
Cinematography Quotes

There are 2159 quotes

"Seeing the world through Quicksilver's perspective during his slow-motion sequence was one of the all-time greatest displays of a superhero's power in any movie."
"Cinematic like anything else, the art of it all is very beautiful and I appreciate it."
"Every frame a painting" means that whenever you pause a movie, that paused frame should be visually impressive enough to be hung up on a wall as a painting.
"If any movie truly is worthy of the phrase 'every frame a painting', there's a good chance that it's this one."
"This captured like the essence of great fight scenes with beautiful imagery."
"This lasting film opened to rave reviews, charmed by innovative cinematography, unusual structure, and an all-star cast."
"The Ukrainian-born cinematographer quickly gelled with Baldwin. The people who watched the dailies said that her work was beautiful. She was someone who was loved by everyone who worked with and liked by everyone who worked and admired."
"Greg Fraser's cinematography is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Focus setting is telling the audience where to look in relationship to the story."
"Even what could be the simplest scene like this is given a 12-second tracking shot with care and attention and is always pleasing to look at."
"The cinematographer, Marcel Rev, did a stunning job. There are so many shots in this film that are just gorgeous."
"Every frame of this movie is beautiful to look at, it's cohesive and, most importantly, it works with the plot."
"It's always overcast. The shots are so tight on the characters. There's never a wide shot."
"The dialogue is sharp and smart, the music was quite good, the cinematography was stunning at times, and it was very effective at establishing intrigue."
"Become mesmerized by the colors, outfits, choreography, cinematography, and the vocals."
"The framing of that shot because he's tired of being alone, and he's inside of a tire. That's brilliant."
"The people who are there before us, setting up the sound, the cinematographers, the DP, bro, they put in so much work."
"George Lucas's opening shot for A New Hope was also a Star Destroyer bearing down on us."
"I think if you're going to forget about the writing for a second, look at like the cinematography. The cinematography in the show is gorgeous."
"Adding color contrast with lighting to your frame does a great job of creating depth, dimension, and visual interest."
"Lighting is a huge part of great cinematography and storytelling."
"You can see what we've done is just create a little bit more light in the center, like so emanating from that Sun."
"What I've done effectively is I've made my shadows cooler, my highlights warmer."
"This is a master class in cinematography and directing."
"We finally got the grand shots of these fight scenes which was amazing."
"Every shot flows together in this sing-songy yet logical way that always keeps us all point of focus and is so pleasing to watch."
"The first 10 minutes of this movie is some of the best visual storytelling ever brought to the screen."
"This movie has serious atmosphere just because of the cinematography alone."
"They shall not grow old, the best thing that Peter Jackson has done since Lord of the Rings."
"Every shot in this movie is composed and planned... the best theatrical experience of the year."
"The cinematography in this film is absolutely mind-blowing."
"The aspect ratio, along with it being filmed in black and white makes it feel like a much older film."
"Right off the bat the street scenes look great."
"I liked every minute of it. It's unbelievably well-shot, it's beautiful."
"You sparkle, that's painting the picture, like the lens flare of a movie."
"Young-sook can be seen in the next shot, finally outside of the house, happy that's she's been freed."
"This film is incredibly well shot... the amount of planning and coordination... is just crazy."
"That sequence... one amazing piece of filmmaking."
"In Do the Right Thing, the Dutch angles mirror the instability of the neighborhood, where racial tensions are threatening to boil over."
"This movie is the king of character introduction and it's all done in one shot."
"Everything in this movie feels like lightning in a bottle."
"Mad Max: Fury Road had incredible action set pieces and cinematography."
"This movie doesn't have that one major sequence because instead every single sequence is like that."
"There's so much dynamism, so much amazing cinematography that we haven't seen yet in the MCU or in Spider-Man yet."
"This is a badass shot that the movie will forget when it comes to the action."
"It's a timeless story and its film quality and cinematography still hold up exceedingly well today."
"The camera work helped the story and the gameplay in equal parts."
"It's very hard to see what's happening because the whole battle is so dark. And I understand they did this because they want to build this sense of dread."
