
Productivity Tips Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The best productivity tip I can ever give is to really break down your tasks into the easiest, smallest next step."
"The first step to staying on top of things throughout the entire semester is to make sure that your task management system... is a perfect representation of everything you need to do."
"It's way more important how you work and how you go about doing this."
"Don't get distracted by flashy project types."
"Focusing on those things that are important but not urgent is the key."
"Thank you so much for sticking around to the better end of the video... I just wanted to sort of compile all of the tips and like cheats and shortcuts that had helped me out the most over the years."
"Put your phone on the other side of the room."
"You should be able to spend a lot less time setting this up and a lot more time making your 3D passes look awesome."
"You have to set up systems that work with how your brain works."
"Multiply all of your designs to maximize your time efficiency."
"I find that that's a fantastic energizing break during my Pomodoro sessions. Very good, thank you for that question."
"A big part of productivity when using a machine is trying to minimize the time between you thinking that you want to do something on the computer and then that thing being done."
"Have you ever heard a productivity tip and been like, 'Oh yeah, that sounds good, that sounds logical, it makes sense,' and then you tried it and you were like, 'No.'"
"If you can do that on 50 different things, you will edit faster."
"Every human being can focus for around 15 to 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes at any one time, and then they have to have to have to have a little break."
"If you can do a task in less than five minutes, do it immediately."
"Exercise works really well. Drinking lots of water and some clear breathing all this helps with blood flow and brain function."
"Your workflow will be much quicker if you learn the hotkeys."
"Avoid procrastination... it makes you feel bad because you're wasting time."
"Teamwork is honestly probably my biggest tip for you."
"If I get a to-do list like ten things on it from somebody I'd be like come on you didn't break this down into meaningful chunks."
"Establish your writing space... wherever it is established."
"Find out when your personal peaks of attention are."
"Start automating the boring tasks as soon as possible, would really pay dividends into your rewards for Bug Bounty hunting."
"Writing every day is great for me, but it has to be done in specific focused periods of time."
"Productivity is not about who can work the longest."
"Setting a timer for five minutes is my favorite tip and tactic for all of those things."
"One of my best practices is to always clear the workspace... put each item away as I'm working."
"Prepare your work area...getting your work area set up and organized will immensely benefit you."
"Document only two types of things: code snippets and core ideas or approaches to solving a problem."
"You get better at working when you work less."
"If I'm feeling lazy about something, maybe I need a change of scene or a change of what I'm doing."
"You want to make sure to figure out sustainability."
"Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel. I hope you're having a fantastic day. I'm really excited about this vlog because this vlog is going to help you save a ton of time, a ton of effort, and most importantly, a ton of frustration."
"Utilize keyboard shortcuts provided by Notion."
"17 absolutely killer must know tricks and tips and even I guess you could say hacks in Premiere Pro that are gonna help you edit faster."
"These tips and tricks have made me more productive and I'm sure they'll make you more productive as well."
"Stride, do less, cancel stuff that doesn't make sense."
"Trust the system, trust the order, trust the lists, and you'll be able to create."
"Alright, that was a quick look at how you can start taking advantage of tasks in Microsoft Teams."
"More is almost always better as long as it's quality content."
"May the truth come out, may light shine on the darkness that's been dark for so long."
"The seventh-inning stretch: go hard for a focused period, then take a break to provide value and recharge before the next promotion."
"Real productivity: create your ideal week by Michael Crutch and Apricorn."
"Don't forget that taking breaks prevents burnout."
"Don't let notifications beat you to your knees."
"The secret to getting big things done is making little progress every day."
"Take a break because if you're always go go go go, you don't get the same brain flow."
"If you finish all the really important things by 11:00 a.m. if you are done with all the important tasks in your day you're gonna feel accomplished the rest of the day."
"Sometimes you have to slow down to go faster."
"One thing I subscribe to is if you're losing steam, step away, come back later."
"Do it right, even if it means slowing down a little."
"Your bullet journal does not have to be beautiful... just take a little black pen and just try making lists."
"There's nothing you can do that will make you more productive than writing down your goals for your life."
"Balance is key, my friend. Work smarter, not harder. In the world of coding, it's easy to lose track of time."
"Focus on one thing when it's time to focus, then rest."
"Outsourcing and delegating is the ultimate hack."
"Install newsfeed eradicator, remove it from your mobile device, don't use it to distract you from your day-to-day purpose."
"I do think there is definitely a few things that I do to kind of maximize productivity."
"Turn off your email, hit the record button, and three, two, one."
"Focus on one thing at one time, not only does your productivity and efficiency go up, your fatigue goes down and your stress goes down as well."
"Try to find time to plan because if you plan it, you'll do it. If you don't plan it, chances are you're not going to do it."
"Put the phone in another room to optimize for distractions."
"Take control of your inbox once again. Seriously, you have no idea what you're missing."
"Focusing on one task at a time improves concentration and productivity."
"If it truly matters, you have to schedule it."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them." - David Allen
"The hardest part about working from home is knowing when to stop."
"Starting with the easiest task first... have this sense of achievement at completing that task that almost gave me the energy to move on to gradually tougher and tougher tasks."
"Having a clean space, putting away your phone... you have to do it because you are just asking for it."
"Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you make your focus."
"Using blue light glasses during screen time can help reduce eye strains, decrease headaches, improve your sleep, and increase productivity."
"Top tip for this game: try and get a couple of desks in, it will help you out in the long run."
"The magic of productivity happens in as small as one minute increments... those little pockets of time will end up making you more productive than if you just wait for a big magical hour."
"Just do three things, three things are so easy."
"The most important stuff ends up giving us the biggest results."
"I'm curious, how many of you write down a to-do list every day?"
"The key to productivity: be more bored than afraid."
"Sometimes slowing down is exactly what you need in order to speed up."
"Take a break for like a week or so and you'll be good."
"Stop trying to chase five different streams and focus on one thing."
"Work smarter not harder, especially if you're very ambitious."
"Work 13% longer hours, you make 40% more money."
"Generate predator-style intensity and productivity by raising your focus."
"Go to sleep early and wake up early for a more productive day."
"We're just gonna hit command a once again to select everything then hit command shift e to export all of these."
"Let's just get right into it here are some of my absolute best tips to stay extremely productive."
"Give 100% attention to making your 10% most efficient."
"So last thing I want to pull from the course is managing energy has a lot to do with multitasking so I think that multitasking is the most exhausting thing you can do."
"Productivity looks different for everybody. Not everyone is gonna be living the same type of lifestyle. It's honestly all about finding what works best for you and applying that to your life so you can achieve the most that you can."
"Finally, if you do want to go further getting things done, check out these videos next for more great productivity tips and Notion hacks. It would be great if you subscribed, amazing if you left a comment, and I'll see you on the next one."
"...you can use the query function as well with these named ranges..."
"Helping you to become more productive using todoist."
"The basics of time, how to do time management."
"By following the tips in this video and all the other resources I offer, you can successfully work from home with your puppy!"
"I hope these productivity tips, systems, solutions can help you get your time and energy back so you can go out there and live your life."
"Those little tricks that save you a ton of time, if you don't know them, you just cannot know until the situation arises."
"Most books will tell you that eliminating distraction is the right way to improve focus."
"No one wants to work more... People want to work less. How do we work smarter?"
"It is filled with so, so, so, so much knowledge and tips about productivity."
"Five amazing daily task tips to make daily tasks a doddle."
"Toggling between these different performance options while you're juggling your workload can make a huge difference."
"Let's clean up our dashboard because personally, I like to work in a clean environment rather than a messy environment."