
Divine Care Quotes

There are 687 quotes

"Never lose hope. Never think that God has forgotten about you."
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you."
"If God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown in a fire tomorrow, He will certainly care about you."
"Every single tear that you have cried...has been captured in the palm of Almighty God."
"Allah will not let us go to waste. Allah does not lose sight of us; we'll be okay."
"The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul."
"God cares about you so much that he's trying to prepare you."
"He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm."
"Take care of God's house, and I know he'll take care of yours."
"I have never seen a righteous man forsaken by God."
"I knew that God sent me there and he was going to take care of me."
"Believe that he cares for you, loves you, has the best in mind for you."
"God cares about you more than you care about yourself."
"If you say the Lord is my refuge, he will command his angels concerning you."
"Your life is in the hands of a loving and wise creator."
"God said, 'If you serve me faithfully, without seeking material things, I will take care of you.'"
"God sees you and He cares about you so much."
"We thank you that you will defend those that you take care of."
"You are in Grace, watched over, nurtured, and cared for."
"Remember, God wants you well and Jesus is your healer."
"God constantly watches over you because he cares."
"God is so concerned about you right there. He knows the numbers of hairs on your head. He's seen your destiny."
"Difficulty, hardship, pain, and suffering does not mean that your life doesn't matter to God."
"All you really need is your daily bread. God says, 'I've got you.'"
"What is a man that you are mindful of him and a son of man that you care for him?"
"You're precious in the sight of Allah, first of all, right? Okay, you're precious in the sight of Allah first, and Allah wants the best for you."
"God takes care of you, whether you have plenty or if you're in lack."
"God cares for his people. He is still the Lord your healer."
"Remember blessed Consolata Bertoni: 'You worry only about loving me, and I'll take care of everything else to the smallest detail.'"
"Divine source loves you so much, it's still giving you good luck to still be here."
"God really don't play about you like at all at all at all."
"Chastisement, judgment, and pruning are care and protection for us."
"Continue to strengthen me through the tough times I remain amazed by your love and care for me."
"For my children in this hour are truly being set free."
"Jesus loves us, God loves his children, and he's going to take care of us."
"Just because we're going through a tough time doesn't mean God has forgotten about us; actually, it's quite the opposite."
"We stagger at the realization that you've not only created this universe and given us life in it but that you care so much for each of us."
"God's desperate caring for every human being shapes His provision for salvation."
"Don't worry, don't fret, be not dismayed. God will take care of you."
"He will take care of your spirit and provide you with whatever you need to succeed and be happy."
"I just know he takes care of me and he loves me, and I'm content."
"Faith means trusting that God will take care of us even when we can't see how."
"Consider the ravens and the lilies, how God cares for them."
"Our God, our heavenly Father, is a dad who doesn't leave his children."
"Remember, you are numbered of the Lord. He will bless you and keep you."
"If God takes care of the flowers, will He not much more clothe you?"
"Cast all your anxieties, your fears on him because he cares for you."
"Each Sabbath reminds us of a Creator's care, a Savior's love, and our Redeemer's return."
"God's main priority for you and I is not our happiness."
"Let the light of God shine, He will keep us, He's able to keep us from falling."
"There's no backsliding from the one who loves you, he's going to come get you, he leaves the 99 to get the one, nobody can pluck us out of the hands of him."
"The Lord promises to take care of His kids, His people, His elect, His bride."
"Be encouraged in Christ your God cares for you."
"Take your problems to Jesus for He cares for us."
"Thank God that he cares enough to give you promises like this to get you out of it."
"The Lord says he still cares because he still has more than a remnant."
"If God cares so much to number the hairs on your head why are you worried, he's got you."
"Because we feel the depth of God’s love for His children, we care deeply about every child of God."
"God cares deeply about human beings it is impressive to create the world but what most matters is not only that there is a creator but that the Creator cares about his creation."
"God cares about you so much he will not abandon you regardless of what the government does."
"Even in a time of disaster, I will watch over you."
"We cast all our care on you, O Lord, for you care for us." - 1 Peter 5:7
"Your life is in the hands of God. Leave your hurt in the hands of the one whose hand gave sight to the blind and he will heal your wounded heart."
"You never took care of yourself, God took care of you."
"Prayer is like white noise, like elevator music. But when you're still, you're going to God for counsel."
"What is death in the face of the infinite? We are always in the hands of God. We're always safe."
