
Sports Mentality Quotes

There are 414 quotes

"I'm not one to get carried away by one win, I'm not one to get carried away by one loss... we find ourselves in a good position going into the Champions League."
"Confidence in yourself, you ain't got it, you're playing the wrong sport."
"It made me who I am today; it prepared me for the brutality of the sport of boxing."
"The competitive fire is always going to be there. I don't think it ever goes away."
"I never saw myself as a boxer. I never saw myself training. I never pictured myself doing any of that. That was something that my older brothers were doing and that's their life, not me."
"When you're the champion, you always have a target on your back."
"Mentality, mentality, mentality, and I hear you and we can't like we have to see it to believe it."
"A win is a win and so we get all the time for the from the players."
"It ain't over till it's over, baby. We get one hit for a big win, save the ding."
"Every game is like the Champions League final."
"Never give up. This is probably the most important tip on this list. There's always the chance to come back in a match."
"He might want to enjoy it a little bit more be out there for a minute enjoy the surroundings he didn't get that he had five seconds that's over he's like this 14z I love it."
"One goal isn't enough... He's looking for his next one straight away. It's a great mentality for a striker."
"That's the aim of the game: if you take the opportunity, you win; if you don't, you probably don't win. So you gotta be clinical, right?"
"It's playoff football. You're one state away from underestimating all year."
"I hate losing games, but I like a challenge."
"We're going to push through any adversity that we have to to try and get the win."
"She hasn't really reacted when things haven't gone her way, and that's why she's in this position on the 18th hole with the one-shot lead."
"Winning fixes every bad, doesn't fix it all."
"Champions don't have time for moaning, they're too busy getting better."
"Son, there's only two types of people on the field: winners and learners."
"Plans to take the Dirty 30 to the US and wheel all the big iconic tracks."
"It's about winning four games by any means necessary."
"There's no room for sentimentality in football."
"99 to Jesus, ladies and gentlemen. 2-0. We were angry, we got embarrassed in the NFC Championship. We're an angry bunch over here."
"You get no credit for playing hurt, you better play well."
"Come on, bring the pain or bring nothing at all."
"This just shows you how good the mentality is internally and how they've fought back."
"Kobe Mama mentality means just like relentless."
"Winning here doesn't necessarily mean winning the world champion but means have a winning team that's capable each weekend."
"You win as a team and lose as a team, so I find that even more relevant in Formula One."
"I bloody love it if we beat them... We go into battle to bloody win it."
"We need to win, and we got the ability and the team."
"Next play, how can I focus on the next play and be ready for the next play?"
"I do want winning mentality, I do want good football, and I do want that consistency."
"Football is a battle every week, irrespective of who you're playing."
"As long as there's time on the clock, the game is not done."
"Every great shooter misses. I think I'm gonna just go for this one right here."
"In order to win playoff games in order to win championships, it takes a hard mindset. It takes a calloused team."
"I always try to make a play... no matter what because... losing and then suddenly like, 'oh I could have done this better'... that's the worst thing."
"You win games by fighting, by fighting in a Manchester United shirt, by going for it, by winning games when you're not playing well. It's a massive, massive thing."
"If you don't think in modern day football the work you put in right now does not affect you the whole year, then you're being incredibly naive."
"I'm all about taking on the best challenges, the biggest ones. I love boxing, I love being out there, and I believe in myself fully to be able to realize what I want to do on Saturday night."
"Champions are broken... They lack something everyone else has: an off button."
"I think it's time for us to start being a championship team."
"These aren't economic arguments, these are national security arguments."
"Nobody sits there and goes to the NFL or plays chess and says, 'Oh I want to lose.'"
"I just want the win. That's all that matters."
"I don't care if you're able to play around my offense, I'll just overwhelm you."
"Win a championship and none of the other stuff matters."
"Real Madrid had no right to be in that final, but they showed their mentality."
"I'm great when I can zone and I can box and I can be in my happy place."
"This is what you do, you play it to win the game."
"You want players to have this grit inside of them, where they have to make an impact."
"I'm too away from the finals, you know that's [ __ ] right there."
"I'm gonna put my heart, my desire, my determination, my guts, my will to win."
"Michael Jordan said you miss a hundred percent of the chances you don't take."
"Defeats do happen. It's to be understood that it's gonna happen."
"We play the opponent, we don't play the game."
"You gotta have short-term memory like Kobe Bryant and those guys when they miss a shot."
"There's no better feeling, you know, I mean listen, of course when you're a fighter or whatever it is, whatever endeavor you do when it's for you, it's great."
"Optimism is a good thing, but let's take it game to game."
"I'm not here just to hang around, I'm here to win." - Caleb Plant
"I always felt like I had the excuse of boxing."
"That winning mentality can't just be brought to us after we've won a trophy."
"That's what it is, fam. Every game is a cup final."
"Football is about being ruthless and competitive."
"If I had this hustle and got at least two or three more of these missed shots like this, good luck beating me."
"You gotta bounce back and once you get between them lines nobody else is feeling sorry for you."
"You just can't be afraid of failure. You want to take that shot because you believe in yourself and you'll live with the results."
"Loss is a loss and a win is a win, and it is what it is."
"We always want to impress and we always want to kind of take the game by the scruff of the neck."
"We ain't good enough to throw away trophies."
"Finishing second is not a good season winning stuff that is a good season slash great season."
"Leonardo DiCaprio missed out on the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho."
"A defining moment is key because not every game that you win is going to be a game which you win comfortably."
"Arsenal players have no heart, small team mentality."
"I never arrived to a Champions League game without thinking that we cannot win it."
"That's just my opinion, I don't think anybody's like, 'Oh my God, please let us avoid the Thunder'."
"All the talk you hear at the end of the day is just talk; it's about how you perform on the day of."
"Winning solves everything. If you're winning, they can't get rid of you."
"When you're inside that building and you're safe haven and that green grass between them lines, it's 'throwing that noise'. So distractions don't matter."
"I still trust the process. You'll never forget how to ball out, trust me, I tried that."
"Everybody gets their motivation different. I don't give a damn what people say about me or what rankings should be like."
"He trains every day like it's his last day on earth."
"Just keep fighting to make the playoffs. You're one of five minutes. It's house money at this point. Just you'll feel like there's nothing to lose."
"The wicked will not endure it. They will be reduced to a dead carcass, and vultures will be preying upon them."
"Born and raised in the City of Angels, Homa adopted Kobe Bryant's Mamba mentality."
"Football's not about looking good, it's about winning. If you can look good and win at the same time, utopia, brilliant."
"Once you sleep, that's when you slip, you know? You can't sleep on your opponent, you better respect them and make sure you go as hard as possible and don't make sure that they don't catch you slipping."
"Okay, it's fine. Three runs, we need three outs, we can do this."
"Desire. Desire to keep the ball, desire to be the best."
"It ain't necessarily about wins and losses but more or less how you deal with those wins and losses and keep moving forward."
"A loss is a loss at the end of the day, trophies matter more to me than a single game." - Perspective on football defeats
"It's going to take everybody's contribution to win."
"To be a good top side, you have to have that nasty streak."
"It's not about winning or being an elite athlete."
"Georgia Bulldogs, eating off the floor every single one of them will do it."
"Solution FC. That's what we are. We have a problem, we find a solution." - Faz
"United players are... social media FC... excuses FC... weak mentality... over-hyped players."
"It's always the same... so inconsistent... a weak mentality."
"I don't think we need a miracle. Our fancy is to win."
"We're not going to settle for a game where you win in the final minute with a one-nil result. We're not going to settle with that. For me, that's a poor result."
"Don't leave it to the judges. Just win outright."
"Forget the previous game outcome and just win. It's just winning mentality."
"Forget the previous game outcome and just win... it's just a winning mentality."
"Ronaldo is us because we want to win titles."
"Now I've got him where I want him. Fighters like that, you can count on the fingers of a boxing glove. And boxing gloves don't have many fingers."
"The European teams' fearlessness is here to stay."
"You'd rather be rested and try to manage any potential rust than not be rested and try to manage whatever, you know, not be rusty, I guess, and but be tired."
"I want to be a winner again, not the victim of incompetence."
"I don't give a [expletive] if a team's undefeated. The week after, you be forgetting."
"Being a player, part of it is like you believe, of course, I'm going to be one of them, like you have to."
"I'm never going to walk into a game expecting to lose. I walk into every game expecting to win."
"I'm gonna be a nightmare for people to fight."
"A win is a win, there's no such thing as an ugly win, right? No, it's a win, that's all that matters. That's all that matters."
"Celebrate a win just like you get pissed off with a defeat."
"Every time I lace up my cleats and I walk onto the visiting field or home field what I always say to myself is I'm walking the field is this to be the last time somebody sees me."
"We only show up tomorrow night because we want to try to win the game."
"I think that kind of winning mentality is important at Manchester United."
"Forget all that uh tendency changing stuff, yeah, no, OG just dominates."
"No, it does not end here, my season does not end here."
"If we sneeze, we lose, and that's as simple as that."
"Hardest thing to do is the treble but I think Invincible is a mindset."
"We weren't scared of them at all bro, we worried about us."
"You're not going to win every game. Accepting this mantra, as well as having realistic expectations, will ease up the anxious thoughts."
"We don't talk about last game, we talk about next game."
"Real Madrid if they have something is that mental strength that brings the trophies and the titles when you least expect it."
"I'd rather we win it then don't win it because I tell you something if we'd have lost the game yesterday what would the narrative have been."
"Those 50/50s just send it bro, you're not going to outback for them."
"A win always helps you, you know, starting to impose that winning mentality in the side I think is crucial going into another challenging season."
"if a guy really plays hard competes every possession they're gonna get better it's the ones that don't compete hard enough all the time to make the mistakes to get better"
"I've always liked Dalo... his mentality is top."
"My objective is going there with the best intentions of my life to disable my opponent."
"As long as I'm in there, I'm present, I go out there and I dominate everyone."
"Enjoy every snap because you never know when your last one's coming."
"If you're a Manchester United player, you have to perform to your level."
