
Productivity Advice Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"A lot of the productivity tips that people give... are actually more pitfalls than tips."
"Be very mindful... you need to unplug from The Matrix to get more done."
"Lastly, do some amount of work every single day, or at least almost every single day, because frequency is your friend."
"Work smarter not harder is humanity’s slogan."
"Focus is your friend. The biggest mistake that I could make right now is getting too spread."
"Stop majoring in minor things. This is just a distraction."
"Do not wait ideas will evaporate if you don't capture them capture them immediately."
"If you want to be more productive, just do one thing at a time."
"If you had to read one book on productivity, go ahead and grab Deep Work by Cal Newport."
"Spend a much larger amount of your time creating than you do consuming."
"If you can do a task in less than five minutes, do it immediately."
"Halt whenever you're tired because you lean more toward the problem than the solution."
"The worst productivity advice is to do more; the best is to do less but only what matters."
"Don't let yourself get sucked into the idea that running the same thing over and over again is the fastest way because I think it's the fastest way to burn out."
"Don't forget to keep smiling, stay positive, and stay freakin productive."
"Save your time by learning to do the right thing at the right time and in the best, easiest, and shortest way possible."
"If you don't work the word it will not produce what it was sent to produce."
"Stride, do less, cancel stuff that doesn't make sense."
"It's all about working smarter not harder... You got to speak things into existence."
"If you're not working messy, you're not working properly."
"Value your time; it's worth more than you might think."
"Multitasking increases errors, takes more time, and raises stress levels."
"If you put the freaking phone down, you do better."
"Stop being so precious about it... Just do it, plan, execute, adjust, repeat."
"Take a break because if you're always go go go go, you don't get the same brain flow."
"Focus is power; diluted focus leads to diluted results."
"Quality speaks good work, yeah exactly. Quality of everything supposed to be quality over quantity."
"Accepting imperfection and moving forward - Not letting perfect be the enemy of good!"
"Improving habits and routines will help you stay more productive."
"Keep doing the next thing and eventually it'll all get done."
"The 80/20 principle, like the truth, can make you free. You can work less, earn more, and enjoy more. The only price is that you need to do some serious 80/20 thinking." - Richard Koch
"You want to be more productive? Well, you should check out YouTuber Thomas Frank's course Productivity Masterclass."
"You're not meant to focus for 8 hours a day... let consistency compound results over time."
"One of the best pieces of productivity advice I ever got was somebody told me: if a task takes five minutes or less, you're not allowed to procrastinate it."
"Remember, being productive does not need to be difficult. In fact, it's very simple."
"Prior planning prevents poor performance you know every minute you spend planning produces like a thousand times return on a return on energy and return on your effort if you spend some time planning."
"I think take the tips and the motivation that works for you but please please please don't let that content make you feel guilty for not being ultra productive all the time because you're not a robot."
"You either own your schedule or your schedule owns you."
"Enjoy the ride, have more fun to get more done."
"Time management is something which you should be very very cautious about."
"Work as fast as possible, stay in the music."
"Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. If you can feel productive in sweatpants, do that."
"What's the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"
"As long as you do those things at least you've done your main tasks for the day."
"Take a break from the thing you're working on and work on something else instead."
"Drama's really easy, but investing your time in work is what yields your highest return."
"Avoid distractions and focus on the task at hand."
"If you can manage your time, you can manage your life. But if you cannot manage your time, you cannot manage anything else."
"The most productive people don't just manage their time well, they also manage their energy and attention well."
"Work smarter not harder, what do you know, it's all unraveled."
"You can't do everything. If you try to do everything, you're going to do nothing."
"Number one productivity tip: if you're trying to write something, don't go back to the beginning all the time."
"The man who chases two rabbits catches zero."
"If you're chasing 50 different rabbits, you're probably not going to catch any."
"Eat the frog... do the most difficult thing first."