
Adequacy Quotes

There are 548 quotes

"Fundamentally, is it good enough? No. But we are making a difference to people."
"The conversation needs to be, is the policy up to speed with where we are in the domestic violence and domestic abuse conversation?"
"The horsepower is so adequate that it's beyond adequate, it's actually super sufficient."
"You are good enough, but you have to believe that."
"Sometimes good enough is good enough totally."
"Everyone knows Ollie is not going to be the guy to lead you back to great success."
"Listen, man, along with freaking every other YouTuber, I feel like, uh, oftentimes they'll be like, 'Ah, 92, right? That's good enough.' Tell us why is it so important."
"Without a religious and moral people, this system is wholly inadequate."
"The storytelling and dialogue is very... it's okay, it's serviceable."
"It's okay to say that their best wasn't good enough."
"Does what you have right now suit you? Is it enough?"
"Lore of little wah and big waa are okay, exactly where they should be."
"You don't have to be excellent at something."
"What is good enough? Who do you have to be to be good enough?"
"Troll whisker cores are considered relatively inadequate but passable."
"Am I enough for other people? Can I be enough for myself?"
"It's plenty up to you know, it's plenty good enough for finding product ideas."
"The frustrating thing about all of this is it really just feels like it's too little too late."
"Focus on just showing up, posting content that's good enough because when you're doing this, that's going to be more than enough and you're going to crush it."
"Live your life sis, don't let anybody else make you feel like what you are doing at this moment isn't adequate enough because it is."
"Not perfect, but I think it's pretty okay."
"Are they going to be good enough to do that?"
"We have to ensure that the relief that is handed down to families and communities across this country is sufficient."
"The traditional criterion of clear and present danger seems no longer adequate to a stage where the whole society is in the situation of the theater audience when somebody cries fire."
"Erring on the side of more protein... is a good idea."
"It's not complicated, but it doesn't need to be."
"This might be enough, surely this will be fine."
"I pray that every time that they feel as though they're inadequate they would know that because God is in them they are more than enough."
"Inadequacy simply means not good enough for your purpose."
"More than enough, more than the vast majority of bills are going to be able to offer."
"It's not pretty, but it gets the job done. Mostly."
"If what you think you're doing has your pugs best interests at heart then that's enough you don't have to be the perfect Ordnung."
"Until we resolve economic justice, every other kind of justice we resolve is inadequate." - Stuart Acuff
"The glory does not lie in our inadequacy, but in the adequacy of Christ discovered in our weakness."
"You need to do what is required of you, and even when you do what's required, it may not be enough."
"They're waiting to become this version of themselves that they feel is adequate enough for you."
"It's like my old friend Goldilocks said, that's just right."
"That's the thing, the concept is good enough, it doesn't matter how well it's executed."
"It was great; it was exactly how long it should be, it was exactly how much action it needed to be."
"Don't get hung up on having the best; get hung up on having what's adequate for your particular needs."
"It might not be the most stylish haircut in the world, but it'll do."
"Nothing will ever feel like enough because you don't feel like you're enough."
"Whatever you are already doing is enough."
"You don't really need to make it all that perfect, you just need to make it good enough."
"It's like slowly goes down and so it's usually good enough."
"I mean, I can put a little bit more, that's good."
"Not a ton of room above but still decent."
"It's not the biggest it's not the craziest but it will definitely suffice and do the job."
"I think it's enough car for a lot of people."
"Maybe feeling sad and anxious and burdened and barren is an appropriate and adequate response."
"But I think my solution is good enough for a video game photo mode."
"Not great, not terrible, but for display case distance, this will be just fine."
"The basics are there and what is there is definitely quality."
"I mean it's not perfect but it'll do."
"It's not the best, but it's good... it's good enough."
"We've got all the tools here, no matter what we're doing."
"...for most people this is going to be totally fine."
"The Unidan Odyssey is just the right amount of everything."
"Use what you have, and that's good enough."
"Even if you want to leave it Bare Bones, you'll be fine."
