
Rediscovery Quotes

There are 800 quotes

"You will love again the stranger who was yourself."
"Find more time for fun and playfulness, reconnect and rediscover your passions in life."
"Hopefully, you'll be able to rediscover yourselves through simpler times."
"This has definitely restored my faith in romance as a genre or at least my enjoyment of romance as a genre because now I know that there are plenty of books that I will love and will enjoy."
"Without fail, every time we declutter in the kids' rooms, even if it's just a small session like it was today, they end up finding some long-lost toy or something that they forgot about, and their playtime afterward is always so enhanced and so much fun."
"This is a story of how an American icon lost its way, and whether or not it can find it again."
"There is a glimmer of hope: sometimes, albeit rarely, what is lost can be found again."
"One of the not so often talked about benefits of decluttering is that kids find toys they had forgotten about and start playing with them again."
"The way we're going to unite this country is actually by rediscovering, dare I say, the radicalism of the American Revolution."
"What I’m saying is it’s pretty goddamn rich to voyeuristically delight in the re-discovery of a buried city when you’ve sat by and watched its destruction."
"The Javanese tiger, once declared extinct, was accidentally rediscovered in 1995, sparking ongoing sightings and hope for its survival."
"The tree lobster, believed extinct since 1920, was rediscovered in 2001, leading to successful breeding programs and preservation efforts."
"The night parrot, thought extinct for about 100 years, was rediscovered in 2013 in Australia, sparking conservation efforts to protect its habitat."
"The Fernandina giant tortoise, thought extinct since 1906, was rediscovered alive in the Galapagos Islands, prompting conservation efforts."
"It means that the history we have learned, the science we think we know, and the very core of who we think we are need to be rediscovered."
"We need something old-school, a game that's been forgotten but still close to our hearts."
"So many people have been discovering or rediscovering video games during lockdown."
"Caravaggio was forgotten until he was rediscovered in this amazing moment in the post-war era."
"That magical feeling that I used to feel when I was a kid, I thought that it was gone but it's still there."
"We're not getting smarter. We've lost Tech that we are beginning to ReDiscover."
"That's a long time for a bird to be missing in action and then suddenly be found once again."
"The primitive poisonous mammal, the Cuban solenodon, previously thought to be extinct, has been unearthed."
"The New Guinea singing dog, once thought to be extinct in the wild, has been discovered living in remote areas of New Guinea."
"The Takahe, the biggest surviving member of the rail family, thought to be extinct but rediscovered in the South Islands of New Zealand."
"The pinocchio lizard, assumed to be extinct for 50 years, was recently found in Ecuador's cloud forests."
"It just feels like a comfy pair of jeans that you rediscover."
"You might be able to sort of rediscover a whole new level of efficiency."
"I'm falling in love with this game all over again."
"Oh, that's right, I forgot I have that. Come again, I got this a while ago and I never actually put it on."
"Isn't that what we're looking for? To hear love speak again, to refine that which we thought was lost forever."
"Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."
"In that year, he rediscovered a talent he'd forgotten, painting."
"Your whole life will change direction during this time, faded old talents and situations from your past can come back around."
"Oh, isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years."
"But when I came back... that sense of exploration reignited."
"It just meant the world to me and finding like that love of music again in them meant the world to me and it means the world to me."
"Find a love for content creation again, find a love for training again."
"The rediscovery of love comes from the Islamic world."
"I just feel like I love it again. I forgot like why I started working out and I remember now."
"I really hope you get a new perspective on an old classic, an old favorite, something you've seen a hundred times."
"Machu Picchu's existence was not widely known until it was rediscovered in 1911."
"A sea snake that was once thought to be extinct has been rediscovered."
"You're an amazing family, you've just forgotten it."
"Let me tell you this let me tell you right now your exquisite still burning didn't know I missed this passion in life now I'm addicted."
"I haven't played with this mod in quite a bit and I forgot how amazing it is."
"I just kind of I've become in love with gaming again."
"Smaller bikes have brought back the enjoyment I thought I'd lost many years ago."
"Be prepared to fall completely in love again. You're not gonna believe it, you're just not going to believe the joy and the fun."
