
Physicality Quotes

There are 838 quotes

"Reasoning is difficult indeed. I think it's impossible to account for in purely physical terms."
"Perhaps even more so mentally than physically."
"One of the ultimate ironies of eternity is that the adversary, who is miserable precisely because he has no physical body, invites and entices us to share in his misery through the improper use of our bodies."
"This finger versus everything else... this one little finger is going to overcome these two hands, wrists, arms up here in the shoulders, back muscles."
"It was an era where everybody was strong as hell for no reason."
"Moana, like Merida, Pocahontas, and Mulan, had a physicality to her, making the character's strength as literal as it is metaphorical."
"The Spirit gives life; the flesh is of no help at all."
"We're spiritual creatures, we have an intellect, and we live in physical bodies."
"The two of you will connect on such a strong spiritual level but also on such a strong physical level."
"I love João Félix; he's really skillful, but I'm not sure about Premier League physicality."
"Theatre is a sport, bro. Musical theatre is a sport."
"So many teams are focusing on speed, maybe the market inefficiency is going big."
"The only limits imposed on him were the physical limits of his body."
"It's difficult to defend a team that are physically very better than you."
"Tie up Mayweather as much as possible, be physical with him."
"It's always instances like this that remind you that we are kind of bound by our own physical entities to an extent."
"Mako was capable of death throws, powerful strikes, and agile leaps and bounds."
"He does a great job creating distinct physicalities and identities for both Bruce and for Batman."
"The moment he throws Superman down that stairwell and smashes a sink on his head, you feel every hit."
"I think Jonathan Majors not only has the physicality for it he's also got the acting chops."
"Press Vance in the corner, yeah press Advanced strong powerful athletic guy man he brings a lot of oomph in any shot he's going to give someone any strike he hits you what you see his quickness his athleticism."
"You gotta make him carry your weight you know so I think the takedowns will obviously be really big too."
"He's going to lean on him, he's going to try and drain him why now gone is a heavyweight but doesn't have that like Conor menacing one punch power in that way not in the same way anyway but he moves a lot."
"He is a giant human being, absolute monster, huge catch radius."
"The young man has ever since he came on like we say he's drifting drifting off that left-hand side he's his physicality he's used his talent he's made a difference to this Czech Republic side."
"Seriously, people should realise that when you attack a 6 foot 7 strongman there are some risks involved!"
"If there is like an objective noticeable physical difference in size and force between two parties, it's on the larger person to not retaliate."
"The intense dancing, mosh pits, stage diving, sweat, and bloody noses are staples of the Travis Scott live experience."
"The Thrill of the Fight is probably the most physical and tiring game I've ever played in VR."
"Sephiroth showed no signs of physical exertion in Advent Children."
"He's not just using his muscle, he's using his brains."
"I get to know the instrument on a physical level."
"Spiritual body is a body that got the behavior of the spirit and still can function as natural."
"Size can play a factor, but we've seen... size doesn't always mean everything."
"Being able to use your physicality in conjunction with rapid decision making and awareness."
"It was like a naked gray child with a faceless oval head. It also did not seem entirely physical."
"Playoff basketball historically has slowed down and becomes more physical in nature."
"He's tough as nails...and he will flat out hit you."
"Knowing that peak physical performance will always override any negative internal state."
"Walls are pretty much suggestions... it's very common to fall off."
"It's not about mouth-talking, it's just the fists. That's what it's about."
"At the start of the game we can tell they're pretty physical and athletic."
"Teams usually just try to show us up and that can lead to them getting really physical on me and our teammate."
"They covet size they covet physicality those are those types of players."
"Emotions are physical and believe it or not, thoughts are physical too."
"The resurrected Christ appeared fully human, with a corporeal body, eating with his disciples to prove his physicality."
"If it were possible to love you in a more physical way I'd do it."
"Smart, tough, physical guys who love to play... guys who are team first."
"I'm a 6'2, I got a 40ish spt, bro you look at me t look at me touch my ceiling flat footed."
"What is happening to the gaming industry right now is absolutely on its own."
