
Geopolitical Conflict Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"Israel wants to destroy Hamas. I think that when we look at what Hamas has done, I think that's a fair and worthy goal for Israel to embark on."
"I would remind everybody that Russia is invading Ukraine, not the other way around."
"Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine dared to pursue a democratic path."
"There is no way that Ukraine will ever go back to being in any way comfortable as part of a larger Russian empire, and he sowed the seeds of enmity that will undoubtedly last forever."
"This revelation...triggered a massive backlash against Russia's ambitions."
"These drone attacks are...a message from Zelenskiy and from Ukraine that we're taking the war to Russia."
"As we are supportive of the people of Ukraine in their fight to protect their land, we likewise must support the people of Palestine who do the same thing."
"What we've got going on in Ukraine right now is the clash of civilizations happening right before our eyes."
"Our Democratic ally Ukraine, resisting an illegal invasion by Vladimir Putin, and a brutal and barbaric invasion of Israel by a terrorist organization, Hamas, trying to eradicate Israel, the lone true democracy in the Middle East, Ukraine, Israel, and the innocent Palestinians in Gaza desperately need our help."
"The sooner we understand those challenges and have courage to overcome those obstacles, the easier it will be to confront Russia."
"The biggest question on everybody's mind this entire time has been this: What exactly does Vladimir Putin and Russia want with Ukraine?"
"Ukraine is alive because Russian tyranny has lost control."
"The failed war with Ukraine, which has revealed the weakness of Putin and his state, could very well be the spark that ignites The Frayed Timbers of Russian institutions."
"People started to defend their country and fight to prevent Russia from going any further."
"Surely it cannot be a great sign for Palestinians that the map Netanyahu held up during that speech, entitled the New Middle East, completely erases the Palestinian territories."
"India will rise and pummel you to the ground whenever the bigots of Pakistan oppress the peace-loving people."
"We must unite and take a stand. We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight and ensure that Putin fails."
"Would the U.S go to war with the second most powerful Nation on Earth over two islands with the total population of 400?"
"Ukraine will be destroyed, the European economy will be crippled."
"It's a fight for Russia, it's a defensive War... but it's also a war of liberation not just for the Russian people but arguably for the whole world."
"Falling gas prices even in the midst of a Ukrainian-Russian war."
"Putin's secret military incursion into eastern Ukraine is now seizing the world's attention."
"Outrage from the West and sanctions imposed have little impact on Russian activities."
"Egypt would stand to lose approximately 28 billion dollars in agricultural output if the Ethiopians insisted on filling up the gerd's reservoir in five years."
"Ukraine's resilience: allies provide tanks as Russia loses support."
"In order to really hit China hard, that's what has to be targeted." - Chief editor of the Chinese regime state-run media
"Now Russia is a little bit in a pickle here because they are at war with some of the top 10 strongest countries in the world."
"Thank you everyone Eva Bartlett and her Channel got perab band on YouTube for covering uh pal Palestine."
"It was his decision to go to war; it's our choice to make him pay a price."
"If these tactics can be defeated here, it will send a message to the Communist Party: the West is not for sale."
"The current military conflict in Ukraine represents the event that will mark the end of the world order established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union."
"This war is really a war of autocracy against democracy."
"This war with the West is not just the war with Ukraine, it's a proxy war with the West."
"Many view this moment as the official declaration of the Cold War."
"Not real then you have Snake Island it's now confirmed that the guys on Snake Island the guys who told Russia to go f themselves alive."
"We in the West, we invented the argument that he's an imperialist that he's bent on conquering Ukraine."
"Nobody wants this war in Ukraine, above all the people of Ukraine who are suffering beyond all words."
"How much longer and how much higher should prices go to keep the territorial integrity of the Eastern Donbas region of Ukraine?"
"We're at war with China, it's just fourth-generational warfare. Manipulation, media strategy, disruption, demoralization."
"Israel stole Palestinian land and then claims a right to defend itself."
"It won't end until the Russian troops have withdrawn from Ukraine."
"If Putin wins this battle if he annexes the whole of the of the donbassy if he decapitates the government and cheer we're next."
"The attack managed to disrupt the enemy's offensive potential and caused serious damage to Russia's military ammunition."
"This is a fight against a dictator seeking to impose his will on another country."
"Trump killed Soleimani in the immediate aftermath of an Iranian-backed militia burning the United States embassy."
"I would say from an international perspective, Ukraine is putting up more of a fight than Russia expected them to."
"Ukraine has been trapped in an attrition conflict."
