
Future Challenges Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"The next 10 years could prove to be some of the most confusing and problematic years in human history."
"We are now locked irrevocably in an exponentially accelerating race between our knowledge and our wisdom."
"We're seeing a new species grow up around us and getting it right is the problem of the century."
"We need to figure out how to avoid an anarchic society... we need to do all this in a span of a couple decades."
"I'm worried about the birth rate. Most people think we have too many people on the planet, but actually, this is an outdated view. I think that the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse."
"This is something that needs to be rectified in the future... free access of information especially when it is of vital importance to people's lives and access to the things they need, this is something of utmost importance and should be allowed to an extent."
"The single biggest challenge that we are going to face as a country, the world is facing at the moment, is the technological revolution."
"Our biggest coming problem is not our own extinction, but rather our ethics and how we manage those."
"Whatever our hopes may be for the future, there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security."
"The road ahead is going to be very difficult."
"The world will change, health care systems will change after this... we're certainly going to have new pandemics. This is not the only one we will see in our life."
"What has my life been for? The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve."
"How does a society thrive when the world economy is undergoing constant disruption?"
"This stuff really matters, and the more hardware we carry around and the more we as a society use these kinds of devices, the more of these problems we're going to run into down the road."
"I don't know who you are, but I hope you have the strength for what's to come."
"The risk of major inflation in the U.S., risk of major collapse in creditor nations, risk of war, these are sort of these big fourth turning type issues."
"The central animating question of the next 10, 20 years is going to be: do we accept this new version of racism?"
"It's not inevitable, but it's something we should be ready for because it's already happening."
"The big challenge we are facing and will increasingly face in the 21st century is that now there is the technology to hack human beings and therefore also to increasingly manipulate their desires and emotions."
"There's gonna be a lot of darkness and Chaos over the next five years but we're building something underneath that darkness and Chaos."
"Do you think Kessler syndrome can be so out of hand that we can't leave our plants for thousands of years?"
"It's going to be important for us to figure out how we coexist with advanced artificial intelligence."
"The greatest existential threat to humanity is the rate of change."
"Deception will be a thread that will run through everything that has its impact upon the church."
"Being turned into clippie sounds awful. But fear not, we'll have years to ease into that sort of suffering as AI steadily plucks off one job after another."
"The primary political and philosophical issue of the next century will be the definition of who we are."
"Welcome to the future where problems are guaranteed to never remain solved."
"If we just sit back as China takes what they want from Southeast Asia, from Taiwan, eventually they will control everything and we'll be facing an even greater threat. Therein lies the big challenge."
"How do you know what's real and what's not? That's the future we're moving towards right now."
"The future of the automotive industry will be extremely brutal with only a few car companies able to survive."
"The community at large is going to be dealing with this problem in the near future."
"Space itself would soon have to be regulated much the same way we regulated the open seas with international maritime laws."
"Space is not the final frontier, it is just the next one."
"The coming decade would be decisive in the fight against climate change."
"I'm scared of Z growing up because I don't know if I'm ready for all of the challenges that every age brings."
"I hope that I have that level of character and strength and resolve if when my time comes."
"Who gets to control space is one of the great challenges of the future."
"You're going to pay the price for this in 2022 go for it seriously embrace the suck because it's coming and it's coming for you."
"Humanity will find a way to tame it to our best interest."
"A day of reckoning is coming... next CEO with a lot of mess to clean up."
"The Fallout is going to get big, it's going to get ugly."
"Congratulations, you've won this one. We'll have to try and beat you in the next one now."
"Humanity's future is the central challenge of our time."
"The first thing we need is real honesty about the work to be done ahead of us."
"The real issue will come when they start to think like us."
"More things are going to break more dramatically, more pain is going to be ahead."
"We need to prepare for that, for instance in the educational system."
"It's going to be absolutely essential for our long-term survival that we understand the larger cosmic environment."
"Let's get ready because the next pandemic is coming."
"Battles await us in the future, but set the Lord always before you."
"The hard part was achieved, they qualified. Now what's next?"
"Your life is evolving over the next year. You can do hard things."
"I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people."
"I want you to be resilient... physically resilient financially resilient these shocks are just about to get started."
