
Attention Management Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Managing our attention is so difficult, especially today when we have so many objects of attention that we can focus on."
"You have to take your own advice, don't give them attention."
"In a war for focus, in a war for your attention, you have to pay attention to the things that pay you."
"Your mind, your attention, is one of the most valuable resources that exists on this planet."
"ADHD is not the inability to focus. ADHD is the inability to direct your attention in appropriate ways in appropriate settings."
"It doesn't mean that you put your head in the sand, it just means that you only give something the degree of attention that it's necessary."
"If you think someone has terrible ideas, simply not paying attention to them is a much better option."
"The biggest difference between people who are good at life and bad at life is spread attention versus focused attention."
"A lot of people with ADHD will be aware that their attention can sometimes get hyper-focused on a particular thing."
"Every time you shift your attention from one thing to another, the brain has to engage a neurochemical switch that uses up nutrients in the brain to accomplish that."
"If you forbid criticism and if you start thinking that every time a person is uncomfortable something has gone wrong rather than right, a person is feeling uncomfortable because that's a natural process by which we get better."
"It's not about just getting that attention, it's about how you throw gasoline on the fire again."
"The best that we can do now is just not pay attention."
"The losses on the right side have been reintegrated so they no longer stand as distractions."
"Attention is sacred because it's the foundation of choice."
"Ignorance is bliss if attention to the unwanted causes you to practice a vibration that gets you more of what you do not want."
"We've got to have another level of response at which together we are taking on these forces that are messing with our ability to pay attention."
"Protecting your attention is I think another way of protecting your well-being during this time."
"One of the most valuable skills in the 21st century is to be able to decide where and how and when we put our attention."
"Hardest thing in life... knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore."
"Going quiet is one way to get people's attention if you feel you're losing the attention of an audience going more quiet rather than getting louder is often the way."
"The attentional economy of the world of Donald Trump is the defining question of our age. How do you pay attention to what's important and ignore what's not?"
"You gotta know what those little things are and know whether to ignore them, pay attention to them, or respond to them."
"We're constantly fragmenting our limited attentional focus with both external and internal distractions and multiple tasks."
"Find out when your personal peaks of attention are."
"Focus is your tool to gather data. If you were not focused, if you were screwing around with your phone, then you're losing access to that data."
"People are weird on the internet... and for the most part you don't gotta pay attention to it."
"Only give your attention and energy to people who value and appreciate it and remove your attention from those who don't."
"We're human! We have thoughts that intrude on our attention span, we have thoughts about, oh my gosh, did I remember to load that gel or turn off the power supply."
"I just started paying attention to my attention... what feels effortless to me."
"The attention economy has commoditized attention and built a Marketplace that uses your attention as its currency."
"It's all about practice and feel, and it allows you to pull off combos instinctively while keeping most of your attention on your enemy and other actions."
"What I want you to really think about, especially if you're struggling with attention and listening, is what does your puppy find rewarding?"
"We cannot control other people at all... wisdom is understanding where our attention can be effective."
"For a guy who seemingly doesn't like attention Kauai had grown to learn how to command it harness it and use it to his advantage."
"I try I have to be allowed in order to keep the attention and being loud off of me as being contrarian."
"Stop giving her attention. We've got to ignore it. Yes, from time to time, we've got to call out these journalists."
"People prefer mono-tasking, but our world demands polychronic attention."
"Attention is the doorway to the mind. And I suspect we all could benefit from being better doormen."
"Distraction is where your attention and your intention is not the same thing."
"Taking back our power by becoming aware of where we put our attention."
"Hyper Focus comes from the same place that our inattention does; it's difficulty regulating our attention."
"Don't give the gift of your attention to something negative."
"Understand how important your attention is, where it goes, and for how long."
"Give 100% attention to making your 10% most efficient."
"If you stop directing your attention towards the thing you're trying not to pay attention to, that thing will eventually wander out of your awareness."
"Try to redeploy your attention by covering your eyes, looking away, and even thinking about other things that may be more conducive to positive emotions but redirect your attention away from the stimulus and the event."
"Attention can be directed, but it can also get pulled."
"Adding moments of silence can really highlight special areas and keep the listener's attention."
"The secret consists in managing the attention so as to fix it upon a subject no matter how uninteresting and to hold it there for a reasonable length of time."
"Whatever you put your attention on grows, so you need to manage your attention as much as the information that you use."
"If you have a really good system for setting things up where you can focus your attention effectively, then it's going to help that thing grow."
"If you're supposed to teach, turn the noise down, draw the attention, bring everybody on the same page, and then go after the lecture."
"We can become attention maestros, at least we want to feel a little bit better so that we're not in a crisis mode all the time with our attention."
"When you realize how valuable you are, then you won't devalue yourself by emotionally reacting to individuals that don't even deserve any attention from you."
"You're gonna have more success of these big flocks by again keeping the attention off of you."
"When we invest our limited attention intelligently and deliberately, we focus more deeply and we think more clearly."
"What matters most to you and then taking a look at where you devote your most precious asset, that's your attention."