
Youth Culture Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"YouTube will decide who wins elections. Google will decide who wins elections. And TikTok will advocate sex changes to your children."
"What you say is irrelevant, but for a lot of young people, the desire to fit in is often more powerful than the desire to stand out."
"She is clearly someone who is able to speak to the feelings of particularly young women in this country."
"The lights are on, the sun has set, and it's about to get lit, as the kids say."
"The internet gave young people in their formative years a lot of accessibility to ideas and media that they would never have had the chance to appreciate without the World Wide Web."
"MTV was once a fixture of American lifestyle, deeply interwoven within youth culture."
"Pastel Goth was all about marrying traditional punk elements of the 1980s with softer, more youthful colors."
"The next generation of kids are going to primarily watch eSports over traditional sports."
"Cruel Intentions was the debaucherous, wildly hedonistic teen film that birthed sons like Elite and Euphoria."
"It's a different way to hang out, and I will say, if you think about the pandemic time when kids couldn't hang out in person, I'm sure we've got not quite a full generation, but you know, a span of three to five years of kids, that was how they were first hanging out with friends during the pandemic, was connecting virtually."
"By providing a platform in which the youth can dictate content rapidly and continuously, that platform now dictates popular culture."
"It was such an exciting, heady time to find out that under the official reality, there was this seething turmoil of young people learning new music, new thoughts, new ideas."
"What really matters is what you personally got out of something, especially when you're younger."
"Everything that teenagers love is because of computer science: video games, Wikipedia, selfies."
"Young people exploring alternative directions...the fundamental cultural tension of the era emerged."
"History is short. That global traumatic experiences seem to actually have a similar effect on youth culture, artistic expression, and frankly, nihilistic outlooks on life."
"Teens actually still want to go outside and hang out with their friends IRL."
"I'm watching these kids walk in front of me. They got high-top fades, fresh from the barbershop...they just look like culture."
"I feel like I can't explain my youth to the people that I interact with on a regular basis because they don't know about straight edge, they don't know about hardcore, they don't know about veganism."
"It must be terrifying to be a teenager now, knowing that your drunken foolishness at a party could become the next viral YouTube video."
"Boxing can deliver so many things for the youth culture, not just wanting to become a professional boxer but discipline, respect, the regimental lifestyle."
"Trading truth for pleasure, knowledge for ignorance, a comatose youth addicted to angst and orgasm."
"It's worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the ages of 18."
"If your shoe had air bubbles, you were cool."
"The edgy youth culture eventually becomes a mainstream cash grab."
"I just think what he represents for youth culture totally goes way beyond footwear. It's something about being your authentic self unapologetically."
"If you ain't out there on the streets riding, you ain't no low rocker."
"I think most young women are gonna like this or young people yeah this is definitely for the girly girl the flirty girl you know the the young girl in high school who wears makeup to school and and does her hair it's very very girly."
"The one thing that unifies a lot of young people is living with mass shooter drills."
"The fear of missing out that Millennials experience on a daily basis from browsing social media has created a damaging culture of unfulfilled youth."
"This is what happens when someone our age jumps full force into the world of manga."
"China's youth is giving up, they've quit their jobs, they've abandoned their families, and they have stopped trying in pretty much every aspect of life."
"It's objectively disturbing that some young Americans could be more comfortable observing the deaths of other people than showcasing themselves online."
"Emma’s likeability and relatability quickly earned her the title of ‘teen influencer’."
"There's a market among us young people for authenticity."
"Guys, our goal in life: definitely buy back the dad, bro. Exactly, it's awesome."
"We're the generation of instant gratification, but we won't settle for things that don't make us happy."
"I just had this thesis that if you could make a dating service that was stigma-free, if you could make something that was really fun and easy and lightweight, then young people would use it." - Justin McLoud
"The number of people that love escapism, first of all, young people do."
"Young people today find enrichment in ways that are different than previous generations."
"I feel like a lot of the younger audience gravitates to them. They're almost the royals of our decade."
"He defines the aesthetic that would be adopted by a generation of streetwear heads and skaters."
"Finally there was this teen soap where you felt like oh these are people like my friends oh they're into sex they're sort of not knowing what they're gonna be like in high school."
"The World Ends With You is a punk rock teenage battle royale of sorts."
"What I appreciate most about LA is this place is just so different in the sense of like everyone has really young energy."
"I think if you grow up with hip-hop into your 13 then you really are a part of it."
