
Social Security Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"Social Security will be here till the end of the planet."
"If anyone tries to cut Social Security, Medicare, or raise retirement age again, I will stop them."
"On the other side of I, I want to put Social Security on The Chopping Block. If anyone here tries to cut Social Security Medicare or raise your retirement age, I will stop you."
"Social Security lifts more Americans out of poverty than any other program."
"This legislation would expand Social Security benefits and fully fund Social Security for more than 75 years, by demanding that the very wealthiest people in this country pay more in taxes."
"Before Social Security was created, about half of our nation's seniors were living in poverty. Today, that rate is just 8.9%."
"Social Security has a $2.85 trillion surplus in its trust fund and can pay out every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 13 years."
"Nearly 50% of retired Americans rely on Social Security for half of their income, while one in seven over the age of 65 rely on it for 90% of their income."
"I've just introduced legislation to expand Social Security benefits by $200 a month and to fully fund Social Security for the next 75 years by demanding that Americans who make more than $200,000 a year pay their fair share of taxes."
"Let's focus on preserving and expanding Social Security, let's make sure we don't have Medicare cuts, let's make sure we actually pass substantive laws to help the American family."
"Social Security for all... I'm a big proponent now."
"Removing the cap on Social Security taxes could ensure its funding far beyond our lifetimes."
"The answer is to expand Social Security, not to cut it. That's what the American people want, and that is what the right policy is."
"Social Security...stands as a monument to decency, dignity, and birthright of hard-working Americans."
"Social Security is something everyone pays into, and when you hit a certain age, you start getting benefits from that."
"We live in a time of dwindling pensions, insufficient social security, and rising costs of living."
"We're putting in place a structure that can be built on just like the Social Security Act, the Affordable Care Act."
"Biden has confirmed that stimulus checks will be $1,400 and is expected to include those on Social Security benefits and adult dependents as well."
"The biggest threat coming up is Social Security... today bankrupt. And many people are counting on Social Security... you might as well believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus."
"Getting social security earlier literally saves and extends the lives of poorer Americans."
"We're going to protect people's social security and Medicare; people paid into that their whole life."
"The social security program...led to massive decreases in poverty."
"Social Security provides a very good deal for waiting to collect."
"Avoiding taxation on your Social Security benefits will add on average about seven years to your retirement income."
"Social Security, Medicare, the two biggest things that the government does are wildly popular."
"The American dream...if you work hard you can support a family, that if you get sick there will be health care that you can afford, that you can retire with dignity and security, and that your children can get a good education and young people can go to college even if they don't come from a wealthy family."
"It is wrong to try and balance your budget on the backs of seniors who've worked so hard their entire lives for these benefits."
"We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion."
"Furthermore, we want Social Security beneficiaries to know that if they are typically not required to file a tax return, they don't have to file one in order to receive the direct cash payments that will soon be distributed to American citizens."
"We will protect your social security, we will protect your Medicare, we will protect you as American citizens."
"They've been trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare for decades." - Discussion participant
"Society is going to take care of you, no matter what problem you have."
"For all his faults... he doesn't think Social Security or Medicare should be considered when talking about the debt ceiling."
"Representative John Larson... saying we need to enhance Social Security we need to make changes we need to help out those that depend on these fixed income benefits."
"In 2023 the federal maximum SSI benefit rate is $914 for an individual."
"Beginning in January 2024 checks will reflect the new cost of living adjustment added on with the 3.2% which will boost the average retirement check about 57."
"The Affordable Care Act is our proudest boast."
"The vast majority of people should file at age 70 if they want to maximize their social security benefit. The payment is over 50% higher at age 70 versus age 62."
"It's not as rare as you think people love social security."
"We're going to protect social security and medicare, you have my word."
"Governing is about priorities and Social Security and protecting it is a priority for me."
"I plan not to pay social security instead of facing all sorts of uncertainties in the future."
"Ask them if they like the socialist social security that is keeping their grandmother from sliding into homelessness and poverty."
"They want you to forget that they want to cut Social Security and Medicare."
"They're fighting for your healthcare, we're fighting for your social security."
"Social Security trust funds are expected to be insolvent or depleted by 2035."
"The Social Security checks are now going to be about nine percent bigger than they were last year."
"Wow guaranteeing the basic necessities of life health care which I as a Canadian and the vast majority of the world already have guaranteed to them housing education so scary now."
