
Honesty Importance Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Honesty is so important here because here's the thing: a lot of us are used to being coached by other coaches... and there's this weird dynamic that plays out, especially if you were coached as a child, where you kind of want to like impress the coach."
"Straight talk is so important today... I'm so tired of having people say to me, 'Oh, if you tell them the stuff, they're gonna panic.'"
"If you just stuck to the truth, you would have been okay."
"Never put any man above yourself. Never worship any man. Always make sure to take care of yourself first."
"I've learned that honesty should be at the core of everything you do."
"Would you rather have somebody tell you the truth, even if it's difficult for you to hear, than die?"
"Honesty, I would say. Get one watch that you really like instead of churning and burning."
"If you lie about one thing, it's gonna make me skeptical about the rest of it."
"Playing at justice isn't enough. Pantomiming it isn't enough. We must engage in the difficult work of honesty, of championing progress."
"I want someone who can be honest with me, tell me what I need to hear, tell me what I don't want to hear because I don't want a yes person."
"Truth is not something that is popular. Truth is tough. And I understand that a lot of people struggle with this."
"What's so wrong about keeping it that real? People don't like to be honest."
"Radical honesty: to believe in the facade is to suffocate."
"Thou shalt not lie is a very important commandment you shouldn't lie you should try your hardest to not lie."
"Just admitting your [bleep] goes a long way if you're being honest about it."
"Don't lie because you'll be on my naughty list, you know what I mean?"
"In everything you do, in every relationship, honesty should be your main characteristic."
"I really beg the people close to me to tell me the truth."
"Truth with love is more helpful than silence."
"As soon as you stop saying what you mean and being honest, you're boring."
"Honesty clears up all that fog and gets through to the point."
"Honesty is just really the best policy and some people can handle it."
"Principles regardless, honesty is very important to me."
"Radical honesty: the only chance two people have to be radically honest with one another."
"He's like your best friend, you know? Let's go hang out with Bruce."
"Influencers and celebrities have a responsibility to their audience to be honest about how they got their pet."
"Everyone looks at polygamy and having multiple sexual partners in a different way. I think that first of all, as long as you're honest about it, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're not doing enough for this person."
"Honesty is very important so I'm being honest with you."
"If you have nothing to hide then tell the truth the first time."
"Just tell the truth. That's all I think about. That's all I care about. There's no [ __ ] plan. It's just be honest, tell the truth. That's all."
"Honesty is the most important aspect to include in critique."
"Don't lie to me because when you lie to me it insults my intelligence and it makes me angry."
"When you lie about it, it just hurts the actual people who are victimized."
"Honesty in any relationship is definitely a must. I don't trust you to that's putting a lot on [expletive]. So, I don't do trust."
"If you're a healthcare provider, you must be honest with your patient."
"Tell the whole truth. If you don't, you're telling something other than the truth."
"It's better to live in the truth than a lie if you've been putting false fronts to make money it's time to remove that mask."
"Be honest and kind with yourself and with others, but start with yourself."
"It's your responsibility to just be honest with people."
"There's no really great necessary reasons to lie unless your safety is at stake."
"Honest conflict has more serious social value than dishonest harmony."
"Honestly, when you're honest, that's all you can do."
"Patience and caution is needed, full cooperation, full openness and honesty between you is necessary."
"If you're telling stories, then tell the truth."
"I believe that this honesty is always going to be the best policy..."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"You should of told the truth. I would of felt better. You know, instead of being lied to."
"I think we've seen the worst, and it's time for the new narrative to be honest."
"Doing things by the book, being an open book."
"Sometimes honesty is necessary for us to address our hypocrisy."
"There is no greater curse for a human than to be thought of as a liar. Liars can never be trusted."
"Whatever you're gaining in a lie, you're going to lose way, way, way more."
"This is the problem with lying, once you start habitually lying you have to keep lying to support the lies and these are pointless lies, they are lies of self-aggrandizement."
"It's a hundred percent better if you're honest and just move on for the future."
"Honesty is always the best way to go about it."
"If you know that I would want to know this information why are you lying to me why aren't you not telling me."
"Honesty is going to be the least painful way for both of you to move on."
"Radical honesty... you really can't say the wrong thing to the right person."
"Truth, truth, truth is always the best path."
"My spirit, my ancestors are telling me that you're not being honest with the guy."
"You don't have to hold back the truth just because it may hurt somebody's feelings."
"We need to be honest with ours, we can't just bury our head in the sand."
"To be honest, to be truthful doesn't have to hurt. It's already gonna hurt."
"If you lie about small things, I'll never trust you."
"I don't know why I'd be afraid to tell her the truth."
"They want an honest relationship, they want to be able to be honest with you which is definitely a good thing."
"He tells his fans, my first chat look, you could just be honest with him."
"The truth offends people and the truth can hurt but sometimes the truth is just necessary to get the point across. It will set you free."
"We got to stop lying to each other and overall to ourselves."
"All you can do is tell the truth while you have the ability to tell it."
"How to overcome adultery: Be honest with your Father."
"The most angelic thing you can do to a person is tell them the truth. That's the most powerful thing you can either."
"If you're gonna lie, make sure no one else gets the book, because if other people get the book who are capable of being objective, they're gonna call you on your lies."
"Nothing beats honesty. The truth comes out, so stay true. OK, be shameless!"
"She absolutely deserves the truth whatever it is."
"I think everything's going to be fine. We're just going to have to get real, real blunt here."
"A faithful witness will not lie, but a false witness will utter lies."
"If you're not open and sharing with someone about who you truly are and what you truly are, you can end up really hurting someone or even getting yourself hurt."
"It's really better that you just be honest with your mate and tell them the truth."
"If you lie to a jury, guess what? You will lose. They don't like liars."
"Honesty and truth is the basis to all sound relationships, without it nothing."