"You can't ban laughter. Kids will always take the piss whether it's in the classroom or behind a reporter's back."
"Own thing that's pretty cool really they're just having a drink having a little bit of marijuana they're children nothing that hurt anybody."
"Street kids make up most of the youth in cyberpunk America."
"When it came time to introduce a new generation of young fans to the x-men in the early 2000s, the answer was x-men evolution."
"The trend of young superheroes continues to this day with shows like Young Justice and movies like Spider Man into the spider words."
"Songs like this were an important outlet for kids who just wanted the world to be better."
"K-pop stands and tick-tock users claim credit for low turnout at Trump's rally."
"I want to see nations, yeah! GT IC talking online, it happening no more son!"
"Unconventional ideas... resonate with younger people."
"The kids born after 1996... are the first generation in history that got on social media in middle school."
"Growing up in Florida at this time, what happened as Pokémon emerged."
"It just feels cool, gritty, edgy, that sort of vibe."
"This was pure unadulterated underground youth culture in its rawest form."
"Astrology's sudden rise in popularity among younger people started before the pandemic."
"Parents decorate the rest of the house, so we wanted to go deep on the amount of assets that we provided for making a customized teenage bedroom."
"This is so going to be seen on 'Girl of the 21st Century'."
"The world is ending if we have a bunch of young people who all kind of agree that we are not ashamed to have this list right now."
"Creating culture that inspires young people."
"He was using it it was a tool because the young people were into the new music."
"No one has a problem with boys being obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"The Teenage Dream is a myth. A mere marketing scheme."
"Xanax being this really huge focal point of youth culture is so weird to me."
"We Believe FaZe Clan is becoming the voice of youth culture, a brand that sits at the Nexus of content gaming entertainment and lifestyle in the digital native world."
"You can't fight against that and become mad and upset about that you have to lean into that you have to find a way to say okay obviously these young kids found a record they love it they love this this Loop." - Embracing TikTok trends
"There's this longing among young people for reality, for order, for orthodoxy."
"What's more subtly damaging about Tik Tok is the culture that it gets kids involved in on the app."
"The problem with woke culture is that it's trained too many young minds to forget about creating and building."
"It's about the parties that you go to, the people that you interact with in your 20s."
"I'm trying to build a school, my city been a circus, killing fools and little girls twerking."
"This show is extremely juvenile and full of shallow people with shallow relationships."
"I really don't think I romanticize or glorify the Gang Lifestyle or the drill lifestyle I really make effort not to because I don't think it's glorious, I think it sucks."
"The original Mustang was a bid by Ford to develop a vehicle that was aimed at young people of the time."
"We're going to have conversations about parental controls, spending amongst young people, toxicity amongst online communities."
"Oh, mate, everything's so sick, you know? It's so interesting."
"You have your whole life ahead of you, I hate the fact that young people are making money."
"Being a part of this network spirituality gives young people a sense of fighting back in a way that only they know how."
"Young people are listening to their music and they're sending a good message through their music."
"When you see young men there are many of them and there are large numbers together hanging out in certain places or going together and you cannot see any signs of fear of Allah in their faces as a whole then wait for the last hour to come."
"Isn't it awesome to skip school? Being a criminal is even cooler."
"Mini skirts: we're about to enter a year that will be all about the miniskirt."
"That's an exclusive leak, this is so lit, guys!"
"Rats are literally like mafias but instead of being cool badass bosses with cigars in their mouth, they're just 16-year-olds behind the APC with Doritos everywhere and a body pillow on their bed."
"A viral moment heard round the world was the moment this teen posted her senior portraits and Twitter went absolutely nuts."
"Dear Lord, I hope that now that I am 24 I can hang out with a young crowd and become TikTok famous, thank you."
"This dude is going to be young cats when people say hello hip-hop I don't know where it's at this that or whatever this is one of the doomed one of the super young cats from the West that's doing his thing."
"I'm a teenager and much like most teenage boys there's only one thing i'm really interested in"
"Pepsi started targeting a younger demographic with their Pepsi generation campaign."
"Let's make patriotism cool again for young people."
"These kids come up and they're like, 'I'm about to rap.'"
"Call of Duty starts with a 10 year old calling you slurs."
"People who sell snacks at school... y'all really are the underrated gods of school."
"The surge in prepping is the result of increased loss of trust in the government among younger generations."
"Men, especially young men, seem really concerned about figuring out who's the toughest or strongest."