"God loves you, get that into your head. He is preparing a place for you. You won't have to struggle, cry, or feel pain forever."
"God says a bruised reed I will not break and just a smoking flax just the the smoke of a a wick I will not extinguish."
"Thank you for your Healing Hands over my life."
"No matter what the situation, God will take care of you."
"If you will learn to rest in me, I will take care of the rest."
"You are loved, and God cares about every detail of your life."
"Our God is always mindful of us, no matter the circumstances."
"Casting all your anxieties on him... because he cares for you."
"God cares about everything concerning your life."
"When God and Community consistently comes through for you, um you realize like you're going to be okay, like God is going to take care of us because he loves us and he's a good father."
"Rest in my embrace, knowing that I hold your life in my hands."
"Your guides are looking after you...protected and divinely directed."
"God is committed to take care of those who depend on him."
"A father to the fatherless is God in His holy dwelling. He sets the lonely in family."
"Trust that you're loved and cared for all day, every day, and for all time, especially now."
"God's Got You, God cares about you, He cares about this nation."
"Even the hairs of your head are all numbered."
"You are taken care of... you are always safe."
"I have cared for you since you were born, yes, I carried you before you were born."
"I gave Him my whole life. I need to know if you can take care of me."
"Because you have made Yahweh your refuge and the Most High your dwelling place, no evil shall happen to you."
"It's never too late; God cares for the things that burden your heart, especially your children."
"Jehovah is close to the Brokenhearted; He saves those who are crushed in spirit."
"Jehovah is redeeming the life of His servants; none of those taking refuge in Him will be found guilty."
"The only perfect Son of God, who completely kept the laws and who has infinite capacity and power, is infinitely interested in you and me."
"I'm afraid that God won't take care of me, and I think what God is consistently reminding me is, 'I've always taken care of you.'"
"Consider the birds of the sky: They don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?"
"Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these."
"If that's how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won't He do much more for you—you of little faith?"
"The Lord is wiping the tears from the heart."
"I felt like the Lord just kept dropping into my spirit that you were safe all along."
"He knows us, He knows where we live, and He's taking care of us."
"He'll bless you more than you'll bless yourself if you'll trust your life every day to God the Father and believe him to take care of you."
"God has our best interests at heart."
"He brings Bread and Wine to sustain us."
"If you've ever wondered, does God notice, does God care, you're not alone."
"God has never failed to make provision for his people."
"The way that God takes care of you should alleviate all fear... Why be worried about anything when you know that he has everything under control?"
"God is your father and God takes care of those who are his own."
"You don't need to be there. God will take care of you when you stand for Him."
"God will take care of you through every day, all the way."
"Be not dismayed, whatever be tied, because God will take care of you."
"Either there are no gods or if there are, they take no care of men."
"The God who saves us is the God who keeps us. The God who has adopted us into his family takes care of his children."
"Your story matters, your life matters, because you matter to God."
"You, on the other hand, have secret angels watching over you, covering your back."
"God just cares about you so much."
"...God always has your best interest in mind..."
"The Lord will protect your soul. Every tear that has fallen from your eyes will be transformed into victory. God will guard your entrances both now and forevermore."
"You are precious to God. You have value. You are not to be wasted or treated carelessly."
"God cares about you so much, he has assigned angels to minister to your physical and tangible needs."
"God guards your house, your family, your business, even when you sleep"
Jesus promised, "When you pray, your Father sees it. When you walk through this world and you feel like no one notices you, your Father sees it and He cares."
"One of the deepest aspects of this experience was just realizing that God actually knew me by name, that he knew who I was, that he cared about me, knew me, had arranged every event in my life intentionally to be the most perfect thing that he could arrange for me."
"Your God is big and everything else is small enough for him to take care of."
"He's going to hide you in the wilderness in the secret place of the most high..."
"There is nearly nothing but Him; therefore, He will for sure take care of you."
"To think that Allah, the creator of the universe, cares about how we feel, how I feel like that person wronged me today and it hurt me, and Allah knows."
"Allah is looking out for the dangers coming to you."
"God bottles up our tears and records them in his book."
"God loves you and he hasn't forgotten."
"God cares about every single thing about me. There's nothing you can't take to God."
"There's no hurt that's too big for God. God will take care of you."
"God does not ever forget about us. We are always on his mind."
"God knows exactly what you can take care of and that's how much he gives you."
"Casting all of your cares upon Him, for He careth About You."
