
Disinformation Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"No matter the legislation, we're going to have disinformation and fabricated videos being turned out like crazy."
"Disinformation goes to a whole new level, politics becomes non-stop damage control."
"Keep the morals out of intelligence; keep the truth in and stay away from disinformation."
"TikTok is a CCP cyber weapon in terms of manufacturing disinformation and creating agents who live in the US and don't even know they're doing the bidding of a foreign government."
"We are being flooded by disinformation and doubt, as much as we're being criticized and condemned, we are equal to their challenge and we are arising beautifully."
"Wikipedia has demonstrated a surprising ability to fend off disinformation, what he calls 'socio-technical sludge,' especially given its decentralized structure."
"Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false."
"The truth is always a constant pillar in the universe; it always is, it can be wrapped up and disinformation put on it, but when that all falls away, the pillar of truth is still there."
"Step one, you lie all the time. Step two, you say it's your opponents and the journalists who lie. Step three, everyone looks around and says, 'What's truth?' There is no truth."
"We're going to talk about disinformation and let's talk about censorship."
"As soon as the government starts actively telling them what is and isn't disinformation, then that is a violation of our First Amendment right."
"I think you've got no idea what disinformation is, and I don't think the government's capable of it. Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The U.S. government."
"The biggest purveyor of disinformation is the government. The second is the establishment media."
"We're up against the epidemic the pandemic of COVID and we're up against a pandemic of disinformation and the deliberately sowing of mistrust."
"More information is good, even disinformation, because people will naturally make mistakes."
"It's so easy to get pushed into radical holes on the internet when you're not careful."
"What do you do when someone starts going down the path? If you criticize them, it makes them radicalized further, and if you don't criticize them, then you remain complicit in disinformation being spread. What is the right level of critique?"
"I wish that I could say that I was surprised. I wasn't very surprised. This isn't the first time we've seen a major Cable News Network or News Network in America platform someone who has unabashedly lied and propagated lies and disinformation."
"Here's some four principles of what you should do when you encounter potential disinformation or whatever: Stop, investigate the source, find better coverage, trace claims, quotes, and media to the original context."
"We live in a disinformation economy. It preys on people's emotions to drive more clicks and engagement."
"Despite repeated humiliations for all involved, prominent outlets have proved to be a consistent vehicle for laundering pro-war disinformation to the U.S. public."
"Every way you can think of to fight against disinformation, except, you know, telling the truth and being trustworthy."
"Dominion is ready to expose Fox's disinformation."
"Decisions about public health measures have been influenced by disinformation and political ideology."
"Putin is the one who’s been spreading this from Moscow as well."
"Anytime you hear somebody saying that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election, that is Russian disinformation campaign directed by Vladimir Putin. It’s a false claim promulgated by Russia to hurt the Kremlin and hurt the United States."
"The way you solve disinformation is by telling the freaking truth."
"It's going to be hard to sort out the disinformation, so I do think that people should start looking for trusted sources of information."
"You don't need to launch a major disinformation campaign if you think an honest evaluation of the vote, an honest audit of the vote, produces. It shows your candidate definitely won't win."
"The solution was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing in the first place."
"They tracked disinformation online and tried to figure out how to combat it. One component was tracking dangerous lies that might otherwise spread unnoticed."
"A virus of disinformation is taking over Asia, and China is largely to blame."
"There is a very real threat of disinformation, she's not wrong."
"It's not about information, it's about white nationalism."
"Efforts to counter foreign disinformation have noble intentions, but government censorship of domestic speech cannot and should not be accepted."
"We want you to support what we do because we are all about fighting disinformation."
"The best counter to disinformation are good news and facts."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when absolutely everything the people believe is false." - William Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1981.
"The left wants to create this world of disinformation, and now they find themselves living in it."
"He's so good at throwing out as much misinformation and disinformation as he can."
"Can we fundamentally agree on objective reality and stop the hate, lies, and disinformation?"
"In a world ever more awash with disinformation and fakery, the premium on discovering the truth with accurate, verified reporting from human agents and technical operations will be even greater."
"Disinformation, a primary tool of small country World War II deception masters, has been honed to a razor's edge by decades of Cold War."
"Deception through disinformation is intentional, misleading, and deceptive." - Ron Matsen
"The primary justification for censorship laws they're now trying to impose is that there's too much disinformation online."
"Humor over rumor: Taiwan's counter-disinformation strategy."
"Russia intensified its disinformation campaigns not only in Ukraine but all around the world, especially in a big election year."
"Russia produces propaganda videos with AI, using fake voices of famous Ukrainian TV presenters and sharing distorted context with deep fakes and bright headlines."
"Resilience involves communication, strategic comms, and building trust with the public to counter disinformation effectively."
"Trust in governmental authorities is essential for countering disinformation, as declining trust leads to a growing disinformation environment."
"Disinformation continues to be a threat to Ukrainian sovereignty, but now more than ever is being targeted at Western democracies and the allies of Ukraine."
