
Human Impact Quotes

There are 618 quotes

"But in recent years, this trend has actually begun to reverse. A little, another organism, this one much larger called humans, have begun to undo the effects of the biological pump."
"Corruption has appeared on land and in the seas because of what man's hands have earned."
"Nature is a beautiful thing, but humans have destroyed so much of it."
"But no one should forget that we are talking about a real conflict with real people, it's not just memes, it's real."
"Over billions of years on a unique sphere, chance has painted a thin covering of life...suddenly, we humans...now wield the paintbrush."
"We should stop seeing our human presence on the planet as detrimental to our ecosystem, but try to integrate and incorporate our consumption patterns into our natural environment."
"The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind."
"There has come to be more of a general acceptance that we're to blame."
"The climate is changing, and there is a human element to it."
"Nature exists as an incredible force, as something huge, far exceeding our own little good or evil ways."
"You could tell he was a really well brought up, well-mannered kid that really missed his dad." - Reflecting on a poignant conversation with the son of a deceased diver, emphasizing the human impact of tragedy.
"If you care about biodiversity in the long run, humans are critical to maximizing that."
"Between 97 and 99 percent say absolutely, climate change is real, it's happening, it's underway, it's caused by people."
"The logic of a homeostatic existence of the human species on the planet isn't rocket science; it's just something that needs to be properly digested."
"A human impact is the purpose of a man's life because someday you will die, you will be dust, your money will be frittered away, and taken through taxes and all kinds of things, your property will be divvied up, everything you've cared for in your life will be taken away. The only thing that endures is the future generations who are fundamentally altered because of your existence on this planet."
"We're already today, just like, 1.1, 1.2 degrees of warming. We're outside the window of temperatures that enclose all of human history."
"If you get rid of bees, the entire world will collapse. You get rid of us, and it will thrive. It will heal. We are the tumor on this planet."
"The world is scorched. It's become a wasteland, all because humankind is so damned self-destructive."
"The earth can heal itself if we stop pushing it."
"Nature can have a positive, redemptive impact on mankind."
"This idea that we have entered an age where we now alter our world so much that it will be evident very long term is a daunting one."
"The notion of the Anthropocene is the idea that we've entered a new geological epoch in Earth's history defined by the combined activities of humanity changing the planet."
"What man has joined nature is powerless to put asunder."
"The idea is to get humans back into eco state stability with the natural environment."
"Once again, we have messed with nature and once again, nature is biting back."
"Our choices now are cosmically significant, despite currently only being tiny inhabitants of a pale blue dot."
"Globalization - a process that goes back hundreds of years, and deeply impacted the collective learning of humanity."
"A new kind of world and a new kind of war, a war of numbers, ammunition, guns, ships, aircraft, men who will die in their millions."
"If all the ants in the world died, the world will die. If all the humans died, the world was flourished."
"Sharks killed by people...the blue line is the amount of people killed by sharks...the blue line...is this flat line on the bottom of the graph that blends in with the x-axis."
"Humans are causing this, and it really is catastrophic. We're just now beginning to see how catastrophic."
"Most of the babies that they have come in were orphaned at some point in the wild because their mother was either hunted for food or killed by a boat strike or entangled in fishing net."
"We live in this world. We're the ones who are eating the shit and polluting our waters. It's worth us doing something about it."
"Humans are powerful; we can change the future of Earth's climate if we want to."
"It can be easy to define the Godzilla series as being made up of fun battles and enjoyable destruction, but Gojira is largely composed of quiet, sad scenes focused on humans either trying to understand Godzilla or suffering from its destruction."
"At the basis of it all is this colossal increase in the human population... it's reaching plague proportions."
"If you're measuring our impact on the world by human flourishing, it's amazingly positive."
"What's really needed is we really need to embrace human impact done intelligently as a good thing."
"Hundreds of thousands of people are dying: Russian people, Ukrainian people, human beings. Sons and daughters and people's relatives, people that are beloved, are dying in a war to some degree, it seems to me, because it's financially beneficial to prolong it."
"People tend to ruin everything, but more specifically, politicians tend to ruin everything."
