
Universal Consciousness Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"This entire universe is nothing but consciousness. It's nothing but you."
"The great search for light, life, and love only begins on the Material Plane; carried to its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness."
"Your consciousness merges with the quantum field, the objective universal consciousness, and when they come together, you take a piece of it with you."
"The whole universe is actually folded within every single conscious being."
"There is this universal consciousness that we all are a part of, and therefore we all need to wake up and realize that, and unite as human beings."
"The Law of Vibration has a pivotal role to play in understanding Universal Consciousness."
"If it did turn out we're all just part of a universal Consciousness, it might help us feel more connected to each other."
"Everything has consciousness, everything is alive, everything is aware."
"The great search for life life and love only begins on the material plane, carried to its ultimate its final goal is complete Oneness with the universal consciousness."
"Consciousness pervades nature and the entire cosmos."
"You are more than a physical entity navigating through the world you are a manifestation of the Divine an embodiment of the universal Consciousness."
"There may be intelligences in collaboration with the entire universe's consciousness, and their whole job is to go from system to system either trying to teach, like the avatars, or trying to judge whether something has to be put into extinction."
"We become participators in a larger evolutionary process through which the universe itself is slowly waking up."
"There's only one source of consciousness in the entire universe."
"Everything in this Universe is made of consciousness."
"We are not alone; we are all connected. To design the destiny of humanity, we have to start first with ourselves."
"I love you guys. I love you so much. We are Consciousness interacting in this huge universe that is conscious of us."
"The universe is teeming with consciousness and life."
"The conscious living universe has the final say so and that's what I call God, the spirit that animates our entire universe."
"We're ultimately all that universal field of consciousness."
"Open up your heart to feel connected to the universal intelligence."
"The purpose of children is not just the Expansion of the Universal Consciousness, it is also to help expand your Consciousness."
"Breathe, expand into the knowingness of the multiverse, and suddenly the solution, the help, the conflict resolves."
"It's a conscious universe and we're all spiritual creatures having a human experience."
"You've become universal. You've gone from a human in the universe to the universe dreaming itself as a human. You become cosmic, 'I am cosmic, I am the whole cosmos.'"
"We are not alone in this universe, there are consciousnesses everywhere."
"The presence could know itself through all of its creation."
"The foundation of universal peace, peace on earth and peace out in space is the fact that the field of consciousness, the spirit within us is a singularity."
"We're in a universe that's full of Consciousness and other life forms..."
"Consciousness is the absolute primary stuff of our universe, it's the ground of our being."
"Consciousness fills the entire universe in the state of Samadhi."
"Feel that you are receiving the vibrations from the great Universal Mind, and are partaking of its power and strength and wisdom."
"Universal Consciousness is a spatially unbound field of subjectivity that underlies all nature."
"And we discover that we have not been left cast away on a little ball in space, but that rather that we are eternally involved in and part of a universal consciousness that knows all things necessary and purposeful."
"An enlightened person doesn't even care what they are saying and what you think of him. He's centered in the Vedantic teaching, 'I am not just this person, but the one consciousness in all beings'."
"The experiencer of the experiencing consciousness in all the different experiences is one and the same, it does not change."
"The universe is made of consciousness alone."
"There's this broad level, vast, infinite level at which you're not Leslie Temple Thurston. You're a universal spirit."
"Space, time, energy, matter, and biology are created by a universal Consciousness."
"All Consciousness is one, and it is all my Consciousness, and yet it is also yours."
"Be a thought that the universal mind will never forget."
"We're all born in universal mind, that's who we all are."
"The knowledge 'I am' is infinite consciousness shining in each of our finite minds."
"Universal Consciousness sees all of us as the Creator because all of us are the Creator."
"You are lifting all consciousness in the universe just by working on yourself."
"We are all the same consciousness, it’s just that ... To see God in everything and everything in God."
"Understand that what you are is this unlimited universal consciousness."
"There is consciousness within the universe; certainly, you and I are proof of that."
"When we place our mind in harmony with the universal mind, we come in tune with the infinite."
"The quantum phenomenon makes it possible to propose that the background of the universe is mind-like."
"Enlightenment is not some super cosmic state of consciousness reserved only for Buddha and Krishna, but simply as the development and cultivation of spiritual intelligence."
"Unity Universal Consciousness is characterized by a deep intrinsic understanding of the interconnectedness of all life."
"It's a state where individual concerns are transcended, giving way to a boundless empathy and compassion for all beings."
"The spirit that exists as the heart or core of each individual soul is essentially the same single undivided non-dual and infinite consciousness of being."
"When you realize that you are unlimited awareness, you are like the one sun which illumines the entire universe."
"This one consciousness in all beings, it is the same consciousness."
"The breeze that comes out of the universal consciousness is what keeps other kinds of love alive."
"You are a child of the cosmos, with the whole intelligence of the universe within you."
"Allow yourself to expand until you become everything, you are that universal mind brahman, there is no you and there is no brahman, everything is brahman, everything is para."
"Consciousness is by nature Universal."
"Your consciousness is the embryo of the universe."
"You are realizing that this deity that I'm praying to, this universal consciousness, is actually not just a separate entity; it is within all beings."
"I am the consciousness in which the universes are born, exist, and disappear."
"There is one consciousness in all bodies and minds."
"You are the dynamic universal consciousness."
"Consciousness is actually the universal consciousness."
"The esoteric traditions say that that little 'c' is identical to the universal 'C', a universal consciousness."
"The universal brain needs to be reprogrammed at this time to grow and evolve into greater levels of kindness."