"The magnitude of the energy problem that lies ahead is absolutely enormous."
"It's going to be a very tough century, but we have to tell this positive story and enact it."
"America sat on top for a long time but now so many other dogs are challenging America... The old dog is being challenged and the times that come next are going to be perilous." - Full Spectrum Survival
"Loop quantum gravity, string theory, and supersymmetry are just a few of the candidate theories currently being explored in that vein."
"Imagine Earth more screwed than it is now... difficult but very much so not impossible."
"Unless you guilt your audience into doing business with you because you provided so much upfront value, you will get suffocated over the next decade."
"We are going to be in this world of hurt for a lot of people six months, 12 months down the road as these things unfold."
"Let's be ready because the next one's coming."
"Your bravery will be called on one day before this is over."
"The suffering you're going through right now, the suffering you'll experience next year, five years, ten years from now, is for your character growth."
"Let's recognize it's right that Scotland can determine its own future, then let's engage in having a meaningful debate about what the future is, and let's be honest about the challenges, about the opportunities that we face."
"Just before you say something super mean... just think, would I want my mom to read this about me?"
"Humans need to evolve ourselves to deal with the problems that a future with all the tech we need will provide."
"How do we construct our own vision of the future to put against that vision of the future?"
"You're making life for you very difficult in the future."
"You're gaining your strength for something to come in."
"We cannot survive with the answers we have now, where are the starling minds, the inventors, the innovators, the geniuses..."
"God has already seen somewhere in your future where you need this kind of experience in order to build the mental toughness, moral toughness, and spiritual muscles that you need in the future to sustain you."
"You've gotta be as open as you can so you can decrease your chances of being plopped into a place in the future where you're gonna freak out and become shell shocked."
"I hope that we can all move forward together from this. Um, it's gonna be difficult to regain the trust, rebuild the trust."
"I don't rule out anything at this point in terms of the craziness of what we're gonna go through."
"All signs are pointing to one thing: the world is entering into a very difficult period of history."
"I'm gonna say yes just so I can fight the robots in five years with your thoughts."
"Eventually, the city that seemed impossible to build may prove impossible to save."
"Misinformation and things like fake news is only going to get stronger as time goes on."
"If it feels safer to bury our heads and say it's not happening, we're in for a terrible time."
"Rising sea level is going to be the biggest economic driver in this century."
"Preparedness is the key because that's the only way that we are able to face whatever is going to happen next."
"However, what I do believe is that the challenges that humanity is going to face in the future, are extremely substantial and complex, in terms of our mobility and many other things as well."
"Balancing their potential benefits with the need to preserve... our humanity will be a crucial challenge for the future."
"We just have to wait 10 years check out bottom fell out of the birth rate 70 years ago they ran out of kids 30 years ago and this decade that big bulge moves into Mass retirement."
"There's going to be some difficult choices to be made here moving forward."
"What happens if they lose hard points moving forward?"
"It's actually unethical not to evolve the human body even though it can be scary, even though it can be challenging."
"I'm quite worried about artificial superintelligence these days. I think it's maybe something more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"I do worry about my kids and what they're going to have to endure in the future for sure."
"In a future where things no longer work like we're used to, you're going to be your own paramedic."
"Blade is still out there and ready for whatever comes next."
"You won't tell them they're gonna have toxic leadership."
"We are a technological society, we are only advancing, we have to figure out how to make it work with our society."
"Healthcare professionals have said to me, if you think COVID is bad when it comes to climate change, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"I have some concerns about Advanced AI... super Advanced AI is one... and probably the second biggest risk after that is population collapse."
"But, if we're lucky, they might also help make our entire civilization wiser, richer, fairer, and better able to navigate future challenges."
"Global warming has ended and a new, more ominous threat faces humanity."
"Without expanding to a new planet, it is not a question of what we do, it's a question of what we are."
"Next season will be challenging. We've got to work hard, run harder for longer."
"This man is looking up at them bright lights, the only words he'll be able to mutter to his broken defeated self are gonna be the words: 'Boy, you don't know yet, but you're gonna find out.'"
"The most important work we have to preserve our democracy may be ahead of us not behind us."
"It's not a sustainable move forward, especially with Xbox One potentially being next in the firing line at some point in the future."
