
Pollution Quotes

There are 520 quotes

"Sustainable fashion as a whole is one of the most polluting industries in the world... I don't think you can have fully sustainable fashion."
"Corruption has appeared on land and in the seas because of what man's hands have earned."
"Every year, eight million people die from air pollution, 63,000 in Britain, and that by 2050 there'll be as much plastic in the sea as fish."
"The pollutants of the mind are advantageous and the pollutions of the mind contamination really result from more thought processes and conceptual processes which has the tendency to obscure and taint our essential nature of the mind. However, the mind, the essential nature of mind is luminosity and this mere experience and at that level, our mind is clear light, our mind is free of pollution."
"When people talk about climate change, it doesn't really mean anything to anybody...Let's talk about pollution. Everyone understands pollution."
"Private jets produce a ridiculous amount of carbon emissions."
"I don't like humans polluting. I don't like people littering. Let's be clean, good stewards of the earth."
"How come we're still not able to reverse climate change yet? How come we're still not able to pull all the plastic out of the ocean?"
"By 2050, scientists predict that the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish."
"What's not awesome is when you stop and think about just how much a single rocket pollutes."
"Every bit of plastic ever made will eventually end up as waste."
"We are becoming aware, culturally, that the pollution from fossil fuels is creating problems like climate change and ocean acidification."
"Pollution always starts in the workplace, and then moves to the community and natural environment."
"They're minutes away from switching the towers on and using Morph X energy to hopefully end pollution in the world."
"After decades of pollution and deforestation, it's now become basically just an endless wasteland. Or has it?"
"Nostromo, the one-time home now blasted collection of rocks of the Primarch and sadistic Batman, Konrad Kurz, had an atmosphere so clogged with pollution that no light reached the surface."
"Each year, millions of tons of plastic debris ends up in the oceans, much of it from rivers."
"There is a good argument to say ban plastic bags. There is a demonstrable harm that they cause."
"If you produce it with pollution and you don't cut back the pollution, that's less expensive. Society bears the price."
"One of the main causes of climate change and of pollution in general is the meat and dairy industry, which in addition inflicts terrible suffering on billions of sentient beings."
"We have the equivalent of one dump truck every minute of plastic waste being dumped into our oceans. We might have more plastics in our oceans than fish by 2050, by weight."
"We cannot go on just pouring crap into the rivers and the sea."
"During the wet season these creatures consume as many as 63 pieces of plastic per hour." - Research findings
"It's nice because Sip City won't have any polluting stuff in it once this place gets cleaned up."
"4.2 million people die each year as a result of having to breathe in polluted air."
"Air pollution attacks practically every organ of our body."
"I'm sure if we carry on what we're doing today in terms of pollution we will cause a catastrophe, but how quickly is the big question."
"We are definitely polluting everywhere we go."
"Most water is polluted with forever chemicals, which doesn't sound like very good news unless you're another chemical and you're lonely."
"Microplastics have a high probability of ingestion."
"No more bottles, bags, and baby diapers. Collectively those three items make up 80 percent of the single-use plastic garbage."
"Continuous public inhalation of toxic materials can lead to cancer."
"The closer to the source of plastic action can be taken, the more effective that action will be."
"To truly rid the oceans of plastic, what we need to do is two things: one, we need to clean up the legacy pollution... but two, we need to close the tap."
"The goal is not to have 1,000 interceptors in the world, but to solve the top 1,000 heaviest polluting rivers."
"Mercury pollution spreads to the deepest parts of the Mariana Trench."
"Conventional styrofoam never really goes away it can stay in the environment for up to five centuries."
"We're using way too much single use plastic and much of it's ending up in our oceans."
"If you find a planet that has hydrocarbons in their atmosphere but also smog and soot... that would be the sure sign of no intelligent life at all."
"Pollution plays a huge role in destabilizing the ecosystem balance, affecting everything from bugs to fisheries."
"Privacy is like pollution: a problem that needs to be solved on a societal level."
"You're breathing in this foul putrid disgusting air that you don't want to breathe."
"It had already polluted so much, brought so much strife to these waters that by the time salvage operations began over a year later, irreparable damage was done."
"Penises are smaller, y'all. It's the pollution."
