
Nuclear Threat Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"Putin warns against Russia again that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if sovereignty is threatened."
"They are humans living the new human existence on Mars, his paranoia seems unjustified until they receive the news that an atomic bomb has been dropped on New York."
"The Cold War as we knew it may be over, but both the U.S. and Russia still keep enough nuclear weapons on alert to end civilization."
"This is a real threat to the conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization."
"The famous Doomsday Clock that atomic scientists use to measure the threat of nuclear annihilation has never been closer to midnight."
"The gravity of the issue cannot be overemphasized, as the repercussions of a nuclear explosion or the purposeful deployment of nuclear weapons are unfathomable."
"The president's view is of course that North Korea's nuclear, ballistic missile, and other proliferation-related activities constitute a serious threat to the international peace and security of the world."
"Nearly 70% of Americans are worried about a nuclear attack."
"And the reason we did this is because a nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security and it’s threat to Israel’s national security."
"There's no point where someone grabs you and screams 'Nukes have been launched.' It's happening now."
"There is a real chance that a nuclear Iran would use a nuclear weapon."
"Stop a war is not this war and nuclear war is not a left-right issue, it's a human issue, it's an existential issue."
"My greatest fear is if any kind of nuclear strike happens anywhere."
"We are closer now to a nuclear war than we've been since the Cuban missile crisis."
"Two maniacs with nuclear warheads bragging about who has the bigger button."
"Pakistan collapses, dividing into three separate nations, with the Taliban in possession of nuclear warheads."
"Can the US win the new cold war with China? We've escalated, and no, we can't not without risking a nuclear war."
"The president of the United States could not offer any assurance that we won't get nuked."
"A conflict between three nuclear powers with the outcome not looking good for the world."
"The risk of nuclear war has never been higher."
"You cannot put it in a situation where it's desperate. You cannot threaten its survival because in those circumstances, there is a reasonable chance they will use nuclear weapons."
"Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to our security."
"The best of the bad choices right now is to try to get a peace to stop the nuclear escalatory possibilities."
"The threat shifted post-1991, emphasizing the risk of nuclear terrorism over all-out nuclear war."
"In the face of a nuclear attack, leading the development is Dr. Strangelove and formerly Huey Emmerich."
"The fact of the matter is never before in history in the last 24 hours we have been closer to nuclear Armageddon than we've ever been before."
"The game changer would be if Vladimir Putin unleashed a nuke... that then I think takes all of this to the next level."
"President Putin has inferred that he's prepared to use any means necessary which means essentially he's issuing a nuclear threat to anybody that's supporting Ukraine in this war."
"This would be a massively high-risk enterprise with a very strong probability of ending in nuclear war."
"If Ukraine collapses this year, we will have forces in Poland and we will be at a very high risk of a nuclear exchange with the Russians."
"Using nuclear weapons is not off the table for Russia in winning the war in Ukraine, a terrifying prospect for the world."
"I believe the Iranian regime, if they had a nuclear weapon, would use it... it's been the cancer of the Mideast."
"If they start to transfer nuclear weapons to Belarus, then we are talking about nuclear confrontation."
"There is a portion of the general citizenry who would want Ukraine to back down at the threat of nuclear weapons."
"China’s increasing nuclear stockpile could reduce those defenses to rubble should Beijing choose the nuclear option."
"Dangerous and unacceptable: the US and NATO condemned Vladimir Putin's order to put his nuclear forces on high alert."
"It is the most dramatic situation in human history. The idea that there was a non-zero chance that hitting that button would destroy the entire world and then they still hit that button, I don't know how you can do that, that's insane."
"I hope that doesn't happen because once you've crossed the nuclear threshold in any shape or form the fear is that the escalation up the ladder or down the ladder will be horrifically rapid."
"Nikita Khrushchev's name is still enough to conjure images of flying missiles and nuclear devastation."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"The risk of nuclear Armageddon is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis."
"Sanctions were so harsh and unexpected that Putin had to come out and announce to the world that if sanctions continue he will be forced to use nuclear weapons"
"The war in Ukraine could become a full-blown war between Russia and all of the NATO countries, meaning a full-blown war between the biggest nuclear powers in the world."
"Nuclear war is quickly becoming one of those serious possibilities again."
"If they do put nuclear weapons in Finland, that means Saint Petersburg gone in a few seconds."
"Submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"If nuclear war and nuclear holocaust is inevitable, then how can you justify not trying to exhaust the diplomatic option to its final place that you can exhaust it to?"
"Humanity's nuclear Arsenal is capable of destroying all life on Earth over and over and over."
"Every war is awful, and we're talking about the nuclear superpower in a war on the level of World War One and World War II."