"Ensuring economic security for all people of the United States."
"I think people on SSI and SSDI social security benefits deserve every penny of hazard pay." - Chuck
"Social Security is going to go bankrupt... what are most people doing about it? Absolutely nothing."
"Social security should be an anti-poverty program."
"You unlock American energy, put people back to work, will you pledge not to touch Social Security and Medicare?"
"We're going to probably see a big push on the 200 per month social security increases."
"We will never allow cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"If the federal government can't fix the shortage, it could result in benefit cuts up to 24% for retirees beginning in 2023."
"We will not take it from Social Security in any way shape or form."
"Permanent payroll tax cut would be disastrous for Social Security and Medicare."
"More than 50% of retirees have Social Security as their only source of retirement income."
"They want to raise the age to 69, they want to cut future benefits by 33%, they want to cut some $700 billion over 10 years."
"We have a solvency problem we might not have Social Security if we don't sit and do something to dramatically economically restructure the program."
"Stand up for seniors. We will not cut Social Security. We will not cut Medicare."
"People shouldn't stare at the ceiling wondering whether they lost their health insurance."
"When I think about social security I think about my grandparents I think about my parents I think about so many other retired Americans who paid into a system who deserve to retire with some dignity and respect." - Mandela Barnes
"If you want to be financially free, don't depend on Social Security. Blaze your own trail."
"We suggested that this should be a possibility for high-risk people, working-class people who have these jobs, to use social security on a temporary basis or some other method."
"Return to traditional Family Values, traditional strength and security."
"We have to raise the age of entitlement eligibility and we're going to have to cut people out even though we told them that they were paying into the system."
"Democrats are protecting Social Security, Medicare coverage, and fighting for infrastructure."
"As far as this show is concerned, Social Security is today cancelled."
"Social Security is the Bedrock of retirement Security in the nation's most effective anti-poverty program."
"I would be very sad and depressed if there were any cuts to Social Security."
"We can protect social security for all without cutting benefits."
"Social Security is not an entitlement program."
"The welfare system... will be stronger for people to provide as bigger safety net for as many people as is practically possible."
"I will protect and strengthen Social Security."
"Half of all federal expenditures are three big programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"Social Security can do the exact same thing, and this is how the proposed Social Security raises... They actually want to raise Social Security for pretty much everybody."
"They'll change the trajectory. They'll adjust rates, adjust payroll taxes, tax the wealthy. They'll still adjust corporate payroll taxes, adjust the corporate tax rate."
"I'm really not worried about Social Security. I'm 40 years old. When I get to 62 or 65 and Social Security, I fully expect that Social Security will be there."
"You deserve it. It's yours. And the Republicans are going to try to take that away from you."
"I'm just so, anybody that's coming down here for the inconvenience, make sure you have your social security card."
"One party plans to get rid of social security and raise taxes on the poor, and one party wants corporations to pay their fair share."
"Let's build a retirement system we can all rely on."
"There's no guarantee that the government will be there for you when you need it."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"Where are you going to cut it from? You know where he will take it out of. It’s coming out of health care and Medicare and Social Security."
"President Biden has made some serious promises... increasing social security payroll taxes for those making 400,000 and up."
"People on Social Security are really struggling... I can't live on 709 a month."
"At the rate they were going, Social Security funds would probably run out by 2035."
"Social Security is a sacred obligation, a sacred promise."
"Social security payments are now being sent out to about 70 million Americans, ranging from $841 to $1,657 depending on your monthly benefit."
"Freedom and security, not meaning free markets and police, but freedom from coercion and unjust hierarchies, and security as in providing for the social good."
"It's always guaranteed to me, it's always there when I've needed it, I have it. That's what actually should be normal within American society."
"We are on losing turf if we don't define it as a larger issue like Social Security."
"France has one of the best pension systems and best social security systems in the world."
"You pay it into the system you should get a benefit that's big enough to allow you to at least not live in poverty."
"We should expand Social Security, we should expand funding for health care and education, and we must demand that the billionaires stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"Social Security Act of 1935 was the largest social reform plan in history."
"The president has dedicated one billion dollars to the Social Security Administration fund to ensure that you get your checks faster going forward."
"Thank you so much for going into detail for social security." - Susan
"I'm on SSI SSDI, will I get the second stimulus check?" - Darian
"Federal law protects their social security income; it can't be garnished or taken."
