
Predictions Quotes

There are 1043 quotes

"Your dreams might be really important in the month of June."
"The Simpsons apparently predicted Donald Trump's presidential victory back in 2000."
"Who would have believed that a cartoon could flawlessly predict future realities?"
"Make sure you watch your astrology prediction; those are very informative and very good for guiding you through the course of the month."
"Dogecoin could become one of the top five cryptocurrencies in the world."
"A lot of karmic things in your life are gonna come to a close in July."
"I predict this for classic: on the first day, it's going to be the biggest thing possibly forever."
"I think we might see even more than 19 premium characters this year."
"It's difficult to make predictions, especially when they are about the future."
"For a theory to be valid, it must correlate existing data and make predictions. If those predictions don’t work out, the theory is discarded."
"There's a viral video of him going around recently... where he's just calmly explaining what is happening and what will happen based on the things we're doing, and like, it all happened."
"I'm predicting that we are going to get a tease of an announcement of Animal Crossing for Nintendo's switch."
"I think this is the year we finally see Pikmin 4."
"I think they're gonna want something Zelda related for the holiday."
"Making predictions is always difficult, especially about the future."
"What is maybe most surprising and, of course, for me as a scientist most rewarding, is that we really have started making quantitative statements and kind of predictions within a specific but robust framework."
"Astrologically, this month is going to be the very most eventful."
"This year we've seen so much, what else could be here is the month you've been waiting for where the purging, where the happening, where the truth comes out."
"Machine learning came about to begin with because whatever machine learning is doing and allowing for predictions, it doesn't seem easily decomposable to a set of listable rules and a map of their interactions. The world doesn't seem to work that way."
"I predict we are going to enter another era of goofy, silly comedy and entertainment."
"My predictions for 2018 are: a tusk or saber-toothed dinosaur of some kind, a filter-feeding Mesozoic reptile, some new origins of snakes... and what the heck, just for fun, a prehistoric animal that might have been somewhat intelligent."
"Ray Dalio believes that there's going to be a shift in superpowers and he believes that China is going to be the next global superpower."
"If mathematical predictions are correct, we might only have 760 years left."
"I just remember that moment when the New York Times needle went to the middle and said 50%, and then I was like, 'He's going to win, isn't he?'"
"Experts have predicted that by the year 2030, a great deal of us will be living in this upcoming metaverse."
"Let's face it, we did hit the bull's eye. No one's perfect, we said it might get up to nine percent, it's 9.1. That's pretty close."
"This Eagles team is going to be the top in the NFC this season; I have them at 13 and 3, the number one seed."
"As I always say, I'm betting against God here, and there are infinite ways to be wrong with predictions and only a handful to be right."
"Every scientific theory has observable, documented evidentiary support and fulfilled predictions."
"You're going to be spending a lot of time with this person, so there's definitely somebody new in your life in the month of August."
"Science works by making testable predictions."
"It's all about soul mate connections in 2020."
"Predictions are hard, especially about the future."
"I absolutely think that this will happen in the books, and that the only part of quote night's king the original night's king that survives to this day will be inside the weirwood net."
"I'm still convinced that the writers of Simpsons are time travelers."
"I only accept predictions about the future from people who accurately portray the present."
"The Simpsons spent years predicting events like the Disney and Fox merger, Donald Trump being elected president, and even showcased Lady Gaga in a very similar performance to her Super Bowl halftime show five years before it actually took place."
"Predictions for the month of April doesn't that sound more enticing than who's coming towards you? I think it does."
"A strong case could be made that this is one of the biggest advancements in the recent history of the field of artificial intelligence."
"Huxley may be more right than Orwell in the big questions."
"I predict that these updates are going to be coming out way faster."
"We are in a position to use the science to see if all the things predicted by models are in fact possible."
"What can you take from this? Cardano will solidify itself as the number three coin I believe in the next three to four months."
"Is that what he's going to say about a month after its release?"
"How long do you feel HEX will be around for? Longer than your life."
"What is this potentially mean? Well, the data is actually telling us that we might be at a leading indicator inflection point."
"I did. I don't get everything right. I make a lot of predictions that don't pan out. That's a reality."
