
Reputation Management Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to."
"I've never seen a tech company destroy their reputation so fast, but Unity did it."
"Gabby is the one who wanted to go on this like Taylor Swift reputation era tour where she like tore into all the people she felt wronged her."
"Instead of trying to threaten away bad videos of you that won't go away, try being less bad. Just a thought."
"The reputation of a country is a lot like the reputation of a company, individual, or anything really."
"I think we did it. A reputation notification has once again appeared on the side of our map."
"If you don't care enough to enforce your boundaries in the moment, you'll regret it later when they destroy your reputation with tens of thousands of people with their dishonesty."
"It's worth more to your reputation because you could say, 'Look, he accepts he got it wrong,' rather than a judge found that he'd got it wrong."
"Term sheets aren't binding. So as an investor, you can actually sign a term sheet and not follow through on the financing round. This typically doesn't happen, just because your reputation is on the line."
"Regardless of what anyone says negatively about you, as long as your demeanor is nice and the way you convey yourself is correct, who cares?"
"Keep your word. Your reputation depends on it."
"Try and rebuild your reputation. Try and remind people that you are a brilliant driver."
"Your reputation is everything. It's what precedes you and it's what people are gonna know about you after you're gone."
"Wells Fargo traded its hard-earned reputation for short-term profits and harmed untold numbers of customers along the way."
"Every single little decision colors how the public is going to view you."
"Your name stays with you, it's either an asset or a liability."
"Brand is what others say about you when you leave the room."
"If you develop that reputation for speed, it will be worth a fortune to you."
"Though he will never shake the reputation as the world’s greatest cycling cheat, he has rebuilt a life for himself that allows him to indulge his cycling passion and his competitive nature as an amateur athlete."
"Once the bad publicity is died down you'll either cascade into the pits of oblivion or go out doing something incredibly stupid."
"Your reputation is everything, and the way you behave out in the world will affect how people see you."
"Just find your moment and just become incredible for a small stretch and people will just change everything they know about you."
"Owning a mistake, fixing it, going above and beyond, willing to engage with customers individually, that's what built our reputation."
"It's just the way they do things is how they gain that beautiful reputation that actually ruins it for everybody."
"Who would have thought that Johnny Depp's kindness years ago would come back to save his reputation in the end?"
"The financial and reputational damage, though, was irreparable without replacing the CEO himself."
"Cyberpunk could still salvage its reputation at least somewhat if the developer can continue to release updates."
"So yeah what's the probability you're gonna risk your entire [__] social media image your entire career on the fact that the organization testing you is not going to show up randomly."
"Marty's post severely impacted my professional and personal reputation."
"You've got to make a call. Right now, all this is doing is you're dragging the EG brand through the mud, you're tarnishing your own legacy."
"You earn your reputation slowly over time, and that reputation can be good or bad."
"You have alienated a massive portion of your audience, exchanged a HUGE amount of respect for your company for money."
"There are many ways you can destroy your reputation, and calling your audience stupid is definitely one of them."
"Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to... conform to whatever identity we believe in ourselves."
"Enough is enough, you know? Disney's been damaged in this way, that way, and the other, right?"
"Own and manage your social brand and your online reputation... just knowing what people are saying about you online..."
"You can't start over every time you get smeared."
"I've called these guys personally. I've asked him about it. It doesn't come up other than in moments like this."
"Your reputation is everything. If you drop the ball over and over again, word spreads so quickly and no one's gonna want to work with you."
"Media attention, public relations, and reputation management have been a key part of this story since the beginning."
"It's unlikely she'll ever successfully reverse the damage she did to her public perception."
"Advertisers beware: the weaponization of old comments can backfire."
"Do not make yourself into the laughingstock of the world."
"Brand is your reputation in the market."
"The media can be your best friend for a time but can be your worst enemy in the blink of an eye."
"Your reputation must be guarded very very well."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, right?"
"Just be glad they're talking about you because the more your name is on their lips, the more powerful you become."
"Values and reputations are hard to build and so easy to destroy."
"Regardless of the outcome of that case, the damage is done to Sweden's reputation."
