
Nuclear War Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"If World War III is fought with nuclear weapons, War IV will be fought with sticks and rocks."
"Nuclear war erases all progress down to zero. Everyone loses. There are no winners in nuclear war."
"A nuclear war cannot be won, so it must never be fought."
"This is the fate of humanity on the line right here. We have to avoid a nuclear war."
"The Cold War ended without entering into a full-scale knock-down drag-out nuclear war, thank goodness, or we wouldn't be here."
"It doesn't mean that we surrender to Russia...but it means that we have to adapt because the alternative is perhaps thermonuclear war."
"I think the number one interest has always been how do we avoid a nuclear war."
"Why are we trying to have a nuclear war with both China and Russia?"
"A nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought."
"What I fear most about being completely vaporized in a nuclear explosion is that I might start voting Democrat afterwards."
"Having listened to them... he is afraid of nuclear war more than he has been at any time since the Able Archer crisis in 1983."
"Old Timers would say it changed geopolitics, realizing that not only are there no winners in a nuclear exchange, but maybe all of life on Earth would be rendered extinct."
"The three biggest problems that everybody on the planet is now facing are nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption."
"The three biggest problems we face are nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption."
"In the case of a nuclear war, there will be no winners."
"Nuclear war means the end of the current human history."
"It would be optimism and normalcy bias to think a nuclear war would never happen."
"A nuclear war cannot be won and should never be waged."
"The United States and China may well be on a path to war, and nuclear war is no longer unthinkable."
"All it takes is one madman with a nuclear arsenal to start a nuclear war."
"Is nuclear war indeed no longer the unthinkable?"
"Not tsunamis, not earthquakes, the nuclear war is down the road."
"It's their job to ensure that the President of the United States can remain in contact with all US military forces even in the event of a massive nuclear strike against the homeland."
"Yuri Geller says he'll use mind power to stop nuclear war."
"Recently, scientists and researchers have modeled how a nuclear war would escalate if Russia launched a nuclear attack on Western Powers."
"The rest of the world watches in horror as clouds of irradiated dust and particles are kicked up into the atmosphere and carried across the planet."
"There couldn’t really be a winner in a full-scale nuclear war, but some countries would fare better than others."
"So, whether Russia launches the first nuke or is attacked by NATO, the country probably wouldn’t survive a nuclear war."
"The platinum chip was originally created by mr house on october 22nd 207 a day before the bombs dropped unfortunately the chip is lost in the nuclear holocaust."
"In a nuclear war, there can be no victors, only losers."
"Nuclear war would be near the top of the list for future threats."
"Petrov held back, preventing the world from ending in an atomic war in 1983."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"If there's a tiny risk of nuclear war, we're literally talking about the extermination of human civilization."
"Humanity's nuclear Arsenal is capable of destroying all life on Earth over and over and over."
"We are at a greater risk of nuclear war today than ever before in history."
"The real visceral fear of nuclear war before the cold war ended."
"There's something really, really wrong. I'm waking up every day worrying about nuclear war again."
"All this talk of nuclear war in the United States is more likely to convince most Americans... that some kind of Peace negotiation should be started as soon as possible."
"I think you're going to get drawn in either way... regardless how severe a nuclear war is, it's just an accepted matter of fact."
"Nuclear war may be unthinkable, but only because we push it from our minds."
"Could there have been an ancient nuclear war we've never been told about?"
"I usually go to parties with my family, my coworkers, or my friends."
"So let's hope that it doesn't let's hope that no nuclear war happens."
"I have several playlists on nuclear war survival."
"One wrong move by either side, and the world would be bathed in nuclear hellfire."
"If that increased the risk of global nuclear war by 2%, it would be an act of gross political irresponsibility."
"If you're about to go to a nuclear war you will turn the systems on."
"We actively support now in the case of North Korea we don't support them the talking to them is with the goal in mind of getting away from the brink of nuclear war."
"Any kind of hot Warhawk conflict between the United States and China would inevitably go nuclear."
"Kennedy, although being eliminated by the CIA, won in this sense in that America and the world was not embroiled in a massive nuclear war."
"During the Cold War, the fear of nuclear attack was very real in many nations on Earth."
"It's not like they're going to survive and their kids are going to survive a global nuclear war either although maybe they think they will."