"I think the media is going to say Nikki Haley's the winner. That's what I think."
"I think Vic will be the winner, even though I think the media is going to say Nikki Haley's the winner."
"It's really early to call it but I think the UMP might be the winner."
"Out of the three champions from Africa, Usman, Adesanya, and Ngannou, which do you see losing their title first?"
"Everybody wants you to come out and say it's either going to the moon or it's going to zero."
"A ship, an offer coming in... it will be a good one."
"If the pandemic hadn't happened, I would be betting a lot of money on Trump to win."
"This is one of those cases where the show seems to predict the future with an eerie sense of accuracy."
"The warnings that they were giving out, how terrible everything was going to be... Everything they've predicted has not happened." - Nigel Ferrari
"Who's gonna win the box office this weekend? Ooh, people are saying the Meg."
"It's right to demand of any idea that there should be testable predictions."
"We're either gonna see the absolute death of the movie theater experience or people are just going to put up with it."
"I think it's fascinating that we have hypothesized exactly what AI is going to do and it's going to do it."
"Trump says look at these riots, that will be Biden's America, and he is 100% correct, agreed."
"The world's gonna look a lot different in a year, two years, five years."
"Darwin made many specific predictions and some had come true even during his lifetime."
"I feel like you guys deep down you want someone to be stable with and I feel it's gonna come in."
"I think your next big major life change is... you may meet someone that you fall out with."
"The answer to how those born into superpowers will be born into the MCU might be in an unexpected place: the Eternals movie."
"The less-vague Q predictions, citing specific dates and outcomes, have universally not come true."
"Group number one, if you guys chose this pile, this is gonna be your love life prediction for the month of September."
"Betting it's going to stop is not a good bet."
"Claimed to be a time traveler from 2036... many predictions turned out to be pretty off."
"Everything everywhere all at once will win and it was to win it's the movie of the year."
"I'm predicting five platinum artists by the end of this year."
"You've got to do predictions, the thing is the way it works, he stays on YouTube."
"My sneaky good luck pick is the Patriots again."
"Finally, all basically all of the bank expectations were wrong."
"So based on my prediction with seven keys down... I predict Donald Trump will lose and therefore Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States."
"I've always been a Democrat... even though I predicted Donald Trump would win in 2016."
"I think that we're going to have a double-digit return between now and the end of the year."
"I do think 2022 there will be very likely there will be new all-time highs."
"I would put a 10% chance on one getting approved in October. That would be my number. What about this year? 25% chance by the end of the year."
"It's going right according to plan... We haven't nailed every single price prediction dead to the day but it still got there."
"I think 10,000 is definitely the minimum... 15 to 20,000 is extremely likely."
"What I'm going to provide in this video is what I think is likely to happen."
"Four years later, well… not to brag, but we were right."
"Expected value of $175,000 based on community survey."
"The assumption is that later price will come to revisit this area before dropping again."
"Each turning is about 20 to 22 years, this one started in 2008, so roughly by 2030 you'd expect us to be wrapping up."
"Christmas is a holiday celebrated by billions of people around the world."
"I think Seiko will collaborate with popular Japanese anime."
"Supporters agreed that he predicted the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon, the rise of Hitler..."
"Life will be a lot more expensive for all of us if we don't."
"Everything that you're hearing us talk about you're going to see in 2024."
"You there, it is you. All of you said True Draco was gonna be too good."
"I'm just decreeing and declaring what's going to happen so I could come on a time like August 19th and say, 'I told you.'"
"Back to the Future 2 took place in 2015 and it was exactly like that."
"I think bitcoin is going to hit six figures in the next six months."
"I'm predicting five games just like we thought we're gonna see five games today."
"I need a prediction, a couple months ago I still think it's gonna happen by the end of the year, citizenship is gonna be considered whiteness."
"What if I told you that over the next year this would become the third best division in the entire sport? What if I told you that?" - Luke
"Commander is still probably the future of Magic: The Gathering."
"Making predictions is hard, especially about the future."
"It's okay to hear from credible scientists that work with our government, especially when in some cases and in some of their predictions they were correct."
"I'm not convinced we'll get fans in the ground before April."
