
Energy Independence Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Imagine if you had a device that would run your house or even a small pack that would run your car, never having to be plugged into the grid."
"So why is China adding 455 GW of renewable energy? Lots of economic reasons, protecting the health of their citizens, energy independence, and international prestige to name a few."
"Let's focus on our energy independence, decouple our economy from things we can't produce."
"Let's focus on how to alleviate ourselves from this dependence on foreign oil. We can do that with green energy in this country."
"We need to become independent of Russian energy."
"We need to be completely independent of Russian gas."
"US oil production is at record highs right now; we are more energy independent than we have ever been."
"I strongly believe the U.S. needs to ensure an all-of-the-above energy portfolio. We cannot go back to the days of over-dependence on foreign countries for our energy."
"There's something quite powerful about being in control of your own energy usage."
"We need to work together to wean ourselves off Russian gas."
"We went from being oil independent to on the brink of absolute petroleum deconstruction in the United States."
"Energy freedom is about having low-cost, reliable, versatile energy for billions of people."
"For the past few years, my solar panels have reduced our reliance on the grid by about 54%, which is what we expected given my home’s issues."
"If the power grid were to go down, I'd want to have 200 gallons of diesel fuel in a generator like this."
"America First agenda means energy independence and the thousands of tens of thousands of jobs here in the U.S. that go with that."
"For us, being off-grid is all about Freedom. It's all about having that power when I want it, when I need it."
"We must move away from all our dependencies on Russian oil and gas."
"Europe's dependence on Russian gas has reduced significantly."
"I'm a huge proponent of the green new deal." - Energy independence and green technologies
"We want American energy dominance instead of relying on foreign countries."
"It's us using our balance sheet to make sure that we get to energy Independence so this is actually a perfect role for government it's shaping incentives so that capitalism can do its job."
"Trillions and trillions of dollars could probably... make us energy independent forever."
"If America transitioned all light-duty cars to hybrids or plug-ins, we could reduce our dependence on imported oil by some 30 to 60 percent."
"We can never be in a situation again where we are dependent on authoritarian regimes for our energy."
"You cannot have security without energy independence."
"America will be completely energy independent by switching to Green Technology."
"Every Indian is a walking talking biogas plant. Just fit one tube to your mouth, one to your ass. You'll be completely energy independent."
"The Southern Gas Corridor further reduces European reliance on Russian gas."
"One of my proudest accomplishments as president was to make America energy independent."
"No country should be beholden to one supplier for its energy sources."
"We must become independent from fossil fuels."
"There's nothing more important for our national security than energy independence."
"I am completely off the grid when it comes to electricity. I haven't had an electrical bill for the past 20-some years."
"This administration inherited a long-term bipartisan goal that we have been seeking as Americans for decades: American energy independence."
"We need to end dependence on russian oil and gas."
"The only way to protect the United States over the long term is to become energy independent."
"If the US was energy independent from the get-go, this wouldn't be an issue."
"We've been energy independent and it's been great for America."
"No longer can oil embargoes from any coalition of nations outside of North America threaten the American supply of energy."
"The only way to remove your lines from the Grid... is to disconnect from the grid and have batteries."
"If you had said a year ago that Europe will go from more than 40 percent dependency on Russia for oil and gas to less than a year later zero to fifteen percent dependent, that's extraordinary."
"We cannot outsource our oil and gas and coal, no matter how hard we try."
"Having your own solar power may be more important than ever."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"No country should be held hostage to a single provider of energy."
"With this operable technology being declassified, it would save our nation. We no longer will need fossil fuels; we can be traveling throughout the solar system."
"SMRs: Bringing energy independence to regions that need it."
"Spain could replace Russia in becoming EU's main natural gas hub."
"This crisis is a stark reminder to protect our economy over the long-term we need to become energy independent."
"Electricity, as I am experiencing firsthand, all the lights that are running this, the computer that's recording this, everything is running off the batteries in my garage."
"We achieved energy Independence soon to be energy dominance for the first time in 64 years."
"Our country, as advised by President Joe Biden, has now banned oil from Russia. What does this mean for us? Let me help to explain this to you guys."
"We do not have to be dependent on Russia at all for energy."
"This thing doesn't need electricity at all and it has a life expectancy if you use it constantly like I am 15 years."
"We shouldn't be dependent on a grid for example here in Colorado because of all the military bases we still have cold reactors."
"You can pretty much power any household appliance off this car."
"With its 123 Kil hour battery pack, the Cyber Tru can power your entire home in the event of a blackout."
"The EU's official plan to break with Russia and completely reformulate its energy Matrix."
"Having a Tesla solar with battery means that you have power no matter what."
"Britain imports no energy from Russia for the first time on record."
"Having a source of power that's not reliant on the sun and can just provide a full five kilowatts at the flip of a switch is pretty important to me."
"Anyone who has a stable energy provider can kind of write their own check."
"We have to make sure to deleverage our dependency on Russian gas and Russian oil whilst acknowledging at the moment that that dependency is to a certain extent still there."
"For a brief moment in time under Donald Trump, we were energy independent and became a net exporter."
