
Environmental Change Quotes

There are 442 quotes

"But in recent years, this trend has actually begun to reverse. A little, another organism, this one much larger called humans, have begun to undo the effects of the biological pump."
"The sky darkens a sickly shade of red, and the temperature rapidly begins to rise, the atmosphere in turn being transformed into a hot house indicative of the world's imminent doom."
"Why is the Euphrates River drying up? Could this be the unfolding of a Bible prophecy written thousands of years ago?"
"Environmental factors are fundamentally changing the game for business."
"It's only through our awareness and our changing of the way we live on this planet that there's an opportunity to survive and make it through this extinction."
"It's very confusing to live in an affluent society and begin to read about the fact that there are these tremendous changes happening to the planet."
"It's impossible for an inflationary monetary policy to be congruent with ESG goals and actually being serious about creating change in the environment."
"We need to recreate our environment and focus on Whole Foods."
"The icy landscape was once a lush tropical rainforest brimming with life."
"The planet's been changing forever; we don't get to push pause on it. So, we have to collectively figure out how to survive on it."
"This idea that we have entered an age where we now alter our world so much that it will be evident very long term is a daunting one."
"The lone wanderer changed the capital wasteland."
"It's sad is the idea that he may die before he sees that we put into place the changes that we need to make."
"This blackened landscape then quickly comes back to life with an incredible biodiversity."
"The world was absolutely lush in a way it had never really seen before."
"This is a pretty efficient way to adapt to new environmental conditions."
"You know, sometimes we need that shift, that paradigm shift, to challenge us, to put us in a new environment."
"The surviving life forms witnessed as the planet uncleared itself, casting off the chains that had gripped it for so long."
"This could be your backyard next week, next month, next election."
"The world is changing, a lasting cold creeps from the north, and you must seek opportunities south of your homelands if you are to survive and prosper."
"The circle of life is evolving. It's growing."
"The more people that hear about Tesla and sustainable energy, the faster we change the world."
"We're terraforming our planet, changing the very environment that we live in."
"The once fertile crescent that gave birth to the world's agriculture is now a desolate land and is now practically unrecognizable from the last decade."
"According to Revelation 6:12, 'the water therefore was dried up that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.'"
"We have to change the environment so a sustainable lifestyle, a lifestyle in harmony with nature, is the easiest way to go. And so, not voluntary."
"You need to completely remove yourself from that environment... you can finally consolidate and figure out what it is that you want."
"I'm kind of excited because it's like, dude, imagine like 50, 100 years when cities are all smogged up. Everything will be electric."
"The economic damage alone would reshape the face of the Earth."
"Every tree that you see in the city of Berlin is younger than 1946 because in the winter of '46, every single tree inside the city borders was cut down for fuel."
"No one seems to be talking about the changes in Greenland, the ice is melting on a very frightening scale."
"Human activity has left no chance for a squirrel civilization to appear. Not because we hated squirrels."
"Everything has dramatically changed here on the Dead Sea."
"The Dead Sea is coming alive, it's not so dead anymore."
"I think all the lights will come on and we'll be able to see where we're going, very much less spooky."
"Unprecedented in tens of thousands of years."
"We're moving into a period of a new solar cycle, the Earth's magnetic asthmatosphere is weakening, and we're entering a Zone in the Galaxy where we're in direct line of fire with particles and waves that we normally don't get hit by."
"When you change your scene and you're in a different environment, you also gain a new energy."
"The explosive growth of jellyfish and seaweed, your food of the future."
"It's quite a shock coming home in a lot of ways, but it is a lot nicer right now."
"Everything went absolutely quiet, birds and tree frogs stopped."
"You have to change the environment that they exist within."
"They're conditioning the people for full acceptance. This coincides with quite a few things that they know are approaching in the heavens and the changes of earth itself."
"I'm most looking forward to being in an entirely new environment I've been in this house for a very long time living the same way with the same people so I'm excited for in a completely different environment."
"The sky darkening with millions of metallic teardrops."
"The Earth will always undergo changes, but we accelerate them through our actions."
"Climate change is real and we can make a positive impact."
"This is about making grand changes in how we produce energy."
"The lakes looked little like they do today, instead a wild realm of deep bogs and dense forests."
"We must change if we're going to have the energy we need."
"The Salton Sea could become an epicenter of lithium production."
"The structures and creatures that survive after man will inherit an Earth forever changed by the force and fury of the waters of death."
"We're literally watching the shape of the planet change before our very eyes."
"Even a cursory glance at the historical record of your area compared to what you should be seeing in headlines and out of your window right now should compel you to prepare for the worst."
"We need mass mobilization to force those in power to bring about change before it's too late."
"The entire web of life is now in completely uncharted territory behaviors are off track."
"We've gone from this Martian landscape... to a planet with green trees and water and a blue sky."
"The only way to solve this problem is by making drastic changes."
"Moving it from the shadowy corner was all it needed."
"We all work together we can turn this planet around."
"The forest used to be dark and green, now it's just a sad brownish color."
"Our descendants will look back on the summer of 2017 as the time we stopped ignoring that climate change was coming."