"That's a clear indication of something that's now been lost but it was refound."
"It's time for you and I to get into the hand of God, to rediscover His goodness, faithfulness, and righteousness."
"Recently, footage of a Vietnamese mouse deer, a species that was previously thought to be extinct, has been found."
"Rediscover this beautiful childlike energy within you."
"A hero almost forgotten and wrongly forgotten except Zulu War Buffs and now to you too."
"I have not felt this kind of childlike sense of wonder about a bike since I don't know how long, man."
"I think it's dope now, he's got me onto it again."
"I'm glad I went back to actually revisit the show because I can see why there's so many die hard fans."
"There must be something particularly resilient about such a system and I would argue that this is a system whose virtues we need to rediscover and affirm."
"Playing hardcore has been like playing the game for the first time all over again."
"The basanovars would be rediscovered back in 1988 and continue its streak of mysterious deaths."
"Every now and then, though, an ancient wonder from a bygone era is suddenly rediscovered."
"They had long been thought to be extinct until a recent discovery. They are the largest known bee species in the world."
"Don't give up hope because I eventually came back to it and I had all those memories of doing all this stuff so they can still find the love for it."
"Rediscover something that you thought was lost but it's coming back."
"It's a wonderful opportunity to reimagine hobbies that have been on the back burner and trysts that got set to the side."
"The rediscovery of ancient sacred science is as important as it gets."
"This game is so good. I forgot how good it was."
"Proving everyone wrong, the river dolphin has recently reappeared."
"If you've heard it a million times and then you go listen to it again after a couple of weeks and not listening to it and it just blows your mind again."
"Rediscovering things, reappreciating things, realizing things that I never even gave a second thought to."
"How fun and exciting is that to get to revisit something that you used to love and you know you can love again."
"This underrated gem has recently gone from forgotten relic to full-blown cult classic and for good reason."
"Through tabletop games, families rediscovered a bond."
"They want to release the karma, rediscover the connection, experience harmony and healing."
"Readdress your diet, Virgo. It's about finding your passions again."
"It's like being curious about each other all over again, even though you already know each other."
"This person is transforming and rediscovering who they are."
"I loved feeling passion for the first time in decades."
"Sometimes you find things that you loved as a child and then you grew up and you just discover it again."
"How can you make Tech fun again if you forgot what fun is?"
"You said that to me, you said I didn't actually love training or biking when I was racing but now this is amazing, this is so fun and that really, that really hit me hard, like you're so right, it's so fun to be able to ride a bike with friends."
"You're being reborn into your power, into your understanding. It's kind of like you're going back to the person you used to be."
"Past connections resurface: familiar faces in new light."
"We need to be rediscovering the old truths, the truths that never change, the fundamental issues."
"Excited to rediscover this movie myself and make it discover too."
"I genuinely forgot like how much I enjoy this how much I enjoyed this why I enjoyed it's so goddamn much in the first place."
"These games have been enjoyed by multiple Generations at this point and with the rise of speedrunning set games it's been discovered by people that it may have otherwise never played it."
"I feel like a lot of people revisited or discovered the show for the first time, big time big time."
"I love rediscovering old sweaters this time of year."
"Together, we are on a mission to find the America that's been lost."
"No, this is really fun, I've really enjoyed getting exposed to this again."
"If I'm enjoying this again, I knew I would enjoy it again."
"It's a month to rediscover your passion, your energy, and your focus."
"This card is about you trying to embrace your wild again. It's about rediscovering a part of yourself that you feel like you've lost touch with."
"You never lost your confidence, you never lost that spark inside, you just buried it."
"Books are great and through this year, I've rediscovered the greatness that books hold within them."
"They're trying to bring back the warmth into their life slowly."
"Your magic is there and it is waiting to be unleashed again."
"I'm a second generation Nigerian American that has been just rediscovering Nigeria as an adult with my family."
"Me and afternoon tea are back in love."
"You know, sometimes you don't need a new location; you just need to go back to the old one that you thought was hunted out."
"I think we're sort of finding our old selves again."
"Upon my most recent re-watch of Wreck-It Ralph, I discovered that the movie is not only as good as I remembered it being, but in fact much, much, much, much better."