"Physical power is the essence of being alive and everything we're doing in the world."
"Sprint Vector is easily the most physically demanding played like a cross between Mirror's Edge and Mario Kart you take part in deadly races that are powered by your own physical movements."
"Ahsoka Tano fully embodies the Ataru form, using her entire body as a weapon."
"He flies up through the alley, a good tackler, this was a physical defense and I can tell you it was a big reason why they won that national championship."
"God wants you to wait... it's not just about physical stuff."
"You're not sitting across the table from her interview style. No physicality, bro."
"Physical talent makes him good, but his intelligence and perfectionism make him great."
"The physical and the spiritual are a lot closer than we think."
"I don't want anybody to get injured but I do want to see people get hit hard, that's football."
"Georgia is the physically superior team here."
"If you are stabbing someone you are literally putting a knife that you're holding into their body. You feel the body, the blood will spurt from the body onto you."
"Male and female are not the same physically. That's why they have women's sports."
"Physical strength matters in Black Clover. It's not just about magic; being physically strong gives you an advantage."
"People love to see people stand up and punch, kick, elbow, knee, the lot."
"You're so attractive, your body gives me so much pleasure."
"Everyone went 'yeah, that really looked like it hurt.'"
"Explosive vertical playmaker and a Mack truck after the catch."
"The physicality, the attributes, that's how you prove yourself to be elite."
"Virtual interactions are not embodied. We're physical creatures. We evolved outdoors. We're physical creatures."
"Our trademark will be our physicality, we'll be in great condition, we'll be known for how hard we play."
"Dudes like double your size... gonna be an elite run defender right out of the gate."
"Maybe I have to start kind of celebrating the fact that I have these legs while I have them."
"Van Diresh, Layton Vanderash was the first NFL player that I saw in person where I was like, holy [__], this guy's a freak of nature."
"Consciousness is fundamental. It's more fundamental than the physical world. Once it has emerged into physicality, all the textbooks are still correct."
"It's like sweaty, proud, muscle-bound testosterone sweating, uh, erotically charged hot muscular men, that's kind of fire."
"We think with our bodies as much as with our minds."
"Beliefs like goals or memories are built up over time by living and studying within a physical environment, so beliefs obviously have a physical aspect and are connected to your brain."
"Football is this extravagant, gigantic mess of people hurling bodies every which way."
"We're moving on to some actual physical products you guys, I get to hold and touch things on the show for once."
"Anthony Edwards is a freight train and a physical specimen."
"Last time we saw Brock Lesnar by the way he put a man through a ring."
"Wrestling is a brutal sport. Wrestling is a combative sport. Wrestling is active competition between two athletes."
"Politics I think then is going to become much more local much more immediate it's going to return to being more incarnational physical we're we're going to be forced to think Beyond science."
"A very straight down the line, very practical connection but very essential, physical."
"Once your philosophy is pure, everything physical becomes easier."
"It's not possible for our physical selves to have nothing to do with who we really are."
"I'll tell you what, nothing like having that low center of gravity."
"In wrestling business you take a beating, so for me it's fun, I always love the contact."
"He uses his physicality and he's a big strong young man, and that works well in today's game."
"When you're playing an acoustic piano, you feel it go right through your body."
"This is about not wanting to abide by anybody else's rules, that is, that Jupiter Uranus, but those rules are pertaining to things that are very physical, our health, our bodies."
"Every fiber of your body wants to fire off like it's clock, can your whole entire body wants to go a million miles a minute."
"I'm not gonna be a complete Gnostic and say that all physicality is bad."
"This concept of Swedenborg... physical objects are actually representations of spiritual realities."
"Arsenal don't just simply need to build up from the back, they can also go long and impose themselves physically."
"It's the hunger that's driving me to move, so the whole idea of doing something exceptionally physical when you're fasted just makes complete evolutionary sense."
"Energetically speaking, you're 100% open to this energy; physically speaking, not so much."
"He's one of the most physical corners that I've seen in this class."
"Love makes their palms sweat and their hearts beat faster."
