
Personal Purpose Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"That thing, that thing is embedded in your purpose. That's a good starting point."
"Your purpose is not doing stuff for God, it's being with Him."
"You can't rise above the why behind your life."
"God has a plan for your life and a plan for my life."
"No more lonely feeling... Purpose has filled that void."
"How can she feel safer from a man who walks away from his purpose?"
"Our purpose is to be here to create our own reality."
"Reflecting on our sense of individual purpose."
"The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away." - Sydney Sutherland
"I'm not here to be controlled or make men happy. If anything, my purpose is to make women free."
"You occupy a precious space in My Kingdom, within your family and in your current dwelling. Always remember that you're destined to be with me in eternity."
"Live your soul's purpose what doesn't serve your highest purpose must fade away."
"Trust your instinct here. It's like a gut instinct, very much coming from your purpose or your talent."
"This really is a pivotal time for Humanity... to find a deeper personal purpose, to live with a deeper state of meaning in your life."
"Your future is too bright, your purpose is too great."
"You've got strong energy. You're meant to be something in this world. You're incarnated here for a particular purpose."
"What is my life for, and what am I going to do with it? I don't know, and I'm afraid."
"You were made for him... You must seek to know him."
"Your purpose even right now in this period of your life is empowering."
"Remember your purpose goes beyond personal fulfillment, you have been bestowed with unique gifts and talents."
"Our purpose originates in the heart. Each note in the universal symphony is incredibly unique, and no one can strike yours except for you."
"Moment by moment, I will reveal my purpose to you."
"Your voice is tied into either this connection or your sole purpose."
"You make your purpose, you decide every day."
"Now is the time to focus and find direction and find your purpose of how you're moving forward in your life because this is the universe giving you a blessing."
"Your identity and your purpose are in the Lord."
"I feel like I was made for this, for him, for this purpose."
"To step into what God has for you to step into your purpose, to write the book, to preach, to prophesy, to travel."
"You have a purpose, and you may not have found it yet, but you will and you can and you should."
"Life is worth living. Find your purpose and fight for it." - Ellie's mother
"You're in purpose right where you are because God is with you."
"You have a purpose that goes beyond what you can imagine."
"Purpose is to, like, you know, live your own experience for sure. Like, I mean, there isn't any other choice at the end, as long as you live your experience to your truth."
"Follow Your Passion, live in your purpose... that is how you are going to build your self-worth."
"Everyone really finds their own purpose... two things can help people find meaning in life... community... and service."
"You can become passionate about your purpose."
"Every single one of you was created and designed specifically for a purpose."
"When you are in alignment with your sole purpose, the universe will work in your favor."
"Create an investment thesis that's centered around your purpose, not being utilized as a tool to serve someone else's purpose."
"Recognize your calling; there's something for you on the other side."
"Your purpose is more important than anyone's perception of who you are and what you are capable of."
"You have a purpose here to experience and expand via the unique perspective that is yours."
"Purpose is not on the outside, it is within you already."
"Your purpose is in you already. Move away from duality to non-duality."
"Purpose is very much the combination of enjoying what you do and having a dream that you want to fulfill."
"Your life is not about you. It's about all the people you can impact."
"Even if it's not significant to many people, as long as you have a purpose for yourself and you fulfill that purpose..."
"As an artist, our heart is wide open. We care what people think, but that ain't why you doing it. You doing it because this is your life purpose."
"My purpose is my own purpose. Have you thought about how your purpose is gonna affect the guy next to you?"
"You're really identifying your purpose as you being you."
"Why do I inspire people to follow their purpose? By inspiring them to live their life with it."
"It's inevitable that you are here to offer something big that will."
"What is your purpose? Is your purpose becoming a god? Is your purpose becoming a child of god that worships God because of what he's done for you?"
"You're going to find your life's purpose this month."
"The process of healing will reveal if your purpose will simply deepen as a result of this process."
"I realized our purpose here is to break through this illusion of fear and to realize the truth of who we really are."
"Create a statement of intention; claim your power and divine purpose."
"Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you're on the planet at this particular time in history."
"Life's purpose: tapping into your visionary energy."
"Activate your soul's purpose; tap into your inner wisdom."
"Purpose isn't this huge thing that the world needs to watch you and you need to be a celebrity. No, purpose is just returning to your true self."
"Your dreams will lead you to the happy spot."
"I hope that whatever your purpose is, whether you know it or not, I hope that you listen to yours."
"Remember guys, no matter what you're going through, you have a purpose, you'll be great, and that's what things is about."
"You cannot be happy, and you cannot find purpose in this life until you know what you've got to give to impact the lives of others."
"Vision, purpose, cause – everything else will start to come to you if you have that."
"I was born to do that, to work and try to entertain, take people's minds off their troubles for a while if I can."
"Purpose is bigger than ego, and there is a need for representation for people that are not comfortable, that are not extroverted. It's okay to not be that, and it's okay to not be perfect in front of the screen."
"Your life's purpose is not to continuously heal or feed an ego for someone else."
"Everything is an extension, an expression of my life purpose."
"I think I'm here for the power of love to go through me, not for the love of power."
"I've found purpose in being in service... having gratitude for the spectrum of feeling I get to experience."
"A man loses the moment he puts a woman over his purpose."
"When you're living out your purpose, you realize that your purpose has nothing to do about you."
"Being on your purpose is not going to get you women if you're a guy with low self-esteem."
"You can create your own purpose or purposes, which is your choice."
"Your purpose is what you're making it out to be."
"A purpose is something that we create individually for ourselves; it's not something that we deduce from the nature of the universe."
"Focus on your own confidence and your own self-worth and your own purpose."
"Ask yourself over and over again, why do I do what I do, until you can say, 'Yep, that's why I do it. That is my honest truth.'"