"Her cinematographer and the staging for that was phenomenal, outstanding."
"The presentation of the shooting scene at the end was pretty crazy."
"The opening scene is so good, the choreography and camerawork do an amazing job."
"This scene is just amazing as well as other scenes. What's going on? What happened in here? What's going on here? This guy is pretty mellow considering there's a [ __ ] hole in the wall."
"Since these awe-inspiring sequences feature great cinematography and less cuts than normal, it feels like you're in the middle of every fray."
"For the father in that moment to tell him to let it go, it was just so meaningful and also visually very well shot."
"Almost every single shot in this movie looks like it could be a painting."
"It's a chilling shot to leave on and it successfully sticks with you well after the end credits."
"The film's first 15 minutes are wonderful, returning to Themyscira society of diverse warrior women just living their best warrior women life on a beautiful island."
"The one long continuous take... is impressive."
"It's such a cool shot, I love it, it's amazing, it's some of the best practical effects."
"Neil Burger used a lot of reflective surfaces throughout the film to illustrate the theme of identity."
"I feel like nearly all the shots in the movie kind of look like masterpieces in their own right."
"Jinx vs Echo fight scene... it is so well shot."
"The shots play into the uneasiness creating the sense of tension and paranoia."
"The trailer creates a genuine sense of gravitas, particularly when Mothra's enormous wingspan emerges from a waterfall with a gradient blue light glowing."
"Point Blank is just a really a visual masterpiece."
"Shots like this with Paddington backlit by the doorway behind him make this so much more than just a kids movie."
"Characters, cinematography, atmosphere, and even dialogue are all on point and impressively done."
"This game is looking like it's going to have pretty damn good cinematography."
"This movie had some of the coolest cinematography."
"Shadow: tragically overlooked masterpiece with inspired photography and mind-boggling set pieces."
"The action scenes in these films are absolutely spectacular."
"Enough with the shaky cam. Where's the fun in watching that?"
"I would take a choreographed fight film by a stable camera any day of the week."
"It did feel, I imagine it wasn't shot like this because things were never shot like this usually."
"Everything looks better on camera when it's wet."
"The camerawork helped to the story and the gameplay in equal parts."
"The visuals captured the look and feel of the movie in every way."
"The canvas shots in the desert were beautiful."
"I loved that shot of her on the funeral pyre I thought that it was really powerful and a fitting funeral for Diana."
"The underwater scenes in this movie are absolutely mesmerizing."
"Overall I feel this film is more about presenting itself as a visual piece of art rather than a written book." - Reviewer
"Opening shots and closing shots are arguably like the most important because they bring you into the fold and then while you're there right before you leave they're like by the way this is what this has been about the whole time."
"Let me guess, it's gonna fall away from camera, go around, that's something, oh no, you stay on the ground like 2 seconds then they..."
"Your opening statement is lighting up the shot. No, no, that's a pretty serious. It is, it's a pretty one. Yeah, oh, it's a pretty one."
"There's a real artistic Flair visible in the game's selected camera angles."
"Worth watching for the six minute long take alone."
"The best director for a cinematographer is one who respects your work and understands its unique quality."
"Filming in the rain is not pleasant, but looking at cars with raindrops on the paint, that's really beautiful."
"That's a great cinematography, very well directed."
"The giallo aesthetic of the zooms and the music... it was wonderful."
"The cinematography in this film was unbelievable."
"The cinematography was great... The Godfather was out on the street and he got killed I loved that whole visual of it."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"The music is Second To None, the cinematography is astounding, the CGI is treated with way more care and effort than anywhere today."
"The game hits a lot of fantastic cinematic highs."
"The cinematography in this music video it was the most visually pleasing music video I have seen in quite a while."
"This scene of Miles clearing his throat and getting ready to sing as the camera spins around him, magnifique!"
"Have purpose in your camera movements and plan them out according to the emotion."
"Variable ND filter automatically keeps exposure constant, enabling a noble form of cinematic expression."
"I'm all about that... the lighting looks pretty spectacular." - Hayley
"Every shot I love, all the scene transitions, just to describe one quick, and when they're on the battlefield and in transition to the scene with the first dragon fight, beautiful shot."