"He shall give his angels charge over you."
"God will not forget you. It's not in His character. He refuses to do that."
"Even when it feels like other people have forgotten about you, God will never forget about you."
"You need to know how much God cares about you and loves you."
"God cares about little things that we would almost consider to be trite."
"The sparrow's song is that God cares about me."
"The God cares act is certain for everyone."
"He wants to protect you at all costs."
"We are Elijah and we will eat from brooks and we will eat from places that the world cannot find provision."
"He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing."
"God knows how to take care of His children."
"The Lord doesn't forget you! He is kind."
"He keeps me, He keeps me. God is keeping me."
"I am in complete agreement with God's charge to His angels: You watch over me, you take care of me and mine."
"God knows you intimately even to the most minute of details related to your life."
"If a sparrow is on his radar, imagine the blip you take up. You're important to him, he cares about you even to the smallest details."
"Surely in a flood of Great Waters they shall not come near to him."
"His provisions are so much, He's always providing for His people."
"I Surrender my worries and anxieties to you, trusting that you are the God who provides to his children."
"Once God created us, he literally allowed us to bloom and grow."
"Know that God hath not forgotten you."
"God promised to meet the needs of all of his children as Christians. He's not going to abandon you. Cry out to him, trust him, he will care for you."
"Does God care about little things?"
"Whatever we put in God's hands is not going to slip through his fingers."
"The Sabbath celebrates the ability of our God to take care of us."
"If I do the best I could do, God would take care of me."
"The love of God is like the Amazon River flowing down to water a single Daisy, and that Daisy is named Rahab."
"All they have to do is choose protection after every one of them trumpets gets blown. All they got to do is to come under the protective care of God and respond to the witnesses but they won't do it."
"God watches over his children even when society has turned their back on him."
"God cares about you. He knows who you are, he knows your name, he knows where you live, he knows what you've been through."
"The pain of one woman was so important to Allah."
"God's providence involves provisions, protection, and intervention when necessary."
"God takes care of everything, little children. And that's amazing, isn't it?"
"When you perfect the office of a daughter, it literally means acceptable to God rejoicing in God's peculiar care and protection."
"As Daughters of God, we rejoice in his peculiar care and protection."
"God cares so much about taking care of the outcasts that he actually conflates taking care of them to taking care of the Lord himself."
"Whatever God tells you, God's going to take care of it. God's going to take care of it."
"Furthermore, Christ and God together hold on to His sheep."
"Our God is a god of love who loves us too much to ever simply let us go."
"There needs to be one—a God who truly loves his children, a God who protects them both from outside dangers and themselves."
"The strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the Lord takes care of the godly."
"He's the one that's going to see us that's going to honor us that's going to take care of us that's going to make sure that no one harms us."
"He's better than that. The Bible said, 'Look at what he does to the flowers of the field, he feeds the birds of the air.' And you mean to tell me you're a child of God and you gotta beg God to feed you? The devil's been lying to you."
"Jesus was talking to me about your life is in good hands. What I realized was, my life was still in God's hands, no matter what happened."
"God's care is not only worldwide and nationwide but personal."
"If you want God to take care of you, then devote yourself to Him."
"God knows how to keep us smiling."
"Thank God for the things He kept me out of."
"God cares more about you than he does a bird."
"If God takes care of them, He's going to take care of you."
"God will take care of you, trust Him."
"God cares about everything that involves or affects you."
"God cares. God has a will. God is speaking."
"If men rise up to pursue you and to seek your life, the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord your God."
"God will take responsibility if you throw all your responsibility upon God. Then, God takes responsibility for you."
"Casting all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
"Even if there's something you can't have, you can always be reassured that God will have you."
"May God sleep on your pillow, may He hold you in the hollow of His hand."
"Always run to the Lord because the Lord is the doctor that heals for free."
"Won't he do it? Won't he do it? No need to fret, be not dismayed, whatever be your case, God will take care of you."
"God cares, if you're in a mansion made of stone or shanty all alone, God cares."
"God has his hands over your life, you are protected."
"God's care is more evident in some instances of it than in others."
"Look how he cleans up after us, look how he straightens out our situation."
"God is so good to you, He won't let you mess up your own deliverance."
"Stand tall for him believing he is a true God who cares about you and is there to help you."
"We should expect our heavenly Father to take care of us by sending His angels to minister."
"Does God see us when we cry? He puts our tears in his bottle."