
American Identity Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"It's not about your bloodline; it's about your spirit. Do you embrace the American Spirit?"
"We've been celebrating our diversity and our differences for so long that we forgot all of the ways that we are the same as Americans."
"America is and always has been a nation of immigrants... That's what makes America special; that's what makes us strong."
"We have an American ideal, we have an American vision, but we don't have an American soul."
"Americans live under the illusion that they're incredibly different from other people."
"We're all Americans and it doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian, gay, straight, trans. If you are a citizen of this country, you are an American."
"The most American thing is to want to make it better."
"America is about great things, and that's what disappoints me as a naturalized American because I think America is so much bigger, so much better than it has been."
"If you're an African-American and your family didn't immigrate fairly recently, your lineage in this country goes way, way back, and in that sense, you're more American than any of the European American neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, for instance."
"Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For the last 243 years, this fierce assertion of the fundamental and natural rights of humankind to freedom and self-covenants has defined our global reputation as a land of liberty."
"America is about all of us, multiple parts, immigrants from somewhere, coming together."
"Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans."
"What does it mean to be American today? To be an American represents the will of the people, the consent of the governed, belief in community, personal responsibility, individuality, meritocracy, freedoms, liberties."
"As many people have said, it's a struggle for the soul of America."
"We are all Americans; we're sitting here, and hopefully, we're doing that in order to learn something."
"America is the only country that's an idea. It's not an ethnicity... We're not a race; we're an idea. No idea, no America."
"The American Civil War defines American identity along with the Revolution and the Second World War more so than any other conflict."
"The average American wants to grill. The average American doesn't want the chaos."
"Let's bridge the gap through love, through Christ, and through being what we all know we are, and that's one America."
"Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free."
"We are the United States of America. There is not a single thing we cannot deal with if we do it together."
"What separates Americans from other peoples in other nations around the world is that we have an optimistic mindset."
"I think America is built upon different people from different backgrounds with different world views coming together."
"Our system is downright un-American and ironically enough, all the values it promotes are totally antithetical to what this country is supposed to be about."
"The preservation of the sacred fire of Liberty and the destiny of the Republican model of government are staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people."
"You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or Japanese. But anyone from any corner of the earth can come to live in America and become an American."
"America is special; multiculturalism is our mainstream culture."
"When you vote in November, it's not about left or right, it's about whether or not you want America to remain America."
"Treating your fellow American not as a fellow American but as an enemy is the direction in which we are moving."
"If you're saying 'stop counting all the votes,' you don't believe in America at all."
"His roles often evoked images of a tough, resilient, and unyielding America."
"The way we get to national unity is by being uncompromising about the principles that actually make us American."
"Without our freedom and civil liberties, we lose what is at the heart of what it means to be an American."
"Americans are going to have to take control."
"My fellow Americans, this is my country. Many of us have fought hard for the right to say that."
"The American identity is a very human identity."
"We're coming closer and closer to the truth that the American identity is... where we Homo sapiens have had the opportunity to be us as honestly as possible."
"There's nothing fundamentally wrong with America that would literally endanger America's functioning as a successful nation in the long term."
"Ted Olson's inaugural lecture reminded us of what it means to be an American and how our legal tradition is a critical part of our identity as Americans."
"The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great."
"There's nobody more American than a Native American."
"We are going to be the better for it... America is America because we overcome adversity and challenges."
"It is the American sound. It is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent, and fair. That's our heritage; that's our song. We sing it still."
"To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies; they are Americans."
"This is bigger than whether a Democrat wins. This is about restoring the character of America."
"Questioning your country and constantly going back and examining the beauty of it and the flaws, I think that makes a patriotic American."
"We're all Americans, we all want the same thing fundamentally."
"Democracy is not your gift alone to the world."
"To boil that down, what resonated with me is that we should and we can walk around with pride in being Americans, not just in our history but in our character of who we are today."
"This is a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress, a struggle for the very soul of America itself."
"For me, being an American is not an accident of birth; it's not 'hey, I happen to be born in a particular state.' No, we were born outside the country, I came here, I love this country, I want to defend the ideas and the ideals that it stands for."
"The longer the blessing is coming, the richer it will be when it arrives."
"Americans are generationally free and we have an independent spirit that no other country in the history of the world has ever seen."
"This election is about more than who gets what. It is about who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for as Americans."
"Standing up for human rights is in the DNA of Americans."
"America has never stood for this form of malevolence and our nation must now confront it even more vigorously."
"There's no limit to what Americans can achieve."
"The heart of being American is freedom of speech."
"Language, culture, and diversity... that is part of America the Beautiful." - Colin Denny
"Americans tend to always think America is the worst."