"At the end of the day, you are who you are. You can do what you can do. And as long as you're doing the best that you can, it's good enough."
"He's going to be more than enough for what he wants to do with them."
"Not perfect but definitely in the good enough range."
"I don't want perfect to be the enemy of good enough."
"Selfishness is not merely the holding on to what we have, it is holding on to our own thoughts that are not adequate."
"That's awesome. That's all it needed to be."
"The power wise, the 200 odd horsepower that this has does feel sufficient."
"That'd be a fine Bobcat card oh wouldn't it? Yeah, that'll do perfect."
"It only needs to be good enough for you."
"It's not finished just yet but I feel like it's good enough."
"It's certainly not perfect, but it's going to get the job done."
"If you're doing the best you can and it's not perfect, it can still be good enough."
"This is what bothers me the most. This whole thing, it does not look too great, but other than that, it does the job. It's functional."
"It was bold and brash which was everything it needed to be."
"The supplied waveforms are actually quite limited."
"This road is a minimum maintenance road and it is not in the best shape, but it's maybe good enough."
"I do think this is quite a good comprehensive list for the current times."
"Jaws 2 is one of like the most adequate sequels I've ever seen"
"This is not gonna be enough coverage."
"It was fine but it wasn't that great."
"The bare minimum is more than enough."
"Yeah, I think it's fine. It does everything I need it to do."
"Sometimes good enough is always going to be good enough."
"Logum is this word that does not exist in English and it basically means not too much, not too little, just the perfect amount."
"Honestly, that's about as good as you can hope for."
"It's not great, but it does the trick."
"Start with the goal of good enough."
"I think if you've sized the axle correctly for what you want to do, you're not going to need to worry about that."
"I mean, it's got everything you need."
"...certainly more than enough to get this thing out of its own way."
"I mean, she carries this movie fine."
"Even the base engine has more than adequate power."
"They're both better than nothing."
"As long as there's enough movement in here, I think this setup is perfectly fine."
"I love this, it's the perfect length."
"All of the ingredients have just come exactly for the right amount for two people."
"This movie was only as long as it needed to be."
"Just under eight acres in total. That's more than enough."
"Good enough is as good as a feast, and when someone walks into my house, this is really what they're going to see."
"If it's better than when you first walked in, that's what's called good enough."
"The deepest heart cry of a man is, am I able? Am I adequate?"
"Sometimes the best is good enough."
"He's doing his best job to provide just what they need."
"It doesn't have to be exact, but something in that general vicinity will work out."
"That's what this set is, perfectly cromulent."
"Maybe that would mean that she is enough, that Ruby herself is enough."
"You don't go hunting with a pistol nowadays."
"All I could do is be myself. Yeah, that's all I can do. Yeah, if it's not good enough, it's not good enough."
"In fact, quite good. So there was enough there."
"There's nothing broken, there's nothing wrong, there is nothing missing in any of us... it's impossible for someone to be inadequate."
"If this is what I had loaded in my mags I would not be undergunned any day of the week."
"That's alright, yeah. It's decent."
"All you showed up with today was yourself. You thought that was going to be good enough."
"It's almost like a watercolor. It's not perfect. It's not my best work but, you know, it's good enough."
"Not as good as a lighter but it would do."
"Not life-changing, but it's good, it's good."
"It's pretty peppy and it's more than adequate."
"Good enough in certain situations is good enough."
"That's a perfectly reasonable amount of power."
"This is absolutely better than nothing."
"The Wi-Fi was adequate, good for texting and typical work things."
"Well, everything seems to work alright."
"He's exactly what he needed to be."
"The facilities were basic but good, as you'll see here."
"For me, this car has more than adequate pace."
"It's good enough on its own to do what it needs to do."
"This isn't blowing me away. It's not, you know, like a mono bag or anything like that, but it's decent. It's fine."
"However, they don't need to be very good."
"I think it's in really fine shape... I think it's just as good as it needs to be."
"This match to me was like what it needed to be."
"Is it perfect? No, but you know what, it is good enough."
"There's such a thing as good as good enough."
