
Personal Response Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"I can't control the things that happen to me, but I can control how I react to them. I can choose my attitude."
"It's the best revenge; that's the answer you give to people that hate on you."
"Your response is your responsibility, and it is always your choice."
"It all does come down to bio individuality. Some people respond to different things differently."
"I want to see who you are when the market calls you into action. What kind of soldier are you?"
"Worship is everything in you responding to everything that you see in God."
"What they did to you is between them and God. How you respond is between you and God."
"It is not what is happening to you that causes the conditions in your life to be what they are; it is your response, your reaction to what is happening to you."
"The feelings that this stirred up in me, I could cry."
"How we react to that is up to us. It doesn’t have to be a source of fear and nihilism."
"How we respond to fear is what matters the most."
"That's just naturally what I'll do because that's what gave me that go for happiness response. Go for it, right?"
"First of all, it's normal to be upset or hurt by it or affected by it. I'm affected by it too, very much so."
"The world isn't fair, but you can choose how you react to the world."
"If anybody makes an accusation and tries to allege something and paint a person in a certain way, they have a right to respond any way they need to respond to defend themselves."
"Labels have been placed on us since the beginning of time especially black and Indigenous people. It is up to you who you were what you respond to when it comes to those labels."
"It ain't what happens to you on these shows, it's how you respond to it."
"Depression Quest is like that throughout. It is deeply personal and designed to elicit a deeply personal response in the player, but the intent is universal."
"Kyle's response, 'I love you too ma'am,' when a protester screamed insults at him, shows his demeanor even in tense situations."
"Every time people were coming at me with something, my immediate response was just to turn on my stream and talk about it. I was like, I don't really see why people let [it] fester and they just act very strange about it."
"Men are disturbed not by things but by the views which they take of things."
"I cried when he cried on the show. I've never seen him cry before. He's a really beautiful, powerful moment."
"It's awesome, it's so freakin awesome I'm always wetting myself I'm so excited."
"You backstabbers gonna turn me back to the OJ."
"The discipline of action is what do you do about it, right? We don't control what happens, we control how we respond to what happens."
"You will respond in a way that surprises yourself."
"If you try to defame me... then this is going to be the response."
"Joy profound awaits him who was able even in a small degree to respond faithfully to this call."
"Controlled perception is not denial of reality, but it is the control of your response to reality."
"What matters is whether we react and respond to it. That's the power and that space we get to choose."
"It's devastating. So here's what I did: when I saw that order come by March 19th or March 20th, I said, 'Listen, I understand...'"
"Listen, but you don't have to react to that. Like how you react to it is optional."
"It's not what's happening, it's how we respond."
"It's weird, it's wonderful, it's frustrating, it's satisfying, it's bizarre and I love it for it."
"Intelligent and optimistic, a rare combination."
"He has made a choice on how he's going to respond."
"If something is discordant, that's a call to action."
"Stress is not what happens to you but it's how you respond to it."
"There is a way to respectfully reject criticism or, at least, take it in stride."
"I don't even know what the [__] I'm going to do... but I'm blocking it because you invited me."
"I find that to be purely logical, thank you."
"When they tell you something negative about yourself, you retort with, 'That’s a lie.' You don’t hook on to it, right?"
"It was fucking disgusting and terrifying... and I didn't have the cool response."
"You might find ourselves getting choked up more easily more in touch with your soul's response to situations in your life rather than your mind's response."
"I think everyone has experienced disappointment in grief and the way you handle that differs from person to person there are a lot of people who get depressed and fall into despair and that's exactly what happens to Jaden on his journey."
"It was just like tugging on my heartstrings, it was a lot for me."
"How you react to the things happening in the world will be the Difference Maker."
"That's the day I stopped giving a what haters said honestly, that guy ruined it for all haters on my channel."
"That scared me and made me angry and did all the emotions to me when I thought about that idea."
"It's not what happens it's what you do that changes everything."
"Success leaves clues. Jealousy, admiration, respect—how you react is your choice."
"Even if you're a hater... thank you for giving me your time of the day to listen to me."
"It's more about dealing with grief, dealing with loss rather than getting revenge."
"At the end of the day, it's how you respond to what that matters."
"So good, this one. I cried though. I just got wrecked by this one."
"She wrote specifically to address her haters and ventured into rap music with the song 'Can't Sleep' in January 2019."
"What the [__] else am I going to do with it?"
"Continue, no wallowing. What are you going to do with this next?"
"It's not what people call you, it's what you answer to."
"My initial reaction was 'no, hell no,' something along those lines."
"We can gently teach it how we would like it to respond in accordance with what we were determined to design for the self."
"Enough is finally enough. This time I'm not just going to sit back and shrug and roll my eyes and confine my reaction to another private vent with my wife Ernestine. Not this time. Enough."
"I kind of feel like if someone's pissed off by your joke, the joke wasn't for that person."
"It's never the stress, it's how you choose to be in relationship to it."
"The truth will be revealed, and it's all about how you choose to react to it."
"It's not what happens to us, but how we respond."
"I could see a world where I wait 60 minutes for this ride."
"We can't get overly emotional when some random white person hurts our feelings."
"Life is never something happening to you, life is always responding to you, your words, your thoughts, and actions, and you can always change your life."
"That's the difference, it'd be some [ __ ] that be dissing me, I don't I don't reply because y'all can go ahead and diss me, who cares what y'all say about me."
"The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you react to the things around you."
"Ultimately I'm left with a movie that filled me with a lot of like self-reflection."
"Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space lies our freedom."
"It's all internal. The world is going to do what the world is going to do. It's my reaction my interpretation to the world that determines its outcome on me."
"Your response to issues in life is more important than the issues themselves."
"For most people, the healthiest and best response is to just ignore it."
"How a man deals with that change defines his character."
"Reacting to what they said is uncontrolled, whatever you say. But responding to what they said, you never take your hands off the wheel."
"I ain't salty but I'm just like okay cool I gotta get my lick back"
"Hate is always gonna be around us, and I realize it's on me to let that hate affect me or rise above it."
"A trauma is defined, not in the event, but a person's response, the overwhelm that happens after an event."
"Let me know how you feel about this whole series."
"Life is less about what happens to you and more about how you respond to what happens to you."
"Normal people can either say, 'F you,' or try to fix it."
"It's more so how you react... than predicting exactly what will happen."
"Well, that's difficult for me, the answer at the moment. Yep, that's pretty much all we can say."
"I don't think we have free will. I only have control over how I respond to the very [expletive] up things that happen around me."
"It's not the circumstances that define us but instead it's how we perceive and respond to those circumstances."
"It's not fair...they're getting these things wrong...okay cool, that's great."
"It's going to get rough economically...but what are you going to do?"
"The problem isn't just her, the problem is your response to her."
"Every time we respond to life, we are affirming some reality or another."
"What the heck was that? Someone was yelling at me, good, I got distracted."
"It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to what happens to you."
"LeBron, okay, that's how you feel, LeBron, that's how you feel."
"You can't control what happened, but you can control your reaction."
"I feel relieved about what Judge Lake had to say, you know?"
"This is all about your response to a God that you believe can take care of you."
"Nobody deserves a medal. Just the ridiculous situation you find yourself in and how you react to it."
"It made me smile, just to know the conditions."
"Imagination is just as well, because you see it's a lot of different people involved and you react."
"Each time you see the 'Mona Lisa,' you have a different feeling about what she has in mind."
"Don't take it personally. Just clean it up and walk on."
"It's hard not to instantly be at least a little bit impressed."
"Consciousness is a screen; it's not happening to you, it's responding to you."
"It's been a long time since I've been so viscerally touched by a movie in a long time."
"The only way to answer your critics in anything in life is through action."
"Anything can happen in life and we can be hit with the good times with the hard times but what makes a difference in our happiness and our fulfillment is how we choose to respond to those instances."
"When God calls your name, respond: 'Here I am.'"
"Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it."
"Anytime you message him trying to get like a good answer or like check swing, he's like, 'yeah, sounds cool.'"
"I can't control the situation but I can control how I handle it."
"It's really up to you for how you take every prediction."
"Engage with people, comment on their photos, and make sure that you're really responding to what the caption is saying or what the image of the graphic is about."
"Self-care is about being responsive to yourself, giving yourself a break when you're having a tough day, nourishing yourself, and simply being aware of what you need."
"I feel disrespected. Maybe that's my reaction to the video. I feel disrespected."
"He blocked me a year ago on Twitter because I hated the last Jedi."
"We control how we feel about the situation and how we respond to those situations."
"Ten percent of life is what happens to you and ninety percent is how you react to it."
"It's not so much what happens to you, but how you think about what happens to you."
"I'm not doing this to be told I'm a bad person for not liking your story when all your story is focused on is telling me that I'm a bad person."
"The only thing you can control is how it affects you."
"The only thing we can really control ever is ourselves and our reaction to what's happening in the world."
"Everything is neutral. Someone can be like f*** you, it's neutral."
"This doesn't have to be the norm, and you get to choose how you react."
"You can't really control the fluctuations in the market; you can control your reactions to them."
"Opinions are great and stuff, and they figured that I would address it."
"I'm just running fast because I'm just nervous."
"I'm not brokenhearted, I swear, it's just my ex is getting married as we speak."
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it."
"He got angry because he got booed. The golden goose got angry because I'm the fans' beauty."
"It's your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself, that determines how your life story will develop."
"I can either let them make me bitter or meet them with confidence."
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can decide what you allow it to do in you."
"It's not about what happens to you, it's about how you respond to it."
"We cannot control what life brings our way, but we can control how we react to those challenges and opportunities."
"Respond to this instead of react, a lot of you been doing that work and healing."
"You can't control what other people do or say and how they respond you can only control how you respond and show up in that situation."
"2020 has been a year, and we're barely in motherfreakin' April, so I'm doing what I can, staying home, not letting this get me down."
"When a bully attacks you, you've got two choices: give in or fight."
"How do you deal with the haters?...I just ignore it now or I say thank you for the feedback."
"Stop the struggle and feel peace, the world responds to you."
"He's a coward, literally was like 'f him' and look back at Bobby like, 'What?'"
"We get to choose how we respond to everything."
"No need to worry about which Unity version you're using; this series covers all!"
"I had a choice to respond differently. I had a choice to not respond at all. I had a choice to do a lot of different things."
"Life is not a collection of what happens to you but of how you've responded to what has happened to you."
"Loss of expectation is genuine, what you do with it is false."
"It comes down to a personal reaction to something."
"Some people completely shut down, clearly I'm not that guy. I just dive in harder and work more."
"Life is not easy this is not easy what we're going through right now but the way you respond to it is the most important aspect of it."
"Your response seems to be nervous, almost shaky."
"Ten percent of life is what happens to you, ninety percent is how you respond to it."
"Things are going to happen around you all the time, but your reaction to those things, that's what you can control."
"When you find yourself experiencing something that is revelation of the method, rather than get disempowered and go into a state of futility, we go into empowerment."
"When bad things happen, I like to leave. That's my strategy."
"If you catch negative energy, don't accept it. Return it with love and light. It'll come back and bite them in the ass."
"It's not your fault that someone hurt you, that someone abandoned you, that someone abused you. But how you choose to respond to people who have nothing to do with your pain, that's all I knew."
"But how you choose to respond to people who have nothing to do with your pain, that's all I knew."
"Everyone thinks they know what they would do or how they would handle something until it happens to them."
"I never get disciplined and Ruby Frankie herself would respond to that criticism online..."
"I was emotionally involved, distressed at the end of it."
"If you see a white man choke a black man out on TV, and of course, that ain't the first time I seen that happen, but when you see that as a young black man, you don't know what you're gonna do in that situation."
"It's not about what people do, it's how you respond to it."
"Burnout is not a personal failure. It's a natural response to an autistic person being bombarded with overwhelming circumstances."
"The main thing is to trust yourself and your reaction to what you're seeing and what you're creating."
"Our lives are not defined by the ways in which we are challenged; instead, we determine our lives by the way that we respond to the challenges that we face."
"Your power lies in how you respond, not in how others treat you."
"Any event that happens is not actually affecting you emotionally; there's always your perception of the event in between the events and your emotions."
"It's how you think about something that is happening in your life that triggers the emotion."
"It's in the way that you respond to the storms in your life that make all the difference."
"The mind processes the contextual frame. The spectator places the expression on the mask, and this elicits a deeply personal response."
"The Long Walk was so emotionally powerful that I actually rolled a tear at the end."
"Don't measure your progress based on your symptoms; measure it based on your response."
"Certainly I've had videos made about me that are insulting or disparaging or whatever else. Cool. You're entitled to do that so long as you're within the law."
"The answer is really not limited to a single juice but really understanding how your body responds to whatever you're actually going to put into it."
"It's how we handle those experiences, our reactions and responses, that either create our character or show the lack."
"It matters how you respond to God on the inside."
"I'm only doing this because... I wanted to give people an opportunity to hear my response."
"Your body will respond. Listen to your body."
"25% of life is what happens to you, but the other 75% is how you respond."
"The mountains have been calling my name, and I had to answer."
"The reaction to pain, to suffering, is such a personal thing. It doesn't necessarily entail the dissipation of order."
"It's not what people do to us that hurts us. It's our chosen response to what they do to us that hurts us."
"How others treat you is their karma, but how you respond, my babies, how you respond is your karma."
"What we can control is how we respond to things, how we treat ourselves, and how we treat others."
"Everything that happens to us, what can we learn from this, what is this teaching us, how can I respond in a way which takes my mind on?"
"I knew that was the moment if you wanted to respond to Christ speaking to you."
"It invokes an emotional response in me that cannot be matched."
"You can't control anybody else, but you can control how you respond to it."
"The way that people were responding to them and to Tess specifically just felt really honest."
"I personally kind of like that method just for my first impression and response to receiving certain things."
"It's not what this person did to me that's a problem, it's the way you respond to it in your heart."
"You can't control how people treat you, but you can control how you feel about it."
"What matters most is not what happened to you, but what you do with what happened to you."
"It's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you see what happens to you."