"Leaning is one of those things that separates riding a motorcycle from driving a fast car because it's a much more physical experience."
"This will be a physical thing for a lot of you guys, this will be a spiritual thing."
"Kentucky has been so physical and so strong together."
"Jackie Chan of course is just stunning in his physical comedy."
"Skateboarding is one of the most highly physical things I've ever done in my life."
"You're watching TNA and you're watching an incredibly physical spectacle right before our very eyes with Full Metal Mayhem."
"One of the most brutal, one of the most physical spectacles ladies and gentlemen that we have ever, ever witnessed."
"I only feel coldness where you don't have the layer of fat."
"If you're a professional painter, then your arms and your back are literally your life."
"Everything will disintegrate; there's nothing in the physical world that will stay infinite."
"He's powerful after the catch, he adds a different element versus their wide receiver core that they have. Angry runs, he makes defensive backs pay."
"We're supposed to be out there like hunting and building and doing things that are physical."
"We live in a material world, a physical world, and that is the first thing we're going to experience: the physical appearance of another person."
"That's a remarkable woman. She's got a brain like a turbine and a body like a tan."
"The game has changed in more favor of the offensive player, back in that day, okay, back in that day, you could be very physical."
"This is a physical new opportunity presenting itself to you, not just an idea or a concept."
"Bruce made the human body a weapon in a way that people hadn't seen before."
"When you are getting completely physically dominated by someone, it doesn't matter how smart you are anymore."
"They're all about physical gestures."
"It's actually really satisfying when they do a fight scene and they acknowledge the physical difference."
"They find you very sexy, they're really attracted to you physically."
"They're very attracted to you, they find your lips to be very juicy and very sexy."
"You had to be very physical to be successful as a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition."
"For me, the body position and the efficiency of them is a really intoxicating combination."
"Consciousness is not merely a byproduct of physical processes but an integral part of the universe's fabric."
"That’s kind of an embodied experience, which is something that’s very physical."
"The most dominant win I think from a physicality standpoint that we have seen in some time."
"The biggest thing in playoffs is physicality."
"Pinball's Resurgence marks our desire for more physical, visceral, real experiences."
"Feel a little bit heavy in my left wing."
"I was always a quarterback that lowered my shoulder."
"So when we look at intimacy as just connection to this person then that kind of really broadens the scope of the things and ways in which we can connect because if we're just focusing on that physical component then we're really lacking intimacy as a whole."
"Singing is so physical and we forget."
"This was Peak ibushi right here. He's got the IWGP title in one hand, the IWGP Intercontinental title in the other hand. Physically, he is at his peak here. The man looks like he's chiseled out of stone."
"When you want the physical, you crave the physical."
"I assure you that if the cold weren't giving me significant shrinkage, I would be harder than my hair."
"A lot of people get this part wrong. They always say, 'I don't put my hands on a woman.' But if you are in any way using your physicality, your strength to impede her, to move her, to block her, to not allow her to do something, that is wrong."
"This person is excited about you, there's definitely a lot of physical attraction."
"When you're cratching your knees or getting ready to throw it back, you're connecting to Earth."
"The way they are now, her locking eyes on his chest as she rests her head on his biceps, oh God, can you see those biceps? They probably feel good to touch."
"It's not about thoughts or beliefs or paradigms or waking up from those, really, to consciousness and all that. It ends up being about something physical and energetic."
"Alright everybody, these are actually quite heavy."
"We can feel more self-confident, attractive, and accepting of our physicality by shifting our focus and attitude."
"Using your bodies to create the letters."
"Bull riding is 90% mental and 10% physical."
"You can do both. You can be, you can use that as a touchstone to gauge if there's physical attraction."
"He's got huge legs on him I think perhaps just the position this machine puts you in tends to squeeze you backwards a little like a mousetrap something he's definitely not used to."
"You are meant to be together physically. You're not just meant to have 5D conversations with them or 5D sex or whatever."
"Good quality to it, technical quality and physicality."
"Size actually does matter. Every variable matters in a fight, but especially the physical ones."
"Moana's character is built for adventure and physical activity."