"The thickness is fine, I think they're fine."
"Sometimes good enough is, it's good enough. Let's move on."
"Sometimes it doesn't have to be much, it just has to be enough."
"Just having the actual fridge itself has been been perfectly adequate."
"And this spec is just—it's perfect for me. It's not too much, you know, but it's just enough."
"You don't have to be perfect, you can be good enough."
"Perfectly adequate for most touring Caravans."
"I do my best and it happens to be enough."
"Any amount of time is enough time."
"You did an okay job. Looks great."
"It's more than enough for most people."
"This pinning is going to be plenty."
"This isn't like an over the top 'wow', but it's not bad. I think this actually gets the job done pretty well."
"100 amp hour is just perfect for what I am looking to do."
"Speaking of Alex Jones, my name was spoken in Alex Jones' studio, bro."
"It'd be nice to find a bigger, more intact one but this isn't bad."
"...but for right now for what we're throwing at it I think it's perfect and I think it's going to do a great job so."
"Is it better? Slightly. But if I asked for a sponge and you handed me this, I wouldn't be mad and the job would get done."
"If you are just parenting them and loving on them, you are doing enough and you're doing a great job."
"It's going to be more than ample, more than good enough."
"I think this might be my Goldilock solution."
"This isn't good enough. It's time to deal with this head-on."
"You might have coverage through work. It's not enough. Employer-sponsored life insurance may not be enough."
"This is definitely giving what it needs to give."
"280 horsepower seems to be enough to get the job done."
"We shall mark your performance as adequate."
"It was hugely exciting, it was hugely rewarding."
"This is not to say this is a perfect van or to say that I haven't thought of ideas that could make it better and improve the functionality, but it is more than enough for the common traveler or the adventurous family."
"If it looks good, it's good enough."
"Maybe this whole 220 million is actually put in and done generally properly, but for some reason, it just doesn't feel like it's enough."
"Whatever you bring to the table, it's enough."
"It's not just good, it's pretty much good enough."
"He will be everything that you need."
"It's enough i would have liked more but it's enough to where it feels of value if that makes sense."
"It is good enough. Good enough is all we need right now."
"It ain't perfect, but it's perfect for what we're doing."
"If you're doing it right, that is enough."
"But it's as good as, not as far as I'm concerned."
"You can only do your best and your best will will be good enough."
"The claim that one is inadequate just as one is, is a lie."
"Good enough for number five on this list."
"As long as there's love there, it should be enough, but you don't even believe that."
"But it's fine for this kind of car, it's absolutely okay."
"I've tossed on at one of my red coats Hardy's and we're just gonna call that good enough."
"It's just the right amount of coverage."
"All in all the Powertran Transcendent polysynth is very adequate."
"Everything in the back seat cargo space, everything is what you would expect."
"You don't have to have an absolute mirror edge, so it's not that big of a deal to just get it as good as you can and you know you'll be just fine."
"This clutch is gonna be more than fine."
"...as long as we get it to work this is gonna be good enough."
"And really, this is plenty. It's going to go through."
"Perhaps not quite as elegant as I might have liked, but perfectly suitable."
"For the size of the screen I think it's very adequate."
"It's better than nothing, of course, but it's not all that good."
"The biggest mistake I see people making is that they don't have an anchor that's big enough for their boat."
"Just a plain black journal, hopefully it will work, hopefully it'll be good enough, that's all we need."
"Everyone's perfect, everyone's good enough."
"Only one hook held the fish, but that was just enough."
"As long as you know that you're meeting the requirement or at least you're within that range of what they require, is good."
"As far as I'm concerned, for a beginner player, that's going to be good enough."
"...trying her best and our best is enough."
"What a crazy finish this was good and fine it was sufficient."
"Not overdone exactly right on point."
"The answer you gave was good enough. Caribbean Sea."
"When you drive it, you will find it wholly adequate for the situations you really need it in."
"I feel like that's decent. That's good. It even said 'C' meant good, you good."
"For most people, that would be all the powers that they would need."
"It's basically everything you need."