"You don't bet against Derrick Henry, that's something I've learned over the last several years."
"Science is limited in a lot of ways, but it still can provide basic rudimentary predictions for things in the future."
"I like their performance this week but not enough against the Steelers team that's on the way down to move them up to numbers. By the way, they have a pretty favorable schedule moving forward. Look, the Bengals are good."
"Predictions have to be backed up, if you have solid reasons for it, then I think it's fine."
"That's a prediction we can't fact-check. That's a prediction we can't fact-check."
"Straight question: where will Arsenal finish this year? Oh, in the top four, with chest."
"China will likely overtake the US in GDP by exchange rates much sooner than projected."
"Expectations and predictions provide insight into the ongoing crisis."
"Feel your lust for life, face up to things you've been avoiding."
"Predicting trial outcomes based on initial juror opinions is 90% accurate."
"I'm a little biased but I absolutely see LeBron being one when he's done I've said that."
"Expect some major calamity to do with water floods, tsunamis, earthquakes."
"It's eerie how many of your predictions have come to fruition."
"I just don't. That's my prediction. We're going to be talking Girardi at the end of next year too. Just write it down."
"The answer is they're worrisome against most heavyweights I don't think it really matters."
"Magic 8 ball, will I ever hit a million subscribers? It is certain."
"Darwin made many specific predictions and nearly all of them have been confirmed."
"Your life changes are really going to happen throughout November."
"I think we'll get the confidence from playing the last game, so I'm going to go 3-1 City."
"I've been saying it's going to be high goal scoring today, 4-3 Manchester City."
"I'm vindicated because that's how I felt cuz did I not call that Lyanna Mormont would get slapped through some football goalposts last week and lo and behold."
"Now settle in and let's see what the astral skies have in store for the week ahead."
"So that about does it for our predictions for 2018 so you can come back in down 12 months ago we were right or wrong about."
"You will own nothing and be happy about it, that is the Playbook of serfdom."
"Right-wing populists are going to keep winning... politics is bad."
"It's difficult to give you a date, but I think it's not more than five years."
"You're actually going to be having a lot of luck in finance and career."
"Who's most likely to reconnect with an ex-love this year?"
"I still believe that we will see new all-time highs across many altcoins and blue chip coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum before the close of 2021."
"Prices are going to go down; they might be a little bit more stable than the last bear market, but I still think we're going to have pretty significant price recession and sideways for a long period of time in a bear market."
"None of us saw smk coming like literally I don't think anybody could have predicted that Terry Bogard would be the number four character."
"That's my mock draft, hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Be sure to offer your disagreements in the comments section below."
"He's coming into camp as the clear number one. He has the potential, the body type, the ability to finish as a wide receiver top five this season, and you're getting him in the fourth round."
"He should be a top 10 wide receiver for fantasy. He's being drafted where? So what if he doesn't break further out? But I think he will. He's my fancy MVP for 2020."
"Bernie Sanders is the likely shoo-in for the nomination."
"Predictions are only valuable if they motivate us to do something."
"If you say the same thing that Joe Biden said, which is hundreds of thousands of people will die by the end of the year, and you're a Democrat, this is you telling hard truths to the American people."
"Once we get into January... we'll likely see a little bit of a reset in the markets."
"The problem with predictions... they assume you know a whole bunch of stuff that you really don't."
"This precedent-setting moment in history where we can finally...change or at least put pressure to reform or improve this system." - (No specific name mentioned)
"2023 will be a better year for housing than many people think."
"Money is going to be on the up and up for you."
"There's going to be so many shifts people you thought would never move away are going to move away."
"Literally everything is pointing to him winning."
"So many people feel that the government have got this wrong that I think they will have to do a U-turn."
"I thought I was gonna do so well with these predictions, I didn't."
"Remember amp when it starts an upward Trend if we get it anywhere where it starts to cross over sentiment in any way that typically indicates a run coming in."
"I think Michael Chandler... is going to win by TKO."
"Hopefully, we get a knockout. You feel me, Nak? No, I think it goes the distance. But a lot of people are picking the knockout."
"This video and arc's predictions will age rather well they won't be perfect but I tell you what they're going to be a lot better than most of the so-called expert predictions."