"If you identify yourself as an American, you belong in the Republican Party."
"Nickelodeon went off air for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in support of justice."
"Trump is good at symbols; the wall represents a reaffirmation of the American identity."
"We're Americans, we're rebels. We were getting arrested by the English."
"When America acts as one, there has never been a single thing we've been unable to do."
"American identity is a complicated thing, one of the things that you said in the first part of that answer is the individual but tying it in to a whole that's greater than some of its parts, that's the biggest thing for me."
"Americans are the strongest and most resilient people on earth."
"Welcome to America, probably not really European but Finnish."
"I have a right as an American to talk about what happened to me, to own my story and my truth."
"We need to come together as one nation... We are all Americans."
"At the end of the day, we're just Americans trying to make the world a better place."
"I am in this race to start leading us to something, to our own vision of what it means to be an American."
"No American is alone as long as we are united, and we are united."
"Joe Biden's radical Democrats are trying to permanently transform what it means to be an American."
"America without the rule of law is no longer America."
"American civilization is at stake in the next election."
"The real solution to these problems is to gradually rebuild a shared vision of American identity."
"Being an outlaw is American and you know he's being self-justifying but he's totally right it's other weird thing about this country this combination of serious worship of uniforms and authority and then like romanticizing of rebelling against it."
"Some people get really emotionally attached to the red, white, and blue American nationalism storyline."
"The vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us. You have to know that."
"The American people understand... that the world is changing in ways that diminish externally and internally what the United States once was."
"Americans of every race, ethnicity, national origin, skin color must stand up for the idea of America."
"Our cultural heritage as Americans is this DIY belief. We can fix our own things." - Congresswoman Marie Guzenkamp Perez
"It seemed to extend immediately to all that I grew up with believing was America."
"There's no one definition of what an American looks like."
"I enjoyed the fact that it was different and it was a very American thing to do."
"Do not underestimate the will of the American people."
"Why does there have to be a white thing? Why can't we come together as Americans?"
"Nothing could be more fundamentally at odds with what America is itself... than totalitarianism being bipartisan."
"For those of you who observe from the outside looking in, there is this... American swagger."
"These aren't Democratic values or Republican values. They're American values."
"We're proving once again it's never a good bet to bet against the American people."
"We are Americans, we will solve problems, that is what we do here."
"I think that they don't care about that what they truly care about is pushing their view of America as innately flawed."
"Americans by choice, by DNA, are Freedom Fighters."
"America is really the last standing pillar of democracy."
"No one in America should feel forgotten right now."
"America's enemies have killed a lot of Americans but they have never come close to killing the idea of the country."
"We as Americans have similarly forgotten who we are. We come from a long line of freedom fighters who are not looking for riots and lawlessness but we're the army of compassion who is looking to bring healing to a broken nation."
"Americans don't wish and never have wished to be ruled; they wish to rule themselves."
"We're reasserting American strength and confidence and talent."
"The country has to be about America and coming together."
"Americans, I know, I'm very American in that sense. This country is literally founded on 'you can't tell me what to do, don't tread on me.'"
"The mob never was America, it was and is a sinister cartoon of America."
"America is a place that forgives, right? That's why this is such a beautiful place."
"I'm an American. My loyalty is strictly to the United States."
"It's that unity that we have in recognizing our diversity and our strength and who we are as Americans."
"In moments of despair, we witness the true character of the American people."
"We reject the politics of division and embrace the unity of being American."
"The real America is not the corporate government-controlled America that we live in today."
"To challenge elections is to be an American."
"Americans build their future. We don't tear down our past."
"There is an American voice that can speak to all of this."
"Those were instances where we lived up to the idea of America."
"To an actual vision of what it means to be an American."
"So how did the baseball cap become a representation of Americanism?"
"It came to define what was authentically American."
"These insurrectionists, these anarchists, these thugs, these criminals... They do not represent America."
"Racism is so American that when people protest racism, people think you're protesting America."
"I mean, sure the American presidency may never be viewed quite the same way again, that whole esteem for the office thing."
"At the core of America is not an economy, it's a belief system. It's a diverse belief system but across religious affiliations and racial groups Americans have always had basically the same views on the basic things."
"I think there's a possibility that the United States can regain its former glory, make America great again."
"He's one of the most articulate exponents for the fight and the necessity for distinctive American culture rooted in faith, family, and freedom."
"This is not the America that we were supposed to be living in."
"In their actions, we see true greatness of the American character."
"It's related to kind of something that I've been saying that is like America there's this aspirational element about that's very unique and wonderful about America."
"Sports are central to the American narrative."
"America has always been a work in progress, a perpetual journey, a freedom ride with no final destination."
"We're going to talk about the American story."
