
Disbelief Quotes

There are 8134 quotes

"Holy fuck, no way Belgium's a real place. I don't believe that. Thanks for tuning all the way from Belgium, appreciate you, man."
"Usado is in a permanent state of disbelief as every fiber of his being is telling him to stay away from this insane person."
"This was an insane adventure. I can't believe it."
"I cannot believe that just happened. We have 58 minutes to go."
"I'm constantly second-guessing myself... when I hear people say they have no regrets, I never can believe it. I'm full of regrets."
"I can't even believe it till this day like right now where like people want to take a picture with me."
"You could write this as a movie, and it might be far-fetched. People would say, 'Oh come on, now nobody would ever actually try to get away with something like this.'"
"This is so stupid, I love this, I can't believe this is working."
"I just feel like I'm living in something that isn't real. That's how happy I feel."
"I'm Furious. Everybody is furious. Nobody believes this story."
"Allah empowers a state of disbelief if they establish justice...and causes a state that does not observe justice to fall down."
"It's still hard to take in. I'm waiting for them to be like, 'Oh my God, miraculous, Kobe stopped the helicopter with one arm and was holding his daughter with the other arm, and everyone's okay.' But unfortunately, life is the way it is."
"How do you sleep for two-plus days and not notice the dead bodies in your backyard, let alone your back porch?"
"It's Unthinkable that someone would do something like that; like you can't imagine that your loved one would be swept off the Earth like that."
"If you would have told me this 10 years ago when I started, I would have said you're crazy."
"That was the most insane thing I've ever heard."
"Oh wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder."
"It's an absolute joke, mate. Lost words, genuinely lost for words."
"Yeah, it's real. Can you believe that? That's nuts, right?"
"I have no idea why anyone would possibly believe it."
"It's like their negativity and unbelief didn't change the fact the guy that was born blind could now see."
"It's one of those things you would struggle to believe on TV, but when you see it happen to your own family, you aren't afforded the luxury of disbelief."
"It's not gonna feel real until I go home. I don't know, this doesn't feel real."
"Society does not believe black women, and that is the bigger issue with this whole thing."
"Yo, this is crazy, she's literally doing it!"
"You would never think that that could happen here."
"It's such an incredibly accessible, easy-to-love film that I just have to believe they didn't watch it."
"Thanks to everybody watching, supporting us over the past two years. It's... I can't even believe it's happening. Like, I'm just at a loss. It's really awesome."
"This is America, y'all. This is not a [] third world country, my []. This [__] is bananas, bro. This is nuts."
"We're showcasing these events in the entire studio, people really can't believe what they're seeing."
"It was bigger than that because you had the evidence as you say, but they did not believe her."
"It's just absolutely wild to me and very, very frustrating."
"I cannot explain to y'all how ridiculous that really is."
"How the fuck are they getting shades already?"
"This is actually insane, I can't even believe it's true, but just watch, it's actually real."
"Kobe Bryant is gone, that just doesn't make sense."
"Newton would sit there and shock and say I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Some coincidences can be so odd that you'll struggle to accept it. These are amazing coincidences that you won't believe happened."
"We actually did it, I can't believe I survived."
"I am convinced that the various gods that I've been presented with are not in fact real."
"Peak enjoyment, literally busting a nut dude."
"A commotion forms from the examinees who can't believe it."
"Can you imagine a universe where we doubted Shroomish?"
"Are you kidding me? This is too good to be true."
"That scene didn't get to you, it's just amazing."
"Elvis didn't die. I've got the picture of him and his coffin with his false eyelashes."
"What you just witnessed is a series of horrifying impossibilities."
"It's evidence that a murder occurred, not evidence of God."
"He laughs and says that he still can’t believe that two months ago, he actually said out loud that it can’t get any worse."
"This is nuts, this is crazy, it's the most insane [ __ ] I've ever seen in terms of drama ever."
"This is not a left or right issue. This is just a what the [ __ ] issue."
"I was fleeing on a boat... would have thought you were completely deranged."
"It's hard to believe right, it is actually hard to believe and I think it's missed in a lot of this."
"I don't believe what Trump says, period. Okay? When he says something, I don't accept it as fact."
"I couldn't believe it. I'm making it up. She actually said that to me. No one here knows anything. Okay, this is great. I know you're loving this story. I'm loving this story."
"169 games in 11 years? You're having a laugh."
"There's always going to be people that no matter what are not going to believe this."
"We're going to flip the switch... Oh heck no, you got me on the dole!"
"I can't believe I've been here for like six hours."
"Nobody believed it. It was so unbelievable it didn't make the news."
"They don't start eating your ankle... I don't think that happens."
"I can't help but laugh at that, it's so wild."
"If you told me this time last year, I just would never ever have believed you."
"Even Jesus' family members, including his brothers, did not believe in him at first."
"Question everything, believe nothing, and stay curious."
"That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard."
"This is surreal, it really is surreal for me."