"Infamy is something you really have to manage."
"This goes to show people like you gotta watch what you post on social media."
"Plagiarism is one of the fastest ways to ruin your reputation."
"He's the walking example of better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool."
"I've done my best to maintain as clean an image as I can because I just want to be family-friendly."
"Success was great, and then things kind of got a little fishy."
"If your brand doesn't represent any type of quality service, then all you really have is a brand with a bad reputation."
"If you want positive search results, do positive things. If you don't want negative search results, don't do negative things."
"Reputation is everything. Pay attention to it."
"But let me say this, I'm glad that Amazon recognized that they could turn a negative into a positive as a company,"
"Gold has, dare I say, a bit of an image problem."
"Get it right, you're a superhero. Get it wrong, and there may well be reputational damage and a little dip in the bank balance as well."
"She has no friends left. It's clear there is no publicist or crisis manager of repute who would work with her."
"Guard your reputation fiercely; it's your most valuable asset."
"Your reputation is priceless. It takes decades to build. However, if not careful, you could ruin it overnight."
"This is masterful the way that he has kind of flipped this around on this dude."
"Your reputation is something that you can't buy back if you do sell your integrity."
"We look forward to clearing his good name both in the public eye and in the eyes of the law."
"Reputationally, we need to update things with Justin. We don't give him the credit he deserves."
"If you have a good product, you don't really need to worry about the bad reviews because the amount of good reviews will overpower it very easily."
"A blameless woman was slandered and vilified by the Prime Minister... she deserves to have a good name cleared."
"Good trash talking is a great way to go viral. The problem is you might not go viral for the right reasons."
"That's the thing with comedy, if you open your mouth, they say you're trouble to work with."
"Earn a good reputation... Brands for companies are like reputations for people."
"It's almost like a company deleting negative reviews of their business because they want to make themselves look a certain way."
"I can't change the reputation overnight, but what I can do is change this place and help give a new identity and put it back on the map in Lampeter."
"That's a pretty hard to think of things that are much more harming than someone's reputation."
"How you come into a job is how they will think of you the whole time you were there and how you leave is how they will think of you for the rest of your life after that."
"It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but only seconds to destroy it."
"If people sort of say, 'Oh don't go there, there's always a row going on,' you just won't go there."
"We want the reputation as a restaurant to be as good as the food we turn out."
"Call it out when it's appropriate so that you don't end up looking like a fool."
"Don has to be careful how he speaks to people. I know he's a boss but in the long run his reputation for being a bully can jeopardize his career."
"There is an argument in favor of if you're that sort of a voter you hold that view that you would want this to have happen before the election so it'll clear his name."
"Patients can die if treatment fails or if they wait too long and their health deteriorates. Hospital reputation will suffer as a result."
"You can spend decades building a reputation of your company or yourself as an individual and lose it in a heartbeat."
"Change a negative review into a positive one by offering help."
"When they are proven right, their reputation does not recover. They still carry the air of disrepute."
"If you're the victim of an unjust cancellation, you should preemptively publicly comment."
"I think that memories are very short in politics and I think that he is enough of a darling of the media that these kind of things will be swept under the rug."
"But in Brittany's case, if she gave all the refunds back, she stopped selling programs, it's not exactly fair to constantly bring it up, even though it's quite fun, isn't it?"
"It results in damage control when things come out that make them look bad."
"Your digital footprint, you want to keep that clean."
"Syndicate had a lot of damage control to do."
"If you were worth millions would you put up a million bucks to stop your image from being hurt?"
"Their popularity has cratered in reaction to this book instead of telling their story more and more making people like them more it's making them like them less."
"Super r-type... isn't nearly as bad as its reputation... very much a game worth playing."
"It's not about being known, it's about being known well"
"Here's one of the biggest athletes ever... and we've never heard about him being in one scandal off the court."
"Comebacks are not a one-size-fits-all it obviously depends on what you did but also how well you know your audience in order to come back from it."
"Your brand is everything that you do everything that you say every step that you take that people ultimately remember about your business."
"Millions lost. Money and people's faces must be saved."
