
Project Evaluation Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The business case presents the optimum mix of information used to judge whether the project is and remains desirable, viable, and achievable."
"Has it been a positive experience for you... or has it been just simply waffle maybe I'm you know missing the mark entirely?"
"Apart from that, it was actually a very successful Mission."
"One of the most stereotypical things you'll find in projects that are rug pulls or complete scams is their websites are terrible."
"The better it scores, the more likely that that project is to do well."
"I'm feeling good, guys. I think this is our best one ever."
"Now you all have to let me know what you think of this project in the comments below."
"Just look at every other previous project, every other previous blockchain, and then have a realistic view of what you should expect."
"Ronin is an S tier project... if I was to give it anything less than an S, it would be foolish."
"This is correct, but it's not the best design."
"Don't confuse good projects with bad pump and dump projects."
"That project... it was way better than it had any right to be."
"It would be naive for them to assume all 10 will be massive successes." - Jim Ryan
"There is just no way to try to paint this thing is anything other than a monumental success especially when you consider all this stuff."
"Whenever we can find projects that are doing this, that's a real winner in my opinion."
"It was a logistical success but a strategic failure."
"Elrond's project, picked for top project 2022, is running at an all-time high... There's more going on with Elrond."
"90% of all the BS projects out there can be weeded out with this."
"Ruby has always been a passion project and even if it didn't turn out all that great there was equal amounts of passion poured into this season."
"I think there's a lot of potential here there really really is."
"I genuinely like the project and I think it's awesome at what it does."
"Could you maybe just elaborate a little bit on that and how you think it's going?"
"I want to see projects that bring something new to the table, some actual innovation. I'm much happier to see that than some project that's just copying another project and does marketing or whatever."
"They've got really heavy VC influence and uh moonbeam you know just looking at how you know harvest moon as a kind of initiative has gone I think that that just goes to show you what moonbeam has as a future."
"What I always look for in every single project is, is this something new and unique like Doodles like Azuki or is this something trending?"
"I'm very excited about this and why I think this project could potentially do very, very well."
"Honestly speaking, guys, this is looking excellent."
"And along the way, we'll find out whether or not it's worth all the time, effort, and money it takes."
"Just looking at this description, it sounds like a really neat idea."
"Make sure to check into this project because honestly it has tremendous value."
"The real return on a project is if you want to do something should be the first and most important thing."
"I can look at DC, even when they made something bad, they were trying."
"Evaluating layer 1 and 2 blockchain projects is like evaluating different countries' economies."
"That's why you need to be looking at fundamentals and technicals so you can understand, hey, why are these projects outpacing the rest of the market by a lot? It's because there's a fundamental story developing."
"I just need people to be aware and I try to do this as best as possible and that is that you have to look for the good in certain projects."
"You guys did a phenomenal job, even if maybe we didn't, but we will see if the data reveals the truth."
"Everything that I think was done and planned really well."
"It feels like a realistic build at least in my opinion."
"Once we're done with this we're probably all gonna go, okay what worked, what didn't work, how can we make it bigger, how come make it better?"
"Everything we are doing here is damn near perfect."
"When I watch this professionally made Warner Brothers distributed Batman related project that's just so awful in concept, so amateurish in execution and so soulless in story."
"The show is gorgeous from top to bottom in my opinion."
"A project is only as good as the rationale, the thinking, the evidence, and the measurements that we take in terms of the results that we achieve. Otherwise, we're just shooting in the dark."
"I hope that everyone can internally at least maybe not externally but internally admit that this has not gone well."
"Get it on your radar, take a look, maybe you want to invest, could be a good project going towards the future."
"Overall, I think this was his strongest project to date."
"How many times have you had that they worked on actually? None."
"Some of my favorite projects that are from the best projects are from years ago, like years, and they're aging really well and gracefully."
"This project definitely beats a lot of others out there that I've been looking at, especially in terms of real value, real utility, real use case."
"Do your due diligence, investigate, and understand projects before investing."
"You want to find projects that have true utility."
"You should actually take the time to go and see their previous completed projects and speak to the clients."
"...now you all have to definitely let me know what you think about this project in the comments below."
"...this project definitely isn't as monumental of a miss as some people make it out to be."
"It's okay for us to say that Mr. Moran and Big Steppas is one of his better, more open projects without saying this is the best that he's done just because it's his most recent."
"It's not really rocket science; they're really just looking for good projects."
"Take all projects that are positive NPV; if they're mutually exclusive, take the one with the biggest NPV."
"This project a hundred percent gets an A plus plus."
"The internal rate of return is the actual rate of return expected to achieve on any project."
"If you want to accept any project, its net present value has to be greater than zero."
"You have to let me know what you think of this project."