"On top of that, they're also becoming these just garbage wastelands."
"America is the second biggest polluter in the world so you have to lead by example."
"We need to start being conscious of our breaths and clean up the air, quit polluting."
"It's a form of pollution in my opinion where we're polluting our own environment."
"A plastic bag is now the deepest known piece of plastic trash in the world."
"Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a vortex of circulating currents."
"Pollution is a major cause of death, full stop."
"Enter the Salton Sea: A toxic, shrinking lake."
"One of the country's biggest environmental disasters."
"The first plastic being cleaned from the great pacific garbage patch."
"This is 10 times more nitrogen dioxide than the VW scandal here in the U.S."
"The best solution for pollution is delusion."
"There's tons of greenhouse gases for the production, battery production and Disposal process contribute more to pollution."
"That plastic bag you see in the gutter or floating in a stream or washed up on the beach, multiply that by 100 billion. Yikes, am I right?"
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"Humans have done a pretty terrible job of keeping our planet clean and healthy."
"It's not really about lithium or copper itself, it's about the pollution."
"So, when you buy an offset so you can pollute more and that offset is, you're now actively making things worse."
"Greasy mermaid... the message of this PSA is to not dump."
"Plastic in the oceans is causing serious damage to marine wildlife."
"The order aims to better protect overburdened communities from pollution."
"Electric vehicles not only eliminate pollution but also the cost of the owner of driving an EV is significantly lower."
"Polluters make themselves rich by making everybody else poor."
"As big a mess as China has to clean up, the United States is still the largest per capita polluter in the world."
"Nuclear would eliminate the majority of pollution-related fatality in the US."
"A solid argument: the surface world is harming the underwater kingdoms with pollution and ecological disasters."
"What we have to remember is that I have been to Beijing on a Sunday morning. The air was so polluted coming back, I could hardly breathe. And that was on a Sunday in Beijing where factories shut down."
"We are aware now that nanoplastic, the very, very small particles of plastic, carrying their negative charge, can go straight through the pores of your skin."
"We need big polluters to pay their fair share."
"Beijing over the years, especially at that point in China 2007, there was some really heavy pollution."
"Together we're gonna save the world from pollution."
"How such a luxurious wonder could turn into a toxic basin."
"The fashion industry is the second biggest polluting industry in the world, so I feel like over the next few years lots of changes are going to start happening."
"Fashion is one of the biggest polluters in the world."
"The vessel immediately began spilling oil, creating a trail almost 15 miles long and a half a mile wide."
"You're just jealous that you have to deal with LA and all that smog."
"You can actually smoke there's the pads there that collect the all the yuckiness from the burning tobacco."
"Over 130 million gallons of crude oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico, further marking it as one of the worst environmental disasters in our world's history."
"The fashion industry is, in fact, the second biggest polluter in the industry, only second to the oil industry."
"One midsize cruise ship has the admission of one million cars."
"I could still see that a world with less pollution is a better world to live in."
"Nine out of ten people in the world breathe polluted air."
"Pollution in China is a serious problem... everything they touch becomes a disaster."
"The greatest single culprit is the air pollution emanating from the city of Cairo, as well as high winds and humidity, both of which are increasing and for both of which climate change is a contributing factor."
"Breathing in toxic burning garbage might not only cause immediate illness, but more and more evidence shows now that the chemicals observed from those pits have been linked to long term damage."
"For various reasons, but mainly as a result of rising ocean temperatures and the amount of pollution that's released into the environment, marine life is undergoing one of the greatest threats in our planet's history."
"Animals and people have started abandoning the once beautiful waters, affecting the lives of everyone around it."
"We want to see a plan that makes the big polluters pay their fair share."
"This town has been described as the world's most toxic town."
"We cannot dispute the fact that we're undergoing problems with our oceans, and pollution, at rates that are somewhere between appalling and terrifying."
"Every throw away plastic bottle takes hundreds of years to decompose."
"Natural areas can be just as polluted as those in more densely populated cities."
"Dispelling the misconception that it's toxic and polluted."
"Glitter takes about 1,000 years to completely biodegrade, it's like sparkly herpes."
"Jet fuel emissions contaminate our air much as automobile exhaust."
"We've been testing the water, the soil, the air, and they're just not seeing right now excessive levels of pollutants, unsafe levels of pollutants."
"Environmental pollution contributed to the deaths of about 9 million people."
"The Marine realm, a crucible of life, is undergoing challenges; pollution, warming seas, and other environmental issues threaten many of these oceanic species."
"Emotional aggression... is pollution."
"In 2019, the American explorer traveled 10,000 meters down into the Mariana Trench, genuinely found a plastic bag at the bottom."
"The production and consumption of this new biofuel reduces CO2 emissions by 80 percent compared to petrol powered vehicles."
"We got acid rain killing fish and nobody's stopping it."
"For hundreds of years, the Thames has been a rubbish bin and trash can of London."
"It's bad for the environment but the way they're doing it now is a lot dirtier."
"They're offloading their PFAS to their children, both at the time of birth and through breastfeeding."
"Our right to be born without pollution should be a human rights issue."
"It shows just how extensive global plastic pollution is, seeing as it's already in the water cycle and coming down in Antarctica in snowflakes."
"We cannot continue to contaminate the oceans."
"It's amazing how clear it is. No pollution, no dirty water."
"Fish farms located near the shores are a serious source of pollution for coastal waters."
"It's like something like 10 corporations make up most of the world's pollution."
"Pollution is bad and equals death and destruction."
PFAS chemicals do not biodegrade, earning them the title "forever chemicals."
"Leon requests permission to perform an autopsy on the killer whale to find out how pollution affects whales and whether this could be related to changes in the behavior of these Giants."
"Has there been any body of water in history that's had more flavor added to it than the Boston Harbor? Because it had all that tea and now all this molasses after dude, you are so right."
"There's no radioactive waste, there's no carbon dioxide, basically no pollution."
"Reducing pollution actually means that you are also going to forego the benefits of those activities that have generated pollution, but this is a very reasonable point."
"The optimal level of pollution is not zero because it means that you're also going to completely forego the benefits of producing something."
"More people die every day from the air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels than have ever died in all of the accidents from all of them."
"Do you know that the virus is because people didn't pick up rubbish and they used their cars and their airplanes too much, so the world was crying?"
"I arrived home to the Arizona Republic headlines of May 30th 1996 describing the horrific air pollution problem that had developed in Phoenix."
"Fast fashion always ranks as one of the top three polluting industries in the world."
"Styrofoam is permanent garbage that never breaks down since it's made from oil."
"Finding things that eat plastics or metals or silicon or possibly graphene wouldn’t be that weird, and as time passes they become more likely."
"Trees absorb other potentially harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide."
"One kilogram of hair can soak up around five times its weight in oil."
"This abandoned space debris hovers over our planet like a cosmic garbage dump."
"We have a look at the slips and the oil spills. We have a look that they stopped all fishing in Sydney Harbor wasn't 18 months ago."
"D-growth promotes the use of resources in a more sustainable way and seeks to reduce waste and pollution."
"We have a shortage of water on a planet mostly covered kilometers deep in it, and a lot of that is polluted with islands of trash on it."
"Single-use plastic has entered the chat."
"Plastic became the villain of the environmental movement."
"The green thing, or the green death, it is sometimes referred to as the first and sometimes as the other."
"Poor fuel causes you to have to use more of it and it pollutes more."
"the moral of the story is don't go insane and talk to an evil Skeleton Man in the Mirror who convinces you to deliberately pollute"
"I see this, and this is a reality. The air in LA Basin is dying."
"The word of God is a safeguard from pollutions."
"Do we just give the fish medicine and then plop it back into the environment that's toxic? Or do we clean up the environment and then let the fish respond to a cleaner environment and over time it starts to heal?"
"Oil spills are extremely dangerous causing lasting damage to the environment, economy, and human health."
"The town of Bhopal has a reputation for being the least polluted town in India."
"There's so much trash in this river here, it's loaded with cans and stuff, unbelievable."
"Why does the lake look really dirty, like scum foam?"
"Once I started to pull the first can out of the river, I actually lost a lot of hope right there."
"Particles smaller than PM 2.5 are considered dangerous for us healthwise because it can get into our bloodstreams and accumulate in organs which can cause illness."
