
Strategic Advantage Quotes

There are 968 quotes

"Whoever shoots first is likely to win because an aircraft that's been fired on might be hit and destroyed, and even if it isn't, is probably spending its time and energy evading that missile rather than focusing on continuing its mission or fighting back."
"If Arrow does make it into production...it would provide the United States with a Hypersonic capability that is utterly unmatched by anyone on the planet."
"Ukraine currently has the advantage so far as the initiative still sits with the Ukrainians."
"It's better to have a ship that can fire most of the time than it is to let an enemy battleship romp amongst your trade routes."
"With SiAW, the United States will have a powerful weapon that can overcome even the most sophisticated air defense system, leaving China susceptible to the full military might of the U.S. Air Force and Navy."
"Josuke with his intelligence and restoration should be able to clear out of the fight a bit earlier."
"The greatest strategic advantage for America has always been the fact that our country has stood for values shared by humanity."
"Whoever held this high ground would determine not just the outcome of the battle, but quite possibly the war itself."
"Wonder Guard makes you immune to everything that isn't super effective."
"Any advantage to buy you time is gonna be worth its weight in bags of sand."
"The ability to turn former enemies into allies was one of Rome's greatest strengths."
"The Burgundians got a sweet deal out of the Hundred Years War... and they got to use the war between the English and the French to get independence and take over a sweet chunk of land between the North Sea and the Alps."
"Diversity...allows us to fight more effectively across all domains, including intelligence, space, and cyber."
"Warlock, a fantastic option for dealing with a super annoying new defender."
"This card is essential as that 20% extra damage will benefit you every single time."
"It's all part of the tactical plan, ladies and gentlemen, to drop below 15% so that we can deal more damage."
"We're making these early waves look stupidly easy."
"A big breakthrough in the South led to a huge unexpected victory."
"Congratulations, you guys on your win, you are safe from today's elimination and you also get to choose one team to send directly into the banning."
"Gibraltar is honestly one of the best legends in Apex."
"Bloodhound is one of the best legends for those looking to be useful with really no effort required."
"There's pretty much nowhere either form of Landorus won't excel."
"Wraith's kit is still pretty great at resetting fights and keeping you and the team in the battle."
"Haste in itself is already a very powerful ability."
"The main draw of kindred is their rapid snowball potential."
"He's a supreme commander now and the main benefit that she's got is that she has Chapter Master rerolls."
"Quantity can sometimes have a quality all of its own."
"Absolutely, here's one: Cabal Coffers. Tap it and then it creates mana equal to the number of swamps you control."
"But it also says at the beginning of your draw step, draw an additional card."
"Our allies are a force multiplier, a strategic advantage that none of our competitors can match."
"Diego Molita... phenomenally meta in this game."
"One of the main features that makes this such a powerful subclass is your expanded spell list."
"The left wins because they never play defense, they always play offense."
"Clefable has one weakness may as well turn it into an immunity."
"Despite all of this, Iron Man still has an ace up his sleeve."
"Detectives hunch... the best totem finding perk in the entire game."
"Unbreakable: It is such a good perk and can get you out of so many situations. Gotta go in the S tier."
"Decisive Strike: Escaping the killer's grasp is game breaking."
"Object of Obsession: Object of Obsession probably has the highest impact on the outcome of a match."
"Understanding this history does give us an additional weapon."
"You have access to Torrential Gearhulk. That's so good with Torrential Gearhulk."
"That potency up made all the difference in the world."
"I think it's very powerful, I think it's just hard to see, but I think this is the type of card that like a lot of situations can just be good for you."
"A good offense is better than a good defense."
"Ever since they added the guaranteed sale creep, that became god-tier to me."
"Assassin's Trophy... You can destroy target permanent an opponent controls... That is nothing compared to the fact that it's black and green for any permanent, including lands."
"The destruction of property by rioters and looters is not the same as the Boston Tea Party, which targeted a monopoly granted by the British government."
"I'm not saying Bill Belichick's the only football coach that tries to do that, but it feels as if the Patriots are always the organization that finds a way to get through a situation and exploit it to benefit themselves the most."