"What do Americans have in common? ... People do need shared values."
"America has always been a work in progress... falls to each new generation to renew and rediscover our country's lofty promise."
"It is about protecting not just the physical borders of America, it is about protecting who you are as an individual in digital space."
"Red Solo cups are seen as a very American thing...a piece of American iconography."
"What America should be is the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence."
"It's about the lives and livelihood of the American people."
"For an American president to be silent on an issue of human rights is inconsistent with who we are." - Joe Biden
"A true American is someone who subscribes to a set of ideals found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."
"We're all American, and we all need to stay together and pull each other up."
"When the Statue of Liberty stopped opening her arms to the rest of the world, well then, America's greatness would recede."
"America is nothing if it is not bound together across its diversity. We're supposed to be a country built on idealism and a shared set of ideals that bring together an otherwise divided group of people."
"The Cape Verdean American community is such a vibrant piece of the American cultural puzzle"
"Now is the time where we need to unite as Americans and really realize what this fight is all about."
"I'm proud to work. The American worker built this country to be the greatest country that we have to live in." - Union Worker
"Let's test your backing up skills. We gotta back up and see who the better American is."
"Americans will not stand for the fall of our nation."
"I am an American. I was born American. I will [__] die American."
"The shadow of [America] is undeniable, which means that right or not, we're bumping into the truth."
"What does it mean to be an American in the year 2024? We need to revive our sense of civic duty in this country."
"If you want to save America you must save Christianity."
"We lied, we cheated, we stole... it reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
"Multiculturalism has worked pretty well in America. We are the melting pot."
"Everyone comes here from all over the earth. They bring their traditions, but you become part of the greater tradition of America."
"America is going to have to be taught how to be free again we actually do not even understand what that means."
"This is an American story but it's our story as well."
"It's almost like the great renewal of the American idea taking place now."
"Fighting for what is right and just is the American way."
"But most of all, right, applause line, I'm proud to be an American."
"There is literally nothing more American than dressing up like a goddamn Raytheon drone."
"That was a beautifully entire if final or not."
"America is not Donald Trump. America is the people whose names you may never hear, whose only fame will be among those whose lives they touch, but who are the best of America all the same."
"The Constitution is within our core, within our spirit As Americans."
"Without the Constitution, there's no definition of American."
"We're Americans and we can do cool things for people because we're the greatest country that's ever existed."
"The American superhero is going to fade away. It's unfortunate because I feel like we're living through the darkest times I've seen."
"America is a project... still to be realized."
"America has to be the great synthesizer, stealing ideas from wherever we can."
"The Good right-wingers, the real right-wingers, the real American conservatives, are for Freedom, they are for the Republic, they're for the Constitution."
"This is not the United States that I thought I was growing up in."
"Being an American citizen is kind of like being part of some kind of weird elite club that a bunch of people want to join."
"There is no racial slur in that, we speak English in America."
"If America really saw the diversity and breadth of the experience and professions and backgrounds religions races in our caucus they would actually see America."
"Black culture is American culture; black stories are essentially an ongoing story of America."
"So thank you to everyone, we bought these masks to remind everyone that we are proud to be American."
"People have forgotten that [America] is a brilliant country."
"The AR-15 is America's rifle, and we've become accustomed to those controls."
"The United States of America is not perfect, but we are the richest country in the world."
"Unity has a deep and important root in the American fabric until it was replaced with In God We Trust by Congress in 1956 the phrase e pluribus unum was widely considered the de facto motto of the United States."
"Americans aren't timid folks, they are people of action."
"This is the United States of America. There's not a single thing beyond our capacity when we decide to do it together."
"Most Americans have this sense of overt patriotism."
"America will be... you and I and everyone here."
"Watching this travesty is not only childish and cruel and spiteful, it's un-American."
"Americans look different, and not all Americans look the same."
"The United States is diverse, and we accept all sorts."
"An American is the only person in the world who does not ask permission."
"Rural communities are the backbone of our country, home to creative, hardworking Americans."
"Voting is the most American thing you can do."
"We need to show that American values still exist, now more than ever."
"You can't lump all Americans into one group. It's not fair, stereotyping."
"I think that's what our country needs. I think that you know we need to stand together as Americans and help protect our fellow American citizens."
"Free speech is the most important American value."
"Donald Trump was the symbol of American success."
"You're part of a legacy now, it's the legacy of what it means to be an American soldier."
"Now's our moment to start running to something to our vision of what it means to be American."
"I remember that history. I came to this country, I'm proud to be an American."
"The American Dream is within our soul, within our heart, is within every person."
"Voting rights are insanely central to being an American citizen."
"This is deeply personal for so many Americans."