"I could see a mountain turned into a shopping mall before you knock it down."
"We should start focusing on Real Change rather than just letting corporations sell us what they think is sustainable."
"The landscape has changed a lot in two years."
"The message from una provides yet more details into the incredible planetary transitions we are soon about to witness."
"It's like a plant. You didn't have water and sunlight when you were around them, but now you have water and sunlight and you're thriving."
"We can stop climate change from getting worse. We can make rapid and radical changes this decade."
"Venice is on track to be submerged in water by 2100."
"Eventually, a drought will come every so often, blowing a sandstorm throughout the entire map."
"They're obviously gonna have to try harder, but it's happening right now."
"The knock-on impacts could overwhelm economies and populations across the globe."
"Our worlds will be converted into beautiful Gaia worlds."
"The planetary climate system is unraveling by the day."
"I have seen a lot of change since this YouTube channel began. We have dropped from 7 billion tons to 5 billion tons emitted per year in the U.S."
"We're gonna have to make this shift a lot faster than we made that shift."
"As the world has given up on the good old combustion engine, Mazda does it again."
"The lasting effects would be massive, no doubt."
"Rising temperatures would reverse the trend, opening the door for one of the most terrifying predators the world has ever seen."
"The Stone Age tsunami had been short and sharp but it was a harbinger of a more permanent devastation that lay ahead."
"Stagnation in the environment begs for a change; it's just a question of when."
"What will the earth look like in 30 years? The evidence is undeniable."
"Since that Team Galactic building went up, the city's atmosphere has gotten all creepy and tense."
"You're no longer a caterpillar. Going from a caterpillar to a butterfly also means that your surroundings change. You're no longer going to be that caterpillar just crawling around everywhere."
"The flood had changed the appearance of many places."
"What it suggests, I guess is that the Sahara hasn't always been so desolate."
"This really is a new chapter, and we don't have the institutions or the precedent to deal with the loss of land."
"You can actually change your environment. You being more you can actually really influence the world, or change the world."
"Greenland's environment is changing, but its culture has been preserved for a long time."
"We're certainly in a more combative environment... we have to consider strategies that we previously would not even have dreamed of."
"Entire classes of species were wiped off the face of the Earth, and we know this because we are able to find hints of their existence: fossils."
"Changing up the atmosphere makes revision a lot more manageable."
"The once-fertile alluvial wetlands of Sumer dried out significantly, and the agricultural system it depended on crashed."
"We have only the next decade to change course."
"Welcome to your new landfill a giant ball of burning gas that we call the Sun."
"The beautiful Lush Earth that you grew up on will become a hot dry Barren Rock."
"The mountain dragon creates new terrain in the jungle."
"She's literally changing the earth and the future of the universe."
"We have never been in this place before. Earth has never been in this place before."
"Polar bear numbers are now the highest they've been in 50 to 60 years."
"Great changes are about to happen to our earth both good and bad."
"By 2040, nothing on Earth can be natural. Every human being must be modified. They want to do this because of the hostile environment and because of this Aquarius stuff that they believe in."
"A deadly fungus was striking residents and visitors on Vancouver Island, Canada, once a strictly tropical infection, a virulent strain of Cryptococcus had migrated to British Columbia where the population had little immunity."
"The sky is not trying to kill me every day anymore. It's really a delight." - Austin
"The planet surprisingly is getting greener at the moment."
"Isn't all bad news, not by any means. Decade-long drought in New Mexico appears to be subsiding barely months after hydrologists had claimed the state was on the brink of ecological collapse due to global warming."
"The blue blob has slowed the melting rate of the glaciers on the island."
"Renewable Energy is poised to eclipse coal in the US this year."
"In the very first week after it dried up, we'd lose about 400,000 animals that would die in a week."
"I always love the starts, alright. The water is beginning to rise, oh god, so nothing really has changed but..."
"The Sahara Desert wasn't always a desert, and what people don't realize is that Sahara Africa up until about 4,500 to 5,000 years ago was totally green."
"You cannot heal in the same place that you got sick."
"Activism works, so I'm urging all of you to take part in the global climate strikes."
"How quickly nature recovers when people suddenly stop messing with it."
"An island going away is not something you see happen in a quick way."
"Arabia will become a land of gardens and rivers."
"The unmatched radiation of animal life at the beginning of the Cambrian coincided with a rise in atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels."
"Evidence suggests this type of climate change has happened before."
"What you're looking at here isn't some freak one-off thing that you'll never see again, this is the new normal for the planet."
"The change we experienced was just like that, the whistling wind all but ceased, the haze above began to dissipate, and even the depth of the snow beneath a shoe shallowed."
"I think you're going to see ice disappear almost as fast as horses."
"It could be that we are now in the cold zone which was not the way it was when it first started."
"We're talking about changing the planet, and whether you believe in the science, it's still going to happen."
"Becoming like a superhero because the conditions have changed."
"Earth is coming to a bit of a culmination point, and it's been brewing the new Earth Energies."
"We must stand as one, face the truth, and try to change course."
"Change your environment, even if it's temporary. Clear your head."
"Infinite water was something we never had previously."