"We will protect Medicare and Social Security, and a woman's right to choose."
"The social security formula is pretty simple. It's very easy to do if you know when you're going to die."
"Under President Biden, Social Security benefits for older Americans have received the largest increase in a decade."
"She's for expanding Social Security that polls at over 70 percent and the list goes on and on and on."
"You are the security for the corporation, so when you retire, they give you social security."
"If I'm president, we're going to protect Social Security. America, you have my word."
"I don't suggest that. What I'm saying is that we were able to discipline the Democratic Party enough that there's no cuts to Social Security on the table."
"We're really excited about the changes in the uh cost of living adjustment for Social Security, everyone's getting an 8.7 increase in January."
"This is the stimulus check that seniors have been waiting for. We need this $1400 stimulus check to take care of seniors, to take care of those who are on SSI and SSDI."
"We need Social Security reform. We need bills like the Social Security 2100 Act to pass."
"Thank you to the AFL-CIO for your support of the Social Security 2100 Act, a sacred trust. We can act now to expand benefits for our nation's seniors and repeal the WEP GPO and strengthen Social Security for years to come."
"The increase would boost the average monthly benefits by $133 per month or an extra $1,790 per year for twelve months."
"Immediate increasing social security benefits would put money in the pockets of seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities during these uncertain times." - Leader Schumer
"My proposal would help us ensure Social Security does what it was intended to do."
"I'll protect and strengthen Social Security and make the wealthy pay their fair share."
"Your father's still alive? You don't receive Social Security benefits for a dead parent."
"Expansion of social security... large majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents overwhelmingly support."
"Democrats should make social security a top issue... to increase our odds of getting both of those things done."
"President Joe Biden just a little while ago tweeted out they're going to be enhancing and strengthening Social Security."
"SSI benefits have long been inadequate, with the federal benefit level standing at only $794 a month, far below the federal poverty line."
"Now, when Joe Biden becomes president, he has said he will do many things. He stated that he will work to get people on social security a $200 boost per month for all of 2021. This is huge."
"We created the first social security system in American history."
"Would you be able to live off your social security benefit if it was only 78% of what you're currently getting?"
"Once your benefits step up, they never step down. Wow, this is wonderful news!"
"President Biden has promised a permanent increase in social security and SSI."
"We're going to tax the billionaires and expand Social Security."
"The president has dedicated over a billion dollars to SSI and SSDI the Social Security Administration to ensure you get checks on time going forward this is for stimulus fifth stimulus and your benefits checks."
"We need to make modifications to Social Security." - Brian Fitzpatrick
"I will always protect Medicare and Social Security."
"Social Security is the one source that you can't outlive."
"FDR said that people could retire with dignity. It was never designed to be the sole source of your retirement income, but it would give a base."
"I don't feel like people should be working until they're 70. I just don't feel that. I mean, if they want to, sure, should they have to? No. Should social security be a retirement plan? No, but is that a reality for many people? Yes."
"If you're going to live past age 78, it makes sense then to wait till age 70 to take your social security."
"Every year that you wait from 62 onwards, it's going to grow."
"Why not wait till 70? You're going to get the most bang for your buck from Social Security."
"Most of us know that at age 62 we can claim Social Security. But did you know that the longer you wait, the higher the benefit?"
"Social Security is more tax-favored than other types of income."
"The second thing that you can do to create $10,000 per month in retirement is maximize Social Security."
"I would not go back on any of the commitments that the government has made. But I would certainly reform Social Security in a way that would end in its ultimate elimination."
"By not taking it early at age 62, your Social Security benefit increases by about 6% per year until you reach normal retirement age."
"The amount that your Social Security will be taxed will be whichever amount ends up being lower."
"Your benefits aren't going to be proportional. The lower your income, the more you're still going to get from Social Security."
"So, for every year that you have a substantial income, you are bumping off one of the earlier years, and so that will have an impact on increasing your future benefits."
"You don't have the confidence that Social Security will be available in the future and you want to get as much of it as you can before it all goes bankrupt."
"Social Security will be your main and only source of income in retirement. If that's the case, that is a very compelling reason to defer as long as possible because you really want your benefits to be larger if that's all you're going to have."
"They have my social security number yes they do have now because the ones they will put off okay put the case on file and code house with the Better Business Bureau Better Business Bureau have the authority to just pull out here Social Security and make a case against up here."