"End of May is really when you're going to see some big results."
"I definitely feel like it's a water sign... dream come true coming in for you."
"Whenever people call out dates, I've never seen one be right ever ever ever ever."
"Markets take longer to adjust than you expect and then they move faster than you can imagine."
"Your next boo thing could be a leo or a water sign pisces or earth sign."
"Your next boo thing could be a long-lasting one."
"One of the reasons we suggested hey look we're likely going to go lower in Q4 what happened we ended up going down to a one-year ROI of approximately 0.234 cyclically."
"But of course your crystal ball is just as good as mine."
"There's just something so beautiful about one right answer to a thing and being able to...make observations of the natural world so that you can make very meaningful and realistic and accurate predictions of what will then happen in the future."
"Microsoft said that Windows 10 was the last operating system they ever released, but then in October of 2021 we got Windows 11 and now according to some leaked reports we're getting Windows 12."
"I think if we don't buy a forward, we won't get top four."
"I'm not picking against Dominic, I'm not ready to talk title runs."
"He can only do what he can do. I said at the start of the week, I said it on Monday morning, United will go into this week knowing who they want and I think they will come out this week knowing who they're going to get."
"Be cautious of all these gloom and doom predictions."
"He's great in that area and he's got a quarterback that knows how to get him the ball in that area. Brady is going to throw near 40 touchdowns and Mike Evans will be the predominant beneficiary."
"I think JDG are you know legitimate favors to take the tournament."
"Wall Street's really looking at the Future, and it's looking more and more like what I've been talking about is going to end up playing out for Tesla."
"I think over the week we're going to see a massive move... seeing a nice 20-30% pump to the upside."
"Over time that yeah voting with you all can become more more powerful and has over time I think that's probably how it's gone I would expect that from now."
"I predict gold will ultimately go to $15,000 an ounce... The buying panic is just a matter of time."
"I can feel it, this transfer window might end up being extremely spicy."
"I think Aruge could actually show up in Elbaf."
"Evolution enables us to make specific predictions about what we should find in the fossil record."
"There's nothing obvious about the M14 that says it should be a failed program."
"Everything I've been saying since January has been coming to pass."
"The month of June it's going to be very powerful it's not gonna be slow it's going to be very fast-paced that's what's coming through I'm seeing that you guys are going to be moving forward."
"The month of June for you guys it's going to be a very lucky month."
"So for you guys, the month of June you're just gonna be very happy."
"Kaiju Number Eight is going to be a massive hit... Manga in particular geared more towards an older demographic is where it's at."
"This virus is following the PlayBook. This is playing out exactly as we had predicted in all the models and projections."
"For some of you guys there could be something here about look Aries and then we've got Capricorn Taurus Virgo."
"If the Tories lose more than 800, I think Boris Johnson is toast."
"Let us know what you thought of SmackDown and if you think The Rock is going to turn on Roman Reigns at WrestleMania."
"We're in the eighth inning of what could be the ninth inning."
"You won't need tarot too much longer. Something super good is coming."
"Dallas Mavericks should definitely be buyers."
"Either way, you're gonna be really happy because you wanna know why? I see this guy's for you guys."
"Trump was proven right about Biden on that issue he potentially could make the state closer."
"The problem we have is telling you to buy the 2700 X because we think it will be faster for gaming in the future."
"This year it feels like there's probably eight or nine teams that have a legit shot to win it all... ratings for those Warriors Cavs series they were really high."
"I think fall guys is gonna pull it off pull off the upset there's a lot of people like I've been slowly taking over the Internet I loved fall guys got one on my game of show."
"2020 is going to be a very interesting year for Leo people."
"I don't mind having egg on my face if I'm completely wrong about this right. I don't mind at all; it would actually dispel some things that I thought for a long time and it would improve the confidence in our markets."
"I know I sound like FIFA 23 scripting to finish off the Danish and win Brazil their sixth World Cup title there you are everyone my chaotic predictions video are you"
"Welcome to the Shake Show... predicted it right down the middle."
"BJ's bold prediction of the G-men messing up their tank."
"I say 100% Longzhu makes it out of the group."