
Workload Management Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Don't take on so much that you overwhelm yourself."
"It takes a certain type of person to be able to be crushed with a workload or anxiety or problems or risks involved and to be able to power through it."
"Nurses have a huge workload, but they must be able to handle it by being organized in their work."
"Frankly, it is coming in at a faster rate than I can open it, so I better get cracking."
"If you're feeling burned out, figure out how to cut down on commitments."
"Hollerith had avoided bankruptcy and now had more work than he could handle."
"Honestly though if these cartoons were easier to make I'd be able to plow through them faster and probably be done with it sooner."
"A balanced Libra full moon is about a balance between doing the work and managing other people."
"That's the kind of one that leaves you sweating the backlog and you're like, oh man."
"This overload issue... I think it would be much more sustainable."
"Mainframes consolidate workloads, meaning that instead of managing hundreds of servers, a business might only need to manage one Mainframe."
"I believe in you. Yeah, there we go. We published our first map."
"YouTube content creation can be pretty intensive, especially when you're trying to stick to a regular content calendar or an upload schedule."
"Don't take on too much on your plate. Treat yourself like a child who's still growing and still developing."
"For times when you have a lot of work to do, something like face-to-face can actually offer people a break."
"Let them do the work, bro. Just ignore them, you don't need to do it. Let them."
"So I'm honestly really proud of myself I was able to get these three days of sub plans done way quicker than I thought that I would it was way less work on me and this will be the way that I do my sub plans from now on."
"Are we meant to do Harkness entire thing now? That seems like a lot of work."
"The responsibility of a professional is to step back when the workload is too intense."
"Especially while being a student, it's a lot of work."
"I gained a lot of confidence that I can handle so much workload."
"Delegate, delegate, delegate; you cannot do it all."
"You always have more to do; another mission, another task."
"When you are faced with a huge amount of work... you must be really forceful with yourself and just make a damp start."
"You don't want to be a tool for your boss to just offload workloads."
"This isn't gonna be a buff that makes Lucian a first pick or anything like that."
"I don't want Jeff Hardy working a full-time schedule."
"A lot of workload will be taken away from them and will give them a lot more space to decide what they want to do with their time."
"So, let's deploy some more apps and spread this workload around."
"Do fewer things. This is really an argument about workload management. I think it's one of the biggest unforced errors in modern knowledge work."
"Workload management has to be a critical part of this solution."
"Our customers have seen three to eight times interactive workload performance improvements."
"I'm a great believer of being smart about it so you don't overburden yourself with a lot of tasks that are not necessary."
"...if an artisan dreams that he's got more than two hands it means that he's going to have more work than he can actually manage himself."
"We've been seeing an increasing trend of enterprises wanting to move more and more of their workloads to the cloud."
"If you see a scan, don't freak out. Check your expectations against your workload and what you think should happen."
"Google Cloud or the offerings from Google Cloud Platform that is GCP VM instances enables users to build deploy and manage virtual machines in order to run different kind of workloads on the cloud."
"It's very important that you firstly understand your workloads and understand what type of persistence you really need."
"For your read-heavy workloads, do remember to add read replicas to offload traffic from your primary instance."
"Dynamic allocation of cluster resources, taking care of different workloads."
"Toggling between these different performance options while you're juggling your workload can make a huge difference."
"Slurm is more than just a Futurama drink; it's actually a workload manager."
"Manage your workload, ramp up gradually, don't do too much too soon, and stay strong."
"They want to be able to continue to run workloads on-premises and they also want to be able to run workloads in the cloud."
"This really leaves you free to focus on running your workloads."
"A cron job is a workload that runs jobs on a schedule."
"I'm doing my best to keep up every day with the increasing workload, but I know that my work here is helping people."
"The purpose of RPE is to give people like me a means of modulating their workload."
"You should focus on your code and let cloud do the heavy lifting."
"The workload assigned to a lifter should not be too much greater than what they are able to currently tolerate."
"It can absorb a lot of variation in the workload."