"They followed Putin's lead... they are repeatedly reiterating that what he meant was a nuclear strike." - Julia Davis
"But yeah, there has to be a concern that they could actually resort to nuclear weapons in some fashion."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"I can no longer remain in today's Democratic party... dragging us ever closer to nuclear war."
"We live in harmony and peace, but now that you've developed Atomic weapons, this now threatens the very Planet itself."
"We don't want a nuclear Iran and a rampaging Putin in Ukraine at the same time."
"Do you really want to be a target in a possible nuclear war, or do you want to be free from the nuclear menace going forward?"
"There's a real possibility of nuclear war if the conflict continues, which terrifies me."
"There's no way you will spin that scenario in a way that doesn't end up with nuclear missiles flying."
"President Trump ordering new ones. North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development is a grave threat to peace and security in our world."
"Conflict with a nuclear power spells potential doom and devastation."
"North Korea is continuing its nuclear program in defiance of increased UN sanctions."
"If we have to act alone against Iran's nuclear facilities, we will do it."
"We are definitely at a higher risk of nuclear war than we were yesterday."
"There is no point where someone comes and grabs you by the shoulders and screams the nukes have been launched. It's happening now, almost everything that happens is gradually and then suddenly."
"These psychos are more interested in promoting a fiction than in preventing a nuclear holocaust."
"Russia has made it clear that using nukes is not off the table when it comes to winning the war in Ukraine."
"Russia is never going to nuke Ukraine, guys, that would kill Russia."
"Striking at the heart of Iran's nuclear program is exactly what I was concerned about."
"Are the controllers desperate enough to orchestrate a limited nuclear exchange as a last-ditch effort?"
"To me the most significant thing that has happened in the last two weeks is that a very slight threat of the use of nuclear weapons caused NATO to back off."
"One wrong move by either side, and the world would be bathed in nuclear hellfire."
"If it did go nuclear, that's basically the end of the world right there."
"If we were to enter into a third world war and if nuclear weapons are launched there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Hawaii will be majorly targeted."
"Everybody is sleepwalking when it comes to the potential for a nuclear crisis of apocalyptic proportions."
"This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse."
"Hopefully, just as the crisis in 1962 was averted, we can avoid a nuclear holocaust in the coming months."
"Maybe they think by 2028 we're going to be facing a nuclear strike."
"There's no positive scenario where nuclear powers start gobbling up their smaller neighbors."
"A world where a man like Putin has control over thousands of nuclear warheads... is a world we need to change."
"The importance of nuclear weapons for Russia has increased significantly since the start of the war in Ukraine. Tactical nuclear weapons are a particularly serious threat."
"Do you think Russia will ever actually use nuclear weapons?"
"It's fairly safe to say that the Soviet Union was under nuclear threat."
"Avoiding nuclear Armageddon is what talking is... the chances of a nuclear war increase significantly every day that passes."
"During the Cold War, the fear of nuclear attack was very real in many nations on Earth."
"But given the stakes, the risks are still unnervingly high: nuclear war and dangerous pandemics threatened the amazing global civilization we have built."
"Do you know what a nuclear war would do? Do you have any idea how high the stakes are with a nuclear war compared to literally any other kind of Engagement?"
"To think that the big wigs of the world cannot agree to avoid mutually assured destruction sounds like madness on steroids."
"What is more dangerous than nuclear expansion is the Chinese Communist Authority's view of nuclear war."
"The danger of nuclear war has never been greater."
"The danger of nuclear Armageddon is the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"We're at the highest risk of nuclear war ever."
"If Putin sets off a nuke, the whole world will react."
"Putin's nuclear rhetoric is meant to scare Westerners."
"Magog, if you read it the way it's going to go down, the Gog-Magog war is going to end in some kind of a nuclear exchange."
"This isn't a game, this is reality. Nuclear weapons are real."
"Russia invading Sovereign countries in the middle of Europe threatening others with a nuclear bomb."
"This is the actual real-world damage that comes when we elect these unserious, dangerous people."
"If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, the odds are unacceptably high they would detonate it."
"Russia's got the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. It's not like building a coalition against Saddam or Yemen. Russia could induce a nuclear winter."
"I care about peace, ending the war in Ukraine, and averting a broader war, preventing nuclear annihilation."
"We're challenged by seeing two nations... getting into arguments and discussions and threats about starting a nuclear war." - Linda Moulton Howe
"One of my biggest fears is my own death. One of my related fears is nuclear war. I despise new nuclear weaponry. I always have and this is why world leaders can saber rattle with their nukes, threatening to blow up the whole damn world."
"In the nuclear age, the threat of nuclear war or nuclear bombs will always be present."
"It's incredibly [expletive] up and I think this will escalate potentially into nuclear conflict"
"It was a wake-up call to the chilling reality that nuclear weapons could end the world."
"The direction we're going in, humanity is one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation."
