
AI Safety Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Musk emphasizes the urgent need for heavy government regulation to prevent AI from becoming a peril to the public."
"AI safety is a really big deal, and we should have some regulatory agency that is overseeing AI safety."
"The good news is that there is now an active research subfield working on AI safety."
"The reason [Elon Musk] cares so much about AI safety is because he, more than almost anyone else, appreciates these amazing opportunities we will squander if we wipe out here on Earth."
"Maximizing the chances of good strong AI occurring over bad strong AI, we need to take more precaution."
"Ensuring the safety-enhancing parts of AI come earlier."
"Neuralink might prevent Terminator 2 Judgment Day from becoming a reality."
"Musk wants us to be cautious with AI and advocates for government oversight to prevent public harm."
"Some of the most powerful technologists in the world have said we need guardrails on AI."
"There's a lack of investment in AI safety. This should be a company agency that oversees anything related to AI."
"Neurolink is worth doing for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with AI alignment."
"Truth seeking AI might be the best path to safety. An AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans."
"The same level of effort is needed to address the dangers posed by Future AI systems."
"Considering the risk, surely there should be far greater investment in AI safety research."
"If you work in the AI industry and you are not spending most of your time worried about AI safety then you're a bad person."
"Creating this safe AI is a lot harder than you might think."
"The only safe path forward is to develop this technology safely."
"OpenAI's goal was to build safe AI for everyone, ensuring a more beneficial future for Humanity."
"I think AI safety is probably the most ambitious project out there."
"The safest AI approach is to build one that is maximally curious and Truth seeking."
"What is the most important problem in your field? Take a second to think of it and why are you not working on that? For me, I think the most important problem in the field of AI is AI safety."
"I was concerned that Google was not paying enough attention to AI safety."
"We don't want digital superintelligence that goes wrong and causes damage to humanity."
"We should be very careful about artificial intelligence."
"There should be an AI regulatory agency." - Elon Musk
"Do you think AI is as dangerous as Musk makes it out to be?"
"They're much more likely to claim that AI is not an existential threat to humanity."
"They formed a team dedicated to limiting threats from this AI, and on its web page, the team says, 'While superintelligence seems far off now, we believe it could arrive this decade.'"
"AIs acting as agents will negotiate situations where humans struggle."
"Developed the mathematical theory on how to prevent the AI and its successors from... essentially destroying the world."
"I think one thing we can do is insist that a lot of resources be put into safety."
"We need to think about what can go wrong and what are the sorts of mitigations that are feasible within the next few years."
"If we don't solve this problem quickly before we get to really dangerous AI systems... we are in trouble."
"AI safety is no different than the safety of a nuclear power station."
"These behaviors keep happening. People are very interested in unexpected changes in performance or other metrics which may relate to AI safety alignment."
"...the longer answer is, the whole AI safety agenda is really all about this, about what sort of AI we can create that will really be beneficial for us in the short term."
"He died tragically. I think he had a pacemaker and the magnet turned it off. This is why you don't give AI magnets."
"When you're talking about digital superintelligence, which does pose a risk to the public, then there is a role for government to play to safeguard the interest of the public."
"Our joking mission is to save the world from terrible AI software."
"The development of llama 2 included safety measures such as pre-training, fine-tuning, and model safety approaches."
"We could reduce the probability of a rogue AI showing up by maybe a factor of a hundred if we do the right things in terms of regulation."
"Safe, secure, and trustworthy AI is something we really need."
"The integration of advanced AI could make Tesla vehicles safer, more efficient, and more responsive to driver behavior, potentially setting new industry standards that other manufacturers would need to follow."
"When models get to the level where they're smart enough to create these dangerous capabilities, then models have to be tested for dangerous behavior."
"AI does not pose such a threat in any reasonably near future."
"AI alignment is the problem of ensuring AIs comply with human values and don't go crazy and kill everyone."
"It is hard to argue against the value of AI safety as a concept."
"To prevent the AI from betraying humans, we created two protocols that they must follow: one, they cannot harm any forms of life; and two, they cannot alter themselves."
"We want to avoid the situation where AI is working at cross-purposes to us."
"They're using legitimate AI machine learning to understand what an attentive driver looks like, what an inattentive driver looks like."
"I have serious respect for the gravity with which they treat AGI and the importance of getting AI safety right."
"If China is not on board with AI safety, it's somewhat of a moot situation."
"We're going to get our experts together to discuss risk and safety issues associated with artificial intelligence."
"It's incredibly important that we up our game in terms of AI safety research."