"If you don't understand crypto and refuse to learn, it's going to be a tough century for you."
"Yet their involvement on Arrakis would eventually put them on a collision course with a worthy foe."
"We're living at a time when there's more and more of a divergence between a sustainable future and an unsustainable one."
"There will be serious negative consequences and impacts to the industry later down the road."
"We're gonna have a lot of fight on our hands to try to deal with the crisis that comes after this."
"He realized by Revelation that the day would come when the battles would be here."
"Deception is a big part of warfare. Deception will be an ever-increasing problem during the final age."
"One of the big stories of the coming years is the struggle for a new settlement."
"If you can't sort that out where you are right now, when you get to where you want to be, it's still not going to be sorted, okay?"
"We have to know that this is coming if we want any chance to face it and address it."
"We must harness all of that collective power to resist the autocratic future."
"Upon hearing this Kelvin can only smile, excited to fight against other strong adventurers."
"I am excited also about the possibility that we may actually get this right, but I think getting it right isn't just getting all this amazingly wonderful stuff, but it's also addressing some of the complexities and risks that you talked about."
"Humanity needs to change in order to survive moving forward."
"Your humiliation will be in a place where you think that they can perform these miracles and you think that they can withstand what is to come, and they won't."
"Over the coming century, the most vital human resource in need of conservation and protection is likely to be our own consciousness and mental space." - Tim Wu
"2023 will experience financial and health challenges like the US has not experienced in a century or ever. There are solutions: paying greater attention to your surroundings and getting involved in your communities."
"The problems of your future are my privilege."
"Our dependency on electronics... if those things go away tomorrow, we're completely screwed."
"The prophecy according to what I saw: we will endure many trials in the future."
"I think that's a bridge that we'll have to cross when we come to it. You don't have like I don't think you have to foresee the moral problems coming I think they will just show up."
"The chip shortage will get a lot worse than it already is."
"As he sees time moving forward, one of the greatest diseases of mankind will have to wrestle with are diseases of boredom."
"Life will be better, life will be a bit harder from now on, I'm sure."
"Moving forward, there won't be enough food for all of us."
"The creep who originally gave Randy the Nomicon hints at the Ninja's future challenges."
"At some point it's going to arrive and at that point the only thing one can suggest that would solve a problem like that is human inventiveness."
"We're going to need a new type of leadership."
"This is a blueprint for the suppression that is coming our way."
"I tell you what man it's going to get worse."
"Pretty soon Innovation will be needed otherwise game Graphics might stagnate today as they are."
"Don't let the coming reality turn you into a victim. Make survival your top priority."
"If VW can't even get to 50% of their new vehicle production electric at the end of 2030... they are absolutely screwed."
"This is a moment of strength, gratitude despite some dark days moving forward."
"We're headed for something that is unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes."
"You're going to learn so much about yourself and your inner strength in the weeks to come."
"We need a completely new paradigm to survive as a society."
"We're improving, we're adapting, and we're ready for the challenges ahead."
"This test, this intensity that the two of you are going through right now, it's just a heads up of what's to come further down the line, which is actually really exciting."
"This is probably one of the biggest threats that I see going forward, right? Not on our liberties, but on our food security."
"Something's about to break there we can't kick the can any further down the road."
"Once you reach that place of contentment, the thing that's going to blow you away is how deeply you can rest."
"Resourcefulness is what's going to get you through this next few years."
"It's only going to get harder when you sign these players."
"The relevance is that anybody who can prepare for it has prepared for it, but there are plenty of companies that aren't ready for what's to come."
"It's the chase. You have that moment, you win. What's next?"
"You're going to be able to take on even more challenges."
"I think economic rights are gonna be a big issue... those are gonna be our big issues going forward."
"Security is really, really hard. Things will go wrong in the future."
"The type of problem we're going to see with airplane safety in the future is going to be the pilot-airplane interaction issue, so the human factors piece is crucial."
"It's not as alien to our sense of how things work as the dread may be, but it is different enough that its presence means some very difficult days are ahead," said Miranda.
"There will be a lot of more challenges coming in the future."
"The conviction follows that tomorrow's challenges can be met as they come."