"Russia's taking of Avdiivka showcases how vital foreign aid will be if Ukraine is to stand any chance of repelling Russia from its borders."
"Perhaps just possibly, when the military part of the conflict in Ukraine is ended, that will be the point where the voices will start to say, 'Well, why are we continuing to wage an economic war?'"
"A conflict between the United States and China would be nothing short of catastrophic. It would not be a short war, and we should be very clear about that."
"Putin thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met a wall of strength he never anticipated."
"Together, we're isolating Putin from the world more than ever before."
"How did the Taliban prevail? By focusing on four things: tribal unity, clear focus, ruthlessness, and portraying the United States as an alien invader."
"Russia is implementing its plan and attacking a neighbor to whom it has decided to deny existence freedom, the land dignity, and life." - Albanian Ambassador to the United Nations
"This conflict has always been existential for the collective West."
"Putin, who declared an unjust war on Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, in order to create a distraction and to continue making moves in his own interests."
"Ukraine is going to win and Russia is going to lose."
"What they weren't prepared was for the Americans to steal 300 billion dollars that belongs to the Russians."
"We are in an information war with the Chinese Communist Party, and knowledge is the best weapon."
"Putin is an aggressor, and Putin must pay the price."
"France supports Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression."
"Their insatiability and determination to preserve their unfettered dominance are the real causes behind the hybrid war."
"Russia has not sought a 'shock and awe' approach but has chosen to capture cities in a methodical way."
"Ukraine Defenders continue to contradict the Russian Invaders not only from the front but also from the deep rear."
"From geopolitical tensions to global conflict: the world on the brink."
"Let that sink in for a moment. Yes, they're heading for areas in eastern Ukraine already under de facto Russian control for eight years, but the pretense is now over, the mask has come off."
"Putin would rather wage war and conquer Europe."
"I think what we're looking at is a fictional South American country in the midst of a military coup or civil war, some kind of change of power."
"So long as Crimea remains under the control of the Kremlin, then Ukraine's security will never feel secure."
"Following the invasion into Crimea, Russians began to flee the region claiming that their safety was not guaranteed."
"This whole region is a mess because of outside meddling right."
"Putin has killed the Helsinki Accords and brought war into the heart of Europe."
"This is a moment for Europe to stand united in the face of Putin's war."
"If the air defense system does finally crash and collapse in that kind of way, then the Russian Air Force is more free to operate over even larger greater areas of Ukraine than it has been operating over up to now."
"I'm proud that people are still out protesting because this is the only way people can show that they do not want Russia there."
"The Philippines said Tuesday it has asked the Chinese regime to remove all vessels in the disputed waters of the South China Sea."
"People are terrified that the Russians, if they cannot move as quickly as they want to, will do things like possibly encircle Kiev and just bomb it."
"We have to occupy the whole of Ukraine... all the way to Lvov."
"Disinformation continues to be a threat to Ukrainian sovereignty, but now more than ever is being targeted at Western democracies and the allies of Ukraine."
"Russian troubles have been growing increasingly severe as the Ukrainian Army, which has repeatedly sought support from the United States and the European Union, has started to turn the tables."
"This was a war that was imposed on Russia, not a war of choice but a reward of necessity."
"The U.S is waging a new cold war on both China and Russia, desperate to maintain its unipolar hegemony, even at the risk of sinking its own economy."
"Ukrainians have found a way... to keep pressure on Russia."
"In a war, there's two sides... the Russians are the occupiers, they're the invaders."
"We need that clarity to defeat Putin right now."
"Putin is at war with America, at war with democracy, and he believes the world must accept his conditions."
"The ongoing battle of dominance is known as the great game."
"The entire world is attempting to oppose Russia's occupation of Ukraine to the greatest extent feasible."
"Barbaric Venture of Vladimir Putin must end in favor. Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"The American Military could not prevent the People's Republic of China from enslaving 23 million free people on Taiwan."
"We must continue to support Ukraine politically but also with defense means and also make it clear for Russia that this unjustified war must end."
"If you give us the tools, if you give us the weapons, we can push the Russians back."
"Do you want more of this let us ask the people of Finland and Norway if they're okay with being blown up in a reign of Hellfire for Ukraine chances are they'll say no how about that this is where we're at my friends."
"The whole conflict was always about regime changing Putin."
"People are going to be very angry at Norway."
"While Putin's schemes fall through, Ukraine's determination and strategic ability shine through."
"In the past ten years the Israeli government has seized and demolished over 1,100 Palestinian homes in the West Bank."
