, liberation, the power of the individual to take care of everything we need first, then we can be a fountainhead and spill over into one another."
"The modders are the ones that pour so much love and effort into these games."
"This is a time of collaboration. If you are not doing something to help the collective, to contribute to the collective in a bigger way, then you're going to get left behind."
"I'm just so heartbroken for Relisha thinking about what she could have been what she could have done with her life to help serve her community or go on to actually be a model the way that she wanted to be she totally could have been."
"Claudia had such a loving spirit and an ability to make everyone she encountered feel valued."
"With each new detail on you account posters helped in building a Mythos around the character that because of its viral scope and Myriad of conflicting details."
"You know we get to see what we can be when we really show up."
"I think that a lot of other people would want to check that out as well and then hopefully you can help inspire someone else with the idea that you came up with or maybe the improvement that you made to one of my ideas."
"I absolutely love this gadget idea here by Frank, made 185 days ago by the user Poom."
"Every bit of support helps them get this game made for us."
"Kudos to you, mod maker. A simple idea that has turned out excellently within the context of this game."
"This is my gift to the 3D printing community."
"Your heart to give, your heart to give to local people, your heart to give to this nation." - John Bevere
"I just want you guys to know the whole community... my motivation behind all this stuff is to provide value and to just contribute insight to the industry."
"May Allah make us from the grateful, and that will help us see that people around us that we have a chance to share something good with are actually a favor of Allah."
"The unofficial Fallout 4 patch isn't just an important mod it's a must-have in that it fixes issues that were never addressed by Bethesda."
"This project is open source... which is freaking amazing."
"This person consistently contributed to the draw ception website and brought a lot of positivity."
"It has brought people into this hobby, back into appreciating and loving and getting the enjoyment of this wonderfully enriching hobby."
"We've proven to be developers, translators, artists, and musicians. We are fans. We are family. We are Mother."
"You're depriving all of us of that if you choose not to share."
"I love what he represents, I love what he does for the sport."
"For the rest of your life, you can come here -- and look at this and know that you had a part in it."
"Thank you for letting me be a small part of that."
"They're bold, unapologetic, and reflective of the style Ebonix wanted to share with the Simmer community."
"I mean the pekkas are going to smash full health pekka right now, again you guys did the heavy lifting thank you so much for all this."
"Kikoa has given so much to Saint John, and it's just, it is, it's family."
"Since 2006, the Little Princess Trust have provided over 8,000 wigs for young people."
"You're not only erasing your problems but you're contributing to the betterment of everybody."
"I just want to kind of end the video by saying a huge shout out to everyone who's helped build this world."
"Add your voice to the millions of other voices."
"Absolutely huge, second roundabout skip would be like the ultimate find for Halo 3."
"Every time we serve in Christ's Church, God treasures it."
"Huge shout out to Stocky for creating this amazing tool for the drumming community."
"It's all of us contributing to this, all of us."
"Everybody has something very important, quite literally, to bring to the table."
"Castlemania by Sir Punge, an absolute masterpiece in Geometry Dash. This level is an entire Metroidvania come to life."
"If you helped us out, then I think you have a legitimate claim to say that you helped discover a new planet."
"The more we look after ourselves, the more we have to give to others."
"Hey Vern, happy birthday and thank you not just for everything you do for the ACA as an organization but even more for everything you do for the members in the community."
"Community can add a ton to any game if you want it to."
"Bitcoin is an open-source project. Anyone can verify the code, improve upon it, and propose it."
"I really want to thank everyone for their participation. It is just a mind-blowing wonderful honor that you're all contributing to this exciting group experience of being an artistic community."
"Go out, put some beauty back into the world."
"This is the work that we put in, not just me, that we all put in. You guys are part of this too, you guys are helping."
"I'm focusing on things that allow me to give back and just create new memories."
"Disc golf has given me so much, so how can I give back to disc golf? I love it. It feels like it's given me purpose in my life." - Paul McBeth
"We did it for a great cause and it just... it was one of the best experiences."
"You have to take care of yourself if you want to be here for the world and other people."
"I am proud to be on the organ donation register."
"Lessons that I learned from him: just going out there and giving the city of Philadelphia everything he had."
"Our gifts aren't for us, they're for everyone else."
"It speaks to how much goodwill can come when your heart is in the right place."
"The Minecraft Legends modding Community is basically doing Mojang's job here after being repeatedly left in the dark, ignored, and abandoned."
"You have a great time laughing with friends at just how ridiculous one game could be."
"You should contribute. You will feel better for it."
"This was all the work of tango tech and what an amazing project it was."
"Shout out again to the charity of the day which is Doctors Without Borders."