"How do you create jobs and how do you create the kind of dignity and social security that people in Haiti are asking for, and elsewhere in the world?"
"The maximum OAS payment in 2024 is $713 a month."
"Every dollar that you earn in wages, 6.2 percent of that gets paid into Social Security and that's withheld directly from your paycheck."
"Nine out of ten people age 65 and older are currently receiving their social security benefits."
"If we hadn't spent that eight trillion, we could extend the life of solvency for social security for 30 years."
"The difference between claiming as early as possible at 62 and as late as possible at age 70 increases my Social Security monthly benefits by 76 percent for the rest of my life."
"You are increasing your Social Security benefits by a third for the rest of your life."
"I think they're going to reinvest in Social Security."
"If you expand Social Security's benefits, you will receive widespread praise and the gratitude of the nation."
"To get this right and identify a path forward that is fair to all who participate in Social Security."
"Nobody is getting wealthy on Social Security."
"If you paid into Social Security, you are entitled to that benefit."
"If she takes at 62, she is going to take less, but she is going to get more checks."
"Social Security is meant to be guaranteed and unhinged from Financial market performance."
"40.2% of all Americans rely on Social Security as their sole source of income they do not have a side gig they do not have a part-time job they do not have another source of income."
"France's Social Security proves it's possible to cover every citizen without a government-run system regulating choice and how doctors practice medicine."
"Delaying Social Security isn't a government ploy; it's a strategic financial decision."
"Delaying benefits can be crucial for ensuring a surviving spouse has enough income."
"There's no one-size-fits-all approach to Social Security; it depends on individual circumstances."
"Consider a 'wait and see' approach to retirement to assess when to start Social Security benefits."
"Deciding when to turn on Social Security can make a huge difference in your lifetime benefits."
"Sharing experiences and ideas about Social Security benefits can help everyone make better decisions."
"They're going to pay me the higher of the two benefits, my own benefit or spousal benefits."
"Social security is not known for giving fancy lump sum death benefits. That's what life insurance is for."
"Social Security is more like this: you have generations, each generation is paying for the previous generation's retirement."
"If you lift that cap on the rich, Social Security would be solvent forever."
"Social Security contributes zero into the deficit, zero."
"... there's also Social Security for widows and children so I was saved literally by the fact that my kids each got a check every month from the Social Security Administration after my husband died."
"Social Security that we delay really has unique investment characteristics that are very compelling especially in today's environment so we're gonna delay the Social Security and draw from the portfolio first."
"Frankly, it looks even better because the delayed retirement credits that you earn for delaying past Social Security only recently got to the point where it's an 8% annual increase for everyone."
"Social Security's formulas were balanced based on life expectancy in 1983. Our life expectancy has gotten better so merely average health today means you're actually winning the life expectancy mortality tables from relative to where Social Security was priced."
"We need social protection so that when a person loses a job, they don't lose their lives, livelihoods, homes, or families."
"We want to protect Social Security but we want to expand its benefits."
"We all like Medicare and most of us seem to be in favor of Age Pensions."
"The question of when to retire and when to take Social Security are two of the most important variables in creating a robust retirement plan."
"You can work while you're on Social Security."
"The value of delaying Social Security has been getting out there in a dramatic fashion these past 13 years."
"It's really the only way to buy more inflation protected lifetime income."
"We must pool our resources and share our risks to ensure security and dignity for all."
"Survivor benefits, which are also referred to as widow or widower benefits, are actually 100% of what the deceased spouse was eligible to take when they passed away."
"Social Security and Medicare are earned benefits that the American people work hard for throughout their entire lives."
"Good news for you, your social security benefit will be tax-free."
"It enriches my life so much, it gives me so much joy, and it makes me feel like I have a safety net that is huge."
"This means that showing a dollar extra worth of income creates an extra portion of your social security benefit that is taxed and creates a double taxation effect."
"Health insurance subsidy planning is a factor when it comes to when to claim Social Security."
"A social security delay is a tax discussion."
"How much of your Social Security benefit will actually be taxed is determined by a very specific formula called provisional income."
"If your provisional income is less than $32,000, your Social Security benefit is tax-free."
"Social Security works pretty well. Everybody's under the system, the payouts are pretty consistent."
"The proposal to pay flat Social Security benefits would be a reversion back to the intent of the program."