
Environmental Solutions Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Recognizing this, some humans have tried to come up with a solution to their problem... but those methods have turned out to not be quite as effective as we had hoped."
"We come up with a couple of solutions, a few of them fail, but one does succeed in the 2023 to 2024 period, and then we start cleaning up space the way we need to clean up our oceans."
"We can end the energy crisis; we can end the global warming."
"You've got to find ways for it not to leach. That's key."
"Wooden straws, they're the solution to people who think the plastic kills turtles."
"It's been brought to the global forefront, and with this attention, some solutions and endeavors to work together could help curb this recurrent crisis."
"But rather an opportunity actually to decarbonize our energy systems solve problems of transport and mobility help poor people get educations."
"Imagine having technologies that would... solve all the environmental problems... and change geopolitical dynamics."
"Solar and wind power have proven themselves to be cost competitive alternatives to fossil fuels."
"Planting trees could get us to carbon neutral for the next 20 years."
"So this may not be a silver bullet curing the world of climate change, but it is definitely a technology to be invested in as a tool in the toolbox to help solve the problem."
"Let's listen to the scientists, embrace the complexity, and put our money and effort into a solution that will actually make a difference."
"Mycelium is a great solution to both the Plastics waste problem we face as well as animal agriculture."
"This is how people are replacing plastic to cut down on worldwide waste."
"The technological possibility, if implemented on scale, is feasible to meet that challenge."
"Environmental problems get solved by recognizing a problem... letting free enterprise in competition find the solution."
"Research takes funding; we need money to see if carbon capture can develop effectively."
"The best carbon removal technology that we have is growing forests."
"Life on Earth could become more comfortable, climate change could be averted, and it’s possible that, in the future, we could build entire cities underwater."
"We're actually type zero which is not something that, yeah it feels depressing, but we have nowhere to go but up."
"Humanity could also say goodbye to global warming, as we'd be able to bring the atmosphere back to carbon neutral."
"Just do nuclear and you can have it right, beautiful sky."
"The solution is to invest a lot more in research and development."
"In our lifetime, we have the tools to solve the air pollution crisis."
"The innovation coming from the private sector is going to do more to solve this problem."
"We're only going to fix climate when we make green energy so cheap everyone will want it."
"Plant-based meat and clean meat are the solution to some of the world's biggest problems."
"These companies are using it to make products and generate power from turning avocado pits into plastic."
"It's really exciting that we don't have to take car tires and either burn them or chop them up to recycle them."
"The solution to climate change might be right under my feet."
"Walmart offers reusable shopping bags starting at 74 cents."
"Black Rock sees opportunities in climate resilience solutions, offering flood, fire, and drought resistance."
"There's a better way, and it could start with A Better Bag."
"Trees can help by trapping carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere, replacing it with the oxygen we all need."
"Food waste is gross and Lomi is your solution."
"Imagine pulling clean drinkable water right out of thin air."
"Find a way to accelerate the good stuff and draw down the bad stuff."
"But you know what, there is a solution to saving the oceans. At least this is a step in the right direction."
"Bitcoin can solve that, it can actually green up energy resources like flare gas that otherwise would be vented into the atmosphere."
"Building sustainable transportation and then building cities around that transportation is the way we're going to save ourselves."
"Ultimately, nuclear may not be the solution, but it’s a solution."
"Elon Musk says he will donate 100 million dollars to whoever invents the best carbon capture technology."
"Options with large emission reduction potentials include car-free travel and commuting."
"The Namib Desert beetle inspired technology for cooling devices and toxic spill cleanup."
"These sort of solutions in general are not talked about enough how people can compost in their homes."
"If in the end all we can rely on are death and taxes, then it sure is great that we figured out how to turn that reliable carbon death into a useful tool."
"Geoengineering is going to be a very big thing very soon."
"Turning waste into ethanol: a solution to both environmental and energy challenges."
"What if there is a simple solution by using only QR codes to save our trees, our planet, our home?"
"This meat, it's incredibly unsustainable but we figured out a way to solve it and we're gonna have to do it if we want to continue living on this planet."
"How do we have a solar roof that is better than a normal roof?"
"Technology is what makes growth on a finite planet possible."
"But one promising option seems to be seaweed."
"A study published in 2019 demonstrated just how effective it can be."
"We must look to icebergs if we were to find almost perfect water stored and packed for thousands of years."
"The world's richest person should be somebody fixing and fighting climate change."
"A mushroom that eats plastic. Even better, the fungi are capable of surviving on plastic alone."
"I strongly believe that we can turn America's cancer alley into America's climate answer alley if we do everything right."
"Science does have the solutions for the climate crisis."