"Experiencing firsthand the high human cost of war caused me to recognize the cost of war in two fundamental ways: number one is the high human cost of war on our troops and on the people in the country where this war was being waged, and also the cost on American taxpayers."
"These creatures don't need our protection; they need our absence."
"The world is what we make of it. God has given us the power to provide meaning to this beautiful planet."
"We're obviously a part of it, but often we view ourselves as separate from nature or even working against it."
"I really think it's contingent; it matters what we do. Human agency is really important."
"Even if you don’t accept climate change is real, in my Dad’s lifetime, half of all wildlife on earth has been wiped out by human activity."
"Everything is integrated... man did not weave the web of life, he's merely a strand of it."
"The real human victims in this story are the eleven who lost their lives."
"We are now in the middle of the Sixth Mass Extinction. It is a disaster caused by us."
"A similar disaster today could not only stall the rise of complexity, but destroy all the complexity humans have created in the past 250,000 years, or worse, silence the rise of complexity on Earth forever."
"The vast majority agree that human beings are negatively affecting climate change."
"Architecture has become incredibly boring and I can't help but think this destroys the human soul."
"It is unequivocal that human activities are responsible for climate change."
"I decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life."
"Climate change is real, human activity affects climate change more than likely."
"Profiteering has come at the expense of human lives. So, it's a really astonishing thing to say... making money and profiteering is what is driving this, not saving lives."
"We are at something like a hinge moment in history where the things we do and don't do have an outsized effect over the trajectory of human life in the future."
"Like most threatened species on today's list, human activities are largely responsible for driving this unique creature to the brink of extinction."
"Unfortunately, because of how curious and friendly they are, several of them have fallen victim to being caught in boat motors, often causing fatal injuries."
"Human history is also the story of other species."
"It's hard to imagine human civilization as a progenitor of life in the galaxy... we would be the great old ones that's so long as we haven't gone extinct."
"This is tough. People are suffering. People are dying. It's inconvenient. But this is going to be the answer to our problems."
"The world is facing a crisis which is man-made or at least largely Mankind's fault."
"Even though we humans are small, we really have a great power to understand and improve the world around us, so let's make a difference."
"Human activity has left no chance for a squirrel civilization to appear. Not because we hated squirrels."
"Unfortunately, the human race has been poorly served by the scientific community."
"Stewardship recognizes that human activities have accelerated changes in environments, often to the detriment of biodiversity."
"We cannot go on destroying the environment and not realize that it's going to destroy us as well."
"If God does exist, I thank him for... taking human flesh off the menu."
"Global warming, constantly caused by human activities, is indeed making the overall temperature of the Earth rise, leading to the melting of ice caps and glaciers."
"The importance of human action in changing what looks unchangeable."
"This is a battle of man vs nature, but rather than the lesson being to conquer that nature, it’s that we must learn how to coexist and ultimately take responsibility for the damage we’ve caused before it’s too late."
"The Heisei films serve as warnings to humanity, putting a giant, colorful magnifying glass on our abusive relationship to nature."
"Humanity is only as good as the data that you put in."
"The only thing we can really judge our success on are the numbers and if you really think about the numbers the numbers represent people."
"If you are a decision maker at your company I hope that you will consider the human cost of your decisions."
"This is a real world event and it affects human beings on the face of the planet."
"If all of us died, the planet don't give up, it's going to flourish."
"Global skyrocketing energy prices can actually be measured in human lives."
"Whether it's a marine creature in the deep blue or the mass of an elephant it matters little to the power of environmental change in human ambition."
"If a Grizzly develops a taste for garbage, gets accustomed to being near people, and then teaches those bad habits to their cubs, it can prove fatal." - Narrator
"We're in it, we're affecting the food chain of all creatures, it's pretty remarkable."
"Air pollution is at the heart of human activity."
"The Embargo of Cuba is cruel I think that a lot of Americans underestimate the violence of sanctions the absolute violence and who they actually hurt."
"Visiting the Anne Frank House humanizes the horror of the Holocaust."
"It's ruthless, it's beyond humanity." - Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba
"They're literally playing with people's lives at this point, you know."
"Both fame and infamy essentially were recognition. Recognition according to Cole has the power to bring humankind together or undo us."
"We are visitors, imposters maybe, paying someone who is already here a visit."