"Sometimes you can rediscover your own closet."
"Magic Knight Rayearth could 100 get some newfound love and attention."
"The last year has seen a reunion and a new generation of fans have discovered the magic that is the band that played 'California Lady'."
"I'm so thankful to Dallas for reintroducing me to myself and restoring hope."
"All you need is just a cuddle, have a laugh, you can rediscover yourself."
"I lost myself for a little while."
"Maybe it's time to ReDiscover it again with your scrap bins, your shirts, or your favorite designer Fabrics."
"This week I feel is about finding those things again and doing those things again."
"The Lost Gardens of Heligan date back to the mid-18th century but during World War One they were pretty much forgotten about and, well, completely lost."
"The show is making me fall back in love with Star Wars."
"I forgot what it felt like to be sober."
"Discovering Ptolemy was really like if 1000 years ago, we had lost Einstein and then suddenly they rediscovered his papers on relativity."
"I think this movie is severely underrated and I'm so glad that there is this culture that's discovering it for the first time and realizing how good it really is."
"I can't think of another comparison of an artist being able to be discovered or rediscovered so precisely in this way."
"Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow? Well, nothing. We just left him behind, and it's time we find him again."
"One of the most fun aspects of looking into lost media is rediscovering that part of your childhood that became forgotten about or had lost media connected to it that you had no idea existed."
"Ancient Maya civilization's grandeur and ingenuity rediscovered in the late 20th century."
"I'm excited because there's stuff in here that I didn't even remember I had, which means I haven't got that much to buy for spring."
"You're going to find yourself again, find your faith, find your trust."
"It's being kind of rediscovered and unfortunately it's becoming a bit gentrified."
"Granted, people may come up here just gabbing, scavenging, looking for things... it's been scavenged, I mean 20 years after the battle this was rediscovered."
"Thankfully, it was eventually rediscovered a second time and given its rightful place in the National Museum of Anthropology."
"Rediscovering joy, a deep abiding joy."
"It was an interesting experience walking into the store for the first time in years."
"I actually thought that I lost these oh my gosh you guys are not going to believe believe what I'm looking at right now."
"It's time to rediscover the joy of food."
"I feel like I am rediscovering and re-loving this product."
"This book is for people that are either trying to find their way back to being a creative person again."
"They want you to see that light and that passion and that fun side of you now."
"Hello, my friends, is how I rediscovered a new zest for life by checking into a retirement home."
"We realized we still had so much love for each other."
"I feel like I finally woke up and found like that passion again."
"I felt like for a short period of time you were re-discovering life. I saw you on the Brooklyn Bridge riding City bikes and enjoying life, having fun, and it made me smile."
"When the ancient knowledge of energy science got lost, it was reclaimed by French researchers in the early 1900s."
"I'm falling back in love with the game like I'm enjoying it."
"Swinging should be rediscovered by people. An indecent proposal was when it first came out. Let me remind you how great that movie was."
"You will find things that you forgot you had."
"It felt so good, good to get back in there. I felt like I was rediscovering myself again."
"Kingdom Rush had kinda lost its luster for me. Then out of the blue, I wanted to do this challenge."
"...have gone back to what I remember loving the most."
"What a beautiful movie. And it was way more than I remember."
"My favorite thing about being away from a place you really love is how when you come back it's almost like it's new again."
"It's like I'm listening to it for the first time without preconceived notions."
"...my head wasn't in that space...so to get back to this and find out I could just do what I love to do..."
"The Rosewood story is not the only buried story of black history that needs to be brought back to the fore."
"Starting with our first species which if rediscovered would be the largest gecko on the face of the Earth."
"On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm going to give this one a 9 out of 10 of being rediscovered."
"There you have it, 7 species lost to science that I believe have the chance of being rediscovered."
"Some of the most iconic and influential films of all time had bad receptions during their theatrical runs but thanks to her video they were gradually discovered and over time went on to become icons as well as turning a profit for the studios."
"I leaned into it so much that it became my passion again, whereas I'd lost it for the past few years."
"As I revisit the 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' album as an adult, I'm blown away by how unique this record is."