"This is a PSA for all the men out there and all the boys who think they're men but they're actually boys. This is going to be the summer of cancelling boys."
"I tried to break my arm one time because I wanted a castle. I wanted to look like Ryan Sheckler."
"We're spilling the tea on everything we know so far about Monster High's bone-chilling comeback."
"The biggest thing that they lose are that they're not cool."
"Music influences everyone's ease. Drill influences young boys the way it does."
"Pop music is in their hands whenever they're ready."
"Although it seems like the popularity of the sound will never be close to its peak in 2020 you can't count out the youth."
"In hindsight it seems like a mistake but the teens loved it."
"Vaping was hailed as a new way to quit smoking. Instead, it's become a craze among young people."
"Vaping has come in and just completely been taken up by young people."
"The richest kids of Dubai spend their money."
"Younger demographics love consuming content from their phone."
"We grew up like skating long hair skinny jeans vans."
"Scratch cards have become a unique form of social interaction among young people."
"I bet you wouldn't believe how many students want to be social media influencers when they grow up."
"Young people became emboldened, courageous, and were finally able to enjoy themselves through sex, drugs, and rock and roll."
"As long as it's not hitting anybody else in the face, I think that's a resonant message with a lot of young people."
"I think there's an apex of fame that you reach where especially if you have a younger audience, people are going to come in pretty quick."
"Always remember to be youthful inside and out, be a critic and a skeptic, and be aware and afraid of influencer scams."
"That's right, emo time baby. What are we even doing?"
"I'm 19 years old and what I do for a living is entertain the universe by uploading digital videos to the internet for people to sit on the toilet and watch, think occasionally, right?"
"That transcended the sport man, you'd start seeing Paris tops dropping up in East Manchester 12 year olds rocking it like that's in that if you get Man United and Jordan brand that could do an absolute bit Madness."
"Pop punk is now being made by cool kids again."
"This was the moment etched into every teeny girl's memory."
"Billy's music isn't really the reason why teens are suffering from anxiety and depression."
"Billy's music is more of an emotional outlet."
"Billy Eilish is the youngest breakout musical star since Lord."
"My vibes are immaculate as the young kids say."
"The cool kids are calling it a glow up these days."
"The series transcended the television screen of young kids and formed a whole generation of artists and viewers alike."
"The young people today, they want that which is authentic."
"I like that, it's more friendly, it's more approachable, it's edgy, it's young, I like it, energy."
"I remember all the cool kids used to go after school and go get Wings Stop on like Fridays."
"Generation known as being full of glitches... exploiting these glitches."
"You're gonna go out and have a hot boy summer."
"Monster High is not for everyone, but the fact that it's coming back for the next generation makes me very, very excited."
"I just wonder how they're going to do a movie, like, oh, the news of the live action - is it going to be like, you know, that Disney movie Zombies?"
"We just got the sneakers, that's all we cared about."
"A chatty teenager from Eastern Europe who's obsessed with zombies."
"People had young people had much more of an appreciation for being rebellious back then."
"Dean's iconic appeal has been attributed to the public's need for someone to stand up for the disenfranchised youth of the era."
"Kids are understanding of that like I remember compared to back in the day when they'd be like oh you're a sellout for whatever reason now it's like they see me pushing our obvious brand deal."
"Live a little mode is always turned on, you can never turn it off baby."
"The OC, which was a mega feat at the time because nothing was getting teens and young adults in front of the TV but this did."
"The teenager with the heavy-lidded eyes and baggy clothes doesn’t conform to our usual expectations for female singers."
"And the dark themes of her songs tap into not only the emotions of her young fans, but also the universal angst of living in the 21st century."
"Meek's aligned with the kids, he [bleep] with younger artists, he stays relevant to what the conversation is at the time."
"I love how you have like the occasional Tick Tock from some 17 year old... but no no, it works as well with the horsepower."
"It's Metal Gear Solid but for a younger crowd."
"I think it's good for young people to have something to rebel against, a society is dead when young people no longer surprise you."
"Anytime there's kids in their bedroom making [expletive] that the old guard hates and declares a trendy flash-in-the-pan, that's a sign that something cool is happening that's probably gonna make a permanent impact and you should pay attention."
"The kids are into this stuff today are tomorrow's metal punk and hardcore kids just like the scene kids of 2010 were the hardcore kids of 2015 covering up their pierce the veil tattoo with that cool new expire long-sleeve they bought."
