
Market Timing Quotes

There are 1294 quotes

"It's not about timing the market, it's about time in the market that matters."
"Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."
"Everybody's situation will be different, guys, so I do think that if you find the right area where prices are still kind of on the upswing and inventory is still relatively low, then you might be able to get away with buying today and not have to worry too much about downside in the future."
"It's impossible to time the market, and day trading is market timing."
"Warren Buffett says it's more important to have time in the market than to time the market."
"Everybody wants to time the market, but no one can time the market because you have to be right twice."
"If you're somebody's looking to buy in the next six to 12 months, you're going to want to focus on these value-driven cities."
"In real estate, you have control. You know what control you have? Pick the right location, pick the right partner, pick the right market at the right time at the right price, and wait."
"With gold likely to go to 2,500 an ounce this year, now is the perfect time to invest."
"If there is a pullback, then that might be a really great time to get in."
"Most people don't buy the bottom, most people don't sell the top."
"I'm not a good trader. I'm not good at timing the market. I'm a long-term value investor."
"Generally, it makes sense to be a buyer when everyone else is selling and probably be a seller when everyone else is buying."
"Doesn't mean you should go out and buy everything hand over fist, but this is where you start building a shopping list."
"It's okay to miss out on some of the pumps or diversify; don't try to put all your chips into one bet super early when it's still in the Pioneer Stage."
"If you're mentally ready for it, then you can capitalize on it by essentially taking profits up here, right here during the complacency during the euphoria."
"You want to buy profitable companies at extreme discounts... buy when they're fearful, sell when they're greedy."
"Investors all around the world are underweight precious metals precisely at the time that they ought to be overweight precious metals."
"A great business isn't a great investment if you get it at the wrong price."
"Price levels are useless until time is considered."
"You do not want to be buying the top if you're getting new to NFTs because that's the most expensive ones and the highest risk ones you can possibly get into."
"This is the best time stock I think I've ever bought on a dip."
"It's almost like housing, a person sells a house and they say, okay, it's the time to sell now I'm gonna buy another house you gotta get in that game."
"It's not about timing the market it's about time in the market how long you are invested in the market."
"Impulse is your enemy; trying to time the market can destroy even the best portfolios."
"That just goes to show you that with real data and real numbers, timing the market is horribly inefficient and it's the best instead to just invest consistently and then do absolutely nothing."
"The really incredible investment is when I bought Michael Jordan's 1986 Fleer PSA 10 rookie card at the absolute low point of the market this year."
"Rotating into things that are winning but are much more reasonably priced."
"You're greedy when everybody else is fearful."
"It's only a generational buy when you lose a generation to investing."
"Once they say it, it's almost cathartic, then it will be priced in, and from that point on if you're interested in growth stocks that would be a really good time to pick up what you like."
"As an investor, Buy Low sell high so pricing is more important is greater than timing."
"The real money is made when there's blood on the streets."
"Don't sit on the sidelines if you're ready to buy a home... it's a great time to sell a house and it's a great time to buy a house."
"You'll know the bottom is in after you miss it."
"I personally find these buy the dip opportunities... long run though, very bullish."
"I bought more dot... and if we see ETH go back under 2000 I'm gonna load up on ETH."
"Patience is key. If I think I can buy something at a much bigger discount, there's no way that I'm going to start buying it now."
"Anyone that sold into the panic, shame on you. It's the worst time to sell."
"The best thing that you can do is you can buy luna and then you can sell all your usd put them into ust and hold your ust on exchanges."
"If you don't understand how alts behave, you don't understand how to pick them early."
"This is a sentiment driven indicator and you can use that to your advantage to time the market correctly."
"Now, that does not mean that you should only buy-- or, really, overbuy-- when the market is down."
"People are going to be wishing they had bought the dip."
"Do not time the market, have time in the market."
"If you need something now, buy now, otherwise you're just going to fall into the trap of waiting for the next best thing."
"Even if you got the timing right on the exit, you'll almost certainly not get it right on the re-entry."
"What is difficult about short selling is not necessarily just the analysis, it has to do more with psychology and market timing."
"Prepare for events to come months ahead to trade accordingly."
"Buy when the cleanup of the blood in the streets is happening."