"Soon we will summarize the second month of this conflict, which proved to be not the Short Victorious War Vladimir Putin hoped for, but a war of attrition that could change the fate of the entire region."
"Russia had given up on offensive operations to take the capital and prepared for a defensive war."
"Hell has been unleashed by Russia on Ukraine."
"The most important event of this day was the Ukrainian strike on a fuel storage depot in the Russian city of Belgorod, which was the first incident of spillover of the war in Ukraine to the Russian territory."
"If there was some sort of military conflict between China and Taiwan, the U.S would have to step in."
"Hong Kong is the forefront of the ideological clash between Marxist Leninist socialism and Western democracy."
"There is no way that Ukrainians will submit to some kind of puppet regime from Russia."
"If the CCP wants to take Taiwan, it's not just Taiwan they'll be fighting."
"China is not only Taiwan's problem. China is your problem. China is the whole world's problem."
"I have a lot of family members that still reside in the occupied territory. I know what I've seen firsthand the Injustice and the inequality that goes on there."
"Putin's efforts to intimidate the Ukrainian people to break their will will fail."
"Putin has chosen to upend 75 years of peace by invading a peaceful, unprovocative neighbor, and we are responding strongly and in a united way."
"Elon Musk sabotaged Ukrainian attack on Russian Fleet."
"As long as the persecution of the Palestinian people continues, lasting peace and stability in the Middle East is not possible."
"We are really in a proxy conflict and that conflict is significant because it's two major powers and that's going to turn into the third conflict."
"There's no alternative to fighting Russia and fighting to the end."
"There's a war going on in Ukraine that could lead to a conflagration that our world has never seen before."
"Unfortunately for Ukraine, the key to its resistance is not any magic potion but the support of the West."
"There is no denying that Russia is losing the war and that if Ukraine gets the support it needs from NATO, they will be able to push Russia out of their borders."
"Now they are in the east, close to the Donbass and core Russian territories."
"This war is not going anywhere and Ukraine is going to keep needing American help."
"We want peace, but as I always said, Armenia says it wants peace, but we want the land back."
"The Ukrainian Army has hit Russia where it hurts the most."
"We've said and our aim is that President Putin must fail in Ukraine, right. He must fail in his mission to actually conquer Ukraine which is basically what his mission was to destroy as he's now turning it into."
"The Arctic will be the late 21st century's greatest geopolitical showdown."
"Russia is now pushing forward to achieve total victory in Ukraine."
"A world where Russia falls into the and disappears, obviously Ukraine's gonna get the Victory."
"Tonight President Biden imposing sanctions directly on Vladimir Putin as the Russian president unleashes a bloody assault on Ukraine."
"We're already fighting three or four wars with them... these propaganda Wars these economic wars."
"Tensions between the Wagner group and the Russian government are at the heart of these major issues."
"Ukraine's fight for freedom is the world's fight for freedom."
"His overwhelming objective is to demonstrate that democracies cannot function in the 21st century."
"The world is basically just uniting against Russia and for Ukraine."
"The outcome is not going to be a victory... Ukraine is likely broken into pieces."
"This is about destroying American systems, cultural values, constitutional republic, and take over by Marxists and their communists, and Communist China is part of this."
"If the CCP provokes trouble in the South China Sea, it will start a world-class war."
"The continued success of the major offensive operations being carried out by the Ukrainian Army and the expulsion of the Russians from the occupied Ukrainian territory depend greatly on the military support of the West and the USA."
"The Israel-Palestine, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria situation is highly volatile."
"If Ukraine becomes a killing field, it would be a stain on the soul of the world."
"The fight for Ukraine is a fight for democracy, a fight for freedom."
"So, because of this, Ukraine must launch an epic, all-in counter-offensive soon to prove to their Western supporters that Ukraine can and will win this war militarily and not have some kind of forever war with Russia."
"You have things unraveling because of these sanctions, this conflict... it's an absolute nightmare for the world."
"The mother of all wars is between the Atlanticists and the Eurasianists."
"If you keep taking other people's land, you will end up with a lot of UN Security Council resolutions against you."
"If all of these three towns are eventually captured by the Russians..."
"If you had said a year ago that a major pipeline connecting Russia and Germany carrying energy was going to be blown up and that the U.S was going to celebrate that, some people at least would have been surprised."
"Crimea can't have the election as the barrel of a gun. It's not free to vote elections."
"Look, it's the existential threat... they've been at economic war with us for 20-25 years."
