
Science History Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"It was around 3 billion years ago... that cyanobacteria, Earth's most abundant phytoplankton, produced the first gaseous oxygen as part of a chemical reaction we'd later call photosynthesis."
"Reflecting on his life and work, Isaac Newton said, 'I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore...whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.'"
"Issac Newton... he knew that people kind of maybe figured that white light can make a spectrum, but he took a spectrum, put it back through a prism, and made white light, and that freaked people out."
"The history of science is the history of compression progress, of forming simpler and simpler representations of ideas."
"From the very start, Galileo kicks things off by taking consciousness outside of the domain of scientific inquiry, thereby giving physical scientists a more manageable task."
"Galileo had this incredible idea that by attaching numbers to the world and looking at the patterns that relate those numbers, we can understand the world as it changes."
"On August 15, 1977, a strange signal from the constellation Sagittarius was received by the Big Ear radio telescope."
"The legacies of Copernicus and Galileo... laid the foundations for Kepler's laws and then here comes Newton who says, 'Hey, I've got a law of universal gravitation that applies to the whole freaking universe.'"
"The entire history of the world, the number of times that science has been proven wrong has always been by science itself. At no point in history has any religion proved science wrong."
"In other words, throughout human history, most scientific innovation has come relatively recently, within only the last few hundred years."
"In the aftermath, a British biologist named Thomas Huxley became an ardent proponent of the possibility of an evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds."
"The very beginning of solar physics happened during an eclipse."
"Before the late 18th century western science recognized only one sex, the male, and considered the female body an inferior version of it."
"The history of science is full of stories like that."
"Thermodynamics dates from the same period as getting fossil fuels out of the ground. It's universal. It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other."
"Newton's Principia was published nearly 400 years ago, but do you honestly believe that the concepts described therein are any less valid today than they were back then?"
"The history of science is really the history of most scientists being wrong about most things most of the time."
"Cloud chambers have been around for over a hundred years and they were one of the first devices used by physicists to be able to detect and study the properties of subatomic particles."
"Isaac Newton gave scientists the belief that maybe we can know the future."
"The only reason science developed as it did was because of Christianity. That is, Christianity gave birth to science."
"Once upon a time, there was just one human genome... and it took hundreds of people, many years to read it."
"Modern science is a legacy of the biblical worldview."
"Einstein understood quantum mechanics better than anybody including the people who are given credit for inventing it."
"The science that the left thinks is so wonderful was all produced by judeo-christian society."
"By solving the Brownian motion mystery, Einstein had found definitive evidence that atoms and molecules exist."
"For the first time, Kepler had unified the motions of the planets into a single system."
"Most of this is through the work of Thomas Hunt Morgan. He bred fruit flies and kind of took the work of Mendel and then pushed it into modern day."
"The history of science is about turning insoluble problems of metaphysics into problems of physics and solving them."
"From a science that began as the byproduct of questions about steam engines, thermodynamics has had a staggering impact on all our lives."
"The story of the measurement of the speed of light really is one of mankind's greatest intellectual adventures."
"You know, science was really a Christian enterprise."
"Rosalind Franklin: 'In the shadows of Science History... crucial contribution to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.'"
"Maxwell's mathematical ideas about the nature of light were to have major implications."
"When you look at the founding fathers of most branches of science today, you're gonna find Bible believers."
"Three centuries ago, science was transformed by the dramatic new idea that rules based on mathematical equations could be used to describe the natural world."
"Inside the billiard ball of Dalton, there are electrons and protons in a mash that neutralizes themselves out."
"Black holes were just too preposterous to be real. The big blow to this belief came in the late 1930s when Jay Robert Oppenheimer and George Volkoff found that neutron stars also have a maximum Mass."
"...and I've enjoyed his writing ever since he's written some very cogent books on the first few billion years of life on earth."
"The taser was invented in Arizona by a NASA scientist named Jack Cover."
"In the course of time, opinions about the importance of events tend to change, heroes in the history of science come and go, but one thing is certain: Ampere's name will always be current."
"The phrase black hole actually originated well before the idea of a black hole came to be."
"Empirical confirmation in 1969 of Galileo's prediction."
"He was a undisputed originator of our modern scientific view of life and in particular empirical science where you use your senses to make records."
"This wouldn't work without what Einstein came up with in 1905."
"Galileo's decision that mathematics was going to be the language of science was the start of mathematical physics."
"What Aristotle perceived and what Galileo perceived is the power of observation."
"At the very outset of the Scientific Revolution, there was no hint in the initial discoveries that human biology was in any way special or ordained in the laws of nature."
"These patterns owe their name to the German physicist and musician, Ernst Chladni, the inventor of the technique used."
"Maxwell unified electricity, magnetism, and light into one field of study - one branch of science which would set the stage for Albert Einstein and his Theories of Relativity in the 20th century."
"The structure of DNA was actually discovered by two very important scientists known as Watson and Crick."
"Science used to tell us that the world was flat until science told us it wasn't."
"The big question in cosmology in the early '60s was that the universe has a beginning."
"The cosmic microwave background is a 2.7 Kelvin background radiation which was discovered in 1954 by Penzias and Wilson."
"The invention of science is not the reason that there are no longer witch hunts; the ceasing of witch hunts is the reason science was invented."
"Leonardo da Vinci understood gravity in the 1500s before Galileo, Newton, and Einstein."
"Clara Haber is generally regarded today as a martyr to science."
"Science was there all along before there was any scientific evidence of science."
"It took scientists approximately 100 years to work out how to use the differences in speed of these different waves to eventually figure out what exactly is happening inside our own planet."
"The structure of the atom has changed over time as new evidence has presented itself."
"Galileo Galilei will forever be best known as the man who determined that the Earth was not the center of the universe."
"Understanding gravity was surely difficult; it had stumped Isaac Newton and everybody else who thought about it for 200 years."
"Modern science was birthed by Christian thinkers."
"The advancement of science has frequently coincided with some of the darkest periods in human history."
"The desire to discover what lay behind that strange element all around us known as radioactivity, literally drove Professor Pierre Curie and Marie, his wife, to the epochal discovery of radium."
"Miletus is the birthplace of Greek science."
"Our First Nations people were our first scientists."
"Remember that viruses were discovered at the end of the 1800s, but it wasn't until the 1950s that we learned that the viral nucleic acid that's in the virus particle is actually the genetic code of the virus particle."
"We still have a lot of work to do; we still don't even have a Galileo, we still don't even have a Newton."
"The term radioactivity was invented by a woman who spent the later years of her life beside this quiet courtyard in Paris."
"Space-time and quantum mechanics really framed the central dramas of the 20th century."
"The history of science has been told like this: Science progresses gradually towards truth, led by great men."
"In the 80's two remarkable scientists, Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann, developed the so-called patch-clamp recording technique which allowed them to measure the function of single ion channels."
"When we talk about classification and taxonomy, we should really start with Carolus Linnaeus."
"Max Planck and Albert Einstein... without whom nothing like laser would be possible at all."
"Science was in the hands of and developed by the body of service to the state, the clergy, the source of science in Egypt."
"Our knowledge of DNA was really set in place by the giants in the field of structural biology who determined structures of DNA in the 1950s."