"Climate change is a problem... there are ways we can address it, particularly nuclear power and other free market solutions."
"This is a fungi that could help us solve one of the world's most pressing issues which is the overpopulation of plastic."
"You can carbon credit your way out this crisis or you can somehow design your way out of this crisis."
"Upcycle old bins into plant pots. My mum did this and it looks pretty epic."
"Tesla is the only company... that's convinced me that they actually are working on something that could actually be a solution."
"Trees are the answer to that. They're the most pragmatic, proactive, and large-scale approach to creating a healthy environment." - Bruce Westerman
"Tell me something that's more pragmatic, proactive, large-scale to take carbon out of the atmosphere than trees. There's not anything." - Bruce Westerman
"Nothing says unexpected quite like a salmon cannon, right?"
"Agriculture done right is part of the solution for mitigating climate change."
"Governments are interested in techniques to reduce environmental impacts."
"It'd be great if we could channel that data center waste heat into something useful."
"That's how we solve the climate crisis, that's how they build millions of cars."
"From AIS that help with everyday tasks to new forms of energy, communication, and ways to clean our planet."
"Putting the sun in a bottle: the path to delivering sustainable fusion power."
"Capitalism is what's going to save the environment."
"Solar panels don't put themselves up... everything that's good for the planet is a job."
"We want AI that enriches our lives, that is helping us cure cancer, that is helping us find climate solutions."
"Solving problems like climate change with clean technology."
"CCUS technology is steadily being deployed more and more."
"Misleading to think we can innovate our way out of environmental issues."
"We have the technology now... to reverse it."
"Pouring rust into the oceans as fertilizer could be the answer reaching carbon neutrality on a global scale. That's right, I know that sounds crazy."
"If they were actually serious, there would be, we'd be building solar panels and space and just like there's, there's so many more serious."
"For those who care about global warming, EVs are a solution."
"Could plastic eating mushrooms solve mankind's plastic problem?"
"We have the solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises."
"Lots of people still think growing trees is a solution. Spoiler: not even close."
"EVs are one of our biggest tools in our toolbox for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels."
"The solution to reducing emissions is to move to clean energy."
"If tomorrow we woke up and our leaders were on board with wind and solar, we would quickly solve many of our world's worst problems."
"The key to solving climate change is in the batteries."
"It's not just going to be painting the roofs of buildings white, it's not just going to be electric cars."
"We're thinking a lot bigger these days to provide a real solution to the fastest-growing waste stream in the country and the world."
"Wind farms are actually kind of cool and kind of pretty."
"ULUU has begun converting seaweed into biopolymers."
"We may solve ocean’s plastic pollution by tapping into an ocean renewable source."
"This could solve a lot of our problems, especially with deforestation."
"We're working with the community to start implementing those solutions."
"If we can come together to find solutions for nature and people, we can create an example that communities around the world can look to."
"Working with the government on a project to help solve the country's waste management problems."
"If we could make catalysts that could pull carbon dioxide and water out of the air and knit them together using sunlight, we could solve most of our problems."
"We're going to get it right by addressing the underlying cause of all of this, which is energy consumption."
"We still need to lower global greenhouse gas emissions, and doing so will require new solutions."
"Clean energy does not solve climate change."
"Coconut fiber with its eco-friendly properties offers an optimal solution to environmental issues."
"China has cracked the code against desert encroachment."
"If we're going to solve the energy problem, we've got to knock 1/3 off the carbon footprint."
"The solution is literally right beneath our feet."
"We can go to the moon and travel to Mars, but you can't create a biodegradable six-pack ring?"
"This is the company that could be a standout company to be one of the first to do this at a consistent basis."
"We will discuss our future using technology and using nature and using human activity to fix some of the issues we've got with all the carbon that has been released."
"If there is a specific chemical in rubber that's causing huge environmental problems, then we should definitely be working on swapping that out."
"This product represents just one of our solutions to help end plastic waste."
"Carbon-neutral jet fuel, brightening clouds, those are big ideas with amazing technology that define humanity's ability to solve almost any problem."
"The goal for notpla is to really create a portfolio of different solutions."
"Now we know we have to stop that and we have to replace those with something clean, and that's where hydrogen comes in."
"Platinum seems to be really really important to the most cost-effective way of addressing climate change."
"It is a comprehensive problem solving to many causes of climate change that would greatly benefit the solutions."
"You may be asked to think of environmental solutions in terms of energy production. Perhaps you already have. And when that happens, you might be willing to think, or ask, is that part of the solution or part of the problem?"
"This element of literally water... maybe we're going to discover ways to clean up our water in a more efficient way."
"If we just used the solutions that we already have, we could reach the point of drawdown."