"Making a difference for another human being."
"What we have to be concerned about is whether or not the world we live in will be capable of sustaining us in it."
"The loss of life is always a tragedy. Let's just be straight up and acknowledge that this is, for some people, a human tragedy."
"The Earth will always undergo changes, but we accelerate them through our actions."
"For the first time in human history, we have a glimmering little hope of living in balance with nature."
"This is more than just numbers, these statistics tell the story of real people."
"A lost life is not just an anonymous loss of life, but real people and families are profoundly affected."
"Perhaps we humans are still trying to figure out how to exist sustainably, so that we don't come face to face with our own extinction."
"This whole string of purple candles is a lot of really sad stories... There's a lot of human suffering that happens."
"The average person creates more than they destroy."
"Maybe humanity was the real virus all along."
"As long as there are people, there will always be those sparks of insight or human warmth that change our world for the better, or make us see the world in a new perspective."
"Save the environment by extinguishing human life."
"Our love for life needs to go beyond our species, this is very, very important."
"Either we correct this consciously or nature will correct it in a very cruel way."
"We are experiencing through climate change the destruction of the entire human species."
"No technology is any good without a person behind it."
"Tragically, the great auk was hunted to extinction by humans."
"Technology won't make us into Gods; it will make us servants or be destroyed by emerging Gods."
"They've seen what happens to people, to human civilization."
"The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation—a force for construction and destruction."
"Elon Musk is one of the most important humans who will ever live."
"The problems we faced did not come down from the heavens they are made by bad human decisions and good human decisions can change them."
"Human activities are not solely responsible for climate change. The only activities that are human, that are responsible for the climate change, are the weaponization of our infrastructure."
"We need to see the victims to better understand and connect with the human impact of this devastating virus."
"Ultimately, it's the people that count, not the jobs."
"There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine."
"Climate change is real, caused by human activity, and is already causing devastating problems."
"The arrogant ambition to 'conquer and transform nature' was bound to fail."
"Humans have done a pretty terrible job of keeping our planet clean and healthy."
"The history of civilization is replete with examples of humanity improving the world in which it lives."
"The truth is finally revealed, how will it affect the human condition? We may soon find out."
"Humans have accidentally or on purpose destroyed so much of our own history."
"We have created most of these problems in two generations. After that, genetic makeup has remained the same."
"Nature is perfectly able to unleash climactic havoc by itself, but we as humans can and should do something to decrease the frequency of these events and mitigate their most nefarious consequences."
"The eruption of Thera is one of those epoch-making catastrophes that can change the course of human history."
"You don't play politics with people's lives."
"Flower Power AKA Amber is an environmentalist who wants to restore nature however at the expense of humans."
"Impact Humanity together, a partnership beyond superficial connections."
"We are really seeing a global pandemic of human life disconnected from mother nature."
"One of the biggest lessons that we've been taught by this pandemic so far is just how interconnected we all are as a species."
"Systems do not create themselves; they are created through the minds of men."
"Humanity is what changes this world; humanity's at the top."
"From the first early cave paintings to Modern Art..."
"Human-made climate change essentially implies that humans are at fault for some of the ways in which the climate is basically getting messed up."
"A life hangs in the balance, all because of an immigration policy change."
"The idea that human agency plays a role in history."
"Even the grandest of grand solar minimums comes nowhere close to compensating for the warming that humans CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions will cause."
"Our planet is on the verge of self-destruction, and Humanity only has a few years remaining to avert some pending catastrophe."
"Safeguarding a natural realm is also safeguarding people's futures."
"Are you doing something that helps human life become more ethical?"
"It's like watching the human species fall off the edge of the cliff in real time."
"The first Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are all human developments humans cause all this stuff it's a false apocalypse before the real one starts."
"There is an honesty to actual existence. Human beings persist and remain coherent because they have left their marks on the physical world."
"We want to make sure when we arrive at a future destination... that we are seeing something as it was and not as influenced by humans."
"Behind all this technology, there has to be people."
"It's not a natural disaster but a man-made one."
"Hard work is a major part of the equation... it makes a difference to us as human beings."