"Ted is the type of person who greatly benefits from being underestimated."
"The most important thing about negotiation is that you have to have multiple offers."
"You got out in front, the whole game was just so easy, you've got clear air, you can make your decisions, you can turn when you want to turn to when you need to turn."
"A big time edge, no stalemates here, just playing on out of momentum."
"The church has an opportunity if it but should take advantage of it."
"Persephone in the right hands is S+ despite win rate."
"We have an unfair advantage because we are here early."
"The winner of the night without even showing up was Donald Trump."
"Every individual card in Yu-Gi-Oh is so powerful that the cards themselves being the resource, having one extra card over your opponent is actually a huge advantage."
"We're not stuck in here with it, it's stuck in here with us!"
"We've got a nuke in our back pocket, ready to blow this whole sick operation to kingdom come if we wanted to."
"Gravity is on our side. They're the ones with the uphill fight, not us."
"I honestly say Thorne might actually be one of the best trap operators in the game... I like the fact that you get intel from her."
"Valkyrie is one of the best operators in the game, especially in higher ranks."
"Using your alt for a quick rotate can catch enemies off guard."
"The September victories of the Ukrainian army is proof that Ukraine has finally gained strategic initiative on the battlefield."
"Time advantage becomes fatal when combined with a good position."
"The world is shrinking, take advantage of it."
"Our goal is to take full advantage of the summit. Let's be clear, we'll take full advantage of this and we'll force the kinds of far-reaching changes that the world now desperately needs."
"Already in a winning position, no matter what happens."
"Colombia starts the game with an exceptionally large army size."
"Ideal location provides early game protection and development cost reduction."
"Major winners in defense reindustrialization."
"Skump picking up those streaks are so huge because he can use him off this rotation."
"So dominant and defendable where these walls that no army was able to capture them for over 1,000 years, four times longer than the United States of America has even existed."
"Talk to a senior before you begin your journey because that is going to give you an unfair Advantage."
"Magnus is fighting on for every half a point, for every 0.1 to 0.5 of an advantage."
"The entire point of the strategy is to give you a statistical advantage that plays out over a long period of time."
"Golden mushrooms are often viewed as the most useful of the three, but there are aspects which make triple mushrooms superior."
"Info is the greatest game changer... relay info even if that means spectating a teammate."
"In a direct contest of force power, Yoda would no doubt win."
"Battle tanks could provide a game-changing capability to Ukrainians."
"Landing headshots consistently is often the difference between Victory and defeat."
"Catching and Sack swapping can be a very effective strategy... the difference between winning some big games and losing some big games."
"An army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions if they are led by a sheep."
"Knowing one's enemy helps greatly in knowing what to expect."
"The Seahawks obviously, there's a lot to love about them, but the difference between Seattle and Green Bay right now is that Green Bay has things figured out."
"With Nick Foles at quarterback he's a vertical threat bottom line."
"If Obi-Wan Kenobi has taught me anything, it's that if you have the high ground, you can do anything in life."
"Serious offensive powerhouse right now. What do we have here? We have a skeleton key."
"This is a big card that Microsoft has in their back pocket."
"Vayne benefits from many changes we've seen in the bot lane meta."
"If you know your enemy and you know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt."
"Information can turn the tides of a conflict."
"But seeing the strength of the catalyst and the setups ahead of time allowed us to get really early in terms of this catalyst dramatically increased our chances of getting lucky like we did on this play."
"Sova is easily the strongest intel gathering agent in the game."
"Having sort of a portal just around the corner in Germany that leads you to the US is something special." - Dominic
"Chaos can breed opportunity if you know how to play it."
"I think it's easily one of the most powerful effects in the game. It is easily, I think it's better than wrath."
"If you can find a neighborhood where the demand is greater than the current supply, you're in it to win it."
"Expect the unexpected. If you can be mentally prepared, you'll have an advantage over other people."
"The party that can occupy it first is going to win big."
"Definitely take advantage of that and you'll have a bit of an experience edge over other people once you do hit 70."
