
Energy Sector Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"We're creating the Alberta hydrogen Center of Excellence."
"The energy sector in the S&P 500 is the only positive returning sector this year."
"Transforming the American electric sector to produce power without carbon pollution will be the greatest spur to job creation and economic competitiveness in the 21st century."
"The American natural gas industry is going to be a big business winner."
"I support single-payer health care, I support maybe government taking over the energy sector."
"Fusion technology can potentially revolutionize the energy industry."
"Bitcoin: the most disruptive force in the energy industry."
"We cannot allow fossil fuel jobs to be better than new energy jobs."
"There is a huge opportunity to build the distributed energy utility."
"We've been trading in a bull market, but who's gonna lead the rebound? Energy prices could be the relief the market needs for an October rebound."
"If your pack includes 100, then you can turn that into 200 CCF. That's not bad at all."
"If you have oil stocks or if you invest in energy, keeping your money in ETFs and other things backed by oil, you should know that these things are dangerous."
"In this investor's opinion, Tesla is going to take an outsized share of the world's energy generation, storage, and supply."
"Look after your body better than I did... If you do, you can go on and play into your 40s in this day and age."
"CO2 emissions from the power sector in particular are at the lowest level since 1978."
"Our renewable energy plays also did very good today."
"The real value creator is the drill drill drill increase the resource."
"We've ended the last administration's eight-year war on Pennsylvania energy."
"Tesla is a technology and energy company. They aren't a car company."
"Fusion is driving towards commercialization."
"Cybersecurity threats to the natural gas pipeline... serious threat to our national security..."
"Tesla's heart is not in automotive, it's in energy."
"Oil demand globally probably peaked in 2019."
"By unlocking the power of American agriculture and American energy, we are fueling a roaring economy."
"The new company, Statevolt, has signed a letter of intent to source lithium."
"The plant is currently under expansion by the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and Energy with a total cost of 218 million US dollars."
"He's broken the treasury market and he's already broken the US Energy Market."
"Fusion energy is always 50 years in the future... but that has changed."
"Bloomberg NEF is expecting prices to begin Falling Again in 2024."
"My thesis for buying Exxon Mobil is that global energy demand will continue to increase over time and oil will play a large role in that for at least the coming decades."
"Exxon made 19.7 billion dollars in profit last quarter alone."
"The conflict in Ukraine was a contributing factor in an increase of roughly 100 billion dollars in Norway's earnings from oil and gas."
"I think we're gonna just be patient and methodical but we're also gonna mash the pedal on trying to take advantage of the PSE wanting to market better and wanting to grow more."
"Power Ledger: Democratizing energy supply, empowering consumers with cheaper electricity."
"Tesla's energy business will grow to be at least the same size as their automotive business."
"This could be an important step in building a clean and sustainable energy industry of the future."
"Liquified natural gas has really been the hero."
"Once again producing the highest amount of oil and gas in the world..."
"Texas is therefore effectively one of the world's greatest energy super provinces..."
"We had 35 million dollars of pre-orders from commercial fleets... Comcast and Best Buy and you know huge Duke Energy even invested in our company."
"Virtual Power Plants... work to make the grid cheaper and more resilient." - Tesla Time News
"There's some big stuff going on, I don't know exactly what, but the energy revolution is coming."
"We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers and we will continue to produce more oil."
"It's time for major completions to allow new energy in."
"Once we were able to convince the market that we were an energy company, they started to value us as such."
"Prospects of any kind of stimulus deal would be a big positive on energy."
"Our country, as advised by President Joe Biden, has now banned oil from Russia. What does this mean for us? Let me help to explain this to you guys."
"Big money comes from electricity, our future lies in electricity."
"Energy storage deployments increased 360% year over year."
"Exxon Mobil pays a pretty solid dividend, over four percent."
"Creating the world's largest distributed utility."
"Welcome to the gas production Zone, the Beating Heart of the whole evil play care system."
"Energy is incredibly important, and oil is effectively the hemoglobin of our modern system."
"Tesla's energy revenue could dwarf their auto revenue."
"Tesla Energy is going to surpass the value of the automaker side of the company."