"Never open the door when they are running, it's going to save you a lot of reliability issues."
"The government cannot censor your speech. And so to have an agency called the disinformation board, I think that's why you saw it basically come go down as fast as it came up."
"Republicans are working aggressively to build an alternative disinformation ecosystem right. This is classic authoritarian effort to hold on to political power by lying to people and build and pre and sort of insulating them from facts and truth."
"Disinformation is always going to be more powerful than the corrections that come afterward, even with the best efforts of journalists." - John
"Social media is a great source of information; however, it can many times be a great source of disinformation."
"What has really been strange to me has been the awful reporting and... disinformation campaign... on the domestic public."
"What often flies under the banner of combating disinformation is, in this case, nothing but corporate public relations trying to spin public narratives in directions favorable to the corporation's interests."
"I would take the Buick LaCrosse over the Lexus ES or the Nissan Maxima."
"This looks like your classic disinformation campaign, could actually be part of Russia's latest and very massive disinformation campaign."
"They're actually using their other hoaxes to create what I'm going to name the wrap-up hoax."
"Accusing someone of disinformation is almost saying that there are competent State actors or something."
"You think we can't determine truth from disinformation? The US government is the greatest propagator of disinformation in the world."
"Yes, I paid a foreign national to gather Russian disinformation on Donald Trump, and yes, I passed that completely false disinformation to the FBI."
"The top concern for the next 2 years is not conflict or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation."
"You're witnessing the greatest coordinated disinformation campaign to ever be launched against the American people."
"It's up to the facebooks and youtubes in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation."
"Black Lives Matter fights disinformation to keep the movement strong."
"Disinformation attacks Trust and once you see trust decline what you then see is societies start to fracture."
"Ukrainian television debunks disinformation in real time."
"These psychos are more interested in promoting a fiction than in preventing a nuclear holocaust."
"Restore social trust and strengthen democracy by investing in solutions that counter disinformation and increase the flow of good information online."
"MSNBC began to worry about disinformation like we literally didn't already have that going on with the laptop fiasco recently."
"Disinformation around climate change makes the problem harder to solve."
"I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth."
"They're using immigration to somehow be related to it, the next piece they need is oh Russia disinformation."
"The best way to respond to disinformation is to ensure we have a free and independent press."
"This is academic cover for spreading pro-NATO disinformation."
"New steps to combat disinformation: Microsoft is rolling out free tools that anybody can use."
"Former intelligence officials issued a letter saying the Giuliani laptop story has the classic trademarks of Russian disinformation."
"Their goal is to sound so absurd, unreal, that no one believes you."
"If we get this Freedom wrong and we allow government to begin to claim something is disinformation because it's undesirable from their perspective, bad things follow."
"Turn off the mainstream media. They're lying."
"The former top cyber security spy in Britain says that AI fakes... lies will destroy a society."
"Disinformation is just marketing, the product is a feeling."
"Does it represent an actual case of alien visitation or was the footage created as part of a cold war disinformation campaign?"
"The first casualty of war is truth. There's been a lot of disinformation, a lot of psychological warfare, a lot of straight-out propaganda, mistruths, and lies being purported by both sides."
"So, when you hear the propaganda that you have to democracy's on the ballot and you have to vote for a certain political party meaning the Democrats to save democracy, that's just more disinformation and lies."
"This is one of our biggest threats to democracy: disinformation."
"The ignorance and the disinformation that has been promulgated and perpetuated by Trump and the people around him was literally weaponized into a riot."
"There's been a long history of disinformation from our government about this topic."
"We're seeing our security undermined by the attempt to tear us apart, to spread disinformation, spread the lies in our communities."
"They kind of control every aspect of the discourse. There's such a full-blown campaign of disinformation, misinformation."
"Most people that I've seen they continue to bring up this opens the floodgates for disinformation but they're not talking about Free Speech an expression in this country."
"Denial of a news report because official disinformation sources say it isn't so is a mistake."
"Basically we're talking global domination through disinformation, rewriting history, manipulation of money."
"The US government are the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world."
"Actually, there is AI-generated fake news, but it's not in the hands of Russian disinformation trolls; it's employed by some of the largest news organizations on the planet."
"They're very protective of their image globally. They use disinformation to protect their brand."
"The document that was used to try to paint Trump as a Russian agent was itself a form of Russian disinformation."
"Folks who claim that the billionaires are the enemy funded by these billionaires, pushing this campaign which was a disinformation campaign lying to the American people."
"The goal of covert influence is not to get people to believe in something; it's to get them to get confused by everything."
"Disinformation... can radicalize."
"If you're trying to get rid of a democracy, one of the ways you do it is by telling people that there is no knowable truth."
"Understanding how disinformation works as a tactic to make you feel powerless and to make you feel afraid of your fellow citizens."
"Spreading disinformation like this can be really damaging."