"The sequence where Numenor is revealed with the swelling epic music is one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the show."
"This is the most visually dynamic Star Wars that we've ever seen."
"Trick to yomi is ultimately a collection of static and panning shots that frame a very classically inspired samurai epic..."
"I like how instead of slow-mo they just reduce the frame rate at the end to make it look like slo-mo."
"The Sun shot seems to convey three things: astronomical change, leading into hell, and blood being spilled."
"My god, is this movie beautifully photographed and it just looks incredible."
"He was the favorite cinematographer of legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock."
"Every movie has realistic good looking effects but what's impressive is how they're utilized and like his shot choices and there's always this like great sense of scale to everything."
"It's an incredibly ambitious movie and it's filmed very, very well."
"There is something magical about Chris Reeve drifting past the camera."
"Series 5 is a stunning series, with some incredibly beautiful shots taking full advantage of the sharper visuals and color depth."
"It's a beautifully made movie with captivating cinematography which tells an insightful story of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman."
"The camera work is what gives Yorgos Lanthimos films their distinct color."
"Color correction is fixing things like exposure issues."
"Adjusting elements like contrast and exposure is part of color correction."
"Creating depth in both image and emotion is essential."
"While it may not have the deepest storyline, this movie stands out thanks to its stunning visuals and fresh upbeat soundtrack."
"The cinematography is atmospheric and evocative, capturing moments of vulnerability and emotion to great effect."
"That's the point. Yeah, you could look anywhere in this scene and something's happening. And that takes a lot of care and effort. So yeah, I'll pause it a question for you all..."
"Candyman is haunting with a well-paced story, characters you root for, suspenseful predicaments, and excellent cinematography."
"Every single frame in that movie looks like it could be the poster."
"This long take was the perfect way to introduce us to psalm's Peter."
"I try to make trailer shots: epic compositions."
"Cinematic mode, I got videos of white shoes playing around that look like a movie and it looked like somebody came in a professional camera and shot a movie of shoes playing around with some cables."
"The drone shot at the beginning with the birds flying by the Neville water tower, it was perfect, perfect. It's so good, I very much adore that shot."
"Cutting back on shadows or removing contact shadows could have been more detrimental."
"We wanted to have a variety of angles throughout that to suggest that she could be being watched from any corner of that space."
"It's the best action movie since 2015's Mad Max Fury Road, telling its story and high-octane sequences through perfected visual cinematography."
"The fight scenes were really, really well done."
"Beautiful film... this is going to stick with me for a very long time."
"The entirety of the game is done in a single shot."
"The cinematography was better, I feel like the story was better."
"You've got to admit in that final season, there's this shot..."
"These shots aren't all about bringing an epic quality to the film, but it's about creating an intimacy with the actors within an epic landscape."
"That's dope shot. Oh, wow, you don't know how long you'd be gone. Oh yeah, true. You could omni-man. Yeah, you know you're evil too."
"Skyfall is one of the most beautifully made movies I've seen in the last 30 years."
"Your first shot's going to be the longest... and every subsequent shot's going to be a little shorter."
"There's just too much good within nearly every frame of force awakens to discount it for its flaws."
"In one shot we feel the intensity of the action, recognize the looming danger behind them, but don't lose our focus on the most important part: the characters."
"Everything within it is literally dead, and what follows is this really fascinating style of cinematography."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"The Ronin 4D is a remarkable camera system, unlike anything else out there by a long way."
"The cinematic was nice, it's a nice cinematic."
"240 frames per second, that's like the slow mode that's really slow that's not just kind of that creamy nice slow-motion feel."
"This shuddering handheld follow of the dragon as he swoops and dives."
"It was shot beautifully, like a lot of great wide shots of the country and getting to see the culture within the story without it being forced."
"The shots told stories, they also made comments... they had purpose, they had beauty, they had a soul."
"Stand out in the wild area, I guess I'm okay."
"We've adjusted all of our framing and Composition throughout this entire sequence."
"Nomadland's dawn and dusk lensing just accentuates everything on display and at the moment, this seems like a two-horse race between Nomadland and Mank."