"Do you want this floor milk that we managed to wring out the mop into a bottle for you?"
"Physically, I actually don't believe what I'm [__] saying. That is a Pog XD moment right there."
"The scariest thing for anybody is not being believed."
"It's batshit crazy to think that the election was stolen."
"This level scared me, dude. I'm not gonna lie."
"The woman I married more than 10 years ago would have never believed that."
"I cannot wrap my head around these allegations. He was never violent towards me."
"From my experience with Johnny, it's impossible to believe that such horrible allegations are true."
"I am blown away right now, this is just insane."
"I have never seen people throw out an allegation with no supporting facts whatsoever...and still maintain that a dude's life should be ruined over it. It's pretty unbelievable."
"I paid for 26 OnlyFans, no the November guys I've never met a guy that actually did that."
"None of this... but I will always point out, wait until the end. He doesn't believe any of this, nothing, none of this."
"Are you telling me luck doesn't work like that? That my luck on one thing doesn't affect my luck on the next thing? That's BS!"
"Holy crap, I cannot believe that worked. Wow."
"I live in a constant state of disbelief... my life in the last three years has been just a continuous series of surreal impossibilities."
"I'm supposed to believe that Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and what's his name, Klaus Schwab, whatever, looks like a guy from a movie, evil guy. He cares about me and my life? Yeah, he cares about my well-being."
"The greatest regret for anyone is to die in disbelief, knowing that the life you led was not in accordance to the wishes of your Creator."
"I'm in total shock that this is happening to me."
"I would not feed that dog for seven hours, believe me."
"No, I'm not celebrating, oh my God, are you kidding me?"
"I can't believe it! You better believe it 'cause it's right here in black and white." - Portia
"You are nuts if you think the economy is doing well."
"It's just so crazy to me that people can live in such an absolute [ __ ] completely hypocritical state."
"Perhaps you don't believe that but why did your jaws hit the floor?"
"That's crazy, yeah, that's absolutely crazy."
"She says no way you're my brother, you wouldn't."
"That was real. No way. What? You can break them."
"You experience the horrors they promise firsthand. Dread slithers in your bones and fear takes over you, yet you keep telling yourself, 'This isn't real.'"
"Bro ain't no way the Sims are multiplying, I've actually lost faith in humanity at this point."
"I just can't believe it... I just can't believe it."
"What's just happened to you doesn't happen. It never happens."
"I can't believe I just freaking saw that. Just unfreaking believable."
"This was absolutely unbelievable. Unbelievable, it really was."
"You know you're preaching good news when your reaction is that is too good to be true but it is."
"You couldn't write something... This is just unbelievable."
"I'm actually at a complete loss of words when I say this. Like, how do I even explain this? And as I was in F5 looking around, I just caught the glimpse of this."
"The courts have rejected all of the evidence that was presented... it's just mind-boggling."
"You understand me? Nah, cut it, clip it, ship it. That's what that was. You throw a box, you say 'Yes.' Look, look, look, ghosts are real, ghosts are real."
"I just couldn't believe it when I was listening to it late last night. I was just like, oh my God."
"I would have said you are absolutely crazy but here we are."
"Are you kidding me?!" - Repeated expression of disbelief or astonishment.
"Are you kidding me?" - Expressing disbelief or surprise.
"There are likely a number of things going on in our world that even the greatest minds would consider ridiculous, absurd, and impossible."
"Sure, he's not going to get any of this stuff."
"For years he got away with it, but it's almost nonsensical as to how that occurred."
"I am one hundred percent convinced that Islam is false."
"You can't confront the fact that it's so real because it doesn't feel real."
"So surreal... I can't believe something like this could happen."
"This is not supposed to happen in our hometown. This doesn't happen here."
"It is too good to be true. It's not going to work."
"They dismiss it like junk mail, a fluke, until very, very bad things begin happening to the people on the list."
"He couldn't believe that he would do something like that for him."
"'There was no scenario we could imagine in which a mom could experience the accidental death of her child and then proceed to drive around with the dead body in her trunk, watch a movie, and spend the night with her new boyfriend.'"
"Absolutely pathetic. That's the most popular president ever? Pathetic."
"This is what's true... they still don't believe you... but they've never met an exception before so why should they believe your words."
"After all the stuff we've been through in this country, who in a right mind gonna sit around and stage some BS like that?"
"The best stories are always when you can suspend your disbelief as much as possible."
"Russ fully shuts down and wants to pull the plug on the entire walkthr and that's because there is no Mami Manor I am positive of this."
"This [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] how does he have 18 points?"
"No words have been invented to capture the feeling that I feel right now. I'm just giddy with disbelief."
"I think one of the most striking things is that nothing has ever caught on fire, and if it does, it never spreads."
"You would have to be really, really under the spell at this point to just not see it."
"You just can't even believe because the numbers are moving so fast."
"Yeah, it's insane, I saw that and openly saying that and it's crazy just, you know, we still look back."
"This is straight up cap, you did not build this."
