
Government Regulation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Musk emphasizes the urgent need for heavy government regulation to prevent AI from becoming a peril to the public."
"What we've got to make sure is that as whatever we do, the government and industry, we have to make sure this is understandable and easy to follow and easy to use for consumers."
"Governments at all levels need to just get out of the way, let private investors using their own money and their own land meet the market demand for increased housing."
"If you guys don't believe in the free market, if you guys think that the government should be in charge of regulating the media, that's cool. I don't like state-run media and I don't like the state interfering in the media."
"The government's ability to regulate speech in a traditional public forum such as a street, sidewalk, or park is sharply circumscribed."
"Government should penalize businesses that mislead the public."
"You want to balance protecting people but we also want to not have the government be in a position where it's picking winners and losers."
"With Bitcoin, there is no prior restraint; the government may punish you after the fact for a transaction but they can no longer prevent the transaction from occurring."
"Medical marijuana has been legally sold in Canada since the year 2001 under strict government rules."
"If we keep the government at bay in healthcare, there'll be numerous good startups coming."
"Musk wants us to be cautious with AI and advocates for government oversight to prevent public harm."
"President Biden released a federal environment regulation which aims to boost the popularity of electric vehicles: '56% of all new car sales in 2032 must be electric or hybrid.'"
"Tonight, I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees... to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week."
"This is about our right to farm... the way we want... the food we want."
"Stop allowing the government to stop people or de incentivize them from creating new jobs."
"Xi Jinping tried to control the private economy by ordering all private businesses to establish their own party branch."
"The government must abstain from regulating speech where the specific motivating ideology or the opinion of the speaker is the rationale for the restriction."
"Create a parallel economy that cannot be touched by government regulation. Do you want dangerous Freedom or do you want peaceful slavery?"
"The biggest threat to cryptocurrency are governments."
"Why should your platform not be banned in the United States of America?"
"The United States FCC voted this week to adopt new rules for internet service in apartment buildings."
"That's the point: appropriate regulation and a government that cares."
"Would going completely cashless really be that bad? Do governments really want to get rid of cash?"
"This does give you a sense of how the sausage is made and how disastrous things can be if you don't have adequate government regulation and oversight."
"We got to get growing again and I think that means getting the bureaucracy and government off the backs of small businesses."
"Criminalized lifestyle decisions, start a carbon tax."
"The government has absolutely no business whatsoever ever governing the content of your voluntary speech."
"It's inevitable that governments will want to create CBDCs, but decentralized systems will always provide a choice."
"The UK government would be perfectly happy for the gaming industry to be self-regulating."
"What's the value of being able to teleport gold anywhere in the world anytime and have a government not have a saying in that?"
"No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill. Period. Ends. Number one."
"Governments really care are they going to stop it can they ban it at that point no but they care because it becomes a global asset class that matters."
"All the Bitcoin maxies out here feel like, 'No, the government can't stop me.' Let me know how that works out for you."
"Liberals started to argue that we needed a bigger more powerful government to regulate these corporations."
"I would like to see uh something come out that basically limits uh sort of the concepts of government overreach in the space right."
"Big tech is attempting to step foot into a government regulatory ecosystem."
"I support legalization, taxation, and regulation. But a lot hinges on that last word: regulation."
"If the government regulates TOS on Facebook there are good and bad ways they can do it."
"So the next time someone says we should make government even bigger by giving it the power to regulate speech, tell that person that what we really need is more speech advocating less government."
"The government's best bet is to try to regulate it, try to harness it."
"The intrusion of the federal government extremely light." - This quote touches on the balance of government regulation within the healthcare system, suggesting a lack of oversight in certain areas.
"The government already regulates these organizations."
"Should the government step up and start regulating... I think yes."
"You shouldn't want the government to have their hands on social media platforms."
"The healthcare system would work the same way if we started removing all the enormous amount of government regulations."
"China's national radio and television administration recently announced a ban on webcasts and live streaming."
"They're looking for ways to severely narrow what the administrative state is capable of."
"Bottled water is not routinely tested by most governments, and its production has a substantial environmental impact."
"The ATF's new rule criminalizing pistol braces is a brazen and unlawful attempt to usurp Congressional Authority."
"The government shall not pass any law. So what did they do? They turned it to Big Tech."
"Technology, behavior change, and government regulation, those are my three why nows I want you to keep in your mind as you evaluate any startup idea."
"I would like to see more regulation from the government about things like loot boxes in games."
"...the government and the police did not want people to have access to them because they don't trust you and they don't think you're a big enough boy to play nicely with them."
"We're almost certainly at a point in which there will be higher taxes, there will be more government involvement, there will be additional regulation coming our way."
"This would give the government the power to simply ban those social media sites or regulate them, that is a power that I think we ought to be extremely reluctant to want to hand over to the government."
"Reaganomics is going to be about less government regulation, cutting the deficit in particular, and really increasing defense spending."
"I want less government control and regulation."