"We need to make sure that we are decreasing the dependency on Russia and restricting its monopoly on energy."
"Not only is North America on the verge of oil independence, it's on the verge of changing the global energy industry."
"Here's real empowerment, power to the people, it literally and figuratively is returning power including energy generation to the masses."
"Ultimately, this is also a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy."
"The long-term solution is refining our own oil."
"Not only would this free America and Western Europe from depending on totalitarian dictatorships for our energy needs, but it would also mean saving the environment."
"Europe has dropped dependence on Russian oil and natural gas from 40 percent down to nine percent."
"EVs are one of our biggest tools in our toolbox for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels."
"I could be completely off the grid for days or weeks at a time if I find somewhere else to charge the car."
"It's meant to go camping and provide fridge power for days on end without even needing to recharge."
"Real genuine energy Independence would free us in a way that no country has been freed for a century."
"On my watch, America will proudly remain energy independent. First time energy independent."
"Britain is looking to decouple from China's CGN nuclear power company."
"It boggles my mind how uneducated people are when it comes to energy why they don't understand the argument for why the most moral and principle thing for us to be doing is to become energy independent In America."
"But if we did a public-private partnership where we said, over a generation, over 20 years, we want to create a situation where America can be independent of foreign oil, I think all Americans, democrats -- people will get behind that."
"American leadership ought to be in the forefront of energy independence and energy alternatives."
"I wanted a solar system that could run my entire home, not just serve as a backup for critical loads."
"I wanted my solar system to power my home nearly the entire time, and then I'm using the energy grid or my electric provider as my backup."
"I've got over 6,000 Watt hours of power to live off-grid for a very, very long time."
"America is going to be energy independent. This is huge news for the world."
"We're gonna be basically 100% energy sustainable from here on out."
"I installed an outlet on the side of the trailer that allows me to utilize the electricity that this trailer produces on a regular basis when we're at home."
"They have available factory solar packages that are more advanced, they could let you literally run the air conditioner totally off-grid and be completely untethered."
"For the past 10 years, I've been helping families achieve energy independence using clean, renewable energy."
"If the grid goes down, it will then automatically switch itself over to run from the battery and the sunshine."
"For my money, there is no better bang for your buck than solar."
"Living off-grid, never pay another electric bill again."
"Get America energy independent in North America by the end of the decade."
"I rise today in support of American Energy Independence."
"The goal with Tesla's suite of consumer energy products is to turn a person into their own power company, cutting out reliance on centralized price-gouging power companies."
"We are creating a future of American energy independence, and yet our air and water are the cleanest they've ever been by far."
"The United States will be completely energy independent by switching to green technology by 2035."
"A healthy soil economy does not need significant purchased energy inputs."
"The United States has enough thorium to produce a hundred percent of the US's total power needs for the next thousand years."
"Forget about extension cords or even if you're in an area where there's no electricity to run an extension cord to; you don't need a generator for most things."
"This would end our dependency on foreign oil; this would put an end to climate change."
"Hi everyone, I'm David, and I'm on a mission to take my house and garage off-grid."
"These renewable energy systems will make us less dependent on foreign oil and for energy."
"You're free from the Monopoly, you now own your power."
"Our power walls are powering our house right now while the grid has a blackout."
"We never wanted to be connected to the grid."
"You have a solar input, you can literally keep a constant power supply all day long as long as you have sun."
"If the van is fully charged, you could operate this van for three, maybe even five days with no sun."
"I love trying products like this as it excites me about the potential for energy independence."
"The single best thing the United States could do is start down the path towards energy independence again."
"Europe has stuck the middle finger to Russia in quickly figuring out alternative sources for natural gas."
"When you're off the grid, your diesel lasts longer for running your primary engines."
"Welcome back to Jack of all trades, where we're going to set this house up to run off of a generator."
"We are closer to energy independence than we've ever been before."
"It's going to be tough for somebody to go up to somebody that has solar and convince them to take it off and go back to renting."
"The best thing we can do is reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil."
"What's energy independence do for you, and is energy independence the same thing as energy security?"
"Because we know that enhancing America's competitiveness will require reducing our dependence on foreign oil and building a clean-energy economy."
"Energy independence, even on a small scale like this, is achievable and something that should be done."
"Energy Independence means generating power at source, so your home, and in doing so, reducing your dependence on drawing energy from the grid."
"Energy independence in 10 years being one hundred percent renewably powered nation."
"For my entire lifetime, the United States has been an importer, a net importer of oil and gas, and that could change."
"By definition, a microgrid is a power system which can operate in islanded mode, not connected to the grid, to have its frequency and voltage support."
"Solar plus a battery equals blackout protection if it's installed right, which is so useful in this world of increasing grid instability."
"A hybrid inverter... allows you to run both grid-tied... and off the grid for emergency backup purposes."
"It's all about getting away from having to change batteries or having to plug in to a mains power."
"It was gonna give us energy independence. It was clean. It was cheap."
"This vast energy wealth does not belong to the government. It belongs to the people of the United States of America."