"This case is just ultimately shocking, isn't it?"
"Those damn fools shouldn't have broke into my home."
"I felt like such a fucking idiot for believing it mainly because of just how ridiculous the story was to begin with."
"I am shocked that he's getting away with it."
"It's fucking unreal that I'm having to say that."
"If this incredible moment wasn't captured by a camera no one would have believed it."
"Are you serious? Are you really that clueless?"
"When you're talking about what was the number 700 hidden allegations, it's absurd, it's disgusting, and it is not of God, period."
"Guys, come on, one more, no way, right? No way, Daniel."
"There's so many times when you pinch yourself, you're like how did I get here?"
"I don't understand how people can see him priming this up then he pulls the trigger on this and people are like wow I'm so shocked I can't believe the Democrats stole it."
"We have censorship like nobody has any understanding or nobody can believe."
"I feel like some of you guys are going to be saying that's not true, that's like no way."
"You are not going to believe what you're seeing."
"Seven bucks for a cup of coffee, I mean are you for real?"
"People had no concept of pandemic, they believed it wouldn't happen because it was unimaginable."
"Man, to see Barry in person, it almost defies gravity, defies logic, defies physics."
"I find it very difficult to believe that a lot of Hollywood actresses actually feel that way."
"Trash taste hasn't aired in 20 years, wake up."
"You got to be kidding me, you got to be [__] kidding me."
"They've been so good all season and they've done it again. I can't believe it."
"Facing evil, one of the greatest advantages psychopaths have is that average, decent people cannot believe that such monsters truly exist."
"God is dead and I went oh huh imagine a grown-up doing that I'm a real gopher announcer oh god what happened where's the obituary pages in this thing."
"There's no [ __ ] way he was fine last night. He carried on a conversation with me."
"I cannot imagine putting bleach on my daughter's head."
"What God has for you will amaze those who have no hope for you."
"Nobody believes that. That was how bad it was for me without analyzing."
"Just to be clear though if you are confused about what is happening, that is a real wizard who hates us."
"We are literally living in a movie, nothing is making sense."
"I still don't think it's real. I looked at Preston I was like wow this just happened."
"Developing your own individuality... purging out things that no longer serve you."
"I decided against saying anything about it to anyone because I truly thought no one would believe me."
"How dare you even think it could be possible, right?"
"I feel sorrow that you live in this world and you don't believe the Word of God?"
"You cannot point to a specific disbeliever and say that guy over there that Paul over there is going to Hell Fire that Vanessa there is going to Hell Fire."
"I'm an utter disbelief that it actually worked."
"My mother was a composer, I just can't believe that."
"And then he starts talking about his view you just say like oh she said you were 17 when you met him and he was 21 there's no way she could have known that absolutely none."
"Most people look at that and go, 'That's [__] nuts. That's not who we are.'"
"I can't believe it actually happened, this is unbelievable!"
"If these 15 moments were not filmed, nobody would believe them."
"It was incomprehensible to me, it was unconscionable."
"A hundred years ago, no one would have believed that humans would fly into space."
"A floating island in the sky? That's just silly, right? Wrong."
"Not being visited by someone in the spirit plane who came down here to tinkle on the ivories."
"You won't play the game because some of us don't believe it is a game."
"It's just, I mean, that's just insane, right?"
"Oh, you're one of those conspiracy... 150,000 in three months, I don't think that's insane."
"I cannot believe this, man, I cannot believe this, he did it, I can't believe this, I cannot believe this!"
"Ever told your truth to someone and they refused to believe it because it was so outlandish to them?"
"Kevin, did you run over a group of monks? Please, Kevin, tell me you didn't run over a group of monks."
"I highly doubt that you've had three people here."
"I guess I shouldn't have, oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding me."
"If you were to tell your younger self about the life you have now, they sincerely wouldn't believe you."
"He was openly telling them the horrific things that he has done but they still have nothing physically to back it."
"Imagine seeing all of this beauty and thinking that you're going to throw a coffee cup. It just blows my mind."
"Did you prank me? Like did you and all my friends is this like a punk'd gotcha moment and this isn't the real movie like there's no way this could be the real movie."
"But for Wade to change his entire story like that is insane. I don't buy it for a second."
"Her family does not believe it is her, and her father believed she succumbed to the elements the day she disappeared."
"It's really funny that you didn't think that the Pokemon gaming help hotline was real."
"I still can't believe this. I'm lost for words. Love you sis." - Lisa Marie's half-brother
"Otherwise, no joke, no scam, you will be visited by a ghost."
"It does feel like a miracle... it's hard to believe that it's happening."
"There was no way anyone could have rearranged them, no wind, no human."
"That's what you got from that situation? You literally walk into Granny killing one of your friends and the first thing that goes through your head is 'wow, she can stand'."
"These behemoths are so unbelievable, it's unreal."
"Modern marvel, it makes no sense and he's just like, yeah, still doing it."
"Oh, it's magic, you know, couldn't believe it's not."