"Watch your mouth man when you're talking about former players and who can do this and who can do that because this game the game changed in the 80s because it was so physical they had to stop that."
"It's been a physical battle to kick off Dynamite."
"Drawing to me is physical, it's me and basically my person, my body and my awareness in this world of how physics work."
"There's the physical pleasure, climbing can be very physical. There's the pleasure of the gymnastics and the movements on the rock, then there's the idea of pushing yourself. The little athletic challenge. Can I do it? Yes, I can. No, I can't. It's really something."
"Physically, it's actually pretty smooth."
"...when you can do things with your body you unlock another dimensionality of storytelling."
"Getting the actual flying experience is the best representation of the physicality and whether it'll work for you or not."
"I want to have fun. I could... I didn't even know the human body could be in the way that these women are doing."
"This was just an all-out balls to the wall physical War."
"He's always been more about getting his point across using his fists or if not them, then several well-placed German suplexes."
"There's something very physically attractive about you."
"Wrestling is one of the most D... it is Art."
"The sheer physicality of what we did still set the flavor and the tempo for what people tried to duplicate over the years."
"Stallone who'd written, directed, and starred in the films reportedly encouraged Lundgren to hit him harder."
"That's how far out on this side of the spectrum I was, physically."
"Pro wrestling is as much about psychology as it is about physicality."
"She genuinely, like, bulked up and got a bit of muscle for the role, and the fight scenes that she does... it's great. It kind of makes it somewhat believable that someone of her size and build could take on multiple opponents."
"Brains are physical things, they're meat."
"Wrestling is scripted but it's still very physical."
"We can run around on a basketball court and understand that that is a physical sport."
"He is a guy that's been part of this Turkish National program since he was about 16 as a physical player inside."
"It's an intimidating factor to have someone that is that tall with the wingspan of 7-6."
"My body has given me so many amazing opportunities in life."
"If you really learn to look for the small movements inside closer to the spine, closer to the bones, the bigger motions will get easier and easier to train."
"Ultimately, we know it's more ideal to be more spiritual, but a lot of times we fall back on just being physical and then we're disappointed with ourselves because we know we have the potential to be better."
"I look at a man who's put his body through a lot when you're that big you know uh it's you know it's very physical to be that big just to move through life and he is a big man you know with six seven three seventy."
"Your physical traits can carry their own energy."
"When you've got the barbecue, that gets to be about 70 pounds."
"In the West, we tend to be more physical and spiritual as a culture."
"They're kind of addicted to your body. There's something about the body that seems fertile, that feels erotic, and that they want to be close to."
"Shaq just turned into Smiths gave him a little bump."
"This was the most physical game I ever played."
"It's crazy to think you guys have to get juice four to six times a week and still be able to wrestle every night with those cuts happening so often and not constantly bleed."
"Both of them were very, very physical."
"You are spiritual as well as physical."
"Absolutely fantastic... downhill and physical."
"He's 6'4, he's a former tight end which tells you he should be an athlete."
"I just don't think I can lean over without putting my hand somewhere."
"Wisconsin gets it done with their physicality."
"Riding a motorcycle is something that you do with your entire body."
"You can't fake hockey. You can't fake those hits, and none of them shy away."
"Imagine JJ Watt but six inches taller."
"But you would never ever be a fighter. You'd never be able to take what's in your head and get it in your body until you got in a ring yourself or a cage and you got there and you just did it, you know?"
"A lot of physicalists underestimate matter. Matter is amazing and it does some amazing things."
"In the strictest sense, an actor's job is straightforward, to bring the script to life, hayden and ewan had to do that but they also had to be amazingly physical."
"Your body will give you more than your mind will tell you're capable of."
"Football will always be a physical, violent sport. Let's assume that fights are always going to happen."
"For me being a right-sided person, this motion and movement felt very natural."
"I like signing. I think that's one of the things we've got to keep in mind now, especially how physical the Premier League's becoming."
"There's a strong undeniable bond that has also caught and kept this person's attention on you. They just think you're really strong, they really like your body."