"Times like these often present the best opportunities to buy stocks cheaply."
"It's so difficult to buy into companies that have already gone up. Our human brains hate it."
"Essentially, you want to be buying at discounted prices and selling at inflated prices."
"Let the trade come to you, and it will, every time."
"If you're not taking profits once the market gets really really hot then you're doing it wrong."
"You never want to be in a scenario where you're out of capital to DCA into these dips."
"We must see some innovation, we must see some new IP and new titles coming out to make things interesting and currently we're not getting it even though it seems like right now would be a perfect time to do so."
"Trading successfully requires you take unemotional decisive action at the right time repeatedly."
"I sent these reports out well before the market makes any moves."
"At this price they're going to look at that and say, 'huh maybe we could get something that's going to be worth significantly more in the future at a lower price.'"
"For most people, it seems like trying to do buying in this lower section here is actually a beautiful opportunity."
"No one could ever say that they didn't get the opportunity to invest into digital assets at low prices."
"You want to buy the fear and sell the greed."
"The fundamentals tell you what and why, and the technicals tell you when and how much." - Yuri
"If you can avoid just one bear market in your life, you're probably going to double or triple the amount of money you have when you retire."
"Buy at the current price also or if you are a long term investor you can wait for dips and buy in any dips."
"That's the problem of trying to time the market, it's next to impossible."
"Right product, right place, right time, and some luck."
"This is the buying opportunity of a lifetime."
"Let's all sell too soon. Let's not try and catch the top and let's not try and catch the slide all the way down."
"Timing is everything. I personally believe that we are the very beginning stages of the last part of this bull market."
"If your token is only coming out of the bottom range here, this is your main one to make a decision."
"There is a way you can lose money: double thinking, entering too late, having too tight of stop losses."
"Buying dips is actually your optimal strategy to accumulate if you want to look at the crypto Market in 2021."
"Remember that time in the market always beats timing the market in the long term."
"It's never too late to buy. Look at the companies that are buying now at fifty two thousand dollars a coin fifty five thousand dollars a coin."
"It's a great time to buy oddly and a great time to sell oddly."
"Maybe we should just wait a little bit because right now the conditions aren't really stable."
"Crypto is all about narratives. If you invest in the right narrative at the right time, you can make hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of percent."
"Sony tried to kickstart the internet streaming revolution... just a few years too early."
"A hundred percent it is time to cover your assets here at ITM Trading."
"We're still early enough for you to make it back."
"Market crash happens, wealth is made by those who are prepared for it."
"Unless you're too early, right now it's a little bit too early. But as you wait and this develops, it'll be a great time to be buying businesses."
"You want to maintain that life-changing wealth and you can't do that every time if you're going to be panic selling every time it dips. You have to train yourself to buy low and sell high like all these other guys that have done so."
"Buy and add to things like RK on days like today, and be cautious about adding on green moments."
"A swing trader sees the train moving and hops on; the position trader sees the train in the station still and he gets on before it even starts moving."
"You had the good sense and the good fortune to acquire precious metals and precious metal stocks when they were hated."
"If silver goes below cost of production, start buying because it can't stay there long."
"I didn't think that the monetary authorities could keep the plates spinning for another five or six years. I thought it would come down much sooner than that. I was wrong."
"It's not so much timing the market as it is figuring out what the client's financial situation is."
"So, let's talk a little bit more flood time of course we have to have some fun time. The retreat in Bitcoin came on the exact same day in its 12-year history as El Salvador made the first."
"It was the one time in my life that I sold at the top of the market."
"The best time for me is when there's blood in the streets, buy property."
"Buy when others are fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"Waiting a few months is going to pay dividends."
"Would you rather have bitcoin gone to 65,000 when it did or 150,000 by December?"
"Multi-timeframe analysis positively affects all stages of a trade."
"Bottoms occur around apathy, not when everyone is calling for it."
"Why sell everything at one moment? Pay all the taxes, time it perfectly, and get in."
"Forget about predicting the top and the bottom because you will not make it. You can still make a lot of money if you just wait for a confirmation that the top is over or the bottom is in."
"The objective here is going to be as bitcoin becomes overvalued then be looking to take profits and you have to understand well there's a time in between where it just doesn't make from a risk standpoint sense to be taking new positions."