"It's pretty scary... it's so blatant these days, these disinformation campaigns, and it's so unhealthy. It does not help people; it hurts people."
"Mr. Putin did was he filled the public sphere with information that wasn't true."
"I think you cannot have a state-sponsored anti-disinformation effort and also without directly striking at the whole concept of free speech."
"The censorship is in service of disinformation."
"Disinformation from adverse nation states attacks the integrity of our elections."
"we all live in a time of disinformation and misinformation lack of fact checking you don't say"
"People seek understanding, the danger of disinformation and responding to it."
"The problem of disinformation is that we don't know what it is unless there is some freedom of speech that allows opinions to be voiced so they can be fact-checked."
"That was murder. That's how easy it is to be influenced by disinformation."
"I do think that the modern Russian state uses disinformation, the way they focus on the extreme left or extreme right in any given European country."
"...being conservative does tend to lead to people believing stuff like, 'It's not even a big secret, we disinform the public.'"
"There's a difference between misinformation and disinformation."
"Furthermore the EU extended sanctions to a news agency run by pruin arahan as a response to its role in disseminating disinformation and propaganda across the African continent."
"In this age of mounting disinformation all over the world, the solution is not to hide the lie but to expose it."
"The disinformation challenge is the hardest thing I've ever worked on."
"The dangers of disinformation are multiplied significantly. AI can tailor disinformation to individuals."
"Our focus is not on disinformation broadly speaking."
"Our next lecture, which isn't exactly a month, is detecting disinformation and deep fakes. How exciting does that sound?"
"what Trump and his allies will try to do in terms of disinformation during that period is also something that's very concerning and very important to keep our eye on."
"Misinformation: saying something that's not accurate. Disinformation: saying something that's not accurate with the intent to mislead."
"It's impossible to research disinformation on the internet and not encounter Mr. Jones's work."
"We live in the age of information overload and therefore we live in the age of disinformation."
"Could John G. Trump's assessment of the value of Tesla's papers have been part of a deliberate campaign of disinformation?"
"Media bias is like professional wrestling. Many are worried about the effects of its pervasive disinformation. With both, supporters often say it's just freedom of speech, it's just staged entertainment, and after all, it's what the audience wants."
"The internet has demolished the gatekeepers who used to keep public discourse in reasonably rational terms. Opinion now ranges freely across the internet, unleashing an enormous wave of what Trump's spokespeople have called alternative facts."
"Honestly as much as I hate to hear these words come from my mouth if I had a disinformation dozen list this book would be on it."
"Disinformation is more powerful than the truth when sponsored by media, academia, our politicians, and Hollywood."
"Disinformation is a real thing. It seems to be a license for people and in an age of Rage that license can be truly horrific."
"People aren't entitled to their own truths. They're not even entitled to their own beliefs if they're radically victimized by disinformation."
"...disinformation it's often coupled with other hybrid tools in fact again NATO has talked about this full spectrum of hybrid threats..."
"...I think there's a lot that we can do by focusing on the sources of these of these disinformation operations..."
"Disinformation is the intentional spreading of information that is not correct."
"Misinformation is unintentional and disinformation is intentional."
"Misinformation is saying something that's not accurate; disinformation is saying something is not accurate with the intent to mislead."
"Countering foreign disinformation which seeks to subvert and undermine the UK's democracy, prosperity, and security is vital."
"Russia interfered in the 2016 election targeting specific groups of Americans with disinformation with an intention to undermine the American people's confidence in our institutions."
"Countering disinformation is like a core aspect of what we do here."
"Democracy and freedom of speech versus disinformation and surveillance."
"We need a computer program that can identify disinformation... if that program ain't up here, it doesn't matter what the software is."
"We need to disseminate Truth at this time because there is so much disinformation in the world."
"Media freedom does not include the right to spread malicious propaganda and disinformation."
"The best medicine for disinfo is the truth."
"We need to be investing that scale at the level of civic education, media literacy, digital literacy to help the public understand at every level how to understand source integrity and how to recognize disinformation and not be persuaded by it."
"It is important that we do combat the disinformation about vaccinations."
"The tide is starting to turn; people realize the danger online disinformation can pose."
"Russian disinformation... used these kinds of tactics as undermining tactics to undermine democracies."
"Disinformation is deliberately deceptive information."
"If you don't include C2PA metadata in your content, it could be hidden or marked as potential disinformation to other users."
"We need the good science journalists to really help scientists in this fight against disinformation because scientists alone just can't be expected to do it."
"We have proof from multiple intelligence agencies that Russia has been spreading disinformation."
"If you think about the potential applications of large language models in politics, these will be an even more potent tool for polarization and the spreading of disinformation."
"If somebody wants to kill speech now, they just create a whole bunch of bots that are similar but different and create this storm of garbage and then they disrupt the speech."
"Disinformation is a tool for sowing distrust and a byproduct of a larger crisis of trust."