"Ken Bone's reputation was pretty much saved."
"I don't want to ever make anyone feel that I am the person who is assassinating their character and trashing their hard work."
"I apologize because I don't want to ever make anyone feel that I am the person who is assassinating their character and trashing their hard work."
"If you hype the promise, if you over promise, one day the public will get back."
"Always try to put your best feedbacks from clients on your portfolio website."
"Reputation is the most valuable thing a man can build... The partner they choose to be with should increase his status."
"Anytime you have to make a video to say you weren't doing it, that means you was doing it, okay? Because if you weren't doing it, you don't have to speak on it."
"Act in a way that enhances your reputation and never take actions that could potentially damage it."
"Not only is Vince weakend looking out for the WWE as a whole with these TV contracts, absolutely had to make himself look at least somewhat less of an asshole by going to the tape route."
"Your reputation needs to be aligned with what business you're really in."
"Personal branding is the digitization of reputation."
"You worked too hard to allow the optics to stain your reputation."
"I'm the villain in your history book. I used to fight so hard about that, and I can't change your synopsis of me."
"Once you crucify your reputation and don't try to resurrect it, you sleep better, you have fun, your joy returns."
"We gotta stop this because you're dragging the image down."
"When reputation is everything, we gotta do what we can do to make sure we as customers don't do anything to hurt that reputation."
"The difference between paying a $300,000 Ransom or rebuilding your system without adequate backups could easily cost tens of millions of dollars in finances alone, let alone the damage to your business reputation which may never recover."
"I think he's gonna take all of it, the dirt that's on his name because of that."
"A good review can put a company out of business."
"I'm here clearing my name and [ __ ] in hopes of possibly regaining everything that I lost."
"You're manifesting a new vibration in the world, changing your reputation, changing your social media, changing your status in the world."
"Once you lose trust with somebody, once you do something that was dishonest with them, word gets out real fast and you can never get it back."
"It's better to remain silent and fear being a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"Winning isn't just the courtroom win, it's knowing when to take the exit and when to bow out. He left on a high note that re-establishes his name and his dominance."
"All publicity can be turned into a positive thing."
"Reputation is everything, and it's built on putting yourself out there."
"Remember, unhappy customers destroy reputations."
"It's like one of the best things you can do if you have any like moderately questionable situation."
"You need a reputation of being a good landlord and that's hard when you're just getting started."
"This is definitely a good first step towards even repairing what reputation you have."
"Building a great reputation literally never stops until the day you die."
"So much depends on reputation. Guard it with your life."
"It's not worth risking your reputation, in my opinion."
"Capricorn men must ensure that their reputation is impeccable, as the financial picture of the year will largely depend on this."
"It's much more difficult to try to get mud off your name than it is to try to have a strange person listen to something from a strange person."
"Well, I'm in the negatives. I'd like to take it even lower though."
"I guarantee that if you are actively hiding negative reviews, you're gonna get found out and it's gonna be even worse than if you were to delete it, I promise you."
"I guess short answer to the question, if I had to buy either one of these two again, I would buy this one all day long."
"Reputation is everything, perception is reality, it's kind of crazy."
"Elon knows bad press hurts Tesla but he knows he has a great product."
"You got one reputation in this world, your money can't buy it."
"There's no such thing as bad press. Make them talk about you."
"He proves that it's possible to maintain a reputation by being yourself and not trying to build a fake persona."
"Your product is your persona and if the public is angry they're canceling both the person and the product."
"She's getting out ahead of it, before it comes to bite her in the ass."
"Your reputation could be over in seconds. Wake up. You're running a business, not a courtroom."
"The less destructive you are to your image, the easier it will be to fix mistakes."
"Peaches is not canceled. She's a talented artist."
"Costello was obsessed with carving a particular image, he wanted a reputation of excellence indulging in the finer things of life."
"It takes 20 years to build your reputation and it takes 20 minutes to ruin it."
"I think they can recover from the PR nightmare."
"He gives them ammunition to attack him when he retweets something like that. Are you not worried about that at all?"
"It's very possible to just ruin all your goodwill in one fell swoop."