"Natural gas is primarily used for electricity generation so shortages mean the lights literally go out."
"Tesla's energy business will undergo a step change in deployments and profits."
"The United States generated more electricity from renewable sources than from coal for the first time."
"Be careful what you wish for. If you say, 'Oh, we have a lot of damage in the economy because of these banks and the FED has to back off,' if the Fed does that, you will see a massive rebound in commodities led by energy."
"Renewables covered almost 45% of the world's electricity generation growth."
"Elon has said in the past he expects Tesla's energy division will eventually be as big as their vehicle manufacturing."
"Tesla is not just an automaker; they're an energy company."
"The independent energy safety regulator delivered its findings."
"We just broke 500 million, which is half a billion, but now we can buy a nuclear power plant."
"Wind and solar will be cheaper than fossil fuels in a few years."
"Wow, what a week. Ready for the next one. I look forward to talking to you all on our Energy Web stage."
"We're going to have inexpensive energy that's going to help us get rid of this horrible inflation."
"Tesla energy generated 1.3 billion in revenue."
"Solar and wind and maybe some forms of energy that we don't even know yet."
"I'm very bullish on energy for the remainder of this year."
"Offshore seemed like a fantasy not that long ago. But it is very real today."
"Not only does Devon Energy pay a strong 6.9 dividend yield but it's increased that from six cents a share to a dollar a share in the last five years."
"Tesla is the best energy company, new energy company on the planet, and they will dominate, I'm sure of it."
"Tesla delivered an 18 energy gross margin that's super exciting."
"Everything looks really good for the energy sector."
"China completed its first ever Yuan settlement of liquefied natural gas trade." - People's Daily
"It's gonna be a blood shed for a lot of oil producers and natural gas producers but that's where we can start to find value when prices are down."
"Tesla's energy business could yield $600 billion in annual revenues."
"Okay, Granholm is in the process of figuring out how to implement an oil export ban from the United States."
"That's right Trent exploration is private but it's also very profitable in the energy sector that makes it attractive to all sorts of investors."
"The energy sector gives you value and growth. It ranks number one in both categories right now. That’s so incredibly unusual that I can’t believe that people aren’t attracted to it in one form or another."
"From a conceptual standpoint, how would you go about sizing the market potential for Energy Pop in Nigeria?"
He said, "I think it would be fair to share this money with Ukraine. I mean, to help us to restore, to rebuild the energy sector."
"The energy companies are running an organized cartel, and the US government is choosing to ignore it."
"Pay attention to what's happening in the energy field because it's going to condition how your lives will turn out."
"We want to take those incredible skills that exist in parts of the country where we have fossil fuels still and transfer them into the jobs that will last for decades and decades to come."
"Tesla Energy has sort of been the quiet goliath underneath Tesla."
"The company transports 25% of the crude oil produced in North America."
"We delivered on energy bills and on cutting National Insurance."
"This is a sleeper; nobody is talking about the Tesla energy business."
"We've developed the most flexible delivery network for natural gas electricity that anyone has on the continent period."
"Enecon is the first manufacturer worldwide to have received a certificate confirming these power plant properties."
"I wish there was a way that he could hire coal miners to work in the solar industry."
"In the world of energy companies, they have what we call PPAs or Power Purchase Agreements."
"We're making incredible progress and we work with Andrew every day and others here in the audience and on the panel."
"We decide the best way to do this is with machine learning, and we're going to be data-driven."
"The best way for us to unleash the free market and capitalism and innovation in the energy sector is for us to fully take into account all the costs that go into producing energy and using energy."
"We're talking about the flow of trillions of dollars of goods and oil and energy and whatever every year."
"There's always a bull market somewhere, and energy is the place to be."
"The energy business is going to be 100 times bigger than the automotive business."
"If we can learn to decarbonize our energy sources, it will have an impact across all of these industries and more."
"Energy and power is gaining in importance in this decade and will do so in the future."
"The future is going to be really exciting; we're going to have a breakthrough in energy."
"This is the golden age for private capital investment in hydrocarbons for the next 10-15 years."
"The energy business is still a baby compared to where most folks believe that business is going to be in five or ten years."
"The golden era of American energy is now underway."