"Let the thief steal no longer, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need."
"I really wanted our company to be an educational company, putting out beneficial information to the community."
"One of the reasons you're a hux hero for us is because there are injured firefighters who have been genuinely helped by the contributions you're able to make because of the coffee."
"That degree is a contract. It's a social contract. It calls on you to devote your talents and energies to honoring those legends on whom shoulders both you and I stand."
"I started YouTube to review Bleach on a weekly basis because I believed I had something to offer the community."
"This is super cool, you don't need to own the game or buy the game to actually build something."
"The people around them recognize that they have something to offer and the community grows from there."
"I think it's super important to give back. I'm aware that my 30 minutes is really hard for me, has a lot of value for me, and by doing this show, I feel like I love this fucking card thing."
"Purchases of these packs are what fund ongoing development."
"There are thousands more specialized nodes made by Node-RED contributors."
"We all need to feel like we're giving and contributing something."
"Contribution and growth, focus on those two things."
"Even though Zerus was a murderer whatever happened to him changed him because at one point he reformed and built the orphanage to expiate his crimes."
"I'm delighted that there are people like yourself that have channels like you do that just seem to be motivated for the greater good."
"YouTube and art were truly my passion and I felt like I was really giving back to the community."
"The team just took that idea and ran with it and turned you know what started out as a small community project into this soul of iron system that became a centerpiece of season of mastery."
"We just raised over four thousand dollars. Pretty great at this."
"This beats it by a mile, this was so much better, seriously, great work Roblox, great work community."
"Open sourcing software isn't done for financial reasons, it's done because you want to make the world a better place."
"This could do some great things for the modding community."
"I want to give back to the island that has given me so much."
"This is a complete step-by-step tutorial that will show you how to create your own theme and publish it on the VS Code marketplace."
"It's always been something valuable to share."
"If you are going to diversify, it’s students like Tiago that you want to recruit here, not people that want to come here and take something away, and feel no calling to give something back."
"Your effort is more important to the Village than you'll ever know."
"You're being the glue, helping others heal from the same issue you've already processed."
"With the GCCM mod, many community-made maps are being collected into one mod... it's an excellent addition and a must-have."
"Thank you for being your Mythical best in contributing."
"The power of persistence and just adding value to the community, y'all did it at a very high level." - Ian
"This milestone and this award is basically kind of more of a recognition of you guys than it is me."
"I want to give back to all the other artists."
"He wanted to eat from the table, give back to the community."
"Look what you did for your community brother."
"The beauty of free and open source is anybody can take it, fork it, and make it their own."
"Turn your dreams into goals and work hard to achieve them and whenever possible inspire whenever possible give back."
"Individuals can produce huge amounts of food... people can do amazing things."
"We were nerds that figured it out, and now we're just giving that gospel back."
"If you like, comment, share, donate, fundraise, volunteer... you contributed to this moment."
"You are the Forge and Fire champion, and that's the title that comes with a check for ten thousand dollars. Good job, brother. Come on forward, my friend."
"There is a bounty of at least $1,500, with Kanaris offering to pay $1,000 of that himself for someone to find a skip usable in [A] ending abiding by the current ruleset and it must be replicable."
"The only reason that you're sitting in that seat is because somebody brought down timber for the temple."
"Huge props to all the creators that we showcase today as well as the creators that might not have been showcased today that are making these amazing ideas because your work is most definitely valued."
"So if I can do that with some other folks, that's probably worth it to me."
"I've been doing this as progress like as the Internet came out I started doing it online in the niches condo involved and Here I am still doing free stuff for everybody."
"I've made it all available for free. I've given it to you, the trading community as a gift."
"Your consistency and joy in contributing to people."
"Mario Maker is worth as much as you put into it."
"Economic growth is inclusive and that more communities can do their part to protect our planet."
"Class Act great guide maker, absolutely insanely good guides."
"Everyone has a contribution to make once they unlock their path of heart."
"If I've been in any way a blessing to you please consider contributing towards seed."
"We are the people bringing bricks to build the world we want to live in."
"This project is putting it out to the world and a lot of times the world gives back."
"Please bring that back because every one of you the more you get those voices out into the world more amazing things are going to happen."
"Speak from strength, share your experiences to add to the body of knowledge."
"All of these projects are because of you and they're just as much yours as they are mine."
"Win win win. We get some stuff for helping make the game better and Wargaming are adding to the variety of the game with exciting new maps."
"Thank you to everybody that puts forth whatever they do to make the show what it is today."
"Be like Nipsey. Be a person that helps other people, be a person that's contributing to your community, be a person that's about business, be a person that's about longevity, be a person that's about positive."