"He places a greater value on his sort of reputation if you will, of being a counter puncher his entire life."
"The harder you try to ruin my reputation, the harder I laugh."
"Make sure you watch the other one because, well, otherwise it just kind of looks bad on you."
"It's absolutely absurd that an outlet could publish an article like this directly with its direct intent to smear the reputation of Riot Games and League of Legends."
"The more you try to make yourself look clean and pristine, the worse it's going to look when you get a little shade on you."
"Take care of a good name for this shall continue with thee more than a thousand Treasures precious and great."
"When it comes to YouTube, you can earn trust, but it can be taken away."
"Once as a corporation you have earned a reputation for goodness at some point your interest becomes in preserving the appearance of pursuing virtue rather than actually being a steward of virtue itself."
"Better to be heard from me first than have Jasmine ruin the reputation I had worked hard to build."
"Academics didn't, I tell you to stop playing with my name. I don't care what I'm going to do when I actually see you."
"Melania read all the Press clippings just like Donald Trump. Melania Trump was very interested to see what people were saying and thinking about her and then would try to work with Miss Grisham on how to shift The Narrative to something that Melania liked."
"No, you're not the a-hole. You're just defending yourself, and I can't blame you for defending your reputation and yourself from your own family."
"If you have a negative review right now, you need to do whatever you can to get rid of that or to bury it."
"In over 50% of cases when people leave negative reviews, they're actually willing to take them down if you apologize sincerely."
"Reputation management first and foremost. You are untruths going to be said that may damage Post Office."
"You really have to work hard not to make it worse and to keep whatever reputation you've earned."
"It's this concept of let's continue growing and innovating, and the good press will outweigh the bad."
"Managing your reputation on social media means that you take all negative messaging, and you turn it positive. Not him."
"If I bomb now, it'll live forever. I don't want that. The internet never forgets."
"One of the most impactful things you can do in a small business is try to figure out how to get more people to say nice things about you."
"Acknowledging problems with empathy and making situations right could lead to positive feedback."
"...a strong brand provides a buffer and cushion in the court of public opinion."
"Your reputation could be restored... because maybe somebody really was trying to make your business look bad."
"...if you keep it relatively tame and don't exaggerate stuff and don't put things in big red letters and don't be too crazy, as long as you're understated and you're honest, intellectually honest and straightforward, I think companies tend to respect that for the most part."
"The great task for all of us as historians is not necessarily to rehabilitate Mead's reputation but to do a better job of explaining why Mead won."
"People don't just buy off of products nowadays... it's about the reputation that your business has."
"Managing your reputation and using great products are key."
"Not having enough capacity to meet the demand can really cost the business not just in terms of the money they're losing but also in terms of reputation."
"The best defense for your reputation is not to go after those people but it's just to be a better person."
"Your brand isn't what you say it is, it's what they, your customers, say it is."
"It's so much easier to maintain a good reputation than it is to rebuild when you mess up somewhere."
"Invest time and money in building your online reputation."
"A lot of organizations aren't necessarily defined by doing everything right, but when something is messed up, fixing it is often where really good spots stand out."
"We have to think about when these occur, the true cost of the impact on our reputation."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and it might potentially take years to earn the trust of people on the internet, but it can just take a moment to lose it all."
"If I'm a new business owner and I don't have a lot of money to spend, I'm focusing on getting more reviews to rank up in Google business."
"When you're doing work for customers, ask for reviews, get a review before you leave the job site."
"Professional behavior: you have to comply with the law; you have to avoid action which brings the profession into disrepute or which discredits it."
"I'm going to do a video responding to all of our one stars."
"Discretion is always the best policy where business reputations are concerned."
"Your reputation is super important; don't screw people over in business."
"Contractor stole my money, so I destroyed his reputation."
"The ability to use Amazon's platform to use this brand registry mechanism is a fantastic new tool in the arsenal of actually changing negative reviews to positive ones."
"Protecting your reputation is easier than fixing a broken one."
"If you're an operator and you're world-class, first off, you have to be world-class because nothing that we care more than our reputations."