"Great cinematography, great acting, and just a fantastic ending to a season."
"This is Scorsese's best looking film. The cinematography is unbelievable."
"It's a pretty interesting film with some great cinematography."
"Legendary camera work... a master of composition."
"Every single frame is pure eye candy. You could literally skip to any moment in the movie and take a screenshot and frame it, and it's art."
"Cinematographers prove again and again that rules are meant to be broken."
"With the right lighting tools and setup, a shot can go from good to unforgettable."
"The solemn processional of the faithful was accomplished by means of one of the most elaborate single shots in film history."
"Creating a more cinematic look is about adding mood and drama."
"Manipulating color channels and hues is key for achieving a cinematic look."
"That scene in A Quiet Place is the most freaky, unnerving scene I've seen in any horror monster any kind of movie like that in years."
"Legion's lighting is one of its strongest visual aspects."
"It leads to one of the best action scenes from the last 10 years, saving nobody's dog; he sort of redeems the dog that he couldn't save himself."
"The most impressive thing about the film is just how damn beautiful it is."
"Several sequences in this movie are practically an out-of-body experience."
"I think this has the best in-game cinematics cutscenes one thousand percent sure it's film like right."
"I just can't recommend this movie enough, it's beautifully shot, it has some of the most haunting music I've heard of this year."
"Top Gun Maverick marks the first time ever that a rig of IMAX certified cameras were installed inside of a fighter jet."
"I will rent out an entire movie theater just so we can all experience this this scene right here in beautiful 16 K I need to be in a theater I need to experience this the way that the cinematographer intended me to see it."
"The camera work in general is exceptionally good."
"A dolly zoom utilizes both a dolly movement and lens zoom to create something called the vertigo effect."
"A roll turns the camera on its long axis while maintaining the direction of the lens. A camera roll is disorienting, unsettling our equilibrium."
"A tracking shot physically moves the camera through a scene, typically following a subject."
"The arc shot is a camera movement that orbits around a subject, adding dynamic movement when characters may be standing completely still."
"A boom shot moves a camera up or down, utilizing a crane, jib, or pedestal."
"That cut from the close-up to the wide shot during your fall is some great A."
"The shots of the X-wings strafing the shield gator are so sick."
"There is some wonderful scenes in this film, the drama and the emotional beats work extremely well."
"This is a high ticket item and we buy lots of expensive lenses but I think it's worth it and you'll agree that we get some beautiful footage with it."
"If you're someone who is working with clients or you just want to have footage that looks good and has more of this filmic quality, then these tips are gonna help you achieve that."
"Motion blur is something that you see in professional work. It's something that you'll see in cinematic looking footage."
"The effects in that are great. That is like a filmmaking achievement in many ways."
"That sequence with all the glass, the knife—that's probably my favorite sequence."
"Kingdom will constantly remind you how great the cinematography and the stories the Kdrama world can offer."
"Expect superb cinematography and a great plot."
"Hold on to your jaws as this drama wows you with its superb cinematography."
"Visually the movie is amazing, the cinematography is beautiful."
"Adding keyframes allows us to give the impression that we have our own personal camera operator following us around capturing dynamic movements."
"I thought that car accident was pure cinematography."
"It was a cool cinematography... your love of football."
"My favorite shot of the movie: Gwen walks upside down on that bank building and the sunset flare disappears and then reappears upon the rotation. It's so beautifully designed."
"Beautiful drone footage... leading to the higher average percentage view."
"There's nothing arbitrary in a frame of a movie, there's nothing that hasn't been thought about."
"It's the best found movie I've ever seen - everything is found in the direction."
"Most of the time the best cinematic videos use Simple subtle motion."
"This is easily one of the most dazzling films of the year."
"If the content of the movie isn't there, you can slap on all the best cinematography in the world and still not end up with a good movie."
"It's very sad and very um very an unjust kind of a film but it has such a rich history to it and the production design and the costumes and just cinematography everything in this film is flawless."
"So on the camera system one of the things that was really important to us was we always wanted to get more cinematic control."