"The threat of nuclear war is growing both in Europe and in Asia." - Noam Chomsky
"If you use a nuclear weapon as an effort to turn around this war, you're not going to turn around the war in Ukraine, you're going to get into war with NATO."
"There's evidence of high radiation levels, indicating a massive nuclear war."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. I suppose we all thought that one way or another."
"We want to have a society in which we're not going to bed worried that we're going to get into a nuclear war."
"...a strong emotional appeal for both sides to find a peaceful resolution and not doom the world to the catastrophe of thermonuclear war."
"Soon after the nuclear bombs and missiles stopped falling, the smoke, soot, and debris kicked up by the nuclear explosions would begin blocking the sun."
"If World War III results in nuclear war, we can just forget about any borders or governments as the human species as a whole would struggle to survive."
"We are technically potentially on the brink of nuclear war every day of Our Lives."
"All it takes is one madman with a nuclear weapon."
"The fundamental premise of the book is to demonstrate in appalling detail just how terrifying nuclear war would be."
"The solution to win the game is not to play in the first place because there are no winners in thermonuclear war."
"Russian state TV comforts viewers on nuclear war: we all die someday."
"There are three or four occasions where the discretion of a single Soviet officer prevented nuclear war from happening."
"What are we to do 20 to 25 years from now when the superpowers no longer have the decision-making power about whether nuclear war will or will not occur?"
"The damage of widespread nuclear war would be devastating and unmanageable."
"And after the nukes were dropped, the war kind of ended. Millions ended up dying from it, but nothing really much major changed until the 1980s."
"It becomes a sequence of events. A follows. B. There is no divergent from that pathway to apocalypse, and that is what is so appalling and remarkable and also worthy of everybody's understanding, particularly as we enter into this present time of nuclear saber rattling."
"There is no way to survive a nuclear war. No matter how it starts, it only escalates toward nuclear Armageddon."
"However, the looming shadow of communism and nuclear war were seen as threats to this prosperity."
"The threat of nuclear war receded."
"Very much looking at a similar threat of impending nuclear war. A brilliant film from Sydney Lumet."
"Japan should be advocating that we should avoid nuclear war from happening again."
"In today's world, more people are thinking about nuclear war than any time in history."
"The world came closer to nuclear war than ever before."
"Scenarios like this have been relegated to possibilities of the past era of the Cold War, but we're now living in a changing time where we have to consider the potential for nuclear war and more importantly develop practical plans."
"Nuclear war would most likely erase Humanity as we know it."
"The most dangerous thing the human race faces is just plain old nuclear war between large nations."
"In the event of a nuclear war, maintaining communications was vital."
"The only tiny speck of hope that I can offer you is that nuclear war may break out and stop this."
"Cockroaches have been around for 300 million years and they would survive a nuclear war."
"Nuclear war would have devastating consequences for all humanity; it cannot be won and must never be fought."
"Nuclear war, in case you didn't know, is not good for humanity."
"It was concluded that it was impractical and far too expensive to provide nuclear shelters for the general public; government, on the other hand, was to be protected at all costs."
"Nuclear war is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when."
"A nuclear war would destroy the world."
"The world population plummeted that day, all in a nuclear war that lasted under a day."
"The world remains just one mistake away from nuclear apocalypse."
"One is the rising danger of nuclear war, which is quite serious. The other is environmental catastrophe."
"They made sure that the populace, about 5,000 people, would be able to survive for up to six months within the bunker should nuclear war break out."
"It created what became a very long-standing belief that there was a technological solution to the problem of nuclear war."
"Our nations were dangerously close to nuclear war and thus basically the destruction of civilization as we knew it."
"Isn't it worth every investment necessary to free the world from the threat of nuclear war?"
"If both sides knew they'd be completely destroyed by a nuclear war, neither would risk starting one."
"Godzilla, more like Godzillary, you were a metaphor for nuclear war."
"The destruction of civilization remarks are not only frighteningly valid but literally only a push of a button away."
"What's the chance that we have a nuclear war in our lifetimes? I'd say at least 20 percent."
"Narrowly avoided nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"Godzilla was an allegory for nuclear war, you don't reason with or capture a nuke, the nuke does what it wants."