"The first world war was one of the most destructive conflicts in human history upending the social order and leaving millions of people dead wounded and displaced from their homes."
"Human activity has contributed to global warming."
"Earth doesn't need us, but we really need Earth."
"Prejudice-- I call prejudice a cancer of the human soul. It destroys the people who practice it, and it destroys everything in its sight."
"Humans showed up and were like, 'Hey, that's pretty nifty. Listen, is it cool if we selectively breed you for thousands of years to give you horrific deformities to crank up that whole deliciousness part a couple hundred notches?'"
"Man's role in this world is crucial; he's literally the only source of Morality."
"A life without wild nature a life without these great iconic species is an impoverished life If we lose all wild species we're going to lose ourselves."
"Climate change as a threat is real and It’s being caused by humans."
"Every time it looks this apocalyptic, is this because of climate change? Well, climate change, human-induced climate change, amplifies what is natural."
"By stopping human activity, we took the cyanide out of the air."
"I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"It's crucial to remember the human faces behind the decisions that are made in Washington."
"Foreign murder is the most senseless of human tragedies."
"This is the biggest story of the last 40 years. Never before has human life been so disrupted."
"We have to make the most of the short time that we have on this planet, we have to make this planet as good as we possibly can and try to leave it a better place than we found it." - Richard Dawkins
"He theorized two possibilities: the aftereffects might be a reaction to a human coming into contact with concentrated time energy, or they were opening the door to a parallel world that might not be friendly."
"Climate change is real, humans are causing it, and people want politicians to act."
"The most tragic part of the event was the human cost."
"The cause is us. It is the increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels."
"What was even more mesmerizing was the impact the sudden disappearance of millions of tourists and residents alike had on the environment, and how quickly nature regained the city's spaces."
"How quickly nature recovers when people suddenly stop messing with it."
"The Earth is a big place... humans have only begun to scratch the surface."
"What I see in BC right now is a system that is collapsing, and it's very tough to see because there's real human consequences to this."
"The interdependence between human health and planetary health has never been more clear."
"A million official cases. It's quite easy to say a million but that's a lot of individual human beings."
"One of those disasters that just as a human being it's hard to get your mind around."
"The sinking of the Titanic is one of those disasters that just as a human being it's hard to get your mind around the scope of."
"Data is important because we've reached the point when we can hack not just computers, we can hack human beings."
"Shere Khan was right because humans have done more damage than good in his point of view."
"A Promethean revolution as significant to the human story as the harnessing of fire."
"It's altogether too easy to lose sight of the fact that we're talking about human beings who've lost their lives in these battlefronts in these battles."
"Pumpkins would be likely extinct today if it wasn't for us humans."
"War is typically a brutal, horrifying, and tragic affair for most."
"The real lives of those involved, the people behind the names, should not be forgotten."
"Whatever is ailing you or hurting you in this world, if you're suffering, I can almost guarantee the root cause of that suffering is humanity's departure from what is natural."
"Climate change is no longer just a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, it is a crime against humanity."
"Straws don't kill dolphins, it's people throwing them in the ocean. They're the ones killing the dolphins."
"Anything that's man-made will be trumped by Nature when this event happens."
"Architecture is about making spaces that improve people's lives."
"Another devastating flood is said to have swept countless people to their deaths."
"Eventually when they seen Henron rolled up they ain't really want no issues and they squashed it."
"Any of us that understand the blessings we have in this American Dream need to fight for it."
"The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth."
"We need to realize that we are all connected."
"The thing with these kinds of conflicts is that we tend to look at them continually through the prism of geopolitics, right? But one thing that can get lost is the real effects on real people."
"We don't want digital superintelligence that goes wrong and causes damage to humanity."
"Climate change is real, caused by human activity, and is doing a terrible disservice to future generations."
"Are they going to help humanity or destroy humanity?"
"Well, actually no, that's inaccurate. Really, the earth is fine. It's humans that are in trouble."
"What power is about: not listening, doing stuff to people without listening to their cries and their sorrows."
"You've got to start thinking about things before we start witch hunting people. There are human beings behind this."
"Humanity is a virus. It sounds like we need a bad guy that thinks he's the good guy."
"She just sat there waiting for us to bugger off. I think we've ruined her lunch."