"The internet once again became an avenue for exploration."
"Reigniting this joy of eating. I love it, man."
"History isn't linear it's cyclical what was once avant-garde becomes mainstream then outdated only to be rediscovered and appreciated again or for new reasons."
"It never disappears. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard them in a while. They're still going to be there, and you'll still have a huge treasure to go back to and discover."
"Do you ever make things in your kitchen that you haven't made in a really long time and then wonder why the heck it took so long to do it or why you don't do it more often? That happens to me all the time."
"Clozapine: Rediscovered for its effectiveness."
"Ironically, however, this exile gave the capital-raised Yoritomo the chance to return to his roots in a way and become acquainted with the wild eastern backcountry."
"You know, even if you didn't get them the first time around which most people didn't, to experience them now I think they would still have a pretty good impact."
"It's great to look at these shows years later and pick up on things that you didn't as a kid."
"The overall feeling is that you're falling back in love with who you are."
"And YouTube has allowed me to go back into that room with the Legos, listening to pop music, and it's been a long overdue return to an old self."
"But more importantly, sometimes you have to follow the lead of a little kid to rediscover the joy you've been missing all around you."
"Isn't it amazing how we have these memories that are stored away but they're not unlocked until you find something that makes you remember it?"
"I just forgot how much I loved it."
"I completely forgot to reshare this watercolor I found two weeks ago, it is an original watercolor of the two pheasants."
"This is a dracina umbriculifra and for years it was said to be extinct only in botanical gardens or in private collections."
"Unbelievably the mosaics were broken up and no effort was made to find any more of the building. This whole site was virtually forgotten until recently when some intriguing Crop Marks showed up on an aerial photograph of this field."
"I can't believe this brooch was sitting in my stash for so many years and I never got this out and now I can see the light of day and sparkle."
"...some of these pieces that I haven't seen in decades has been a truly amazing experience."
"This project is keeping me going. It's keeping me alive. I'm rediscovering my purpose."
"I lost it for a bit as a teenager. And now with me having two children, it was kind of important for me to grow my own food."
"I forgot how much I freaking love these little skin tints."
"I thought for sure it was lost. A glimmer of hope, fleeting as it was, was relit within him."
"The last couple years, I've just been skating way more and like I don't know, like fell back in love with skating."
"I just kind of fell back in love with life."
"...the feeling of reconnecting to a part of you that you thought was long gone is one that everyone can relate to."
Ice Princess, Sonia Davis: "Through skating a doubles routine with Pete, she was able to find her love for the sport once again, allowing her to finally find peace and stop her infamous blizzards."
"...finding Humanity again when there's so little of it left."
"It's like a passion that I never thought I would have had reignited."
"I highly recommend revisiting it because you might just love it now."
"I found some old files from my high school days that I thought were long gone, but here they were."
"Rediscover the depth of our Lord Jesus Christ in His Church."
"The model f gets rediscovered by the keyboard aficionado community... many of them swear that it's actually the model f that provides the best key feel of all."
"This lost game was found and available again."
"The wonderful thing about lost media is... they always find ways to make themselves public again with time, patience, and contributions from individuals inquisitive enough to look through things and see what they can find and bring to the surface."
"It was way better than I remembered."
"I realized after so many years of playing music, I'd forgotten what music was and how powerful it could be."
"It's like being reborn, you're tasting food again for the first time, you're touching a female, you ain't touched females in years, you touch her, it's like the first time all over again."
"You're suddenly going to be reminded of this old idea, and you'll become passionate about it."
"But sometimes a forgotten past is rediscovered, giving us the chance to consider the road not taken."
"It's been so long since I've double hooped and I forgot how much I loved it."
"I think this is glorious, I'm actually really glad I've rediscovered this."
"Oh my god guys, I have just absolutely fallen in love with fun again. That was so much fun."
"It just made me find that love of the game again."
"...unlock an ancient world that had previously been forgotten."
"When we speak about reuse, it's not just literally reusing something material that exists or pre-exists, but also that we rediscover forms that have been forgotten."
"Perhaps you're reconnecting with an old passion or hobby, something that you used to do that you really loved."