"Major changes in how food is produced are needed."
"Climate change is not a political issue; it's just what's happening to our environment."
"Mountains are getting an upgrade, jagged cliffs and snow-capped peaks, dramatic views."
"The climate's changing naturally... you adapt to the changing climate because it's going to change."
"Global warming has ended and a new, more ominous threat faces humanity."
"If you want to go from this toxic environment to this growth environment..."
"More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does seem to be greening the Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"Pretending nothing is happening isn't a viable strategy for survival when faced with a change in the environment."
"I legit think we need to close the bloody life. It's like glare. Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna do it."
"We're starting to not look at an ecosystem so much as this static thing but as a thing that has been changing and will continue to change."
"At these moments of mass extinction, it seems that the rules of the survival game change."
"I'm telling you man, get out of these environments with these toxic people."
"It's a reminder that this beautiful scenery is a result of constant changes and movements by planet Earth."
"But all of this is about what happens when the invitation is made to begin to make these things safe."
"Alaska is warming at twice the rate compared to the rest of the country."
"Our skies all too often look like something from another planet."
"You simply need a change of environment... you need more exposure to the light."
"While the Loop itself is underground, monolithic structures and heaps of scrap metal connected to the facility gradually overtake the region."
"Nature's prophecy urges us to embrace the opportunity to shape new philosophies and values."
"The greening of the earth is the greatest untold story of the 21st century."
"The first step to terraforming Mars and bringing it back to life would be for the Martian colonies to warm up their planet."
"It feels different in here. It felt like weird."
"What would happen if the Sun died? Well, during the total solar eclipse last year, if you were standing in the path of totality, scientists recorded that the drop in temperature was a full 15 degrees Celsius."
"The biggest transformation comes with trees."
"The Sahara: once a green paradise, now a vast desert."
"The Sahara: barrier turned into lush vegetation."
"This journey reminds us of how our planet is constantly changing, how it can adapt in remarkable ways."
"We don't want to see any trees around here anymore."
"So here's how I do it: I change up 80% of my environment so that I'm setting myself up for success."
"It's our job to save those babies and if I say mine I say the others. If I change that environment that they're in."
"The Sahara Desert, once green with rainforest during the Ice Age, had a completely different climate regime."
"Venus could have had a pleasant, stable climate for billions of years before something went wrong."
"Are you curious and are you willing to make a change in your environment?"
"We're in a different world now. It's not a blip. Climate change is real, it's definitely happening, but I don't think people realize that it has happened."
"The South Pole is green as well, so I guess this is gonna be pretty valuable."
"I like this mental image of the land being eroded from the outside like someone eating an apple and it's gradually getting thinner, just digging away."
"You've just got to swap these things out... cleaner sources."
"Technological progress has irreversibly changed the very surface of the earth as well as the minds of we who walk on it."
"I think we came here at the right time because a lot of the things we found probably won't be here anymore in ten years."
"It's getting pretty difficult to avoid noticing what's going on out there..."
"Canada has never had a wildfire before by the way climate change has made it common."
"By the time of 2024, you will be looking at an entirely different planet."
"The red gas is no longer present, which means we are now able to enter the living quarters beyond the doors in front of us."
"Let's get to all electric vehicles as quickly as possible."
"Air today is like what water was like say in the 70s."
"It's pretty much over for the internal combustion engine."
"There is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years."
"You never hear of a Tipping Point where a desert becomes Lush, just the other kind."
"The Sea of Galilee is dropping so fast that islands of Earth are appearing."
"Next basically what we're going to have to do is cool this land down we are going to cool it down and bring in the age of mammals."
"The amount of green vegetation on the planet is increasing steadily because of extra carbon dioxide in the air."
"Above all, however, there are the mega lakes, some of which have existed for thousands of years and then dried up completely within a very short time."
"The South China Sea has transformed from a brilliant blue sea filled with fishing boats and Sun-bleached reefs to an angry pot of conflict."
"As things start to heat up again, more bromine should start to come over."
"This is the time that we have to change the way that we treat the living planet."
"Whole mountains and ice are just falling into the sea."
"The plunging water level has revealed many peculiar structures."
"It will absolutely take away jobs, it will absolutely change the face of the Earth."
"The ice is disappearing, and the land is changing."
"The oceans are changing faster than anticipated and increasingly becoming inhospitable to life."
"Many environmental developments in your life both personal and shared experiences will be undergoing a great page turn that will manifest a transition of status environment and structure."
"Stress is the inability to adapt to a changing environment."
"The shit's hitting the fan so I hope you're preparing preparing for a long cold winter at least here in North America."
"Good people around you... support... be part of it... change the planet... keep them around you..."
"If you change your decision-making, you will change your environment."
"Focus on yourself and then eventually things around you will change."
"It's not looking great, and by that I mean someone has knocked down a portion of the Snake Mountain."
"Maldek came to an end with the coming of the red dust in the time of Moses."
"The eruptive activity on our planet is increasing."
"I guess that we will just have to adapt to it because it is definitely not going to adapt to us."
"It's truly incredible... you would have never known that trees had once been there."
"We're in the last days, it's going to get hotter, crazier."