"It just feels like kids in their bedroom making [expletive], not because they have any kind of master plan to get famous or whatever, they're just making [expletive] because they have something to say."
"Teen vampires: melding adolescent experiences with paranormal elements."
"Teen vampires: fitting and inevitable choice for teenage narratives."
"Teen vampires: amplifying sexual appeal while glorifying unconventional elements."
"Teen vampires: appealing to young audiences with handsome leads and romantic themes."
"Teenage wasteland speaks to generation after generation... Life isn't looking down at screens, it is looking up."
"The main problem that I had with them was that the supernatural conflict was somewhat interesting yet it always got shoved aside in favor of teenage angst."
"This generation is made up of inside kids because of this and this makes it so that we socialize very differently than other generations."
"Film means telling a story and film means so much to so many young people in this particular country."
"Tick Tock from 2018 to 2020 was a place for fun, for [__] fun FFF baby."
"Make a movie for free for girls to be into something they can look back in 20 years and go that movie was about me and my life at that time."
"The culture has a lot of power to it we have never ever monetized that culture or included those young people that create the trends into the business model."
"Now it's the cool thing, now kids are like, 'I want to be a YouTuber.'"
"I just wanted a freaking iPhone so I could feel accepted."
"The bus is cool, huh? It's Yo! The bus is yo!"
"You gotta say these are 14 to 18 year old little kids on the internet who literally like you know I just just they don't know anything bro."
"The 911 turbo ended up on the walls of many teenage rooms."
"Just because something appeals to the teenage experience doesn't make it less meaningful."
"BTS Army: passionately defending and preserving the ideals of today's youth."
"You play as one of four teenagers with a love of junk food and role-playing games."
"The girls were not the stereotypical stuck-up cheerleaders you see in teen movies... they were full of love and light."
"There's a burgeoning interest in astrology among young people."
"It was bad press for them, a hit with young teens, this video coming out showing a more adult side of the boys was certainly not good press for them."
"Overall, my opinion is that Gen Z's might be having a little bit of fun and I admit these investments could supplement a diversified portfolio."
"If you're above the age of 16 and you drink Prime unironically you need to reevaluate your life because daddy is about to take you to school."
"Spreading positivity, what's wrong with the young kids? They don't understand love. Love is love."
"All the cool kids they're doing rocketry stuff and I want to be a cool kid too."
"We smoked a bunch of bowls on the side of Shawn's house because his mom's not home."
"And lastly I want to talk about something that isn't new in fact it's too old at this point Galactic Kids Next Door if you remember what happened in 2015 it was a whole event."
"I feel like it's really important that young people see that you're allowed to say whatever shit comes into your head sometimes... I think that we just need to be able to get everything off our chest."
"We never could have imagined that comedian Bo Burnham could have created such a heartfelt film about a young teenage girl living in the social media era."
"I just don't think that kids that grow up with this level of interaction, I think they're going to have a hard time going back to just 2D television."
"For a generation on the brink of a mental health crisis, X's music spoke to them."
"No event had ever brought together so many young Black people for nothing but fun, no marching or with pain in mind, just fun."
"It's hard to just drop out of this society, this hype culture."
"The pandemic has proven that gameplay is the social glue that binds communities, especially for the younger generation. This is what you do and how you make friends and hang out."
"Delia's epitomized teen style of the era and is used as a source of fashion inspiration to this day."
"Boys tear lists aren't dead... we're gonna bring them back."
"It's pretty cringe bro... but we were all cringe and overreacted back in the day."
"We're seeing elementary school girls articulating adamant preferences for designer jeans."
"Nothing says manhood like a burner before your 18th birthday."
"They were a huge Gateway into rock and metal for millions and millions of kids."
"Girls Go Games dress-up games to a picker obsession pipeline."
"Being a square is probably the most popular thing, the coolest thing that a dude could do, is probably the smartest thing a dude could do today."
"I think about my album that's coming out, and I do press around that, I'm not even bothered with anything conventional press outside of YouTube. That's where the kids live."
"The simple guide to style: step one, lower your car. Step two, put sick wheels on it."
"The average young American will spend 10,000 hours playing video games before the age of 21, when they're legally allowed to go and get a gun and go drinking themselves in real life, as opposed to just pretending to do it on a PlayStation."
"That is amazing, I literally can't even right now. I can't even worse than a teenage girl at Starbucks."
"I got a yearbook I just didn't put my picture well some gee bunny vlogs are like I can always look up a YouTube video what I look like in our 12 great"