"If you control the infrastructure, if you control the monetary system, that's far greater power than having a big military."
"You don't need to do this, it's the edge... people have incredible edges and they throw them away."
"Their overall fleet speed was very high because it meant that they could engage and disengage at pretty much at will."
"If you can keep your back off the fence, your chances of beating Khabib go up immensely."
"I did get a good card. I got the rousing speech card."
"God fights on the side with the best artillery."
"Position is everything. Being in position makes life a tremendous amount easier, gives you more optionality."
"With this hero power, you want things that create pressure and damage, right? Because you have ways to kill people pretty quickly."
"Backstab makes hitting enemies from behind more potent and causes them to stagger."
"This card protects you and yourself for one mana and can trips a lot of the time. That's pretty cool."
"Chandra awakened inferno... can't be countered... clock is ticking."
"This unit is going to be a killer all the way through."
"Opponents got to spend their until your turn paying for this pack so we're not gonna kill this turn and they lose a land which is even better."
"Anything that targets multiple things like that... Yeah, this is so powerful."
"Having a redundant version of Doubling Season in any deck that wants it seems pretty good."
"Legendary cards are the best cards in this game."
"Forget Me Not can use this power to his advantage in a huge way in the right circumstances in one case he's even able to dupe all of X-Force..."
"Now it's a wonderful power to get because you know when you can skip on when you can move on who's worth killing."
"The collapse of Russians is fast, and Ukraine is able to enter that initial point of entry, just get past it while the Russians are running."
"If you're in a position to help out someone who'll play a key role in your long term vision, this is a moment where you can arbitrage power."
"Oh wow you could not ask for a better turn card than that right there."
"He knows that the advantages that the alliance has, that the United States has over Russia, are so significant."
"When the position opened up, my pieces were much better situated."
"Black is helping my attack by pushing my pawns in the direction they want to go."
"I thought after that double chain role or turned Domingues really had it he had such as and such an advantage and that one hazard doesn't look like much but it is in the end the clock that just doesn't stop taking."
"Dimitri's advantages all come down to one thing: information."
"Democrats will have substantially more leverage in negotiations if they win both seats in Georgia."
"If you can give you multiple of those in the playoff series like you're in a very good spot."
"Roadhog, he's just about flanking... he's playable because if you get a good hog player on your team, the whole dynamic of your team changes."
"If your deck can use the graveyard well, you're going to have a big advantage against Decks that can't."
"A first goal here, an opening goal for Tom, surely puts me in the driver's seat."
"Sometimes, the most powerful weapon is knowledge."
"What we found out is that SAC knew the hand before everybody else did and acted accordingly."
"The successful offensive has shifted the momentum in favor of the Ukrainian forces."
"Two goals for China Tip have given Thailand a very important lead."
"For Endless mode - Battle Ballad is basically a cheat code."
"Adding the best tight end in the league really helps us out quite a bit."
"You will out attrition your enemies... Amazing turnkey dungeon..."
"The heavy lifting has already been done by George, capitalize on that, use that to your advantage and milk the crap out of it."
"And speaking of drawing and power, let's talk about Temur Ascendancy, Shamanic Revelation, and Return of the Wildspeaker."
"Technology is the way that we're going to take the advantage back from the predator clans."
"Fairy and water... Water and fairy are an extremely well-balanced pairing that allow for strong options both offensively and defensively."
"Righteous Protector: A 1/1 divine shield with taunt. Huge."
"The balls on this guy, the confidence! And now he is gonna start things with the Lord with no Fawns in the picture, it's no problemo for Team Eudora."
"If he's making shots, they're basically unbeatable."
"Could you imagine she pulls off the upset? Imagine the leverage."
"The ETB effect of vishgras is very cool, it's so powerful."
"Hard-hitting character, that's what you want to exploit."
"The side that wants to win is always going to defeat the side that just wants to be left alone."
"If Noah Olsen can hang on to this lead and he can keep Fraser behind him in between himself and Medeiros... this is a good booster for what maybe next year could potentially be for Noah."
"It's a lower risk high reward sort of situation to play things the other way around."
