
Industry Challenges Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"Sustainable fashion as a whole is one of the most polluting industries in the world... I don't think you can have fully sustainable fashion."
"The biggest problem which is holding all of us back in the crypto industry right now is compliance at the institutional level."
"The dream of becoming a Hollywood star is often shut down by the people around you."
"These sort of incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. There's a huge turnover in the industry... we're just one radio call away from having the biggest aviation disaster in history."
"It's terrifying because I've seen exactly what it does to people. Most of the people I know in this industry are currently in therapy, have been in therapy at some point, or need to be."
"Creating games in and of itself is really, really competitive."
"They're far too late to the party and unfortunately, General Motors is probably one of the best-positioned legacy automotive manufacturers to not actually go bankrupt, yet still, I believe they're doomed."
"Study the successes... most people don't make it. We need to be able to have at least nine filmmakers fail for every person who succeeds."
"Instead of giving up and just staying stuck in the music industry's box, Melanie did their best to pave a way for the future they wanted."
"The world of art and NFTs continue to be a sensitive subject, and we won't pretend that this young industry has this all figured out."
"It's just a shame that Hollywood created this beautiful glamorous talented movie star but then didn't know what to do with her."
"The future of gaming has never been brighter, even though so many seem to want to destroy it."
"This is a test for why the AAA games industry is in the state that it is in right now."
"I just want that family aspect. I've been in this industry for so long."
"Welcome to the industry, where we always prove you wrong."
"It's an anomaly. Trying to do the same thing in the same way, especially without the same advantages, could kill an entire GROUP of studios."
"We have to embrace things such as beauty and elegance and integrity and morality."
"They're the innovators they're the dreamer makers."
"Francis Ford Coppola tried to create a new, better system of making movies where he could have full creative freedom without the interference of the studios."
"For every millionaire celebrity, there are a lot that actually are working multiple jobs to make it in the industry."
"Desalination is a solution so people don't die of thirst, but it's not going to solve the industry problem at all."
"There's a massive issue and there's a disconnect... you have the people that are coming in with the money and the branding power and they actually don't understand the industry."
"In a brazen attempt to deflect all blame claimed that he felt the industry just wasn't ready for it."
"This is a scary time to be a content creator."
"Walt was constantly fighting WED's reputation as a builder of kitty rides."
"There's a severe lack of talent, particularly in the Arts."
"Tampon industry Executives have explained that the shortages are due to high demand..."
"We knew about the bugs that people were complaining about. This was not something that was unknown to us." - Insights into the development issues behind Cyberpunk 2077.
"Can the U.S. auto industry weather the electric vehicle transition without leaving workers behind?"
"Piracy is a service issue, it's a train you can't stop so you may as well build it a proper railway."
"The franchise leagues including the OverWatch league and it's just the Call of Duty league and the LCS and the LEC are a key focus in this downturn."
"The chip shortage is a big, big problem for these vehicle manufacturers."
"It's an industry that will eat you alive and spit you out."
"Why then are we seeing so many layoffs and Game Dev Studio closures? The entire industry looks like it's on the brink of collapse."
"Selena Gomez's experience resonates with countless women in the entertainment industry."
"Why are we waiting for other people to cast us when we know we're talented?"
"After the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot failed to launch a new film series in its own right it seemed like the beloved supernatural comedy franchise might never hit the big screen again."
"Millions upon millions of dollars go into the making of a movie so it's a shame when the movie stinks that said a film's failure shouldn't always reflect on the artists working tirelessly behind the scenes."
"It's just like mind-boggling to think that there are talented people out there that don't get discovered."
"Silicon Valley may be home to some of the biggest tech giants in the world, but it's being challenged like never before."
"Developers don't want to see you win, but ignore the haters."
"Chinese animation has been struggling... Hard Cynical people like me have already given up hope I mean, just look at this!"
"And I wonder if they have the bandwidth to be able to make a different game after this gets up."
"God can raise something up in the midst of an industry that's hostile."
"It's great to be here at JBS Australia. This is a very important business. There's a lot of issues we're facing. We talk to government all the time. We're very reliant on government to address the key issues that affect our industry."
"It's competition, that's with everybody, and that's another thing I want our producers to not [care] up and shy away from, bro."
"I don't believe that the company and the magic can survive this kind of corporate behavior." - Abigail Disney
"This is Hollywood, they can chew you up and spit you out."
"You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find an MMO developer nowadays where you actually like the developer."
"Nvidia doesn't let up so you want to compete with Nvidia you've got to constantly bring the gains you've got to not slip up you've got to constantly be on your game to compete with them."
"I don't want CS to be baseball. It cannot survive as baseball. Baseball can barely survive. It's doing alright."
"We're making more PS5s in this difficult environment than we made PS4s in that launch."
"Gina Carano has essentially been completely blacklisted now."
"Half of my success was finding out what it took to be successful, the other half was not making mistakes."
"Every day I wake up and I try to do it better than I did the day before."
"You didn't raise the bar, they raised the bar. Get out there and make a medieval history game as dense and glacial as Red Dead Redemption 2."
"It's almost like some developers are damned if they do and damned if they don't."
"The main issue is that they aren't fabbing their own chips."
"A lot of the companies in our genre fortunately have actually shown a lot of resilience throughout this supply disruption."
"Games in general not just mgs2 are such a hugely collaborative effort in some ways it's a miracle they get made at all."
"We never had nobody facilitate our talent to the gatekeepers."
"You're from bluewing, you're looking at the world's most complicated infrastructure and that complexity keeps growing."
"Rooster Teeth is shutting down due to challenges facing digital media."
"That's the story of how DOOM was rescued from the depths of development hell."
"Competition is at an all-time high, so for the most part, there are no clear winners."
"It's probably also really expensive to make 40 songs for every project."
"I genuinely think if they don't do something new to innovate, they're gonna get left behind."
"The biggest crisis the airline industry has ever seen."
"Delays are unfortunately the norm in eSports."
"It's so refreshing and so nice to see someone in the business who's doing really well talk about how hard what they've been through."
"Her journey serves as a testament to the enduring power of authenticity, talent, and resilience in an industry that often places emphasis on youth."
"She's in charge of [ __ ] visual effects at Marvel uh which has been kind of a problem."
"Tinseltown has lost a major battle in the war for the culture."
"Despite all the praise and the power of the mouse house behind it, some animation mistakes inevitably made their way into the final cut."
"I like to have my control over my career... the easiest way to do that is to make your own money outside of Hollywood."
"The gender pay Gap, listen dudes if you come out here to make it into Hollywood as a dude they're gonna hand you a mop and say make the floor not sticky you piece of [__]."
"There's a part of this whole discussion that really sticks in my craw... these are labors of love worked on by hundreds of people who put forward a real effort to create art."
"Video games have proved that more than anything else, no one is [too big to fail]."
"Nintendo has some serious questions to ask about the future of their hardware business."
"Making a video game is hard and frankly, it's a miracle that many video games come out at all."
"In an industry that is often dominated by men it can be harder for women to stand out and become true top tier superstars."
"You gotta get a coat of armor for this industry."
"Being confident isn't a talisman against heartbreak in this industry or in this world, but if you've done the work and put in your time, you should be able to know your worth and stand by it."
"I'm heartbroken about what was said. I hate commenting on my old employer because I've moved on in every way a person can move on. That being said, I am an activist against anti-Semitism, and it's a big part of my life." - Meghan McCain
"The industry in general is probably just the hardest one there is when it comes to software"
"I want everybody to succeed because especially like everybody that I know in this industry because it's hard man."
"The reality is everyone needs a place to live, housing is something that a new company can't just go and magically replace one day, can't be outsourced and it can't be made cheaper online."
"It's a lot of mess that goes on in the industry... decipher between who's being honest, who's saying things just for attention."
"This sequel has been a long overdue, you know? Seven years of development, a lot of delays, a lot of roadblocks."
"Kingsman didn't have big stars, it didn't have the Marvel name behind it, and it came out and crushed it."
"I'm just the only one got the nuts to speak in this industry." - Boosie
"A recession is coming, budgets are tightening, and I'm really worried that diversity is going to be the first thing that goes."
"The electric car revolution may be harder to kick start."
"Most businesses will not be able to switch from extracting value to giving value."
"They were freaking out three months ago, holy crap, the game is not good. What are we going to do? I can't even imagine how they feel today. I wish I had a time machine to go back and feel like that." - Eric Williams
"I don't see Fisher getting his own Cyborg solo movie based on his experience."
"Once again, we're seeing if you step out of line in Hollywood, everyone will start to disown you."
"Set to become a free agent young boy has a chance to cast off the shackles of major label intervention."
"There were many things within the fallout games that were done off the cuff... it is far more likely that overworked and exhausted developers did what they did just because."
"Nothing's ever too big to fail, just look at Star Wars."
"I am in a male-dominated industry and it's time to kick the door open for my sisters to come through."
"It’s important for Tesla to grow as quickly as possible in the next few years because the law of large numbers in manufacturing says that scaling will get more difficult as the decade rolls on."
"The Xbox is worse off, they are completely dying and getting their asses kicked at the minute."
"They've been trying to censor these games the developers of developers out there they've been like you know what cool call us if you need something."
"You have to learn how to give yourself your own flowers because you work. I work and live in an industry that is so racist and is so upset that something could slip through the crack."
"Nothing in life is promised and nothing in this industry is owed to me."
"We had to do something to get the cost of these airplanes back down to a reasonable level."
"Ultimately the fact that Rockstar employees are admitting behind the scenes to insiders that they aren't sure they can still produce the chart topping caliber of game."
"The gaming industry is in danger and it needs its very own white knight to come to the rescue."
"It's sad that we've been in this industry for so long, yet some still struggle to accept women's presence and achievements. Just let everyone exist and play the game."
"Companies that have been come lax in the whole this is how it is and suck it I think they're about to have a rude awakening in the market."
"I see what you mean but also he's basically saying his acting is completely discounted because the CGI so he isn't considered an actor even though he was acting."
"Piracy will always be a problem, especially when you're dealing with say open software, the budget for Triple A games, the graphical requirements, the escalation in all respects is getting out of control."
"Making games accessible is hard, but think about when we first got into this industry. There was that one game that changed our lives."
"Lower demand is bad, it’s wreaking havoc on the industry, but it is a potentially surmountable problem."
"Airlines simply don’t know what the recovery will look like."
"Abnormal times in business, though, when an industry is in crisis, are like a fork in the road."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"How do you make a small fortune in the rocket industry? You start with a large one."
"24 years is a long time for a magazine to survive..."
"The development schedule is short, that's Pokemon's biggest problem."
"If even Marvel was on the verge of going under, it's inspirational for people."
"I had some realizations about my career and about my future...YouTube is a very scary place and it's very unstable."
"The story surrounding this game's development points to the failures of management."
"I feel like media was never really a career path because, you know, we have kind of a real thin line between love and hate relationship with the media."
"Cinema isn't over like I said, it's just complicated."
"Even with all the unions throwing all their might against Tesla... it didn't really have much of an effect." - Tesla Time News
"It's a pretty amazing accomplishment for Tesla even in normal times."
"The partners weren't given very much time by Nvidia is the real takeaway here and it sounds like they didn't have enough time to put the cards together."
"Just making a good game that understands play is not necessarily enough..."
"Metroid has to do more than just be Metroid's to come back and stick around again."
"Unfortunately, there's gonna be a lot of artists that pass away young because this is not regular."
"Every single industry wants to solve the problem quickly, and that's right at the heart of Formula One."
"If confidential sources are not protected, journalism is dead."
"From an idea to a multi-billion dollar IP, it was an uphill battle tattered with conflict, betrayals, risky deals, and ultimately ambition."
"Creating the modern-day processes that we find in our smartphones, laptops, and desktops is a costly and complex business."
"Got to help our fellow businesses in trouble. Airline industry, cruise industry, those workers."
"The chip industry itself is really suffering from this because it's deeply reliant on U.S.-China and China-Taiwan trade hoping to find some sort of stable rules."
"Twitter is not hard. Building cars is hard. Getting to space is hard. This isn't that hard."
"It's the last grasp of the power of journalism."
"Movies are really hard to make. I want every movie to be great."
"Game preservation is important to our culture but a lot of Publishers don't really see it that way."
"The story of a young underdog trying to break into a tough industry with guidance from an unexpected mentor isn't a particularly original concept in itself, but the characters in Beats are the real highlight."
"Interested, Merciless has been basically dead in the water for I don't know how long."
"Sega and bandai's failed attempt at a Fusion dance since by both companies were starting to fall upon hard times they felt combining their resources and Brands would net them never before seen profits."
"We're in a perfect storm right now with shortage of pretty much any kind of components."
"I've been trying, and it's not an industry that ever wants to tell you why you didn't get it."
"If you cannot stand up for yourself in this industry, very few people will stand up for you."
"The automotive market needs a lot of help and needs a lot of things to be fixed."
"Syndicate had a lot of damage control to do."