"Putin telling the history of Russia Ukraine that whole region is actually Central to understanding the conflict."
"If the goal is more balanced multi-polar World Order and the other side wants the opposite you see that to some level that's got to come into conflict."
"If they actually do what they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia."
"That renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas and the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply."
"The occupier and colonizer is losing the war on narratives."
"Anytime you have two competing forces, competing for the same region, which is the Arctic, there's the possibility of military conflict."
"Putin must fail in his Venture, and then we must ensure that we protect a sovereign, free, and independent Ukraine."
"We can't allow Kremlin to bite off chunks of an independent country and inflict immense human suffering."
"Western weapons have demonstrated such superiority over Russian equipment."
"NATO will be in a fight with Russia if Ukraine falls."
"What Russia wants is completely incompatible with what we think is normal."
"Humanity would engage in battle for the planet primarily with the United States appearing to have the most luck."
"Hamas cannot remain in control of Gaza. It cannot retain the capacity to repeat that Carnage that was only underscored by this morning's appalling terrorist attack."
"They have to win in Ukraine... this is existential."
"I see a war with China, computers, satellite warfare, space warfare, aerospace warfare that China may well win."
"Shell came out very early after the Russian invasion and stated that they wanted nothing to do with Russia."
"The Ukrainian Army is making significant progress toward achieving a decisive victory over Putin."
"But now as many African leaders have refused to work with the West, it has decided to attack Africa's undersea internet cable."
"We're fighting a proxy war. Russia is fighting a proxy war with an alliance that has a population basically 10 times as large."
"Russia was paying cash, literally cash dollars, for the murder of Americans in Afghanistan."
"Putin's obsession goes way beyond NATO expansion or a pro-western government in Kyiv. It is an outright rejection of Ukrainian identity and statehood."
"There can be no doubt now that Ukraine has... significant territorial loss."
"What's happening in Ukraine is not ultimately about Ukraine."
"Support for Ukraine in their struggles against the oncoming invasion is the most important issue to me."
"Most of the fighting...is happening in Russian territory."
"We are not letting it go to waste. Ukraine's challenge is to puncture Putin's arrogance and demonstrate the high cost for Russia of continued conflict."
"Oil almost has to go up in price because of disruptions caused by the worst European conflict since World War II."
"NATO would win... immensely stronger than Russia."
"Pro-Ukrainian militants have just blown up a railway shipping route utilized by the Russian army, preventing the Russian army from making supplies to Ukraine."
"I think 99% of the stuff that's being talked about in the mainstream news and online when regards to Russia and Ukraine is all complete propaganda."
"Saudi Arabia the U.S Ally for years was blockading and bombing Yemen the houthis are a Yemeni resistance movement that fought the Saudi Invaders."
"The Western economic war against Russia has failed and it's failed in a way that is now creating not just severe damage to Western economies."
"It seems to me equally true perhaps even more importantly true that the Western economic war against Russia has failed."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"India's gonna have to stand firm and I feel India will win in the end."
"Putin sees himself in a take no prisoners battle with the West."
"The imperialist U.S. is like the biggest thing that China has to struggle against."
"The world is not committed to the idea of Ukraine maintaining all of their land."
"Glory to Ukraine! We want the victory for Ukraine and we want defeat for Vladimir Putin."
"Every cent paid to Russia they turn into bullets and missiles aimed at other sovereign states."
"There's no one in this world who will justify such losses in return for just several hundred meters."
"The only real downside to channels that are go go go Ukraine and lose lose lose Russia is that if you only watch them, you might lose your ability to engage with people who take a very different position."
"We are in Cold War II, whether we like it or not. China started it."
"I want to make it very clear: it was China that began Cold War II."
"Launching a drone attack on an affluent Moscow neighborhood may just have been Ukraine’s way of blurring the clearly demarcated lines in the sand."
"The invasion of Ukraine threatens the world's wheat supply."
"Russia's main task is to destroy Ukraine as a nation, erase our language, traditions, and people."
"There has been a sea change in public perception about the war in Russia."
"Events as of late have shown that an assault on the rest of the country will soon reach Crimea."
"This kind of attack is what Russia says has been going on for eight years and which its military action against Ukraine is intended to stop."
"Putin's invasion of a sovereign country must fail he must not be successful in that ambition."
"He set the conditions for this war between Russia and Ukraine."
"We're in an existential fight. China believes that it should rule the world."
"We started this war in Ukraine. What do you mean 'we'? I mean the West, the United States, and NATO. And we knew this. We wanted this to happen."