
OpenAI Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Elon Musk drops a bombshell accusing OpenAI of deception and asserting that the concept of a digital God is far from benign."
"There's a lot of stuff brewing behind the scenes at OpenAI, as you'll see. OpenAI might be thinking multiple steps ahead, steps that we can't even see."
"What OpenAI is showing us is just the tip of the iceberg. What's available behind the scenes is far bigger and greater than we know."
"Who would have predicted this? That OpenAI would unleash something like Sora, far and away the best AI video generation model."
"We may have just gotten another leak about QAR, and for those of you who haven't heard of QAR yet, it's what a lot of people believe is AGI that has been developed internally at OpenAI."
"OpenAI defines AGI as autonomous systems that can surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks."
"The alliance between Microsoft and OpenAI started in 2019 when Microsoft invested one billion dollars into OpenAI."
"Microsoft will receive 75% of OpenAI profits until it recoups its investment, and then will hold a 49% stake in the company afterwards."
"Open AI announces GPT 4.5 turbo, a new model that surpasses GPT 4 Turbo in speed, accuracy, and scalability."
"The special committee expressed its full confidence in Mr. Altman and Mr. Brockman's ongoing leadership of OpenAI."
"What you said sounds almost identical to what the founder and CEO of OpenAI, who made ChatGPT, said... 'If we can get people to a point where they don't have to worry about tedious jobs, then they can live these blissful lives.'"
"The goal of OpenAI is really just to take the set of actions that are most likely to improve the positive futures."
"The AI Revolution is here and it's more real in 40 days Open AI the chat box chat GPT has accrued 10 million daily users more users than Instagram they've been out for how long it's the fastest growth of anything we've ever seen."
"OpenAI is the most advanced and the most widely used AI platform in the world now."
"The majority of Open AI’s 700 or so employees signed an open letter to the board demanding that the board resign and that they rehire Altman."
"OpenAI provides a variety of examples to inspire you to build using this API."
"Microsoft's investment in OpenAI is a huge win for them."
"OpenAI made an announcement about a new 16,000 context version of GPT 3.5."
"We've created GPT-4, our most capable model, and we're starting to roll it out to API users today."
"OpenAI was created to achieve General AGI for the public."
"OpenAI themselves are trying to help teachers better use chat GPT in the classroom."
"OpenAI's goal was to build safe AI for everyone, ensuring a more beneficial future for Humanity."
"Chat GPT is a conversational model created by OpenAI."
"Fate loves irony: OpenAI is super closed source."
"Open AI is kind of in the lead with not just chat or 3.5 but now chat or gpt4."
"My best bet is Ilya Sutskever, who's at OpenAI, and was probably the main motivating force behind GPT-4."
"Chat GPT 4 Turbo is an advanced version of Chat GPT introduced by Open AI."
"The supercomputer that we built for OpenAI back in 2020 was the fifth largest supercomputer in the world at the time."
"Open AI is going to revolutionize the world, it already has."
"Open AI is mostly about like let's go like fig solve this like you know the first step in solving it is actually try trying a v zero a solution and then we iterate and we get there."
"The Absurd ridiculous and yet true story of how it happening since 2017 open AI has been building generative pre-trained Transformer models or gpts language AIS with the singular focus on predicting text trained across billions of writing samples."
"ChatGPT is an AI model and it was created by a company called OpenAI."
"A highly advanced language model based on GPT-3 technology, developed by OpenAI."
"Well now, with the power of OpenAI's Chat GPT, you can have that."
"OpenAI has one of the most useful APIs out there. Nobody out there has better AI than OpenAI right now."
"Chat GPT is a conversational artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI."
"Microsoft is apparently in talks with OpenAI about implementing chat GPT into Bing to improve search results and overall user experience."
"There is news about open AI right now now so uh that's good I mean technology leads the way."
"Open AI's valuation exploded rocketing up to $90 billion."
"OpenAI reigns supreme over academia."
"Custom GPTs from OpenAI's Dev Day have been all the talk of the town."
"OpenAI just dropped an amazing API; it's called the Assistance API."
"What OpenAI promises is a seamless experience."
"OpenAI has made input and the chat interaction with the chatbot persistent and infinitely long."
"OpenAI promises that it will have enough context and backend logic for the latest message."
"This is what Assistance API is all about."
"Open AI is facing important issues about safely developing and handling AI technologies."
"Open AI just has such a lead and could be such a kingmaker."
"It's really hard to predict the future, but OpenAI right now has a huge head start."
"Chatbot created using OpenAI API."
"PPO is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm proposed by OpenAI in 2017 and it has since become one of the most popular reinforcement learning algorithms."
"I just came to know that the OpenAI is experiencing a lot of server load from too many users around the world."
"Open AI showed short films created by professionals using Sora artificial intelligence."
"Chat GPT, a very brilliant model, actually a chatbot developed and trained by OpenAI."
"GPT-3 is a deep learning powered language model trained on 175 billion parameters by OpenAI."
"Microsoft is trying to lessen its addiction to OpenAI as AI costs soar."
"Open AI is a company whose mission is to ensure that artificial intelligence benefits all humanity."
"Welcome back. In today's video, I'm going to show you how to build a financial advisor using Python and OpenAI."
"Microsoft kind of the overall winner, right? Big investment in OpenAI, OpenAI is using Azure now."
"This is going to be a perfect project if you want to acquire skills around NLP, LLM, especially using OpenAI, and build a career around it."
"We'll be using various OpenAI models, including the latest GPT-4 model."
"Alec Radford is a research scientist at OpenAI."
"OpenAI also has this embeddings as a service... you can just send the data in, and it's going to generate embeddings for you."
"The CEO of OpenAI, OpenAI is currently behind ChatGPT, the 100 million user plus interface for AI that most of the world uses right now."
"The board of OpenAI, which is the overseeing governing body of the company that is ChatGPT... important company, 90 billion estimated valuation."
"That's how you can use the OpenAI APIs."
"ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI."
"I hope you've learned something useful. And I hope you enjoy using the OpenAI API."
"Hey, everyone, and welcome to this video, which we're going to learn how to use the OpenAI API."
"We will be using OpenAI for this, so there will be costs associated with this."
"Microsoft invested $10 billion into OpenAI, kicking off what seems to be one of the most brilliant moves from Microsoft."
"Open AI arguably just released the most impressive demo of 2024."
"This app will allow you to ask it any question, and it will reply to you using the power of OpenAI."
"We're seeing OpenAI announcements... they are building AI using something very close to AGI."
"Clip was a model built by OpenAI that allowed to connect text with images."