"There's been dozens and dozens of attempts at making a movie based off a video game, there's bound to be ten hourlies dayson."
"The past 10 years or so automakers have struggled to figure out how to integrate your phone with the car and here you just don't need the phone."
"The structural problems with the media, which is one of the most socially exclusive industries in Britain."
"We have a problem with hiring game designers to do the game design job."
"They're far from the last group that we'll see scrambling during the 6500 crisis."
"The main problem with 40K and it's something that you'll never be able to fix until Games Workshop except..."
"I dictate how I feel about my career, not Hollywood gatekeepers."
"It's not about competition at this moment, it's about how do we save an industry."
"And it's real, so I would say like, never, um, never think that some label or some [ __ ] conglomerate monopoly of a you know, record label system is going to break you just because they're saying that they can."
"They don't talk about the mental health that comes with being a YouTuber."
"If you don't love it and you're not truly passionate and you're in it for the wrong reasons and you treat people like [ __ ] most likely you're gonna get pushed out."
"Baseball is in an interesting spot right now."
"I just didn't think it was accessible... I certainly didn't think you could have a career doing it."
"I wish more creators had the clout to say, 'Hey, f*** off.'"
"Growing up in this industry as a young woman of color has made me want to be more outspoken."
"I'm here now telling you I think I'm on the right side here and I want you to stand with me and let's make Counter-Strike in 2021 a scene that can survive the tests it's going to face."
"There's certainly a challenge that comes with being a content creator."
"In hindsight, Mamie Vandoren made a wise decision to leave Hollywood."
"I was right the whole time it is absolutely struggled and been propped up to exist and as I said extended by the pandemic not killed by it extended."
"I think those original flaws are starting to become problems... now you have people that are just referencing their work and then you just get kind of a weird imitation of it."
"The biggest challenge the nuclear folks face is combating the almost universally adverse public perception of their entire industry."
"Maybe we're not at the top of the charts, maybe we don't have these big-budgeted videos or maybe we're not included in the awards... but we're icons and we're happy and we're not being tuned out by a puppetry or a machine."
"The worst thing we can do as financial advisors... is to get stuck in our own echo chamber."
"China's overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns, hurting American firms, workers, as well as firms and workers around the world."
"The caregivers are leaving direct caregivers are leaving the industry in droves."
"To make a film is really difficult, because you see people like Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, huge actors doing television."
"Don't be afraid to try new things... stop trying to be handheld into this industry."
"Lots of skeptics had written off self-driving cars as a fool's errand."
"The mainstream media should really be worried about their own revenue."
"I think there's a big ideological disconnect between the traditional labor movement and actual heavy industry workers."
"The problem with game development is the massive surplus of labor."
"There's only one way this ends for Legacy Automotive manufacturers: filing for bankruptcy."
"The camera industry has been rough ever since smartphones have been gaining market share."
"The NHL finds itself in trying to get a bigger cut. Now they sometimes make business decisions which hurt the actual overall business."
"This is how we know they're lying, because you have a lot of people that are telling you 'oh it's still a great time to buy a house'... but they won't tell you that the industry is reeling right now."
"The clam industry is struggling with only a handful of large clam farms worldwide."
"The best that any legacy automotive manufacturers can hope for is to slap a Ford logo on the back."
"Most people don't retire from art; the industry retires them first."
"And even for the lucky animations who do get the part and all the perks that come with it, what happens after their movie ends?"
"Diamond and Pearl took risks and got messy at a time when the series was struggling."
"The lack of speedy and angry video games wasn't for the lack of trying. III 2003 had an open world Fast and Furious game announced and set to release later that year..."
"This contract basically at any point three years had just [ __ ] take all my heart all my hard work and just strip it over 49 percent over 79 percent these what isn't this contracts insane the worst parts okay."
"Nobody's going to break through without some serious innovation."
"The franchise leagues, including the OverWatch League, are a key focus in the downturn given promises made by the Publishers."
"The industry may be dark, the industry may be evil, but don't let it make you afraid. Stand up and speak the truth."
"One of the biggest problems with gaming companies trying to make audio devices is they underestimate how difficult and nuanced audio is."
"I love music, I'm a creative, even though the numbers may drop."
"Esports was never sustainable... it's the only way."
"But he basically got blacklisted in Hollywood and it got more and more difficult for him to actually score an acting job."
"In order for the next generation of supersonic planes to succeed, they need to address these problems."