"Nothing coming out of the back, so good for air pollution."
"Fire will come and consume the grass, a third of the green plants, and even pollute the sea and pollute the fresh water."
"Carbon markets don't force firms to innovate; instead, these markets enable some of the dirtiest polluters to postpone innovation."
"Our waterways are imperiled by what we put into them."
"And the beach where they landed is now just full of plastic garbage."
"Fashion today is the number two most polluting industry on Earth."
"Death is Nature's Way to keep you from inhaling smog."
"Overconsumption also leads to pollution."
"Whatever you're doing to [the environment], it's gonna do back to you. So, if you pollute the land, you're gonna be polluting your body because you're gonna eat what comes from that land."
"Anuki wanted to help, but the water was so polluted she couldn't let people drink it."
"The timelines been polluted so polluted that history itself is becoming fluid."
"Fossil fuels kill people, they cause disease, asthma, heart disease from fossil fuel. You're not going to stand in your garage with your car on because that exhaust will kill you."
"Fresh ash can get into their homes, their cars, and their lungs."
"Anti-depressants such as Prozac discharged in wastewater can cause freshwater snails to lose their ability to attach to surfaces."
"The elimination of the greenhouse gas reduction fund is a backward and impractical way to combat pollution."
"It's not like you can spray a lake and tie up the Mercury. Where's it all coming from in the first place? Just industrial pollution."
"If you're polluting and hurting people and not contributing anything to the community, why would the community want you there?"
"There is an alarming amount of oil inside this area."
"The main polluters, the main ones holding Society back, are not the people. It's the companies."
"The sea had been severely polluted, a substance known as bisphenol originating from human trash and discarded plastics was identified."
"We think of it as littering the Pacific, but there's no comparison to how much lost ships from the past 400 years at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean."
"The farmer is the one getting blamed for the pollution that is killing the Delta."
"People start pollution. People can stop it."
"With a nearly silent electric powertrain, the vehicle helps reduce noise and environmental pollution."
"It's like if you're on the Matterhorn it's like yeah you spread it around but then they're gonna vacuum up the slide and whatever but if it's in the water what are they gonna do you're in the Earth."
"The more people there are, the more dangerous everything gets and the more pollution there is."
"Equating fast fashion as the second largest polluter in the world, just after the oil industry."
"I can't think of any other way to put it, they've absolutely polluted Breath of the Wild's gorgeous Flawless Vistas."
"There's very fine dust particles, and the surrounding community already has the highest pediatric asthma hospitalization rate in the whole state of California."
"Valya had been toppling up their water in the rivers downstream of Lake Baikal that morning, and they were hit by something like chlorine poisoning."
"Just because you can't always see the pollution doesn't mean that it isn't there."
"Garbage doesn't belong in our parks where plants and trees should grow or in rivers and oceans. It's up to us to make sure it stays out."
"Finland, often ranking as the happiest country on Earth... officially the least polluted country in the world."
"Worst mistake you can make because what do humans produce waste and then you contaminate the surface of Mars."
"The air here is so toxic; every time I try to breathe, I feel pain."
"I think that we have been doing a horrible job in his last hundred years of how much pollution we've created."
"Point source pollution comes directly from identifiable sources."
"Runoff can lead to nutrient excess in waterways."
"Eutrophication can result in dead zones."
"Thermal pollution can affect species in water bodies."
"The plastic pollution, mismanagement of waste and garbage in the oceans are now becoming intertwined with geological material, that is really bizarre, crazy."
"Coal-fired power plants highlight environmental impacts."
"People should not throw their garbage in the seas. Especially because the leatherback can be found in almost every sea worldwide."
"Almost 40,000 pounds of trash... and there's still trailers headed out there."
"Textile pollution is one of the biggest problems for our planet and fast fashion is one of the major contributors."
"Now all we got to do is something about all this plastic everywhere."
"Burning a fossil fuel releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which can cause acid rain."
"The number one example of syncretism and pollution is white supremacy."
"The problem with plastic is that it doesn't decompose."
"Why do people pollute the Earth when it isn't good for the Earth?"
"Fast fashion is currently the third largest polluting industry after food and construction."
"Fashion is one of the largest polluting industries on the planet."