
Apartheid Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"When people look at the West Bank today and say this is an apartheid system, it's not just throwing out a word."
"Nelson Mandela's successful fight against apartheid in South Africa made him the living embodiment of his famous maxim: It always seems impossible until it is done."
"Real racism is nasty, and I know what real racism is. I grew up in South Africa during the abolishment of apartheid and witnessed some of the most savage acts of violence, death, and inhumanity possible."
"Apartheid fell in 1994 because of struggle both in South Africa but also internationally."
"You can make pretty decent arguments that there's some form of apartheid going on between Israelis and Palestinians."
"Israel as an apartheid state neatly falls under the legal definition of the crime of apartheid."
"Black Beauty... banned in South Africa during apartheid for having the words black and beauty next to each other in the title."
"Apartheid was one of the greatest evil inventions in the history of mankind."
"This is exactly what we saw in apartheid South Africa."
"The struggle against apartheid would define South African politics throughout the 20th century."
"I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He was a critical figure in the fight against apartheid."
"The whole BDS movement is literally modeled after the boycott of South Africa that happened leading up to the end of apartheid."
"They've got no education... this system of racial separation was called apartheid."
"While its relations with South Africa are normalized today, during the Apartheid era they supported the Black activists."
"Mandela goes free today. It's straightforward but beautiful heralding the end of apartheid."
"The reality of Palestinians... under the apartheid regime... is so horrific."
"Land was stolen under apartheid, it still hasn't been given back."
"It's not complicated if one group of people can vote and another can't... we have a word for that: apartheid."
"How else can you call it if not apartheid?"
"The conditions for Palestinians living under an apartheid structure for 75 years of brutal occupation are so bad."
"I thought I better find out because I grew up in the '70s in South Africa during the apartheid years."
"Apartheid was actually the basic, was the, the normal mode of colonialism throughout everywhere, and, you know, not just in South Africa."
"Communication system and media system that is in South Africa at this present moment in most of Africa is an apartate system built in a crime against humanity."
"Nelson Mandela walked to freedom in 1990 after 27 years imprisonment for fighting the evils of apartheid."
"In a nation that has been a home for apartheid, has hosted a variety of white supremacy ideologies, and has tolerated the idea that the poor are mentally inferior, it is futile to believe that there will be a mass commitment to ensure that every child succeeds."
"...put themselves into a slightly unsavory space in terms of understanding past migrations because of course apartheid is not ever applied to the Past in that way."
"Apartheid is already in place, absolutely apartheid."
"Peaceful action from abroad was very important in fighting apartheid."
"This is an apartheid state, so never get taken in. Always, 'It's too complicated.'"
"Perhaps most horrifically, the apartheid government had a project called Project Coast, spearheaded by an absolute bell named Wouter Basson, nicknamed Dr. Death."
"Proud of what we did because we hastened the end of apartheid."
"Apartheid was the most perfect racism we've seen in history. It managed to divide not only black and white, but even people who were fighting on the same side."
"Experience is correlated with success. Twice the experience of a national team means .84 goals extra per game on average. Rule one: Be first and don't do apartheid."
"It was the end of Apartheid, the forced division of people by the color of their skin."
"The media creates the disconnect so we live in a time where apartheid still exists but technically the media have eradicated that term."
"I always wanted to be black. I grew up in South Africa during apartheid, a law that made it illegal for black and white people to interact. I was born a crime."
"Economic inequality is reconstructing apartheid, and that's an essential thing to combat."
"So his parents who got their money by living in an apartheid system and exploiting literally exploiting, I mean South African men. I'm not making that up. No, it's not ancient history, it's like the 80s."
"The universities did begin to divest, and that was a big part of why apartheid fell."
"Every South African will definitely know Johnny Clegg, the White Zulu who wrote songs in Zulu to criticize apartheid."
"You can't have peace and Justice with apartheid."
"The apartheid regime is going to be annihilated In Our Lifetime just like South Africa."
"Trevor does a really great job of connecting his own personal experiences back to the economic and racial and social issues going on in South Africa at the time."
"I really loved hearing him talk in depth about South Africa and like the effects of apartheid."
"I think my position, I was going to say my problem, but my position was that I grew up under apartheid in South Africa."
"The music is key, and when in fact there was one time when Bob Marley and Peter Tosh's music were banned during the apartheid regime."
"He stood up for the cause against apartheid in South Africa."
"Queen Elizabeth was instrumental in imposing sanctions against South Africa's apartheid regime."
"Like Gandhi, Mandela and his fellow members of the ANC used non-violent tactics like strikes, boycotts, and demonstrations to protest apartheid."
"South Africa's history is marked by colonization, apartheid, and the struggle for democracy."
"Apartheid laws rendered his parents' interracial relationship illegal at the time of his birth."
"South Africa ultimately defied the world's expectations by negotiating an end to apartheid."
"We discussed the critical problems facing the country in an attempt to resolve the crisis of apartheid and racism."
"South Africa's history, particularly against apartheid, is similar to what we had in the US, which was the Civil Rights Movement."
"Targeted sanctions on human rights grounds began against apartheid and Iraq."
"Apartheid and colonialism here are over, but many of the barriers they built have yet to be dismantled."
"Apartheid ended in the early 90s, and access to any education of any kind of skilled labor was not accessible to you as a black person from 1948 until the early 90s."
"Apartheid slavery used racism, or to put more accurately, the mythology of innate white superiority, to justify treating a huge black workforce in ways that would make a human shudder to treat cattle."
"Apartheid was a police state, a system of surveillance and laws designed to keep black people under total control."
"The ultimate goal of apartheid was to make South Africa a white country, with every black person stripped of his or her citizenship."
"Apartheid was perfect racism... it took centuries to develop."
"He was a witness to apartheid's consequences firsthand and he draws parallels between historical struggles and the ongoing quest for autonomy in the post-COVID world."
"When the doors of the Robben Island prison clanged shut behind Nelson Mandela in 1964, I was 2 years old."
"Black people couldn't live in the same areas as white people and, most importantly, had no political power; they could not vote."
"This caused people to become resentful and start to fight against this unjust system of apartheid."
"By faith, Nelson Mandela took on a powerful dictatorship."
"The play shows black life during South Africa's apartheid period and specifically highlights the absurdity of racial oppression."