"Then I hope we can have a friendly and constructive relationship as constitutional equals, as friends and partners in facing the challenges that lie ahead."
"You're guaranteed that whatever you have to face in the coming years, you are fully equipped not to just go through it, exploit it, plunder it, make a public spectacle of it."
"We have to have a story that not only reconciles and integrates our lived experience... but also galvanizes us for much stranger, potentially more challenging situations in the decades to come."
"We really need a diverse set of knowledge to be able to cope with the wicked problems of today and the uncertainty of tomorrow."
"If we can't answer these questions, I would hazard to say that we don't have much hope of making a dent in the kinds of problems that we'll be facing over the next century."
"Let us call for collective actions to build a stronger UN for our civilization to deal with emerging challenges for the next century."
"Is this the end of the world as we know it, or is this just a wake-up call to get prepared for more turbulent times ahead?"
"This is the biggest potential loss of innovation that the United States could be facing in the next decade maybe the next two decades."
"My grace is sufficient for you, for whatever you face in the future."
"In the end, the question is how we want to deal with all these challenges."
"We are not psychologically or physically fit to live in the world that we're creating."
"There are waves of technology coming up that will just throw traditional employment into turmoil and could create mass unemployment."
"One of the biggest economic issues facing developed nations over the next couple of decades is population implosion and the resulting economic stagnation."
"We're going to need a lot more people like Olivia, who are mediators and peacemakers, to navigate the speed bump filled roads ahead."
"One of the most influential books in history will continue to raise challenges well into the future."
"Life in the world of tomorrow will certainly be challenging, and maybe even a little scary."
"There's nothing in your past that can harm you, and there's nothing in your future that can stand in your way."
"The stakes will be high in three months' time when these recruits face real enemies."
"Energy shortages are going to be one of the keys if we have a really tough decade ahead."
"Clean water I think is probably going to be one of the biggest problems of the future."
"Who are we as a people? We're living longer than ever before, but are we ready for the challenges of an aging population?"
"Don't take it as a loss, but as a lesson to okay, now I may live long enough to see another one of these types of situations again, how can I prepare myself for the next one."
"Enjoy this phenomenal moment because your biggest test lies ahead of you."
"You can be blindly optimistic, or you can have your eyes open and understand what kind of sacrifices and challenges and battles we might have to face in order to get to that good outcome."
"The future environment is going to be one of cities that are experiencing this tsunami of inflow of population, and information, and money, and drugs, and weapons that come about through rapid urbanization."
"These issues are only going to grow as human activities in space grows, and it’s time we began thinking more seriously about how we manage our cosmic neighbourhood."
"We know that climate change is an enormous problem. It is the problem for the next century."
"The Four Horsemen of the next decade are interrelated: a financial bend-break situation, geopolitics and war, complexity in the six-continent supply chain, and the social contract."
"Be glad," Kelsey said to him. "You have an ally now who will aid you greatly in the trials ahead."
"Density is a problem now and will continue to be a problem over the next hundred years plus."
"The emergence of new technologies makes it likely... you will have to consider Fourth Amendment claims in light of circumstances that couldn't have been anticipated at the time of the drafting of the Constitution."
"China will face a convergence of challenges in the next decade."
"Netflix is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dangerous future that all of these streamers face."
"The real drama of the 21st century are really new questions."
"If these amateur 3D models can fool prestigious photographic agencies and festivals, then we're in trouble for what's coming next."
"The Millennium Drought was a only herald of things to come."
"We are going to have to understand ever more complex systems if we are to deal with the future; without that understanding, there may be no future."
"That guy's name is Arturo Khan. His father is in charge of disciple cultivation, and like his father, he is a cunning and insidious villain. You have to be wary of them in the future; they could really hurt you."
"I think humans are going to survive. However, I think we have some big challenges to decide what kind of future we want. And that is really something you guys are going to be talking about well into the future."
"We need to shift our gaze away from the challenges we used to think about and shift it to these challenges which are the substantive challenges of democracy in the 21st century."
"I'll never regret meeting you, so even if I put you in a tough situation later, don't regret it either."
"The automation of our jobs is a central challenge facing us today."
"Charging is our biggest issue moving forwards."
"If you can't endure the difficult times, because more are coming, you're not going to last."