
Bipartisan Issues Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"It's not just the Democrats... This corruption crosses party lines."
"What we have here is a failure of the elites of Washington on both sides of the aisle."
"We should be spending an awful lot more time talking about bipartisan failures to help alleviate the problems in Puerto Rico."
"Democrats and Republicans...agree on like 95% of the major things."
"This is not a party issue; this is not a left-right issue. The question is, who should government serve, and it should serve the people."
"With a stroke of a pen... But this isn't about Democrats versus Republicans. The Republicans wouldn't do that either. No one's going to do that because both parties have been bought out by the corporate elite."
"The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the speed at which their knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room."
"The pro-life issue does not have to be a partisan issue."
"This is bad for the country, doesn't matter what side you are on, because now we have the next person doing the exact same thing."
"It's not really a Republican issue or Democrat issue. It's a human issue. It's a healthcare issue."
"The ability to control your life and your body and your decisions has nothing to do with whether you have an R or D after your name."
"It's not Republican versus Democrat, that's the difference in the corruption."
"This isn't about the red and blue, the GOP and the Democrats."
"Trans-Pacific Partnership? Oh yeah, that pissed off Republicans and Democrats."
"The idea of confronting China is a bipartisan issue here in this Congress."
"Epstein's story doesn't fit into any political narrative neatly; the bad guys are on both sides in this story."
"Both parties are full partners in the destruction of our democratic institutions."
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander when it comes to bipartisan impeachment."
"This is not a republican or democrat issue if there's indeed fraud taking place, that is an indictment on democracy."
"This is not a left or right issue. This is just a what the [ __ ] issue."
"I'm so effing tired whether a republican or democrat of them shoving agenda and politics into every damn thing no matter what it is"
"The Democrats and Republicans are on the same goddamn team."
"This pandemic is not a red state or blue state issue."
"I've had enough for the whole bunch of laws from both sides."
"Now America, on both sides, people are concerned about the integrity of our country, the integrity of the system this country is built upon."
"The democrats have gone too far off the plot and because of that republicans are also unleashed."
"It's tempting sometimes to say certain things but when you know like people across the political eye on the other side you're like well no there's probably reasons why this isn't supported by all of America."
"The extremes on the left and right are trying to defeat a two-party solution for partisan purposes."
"Hillary Clinton was guilty of it but so is Paul Ryan."
"Both parties do very little to engage voters."
"Nothing could be more fundamentally at odds with what America is itself... than totalitarianism being bipartisan."
"There should be nothing more bipartisan than ensuring American tax dollars aren't stolen by fraudsters."
"There are certain things that rise way above partisan differences that threaten the United States."
"This is not a partisan issue... an American issue... critical importance..."
"They accuse the Republicans and the right of doing exactly what they do."
"What I'm against is bipartisan and compromise in a direction that benefits only the Democrats."
"It's not about Republican or Democrat. It's about what is the worth of America's word."
"The problem was that the Democrats don't have an advantage because they're not any better than the Republicans."
"Every time you turn around, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you hear with something new."
"People see there's no difference between the two parties; they both understand that both have been in power and their lives have been worsening."
"Lefties lie through their teeth with a smile but also establishment Republicans lie through their teeth with a smile."
"Drain the swamp, right? That's not necessarily something that's right or left."
"American politics now resembles a game of 'Prisoner's Dilemma' more than finding common ground."
"It seems to me that the cancer at the core of our politics on both sides is big money."
"It doesn't matter if it's a Democrat or a Republican it was an American vice-president that sold out his office and he sold out the integrity of the United States of America."
"This should be the most bipartisan issue there is."
"Reducing or completely eliminating the use of public funds for stadiums has become an increasingly bipartisan issue."
"Either clean air and clean water should not be a partisan thing."
"This is not a left issue, this is not a right issue, this is an American issue."
"We can never go back. They've ruined everything. The left and the right. The Establishment needs to be pulled out of root and stem and then rebuilt."
"Don't be so fixated on your hatred for people on the right to the point where you can't even admit when they're right on a particular issue."
"This isn't about Democrats and Republicans; this is about life and death. We have to get this right."
"Both parties, Democrats and Republicans alike, have unfortunately been bought out by corporations."
"We typically say the left is all about cancel culture but it affects the right as well."
"How would you like to be the Democrats and realize that Trump's popularity right now is the same as Biden's?"
"Being a scumbag is not something the Democrats have a monopoly on."
"When Republicans recognize they are incapable of governing on their own, things happen."
"The corruption is rampant... both Republican and Democratic voters can't stand the swamp."
"This isn't a Republican or Democrat issue. This is the safety of this nation."
"Both political parties are dinosaurs controlled by big money on Wall Street."
"Opposing the Chinese Communist Party is no longer a partisan issue."
"When characterizing the conflicts in Congress as one that falls on the shoals of partisan dysfunction... obscures the litany of areas where corporate Democrats vote with Republicans to undermine the rights of the American people."
"This country is going to hell, and it's not just the left wing throwing it to hell."
"It's us against them, not Republicans against Democrats. That's yesterday, baby."
"This isn't an issue that belongs to right or left, this is everybody's issue."
"It's become very popular in politics on both sides of the aisle to divide the people."
"The only way to get there is going to be to try and reform or frankly disrupt the current two-party system."
"One of the good things is that she's trying to avoid bitcoin becoming a partisan issue."
"Bipartisan negotiating for the sake of negotiating... doesn't mean anything."
"The challenge from the Chinese Communist Party isn't Republican or Democrat."
"Democrat or Republican, it comes down to a black, robust, substantive agenda that has tangibles attached to it."
"We've got to be able to come together as a country recognizing this isn't a Democrat or Republican issue."
"This is not at all as much as the Republicans and Democrats now want to in retrospect make it partisan."
"The standoff between the Democrats and the Republicans over raising the debt ceiling has intensified."
"It's not a left thing, it's not a right thing, it's a Wall Street thing."
"I think the thing that we have to realize about foreign policy in the United States is there's really no such thing as a Republican foreign policy and a Democratic foreign policy."
"It's not about left versus right. It's about anti-establishment voices being silenced on both the left and the right."
"This is not about left or right, it's just about power."
"It's not Democrat versus Republican anymore... we need urbanized rural areas."
"Lieutenant General Mike Flynn: RFK Junior's analysis is as spot on as it gets. Neocons exist in both parties. We have a problem, Houston."
"They're literally killing us every single year and they are aided and abetted by Republicans and yes Democrats."
"Corruption is a virus that has infected both parties."
"Nobody likes paying higher taxes. I don't care if you're a democrat or republican, I mean paying higher taxes it's like having to hit that thumbs up button below twice."
"Making political hay out of health scares is a commonplace activity that's also unfailingly bipartisan."
"Both Republican and Democratic elites have neglected the white working-class."
"It's like Democrats, Republicans, you know? They all agree on what the problems are, they just sit there pointing fingers at each other."