"The world right now has nuclear weapons on hair trigger alerts without a proper arms control regime." - Vijay Prashad
"This is real. You have nuclear weapons off the coast of the United States, and if NATO sticks its neck even further into this mess, we could see missiles launched in the United States."
"If Russia is faced with the choice of losing Crimea or using Battlefield nukes, they will choose the latter." - Elon Musk
"We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962."
"Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment." - John F. Kennedy
"The possibility of a nuclear attack seems like something we should all be paying a lot of attention to."
"we have managed to manage how we've managed this threat and avoided use of nuclear weapons again and again"
"There was a pervasive fear that the Cold War could go nuclear."
"Knowing the truth and talking about the truth would [] help us solve this and not end up in [] nuclear war."
"Nuclear weapon unleashed in Ukraine would irradiate large portions of Europe."
"Probably the highest Cold War nuclear war tension in 40 years."
"We were at the brink of nuclear war and not even known it."
"Bad news, we are about to have a nuclear fallout."
"Under the threat of nuclear war, the two superpowers began working to make their relationship more constructive."
"Scientists raised fears that a single nuclear bomb could destroy the entire planet."
"The everlasting threat of nuclear war finally came to an end."
"Russia are claiming... developed new technology... possibility of Russia deploying nuclear weapons against the USA."
"The risk of a nuclear weapon being used right now is higher than at any time during the Cold War."
"Once it starts collapsing in Ukraine it's very very likely that we're going to end up in a much more violent and of course nuclear violent world."
"Closest we've ever been to nuclear war, absolutely insane."
"According to the Doomsday Clock, we're the closest we've ever been to nuclear war ever."
"If Vasili Arkhipov had not been aboard B-59, it’s very likely that the Cold War would have turned hot."
"If there's an alert that there's some kind of nuclear launch or EMPs coming or something, you can unplug your fridge and freezer."
"Folks, we are so close to a nuclear war, it is ridiculous."
"If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, he believes it would use it."
"The heads of Iran, because they're losing a fortune, and I don't want that to happen. But they cannot have a nuclear weapon. They cannot have it."
"What is the risk of the current conflict turning nuclear?"
"The threat of nuclear war hung over the planet for decades to come."
"The fact we didn't get nuked is a miracle. It is not something we should rely on as something that will continue to be true in the future. We got lucky. We got lucky that there were good people in good positions trying very, very hard to prevent us from getting nuked."
"The north Koreans will sell the bomb or parts of it. They won't use it because they know that's the end of them."
"The Iranians more than likely have enriched enough uranium to create a dirty bomb."
"Adding to the undercurrent of paranoia that had settled across the world was the prevailing threat of nuclear annihilation."
"Protection from nuclear attack is possible."
"And as the doomsday clock counted down the minutes to midnight, the following year would see the closest humanity ever got to the end of the world, in the Cuban Missile Crisis."
"The Cold War held always the possibility that through miscalculation or a series of miscalculations that you could end up in nuclear confrontation."
"...we're not going to get better policies unless people remember the threat that these weapons pose."
"The survival of this entire nation depends upon the ability of federal, state, and local governments to carry out their responsibilities in the event of a massive nuclear attack."
"Nuclear weapons will lead to the extinction of mankind."
"This expresses my despair over the threat of nuclear devastation."
"Nuclear war, in case you didn't know, is not good for humanity."
"If this red light had ever come on for real, an incoming nuclear attack would have been about to hit the capital."
"The war has serious implications for us all; nuclear threats put us all at risk."
"The nuclear threat has always been real; it never went away."
"Project Ryan was an acronym for 'Raketno-Yadernoe Napadenie' translated into 'nuclear missile attack'."
"The world remains just one mistake away from nuclear apocalypse."
"I think that Putin isn't gonna jump to the nuclear option unless he has no other way out."
"The mother of them all: an ongoing potential nuclear conflict between NATO nations and Vladimir Putin's Russia."
"The clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been."
"In the late 1950s, the world teetered on the brink of nuclear annihilation."
"It's important to inform your family, your friends, and your neighbors to effectively prepare for a nuclear attack."
"The United States could not stand for nuclear missiles to be located so close to its territory."
"Once you start talking nukes, all bets are off. So it’s not clear how far this will go."
"The most dangerous thing is dictators with nuclear weapons."
"The threat of nuclear warfare might certainly rattle world leaders."
"It's the closest that we have ever come as a people to an all-out war and a potentially apocalyptic nuclear war."
"The threat of a nuclear war or nuclear event is more real than it has ever been, and it is important that we have the skills, the resources, and the knowledge that we need to safely navigate through our new world should such an event occur."
"The Doomsday Clock... is the gauge by nuclear scientists around the world on how close we are to nuclear conflict."
"The single most important national security threat that we face is nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists."