
Fundamental Forces Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The Holy Grail of physics involves the unification of the four fundamental forces, which includes finding a missing link between electromagnetism and gravity."
"We apparently live in a kind of Goldilocks universe where the fundamental forces of physics have just the right strengths."
"Gravity is a very weak force; it has no impact on electrons or quarks or protons or neutrons."
"Gravity is a fundamental force, actually extraordinarily weak."
"Here are the building blocks. Let's talk about the forces."
"Meanwhile, other interesting things are happening throughout the universe. The 'six singularities' that created the cosmos became the Infinity Stones — objects that controlled fundamental forces like time, space, and reality itself."
"In this hierarchy of forces, the electromagnetic force is perfectly positioned to be able to manipulate the other three."
"It describes all fundamental particles that we are aware of and three of the four known fundamental forces."
"The best theory in physics today tells us that there are four known fundamental forces or interactions of nature."
"This symmetry is baked into the laws of physics and there it manifests as the Strong Force, but SU(3) is free to appear in many other contexts, like the behavior of the color receptors in our eyes."
"It’s about time we discussed an obscure concept in physics that may be more fundamental than energy and entropy and perhaps time itself. Ready? Action."
"Gravity is by far the most familiar of the four fundamental forces - after all, we wrestle with it every day."
"The next is the strongest fundamental force in nature, aptly named the strong force."
"That event - the breaking of electroweak symmetry - created the weak and electromagnetic forces as we know them today."
"The Super Force could be a force of unification that somehow combines all four forces."
"Scientists believe they may have just discovered a fifth force of nature which would indisputably change how we view the universe."
"I think chaos is the simmered down juice. Like if we boil things down to its absolute element of what is actually at the core of something, chaos is the force that shows up in the room."
"The Standard Model: describing the fundamental forces and particles of the universe."
"If any of the fundamental forces of the universe were to change, the results would be catastrophic."
"They probably hold the key to the mysteries that are going to direct us to really understand the fundamental forces of nature."
"Four fundamental forces of nature... gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear interaction, and weak nuclear interaction."
"The electroweak force is actually intact; it's a dinosaur that was walking around in those days."
"The color force is about 100 times stronger than electromagnetism."
"In the reality of Interstellar, love is a fundamental force."
"Gravity is by far the weakest force of all the forces that we know about."
"Electric forces are incredibly strong, much stronger than gravity, millions of times stronger than gravity."
"In the context of physics, a theory of everything would at minimum unify general relativity and quantum mechanics."
"All these forces come from one fundamental force. They're all the same force."
"In the realm of physics, there are four fundamental forces that govern all interactions in nature."
"The existence of unknown fundamental forces or interactions beyond the four known forces could influence the universe's behavior in unexpected ways."
"The fundamental interactions of nature, the forces that we talk about, follow from symmetries, from the form of things."
"In the universe, we only have two things: we have atoms and we have electromagnetism."
"We believe that there are four major forces in the universe: the strong nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, and the gravitational force."
"Physics looks at how we understand the world in terms of things like time and space and gravity."
"Since Einstein, physicists have sought to unify all the fundamental forces and particles in the universe."
"The variety of phenomena in the universe can be described by four forces: the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electrical force, and the force of gravity."
"Every bit of matter, everything from the outer edge of the most distant galaxy to the nucleus of an atom, is subject to four fundamental forces."
"Gravity is the most familiar fundamental force. It came before both the chicken and the egg."
"The strong force and the weak force dwell within the nucleus of the atom, awesome but comparatively mysterious."
"The fundamental forces of nature are the same for all matter in the universe."
"Electricity is the force between positive and negative charges. It binds together everything in the universe."
"They're called fundamental because they can't be resolved into other simpler forces or interactions."
"Exchange particles... mediate or carry or transmit the four fundamental forces between interacting particles."
"Every school kid learned about Sir Isaac Newton and his discovery of gravity, one of the four fundamental forces at work in the universe."
"The most fundamental force of the universe is a three-dimensional S-curve."