"Perrserker... it's a really cool ability that powers up its Partners."
"He has signed now, GG's Supreme used to our advantage. Straight away in the season, he came in 75 rated, 11.5 million value."
"And my reward is the time-stopping soul, which is debatably the best soul in the game."
"The effect to banish three cards from your extra deck in order to get rid of one card your opponent's hand is super strong."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"Ripples possession of records...provides it with strong leverage."
"This move is amazing to use because Cloud has slight armor on himself and you can easily put most enemies into pressure off of this move to help build up some stagger."
"The best intelligence often comes from the source you least expect."
"Ryuzaki reveals that he wasn't killed by Misa's Death Note because his name is already written in someone else's Death Note."
"Lewin Leoncur provides extra replenishment rate for knights and is just an absolute god on the battlefield."
"That's the Batman I just level the playing field a little bit."
"Power armor has been described in lore as a deciding factor in the United States turning the tides in Alaska."
"Well, if it can help those who are working this understand it a little better, support it a little better, then it's a heck of a weapon."
"The wins with this deck were some of maybe the best wins that we've had."
"Gnarled wood sprite is extremely good early game and can even go late game."
"Just having Jiho on the team is a strat in and of itself."
"Let's go get Delhi. They're saying, 'Oh right now, yeah, they've got problems with rebellions already.' You know what? They're not managing themselves very well. Let's just conquer them."
"If they just came up with a bad corporate idea that we were able to take advantage of and then they folded shop and they're like, 'Well, that sucked, we didn't make money,' we'd say, 'Yeah, sorry, that was us but thanks for the ride.'"
"She's one of those x factor characters that many enemies are not going to be able to play around very easily."
"You can really use light to your advantage in your own home."
"The most valuable thing you can have in this game is numbers Advantage."
"The rams made all the difference in this case soaking up all the galleon fire."
"The tide of battle has swung back into my favor."
"Demonstrating that you have the potential to use that force is often the thing that's gonna save you."
"It's amazing how runs can vary so quickly. This run, we're already basically in the driver's seat."
"Diplomacy can get spicy - manipulate relationships with various factions for your advantage."
"Acknowledging the impact of a powerful ability or item." - Highlighting the potency of certain in-game mechanics.
"Brain Tree is going to be ridiculously sticky."
"We've got all this, we're playing all this, we are exactly where close to where we want to be... so it's a brilliant place to be at the moment."
"Social media is rigged against you, but that very fact can work in your favor."
"The 47th Brigade inflicted many, many more losses than it suffered."
"China has this really cool ability and it's really worth highlighting because you can get a lot of early gold fast."
"The Ukrainian Force had gained a significant Advantage after launching an offensive against the Russians."
"This is a trade that I utilize all of the time in my own personal trading because it can set you up with not only having an advantage in terms of winning percentage but with a really nice reward to risk ratio."
"As a bonus action you can choose a creature within 30 ft of you and curse it, now it gains disadvantage on its next basically D20 roll."
"Harry's memoirs are an ace in Megan's sleeve."
"What the US military has that no other country can compare with is the ability to deploy its troops to any corner of the world very fast."
"There's no shot of our opponent having a chance to win the entire duel."
"Team Liquid now in a perfect position to win game number six."
"You get a ball-playing goalkeeper, you're going to get moments where he might not be the best shot-stopper but you're gonna get to help."
"This generation of black folks must be willing and have a tenacity and have the audacity to be willing to challenge white supremacy in 2020."
"English opposition defeats, advantage Chelsea."
"Being able to target graveyards, I think that way too much broken stuff happens in the graveyard and being able to spend a single mana to answer that is really good."
"Tactics allow somebody to reverse a positional disadvantage and make it into a positional advantage."
"Things are looking pretty good for the dark looters as things continue."
"Wild Flames is being able to have two puddles at the same time is just incredibly useful for her."
"He can brew plagues, he has souls gained plus 25 when plagues are spread which is massive."
"Overloading is sort of like the gears of war active reload where if we get it within a certain time it reloads our clip immediately and gives us an extra bullet or so in the clip depending on the gun we're using."