"I think you need to be ruthless if you want to improve and get into the top four and challenge for trophies consistently." - Patrick van Stratton
"If Michael Jordan can have that mentality if Kobe Bryant could and Kevin Garnett and others could have that mentality then any player today could have that mentality."
"We win as a team, we sink as a team. This isn't right, this could cost us the win."
"We're not winners. We're not winners. You know, we're no different than last year where we lost at the semi-final stage."
"This is not nice guy United. This is Manchester United."
"There's nothing like having the ball in your hands with a chance to win the game late in the game. That's what we live for, that's what we dream about."
"This club is about winning. This competition is about winning. We're in a semifinal second leg. Forget the first result."
"Yeah, it's football man, you got to kind of you got to just trust that everybody else around you is going to get open and going to do their job man."
"We know we can beat anyone, it really just comes down to are we gonna [ __ ] up when it matters or are we gonna clutch up and execute."
"He's not the highest jumper, not the fastest mover, not the hardest hitter, but he is one of the most confident and determined players on the court."
"Caleb is going to have to rise to the occasion and be at his best when his best is needed."
"Just really having an appreciation for winning."
"Sometimes the miracles happen for your opponents."
"No matter the format um of the game no matter the course everybody knows that a good round does not start with a birdie."
"If you're not out there competing every day for co-main event and main event status, you're in the wrong spot."
"We just need to play like we have nothing to lose."
"Rank never really made made a difference... in the steel teams."
"We're steamrolling everybody it seems like, which is exactly where we want to be."
"Take what you're given bro, every goal is massively important."
"This is not my job, this is my opponent's job. They wanna talk, they wanna fight. But I know finally the cage is gonna close, and this is my most important job."
"Because Mike would look through him, you know? Mike is not, he's like, Mike'd say stuff like, 'Yo, you see who's on me? Paxton? Throw me. You might hit the jumper, but I'ma whip your ass. Exactly, I've seen you do it. I've seen.'"
"I love the underdog status... after Sunday, I'll remain the top dog."
"I hope you're betting on yourself. You know your game and your ability more than anybody else does."
"This is not the World Cup of playing pretty okay; this is ultimately about winning."
"You're defined by the titles you win, not the titles you lose."
"We can't change the past, we just gotta move on to the next game."
"What if I told you Wilt Chamberlain has that dog in him?"
"Big-time stage calls for big-time players." - "This war machine, they get the last laugh."
"You can only win by just winning the championship and if you want to win and you get more play you just have to win even more championships and you have to just be the best no matter what."
"Staying in the moment and staying game by game."
"Wins matter. Wins matter. I don't give a fuck who you are, I don't give a shit what line of work you're in. You're a competitor, wins matter."
"The big runs are going to happen if you impose your will."
"I'm gonna run this mother ball down his throat."
"When you're a great player, sometimes you overestimate your ability and underestimate someone else."
"Nobody's shy here to admit that we fight for any competition we play in."
"It's champions league mode, the players are really focused on what they know they have to do."
"Dick Butkus once said some people were made to be doctors, others to be lawyers, I was made to play football."
"That's life freaking life you fight back you I look at you guys and I say hey I just lost three or four games but I'll tell you one thing I'm gonna be back and I'm gonna win for it for next city I don't care mindset's everything."
"The best footballer is the one who seeks out knowledge after a bad game, but the modern footballer tends to avoid criticism and surround themselves with positivity."
"I'm the best in the world because I never picked the easy guy."
"Sir Alex Ferguson worships Ronaldo's mentality like he's a son. Maybe we should get on board with Ronaldo's mentality."
"The most important game of your life is the next one."
"Everything becomes a positive that's just the way his brain works."
"Try and enjoy the game, it's super important for training."
"Just because you have one bad game, there's no use in getting too stressed about it..."
"Steph Curry didn't wait to sit there and say, 'It'll be my turn one day.' LeBron didn't say it. They took their turn."
"I was just going to go out there and dominate one way or another."
"He epitomized the idea of working ceaselessly to fulfill one's own potential."
"Normally we would save them, but we're really trying to get the W."
"I think KD is a leader just because he's always going to do what he wants to do and he doesn't care about what nobody has to say."
"You're standing in the tunnel before the game, you're thinking, 'I'm gonna have a headache tonight.'"
"They still have a belief that they can still score goals."
"I love being in the fourth quarter I love when the pressure is high I finish."
"If you're scared, you're in the wrong sport of boxing."
"When you play derby no matter the position of the table no matter the form is completely different." - Aguero
"Focus on your game, focus on your abilities, on what you need to do."
"You've got players in your squad with the right attitude."
"You're not going to win every ball game, but the key is that you shoot that shot."
"I care about [ __ ] playing well and doing well in winning."
"If I ever lose that edge or I'm not having fun anymore I'm done racing."
"Did you win or lose as a team... none of that other stuff really matters."
"Yes, after the worst feeling in the world, oh of having lost that last Super Bowl, and it was the same, I was down two possessions, but I couldn't claw back, and in this one I could."
"It certainly is... we needed a win and there was a high sense of urgency to do that."