"If you wait over time, time in the market is more important than timing the market, okay?"
"I bought a [ __ ] ton of Cardano actually during this dip."
"If you want to know if you should maybe set it away from the asking price or how much room to give it you might take a look at an intraday timeframe."
"The goal is to capture chunks of movement so when the day comes that I make a video reporting a news update that you know Crimson midnight streets one of these sets makes a move up 50 in 30 days unbelievable by time you see that it's too late."
"It's important to not time the market because no one thought the market was going to go up Thursday and Friday."
"Being able to know this ahead of time and take advantage of these opportunities is key."
"Have you ever heard that Baron Rothschild quote 'the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets'?"
"And at the end of the day, when you're thinking about hey hedge funds have to cover eventually you should make sure that you're emphasizing the eventually part."
"I'm not gonna try to pick a bottom and miss it instead I'll just dollar cost average in this lower range to build that core position."
"The dumb money is selling their coins to the smart money, and the smart money has been correct more times than it's been incorrect."
"Just remember the best time to buy last year was when everyone thought the market was doomed forever."
"Buying the dips is more uncomfortable, it really is, but it pays off way more in the long run because dips are cheap crypto."
"What you don't want to do is you don't want to be the person that buys it at the very top."
"Cut through the bs and share exclusive hard data on the Dallas housing market so you can understand whether this is the year in 2022 to buy or to wait."
"It's always a great time to buy into the market."
"One of the easiest things you can do to avoid trying to time the market is... use a system called dollar cost averaging."
"You buy the dips then you know you can hold on to them for a long time or sell as they go up and take profits along the way."
"This is all very temporary stuff... As soon as this dip gets scooped up, you're going to be regretting not buying in earlier."
"Take the damn profit if you see it's up like 400% in two weeks."
"It's about how many times over and whether or not you actually sell it when it's at that price point."
"It's more about being opportunistic about buying the right thing at the right price."
"Any expert will tell you it's never good to be out of the market unless you can time the market perfectly."
"If the market tanks, it's too late. You gotta be in before. You always have to be one step ahead."
"Keep hustling when the 2020 pandemic happened; that was when the stock market and cryptocurrency was the biggest opportunity."
"Don't be afraid to buy when things are getting cheaper."
"We are still very early to this overall, even earlier to the NFT space."
"The only way you can be a crypto failure is if you bought bitcoin at like 15 to 20k and then sold right or you even just held."
"Since these consoles are still so new there really won't be any kind of sales or discounts in the foreseeable future."
"Far too often I hear people say it's just the start of the window, wait till the end of the window."
"Time in the market is worth more than money in the market."
"The only people who successfully buy at deep discounts are the ones that have done the research and have the conviction to say hey I actually think this is a good value now and I'm going to make my decision based on that calculation."
"This is going to be the best buying opportunity since Bitcoin was created."
"Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate Corrections then lost in the corrections themselves."
"Trying to time the market can be extremely costly over time if you just miss the quick turn the rapid v-shape recovery."
"You're gonna kick yourself because you're gonna go oh zach and jesse why didn't you tell me to just buy it when it was ten thousand dollars."
"Excessive risk is not going to end well... for those buying in at the late stage of the cycle."
"The best thing you can do as an investor is learn the rhythm of the market so that you can navigate these es and flows and you'll wind up buying high and selling low."
"If you're smart, you want to do a limit order."
"For every single person out there that says to themselves I'm going to wait until the market goes down 80 percent, you're gonna wait until you're dead because it ain't gonna happen."
"I still can't help but think there might be a better opportunity to buy this company."
"Hope for the prices to go down... so that I can continue DCA and grow my position."
"This is not an environment for swing traders to try to anticipate movement."
"The people who bought the dip, they're gonna be really happy they did."
"If you were smart enough to buy in when it was down, it's probably gonna keep going up."
"It's never too late, I mean the market is so early."
"A small correction does not make a good time to sell, it makes a good time to buy and load up more."
"Recessions actually usually start after the FED pauses because the FED usually waits too long."
"Stocks sell at silly prices from time to time. It doesn't take a high IQ to figure out that they're cheap, but it does take a temperament that's willing to step up."
"Just keep your eye on it. I think that um, you know, you gotta be careful. Getting first in on things, yes, you might make a gazillion dollars but yes, you might lose a lot too."
"The goal is not necessarily to time the market and try to figure out where the top is because no one can figure out what their bottom is, no one can figure out what the top is."
"I think the investors that bought during this time got a really good deal."
"The downfalls of God now it feels like it's maybe too soon but you know what who knows."
"An alternative to trying to time the market is to do a dollar cost average system."
"If you could buy low on Adams this week, do it. Adams, Henry, all the big stars who had bad weeks, pounce on it."
"It's very easy to look back now in hindsight and be like, 'Hey, I should have bought the dip.'"
"When markets are at the bottom, that's the best time to buy."
"It's impossible to try to time the market... have faith and remember it takes time and patience for things to turn around."
"Earnings season is a unique time where we can sometimes buy companies at cheaper prices."
"If you caught that dip from before, you are still making money."
"Buy low, sell high: essentially what we're aiming for."
"So the opportunity for real estate investing is going to be in these next two years."
"Stop the FOMO. You've seen the 2020 TV model launches and you're not impressed. You're wondering, 'Wait, if I could wait 10 more months.'"
"When the markets are down, this is when you come in."
"A little too high for by the dip, personally."
"Most of these stocks have most of their price action intraday or in a couple of days."
"So if you are unlucky enough to have bought at the top of the market you might be in a situation where you have negative equity."
"I would definitely never buy something that's already done this right. I'd rather buy a pullback or dip in the market."
"Should you buy or should you sell right now? It depends."
"What do you think? Are you planning on buying or are you just going to hold off for right now?"
"So if you want to buy a home buy a home that you love that you can afford otherwise you're going to have to keep waiting until who knows when."
"I don't ever recommend buying stocks at all-time highs."
"Fortunes are made by buying low when it's ridiculously low, and then you sell too soon."
"Would you like to be prepared before everyone else is or would you like to be prepared when no one else is and the Crash comes and you're able to pick up things for pennies on the dollar."
"Videos over, don't buy it, wait for prices to drop."
"HODL it may look bad but you lose when you sell."
"If you want to buy silver you'll buy physical when premiums are low or PSLV."
"Don't get caught up in FOMO. This is not decided yet."
"Bottoms are very much kind of like mystical in that sense, they're really unknowable."
"It's worse to not buy at the bottom than it is to not sell at the top."
"The last few weeks were a gift to us. Just a good buying opportunity."
"Every hedge fund should come to me first to know where to get into the market."
"Don't wait for $10,000 Bitcoin... if you plan on buying into the market or getting into the market... don't wait for everyone else to go completely insane."
"For the last five years, if this Market ever corrects, we get into bear Market, I'm just gonna back up the track."
"Yes, your studying time is a lot longer. But that money comes in when the markets turn and it increases so much in a short period of time."
"If you can pick the key narrative in crypto early enough, you will make thousands of dollars."
"Do what Bouquet is doing: buy dips, dollar cost average, be patient."
"Buy when everyone is fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"Sideways is the preparation for the next move."
"It's very hard to sell atop and buy the bottom, even though in hindsight it's like, ah, obviously that was the bottom."
"Buy when you think you're going to throw up and it's going to go down forever and sell when you actually start to believe you're gonna get rich."
"Wait for the market to find its bottom, then make a precise entry."
"I think whether the algos have picked it up, or whether psychologically, the crowd now knows that once the blackout periods end, corporations will be back because they have to be. We're late in the cycle."
"I guarantee you that probably in 10, 15, 20 years we're gonna be looking back going man we should have picked those up when we could."
"Time regulates all opportunities and volume judges the success or failure of any auction." - Peter Reznicek
"Had they made a video a year ago talking about ethereum you would be up 400 cardano you would be up 1300 dogecoin you would be up ten thousand percent and solana you would be up eighteen thousand percent"
"Anyone who would sell a Ferrari Supercar right now is doing so to take advantage of the price spike."
"Timing your entries... making sure you're getting in before they do the crazy move."
"Just never buy an item when the price on it starts going up after an update is announced."