
Obedience Quotes

There are 6624 quotes

"If it's God's the one saying, 'No, this is I want it this way,' I have my reasons. What if He never even tells you His reasons? He's God. Do what He says."
"Are you humble? Are you obedient? Then your influence is sustainable."
"Obedience is better than any sacrifice we could give."
"At the moment of your obedience, God already has the answer."
"Your ten-dollar gift to a person at the gas station could be the confirmation that makes them go back to their marriage. You have no idea what your little obedience can produce."
"Obedience is energized by joy. Also, obedience is not a burden."
"Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger has indeed achieved the greatest achievement, the greatest success."
"Whether a command should be followed or not is simply based on whether or not we recognize God's authority."
"You can never go wrong listening to Him, obeying Him, trusting Him. You can never go wrong."
"Obedience and humility. That's the whole key to the spiritual life."
"Belief in God leads to a lack of equality because people believe God is above them and that God requires some form of obedience and worship."
"Success is not about volume; it's about obedience."
"People's superpower is self-responsibility. People become very disempowered when they're trained to be obedient to rely on external powers."
"When you obey God, you give Him the opportunity to bless you."
"Our love for God is not measured by feelings or emotions... the only objective measure that we have for our love for Christ is our obedience to Christ."
"Perfect sanctification is flawless obedience from the heart to the will of God, known and understood perfectly."
"What is sanctification? It is to know and obey the truth, the revealed will and Word of God."
"John 14:15-18: 'If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.'"
"No man in this country is so high that he is above the law. No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government from the highest to the lowest are creatures of the law and are bound to obey it."
"A hundred percent completely obedient society is actually not desirable if you want to keep pushing society forward and keep progressing."
"In nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things and obey not his commandments."
"You are the one. Obey what the Holy Spirit is saying."
"I really took a deep dive in my faith. I believe in Jesus, but I never really liked when it says follow Jesus is actually turning away from sin and so there's no faith without obedience."
"Live your life with an urgency because now is the time to live with obedience."
"Repentance is a heartfelt sorrow for sin, a renouncing of it, and a sincere commitment to forsake it and walk in obedience to Christ."
"The Bible says clearly, 'Only those who do the will of my Father can enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
"Only by escaping our satanic dispositions can we truly obey and fear God and enter the kingdom of heaven."
"God does not measure our love for Him by how much offering we donate in church... our love for God is proven by the level of our submission and obedience to His will."
"Our hearts, our desires, our honoring of sacred gospel covenants and ordinances, our obedience to the commandments, and, most importantly, the Savior's redeeming grace and mercy determine whether we are counted as one of God’s chosen."
"It seems to me that the police are trying to enforce silence, if not obedience."
"If you communicate to animal and fulfill the needs of a dog, then you're going to accomplish what everybody wants, which is the obedient dog."
"You must love [Big Brother], not just obey him."
"If you do not come to the place in the Lord where your obedience to God takes first precedent over anything and everything, then you never get anywhere in God."
"When you obey the Holy Spirit, you step into the power of the Holy Spirit."
"God rewards that obedience immediately. You don't even know what blessings you're blocking in your life because of the little compromises that we're making."
"If the prophet had bid thee to do some great thing, wouldst thou not have done it? How much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?"
"In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then, you can ask in faith, nothing wavering according to your need, and God will answer."
"Revival is delayed by the disobedience of preachers."
"We choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust God's Spirit to give us his power, love, and faith and wisdom to do it."
"Obedience unlocks God's power. God waits for you to act first."
"This message calls all people to recognize God as the creator of the universe and the one who deserves our worship and obedience."
"The walk of obedience leads to a life that you could never imagine."
"Milgram explained that situational variables have a stronger sway than personality factors in determining obedience."
"The journey of obedience... started when I had to give the big yes that God, not my will but Yours be done."
"The choices we make today make it more likely that we're going to obey Him the next time."
"Obedience is key; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
"God, you've been so faithful back there that whatever you tell me to do, I will do; wherever you tell me to go, I will go; whatever you tell me to give up, I will give up; and whatever you tell me to sacrifice, it's dead."
"Six months of obedience will produce a lifetime of freedom."
"There's something about you doing a physical act of obedience that brings spiritual release, favor, and blessing. Look out, miracles will come, favor will come, blessing will come."
"Physical obedience releases spiritual power, favor, help, protection, healing, miracles, blessing."
"God says sometimes I demand of people a physical act of obedience before I release spiritual reward."
"I would rather be obedient to God and right before Him than get the praises of men."
"Most miracles are connected to a point of obedience."
"He humbled himself to become obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
"The most heinous crimes in the history of humanity have been conducted by people who blindly obey governments."
"Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him; it's the only way to enjoy life at its very best."
"When he issues something, he's going to help you accomplish it, if you believe it and obey it."
"God wants you to humble yourself, after you hear the word of God, obey, believe it, and act upon it."
"You gain favor with men by being where God told you to be."
"Every prompting is an opportunity to obey God."
"We need to be people of God who are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, who can clearly hear Him and then respond when He speaks."
"Power is not found in systems; it's found in surrender, and surrender is obedience."
"You don't have to agree on everything in your church communities, but find people who love God, who love their neighbor, who love God's Word, and want to obey Him."
"Obedience to God is never understood on the front end; it can only be understood on the back end after you've obeyed."
"First Peter chapter 1 verse 14 to 16 says, 'As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance.'"
"When God speaks and I don't feel moved to obey or even moved to try to obey, there's something wrong on my end."
"She's learning all the obedience commands through positive reinforcement."
"If you'll just listen to Me and obey Me, I'll give you instruction. I will teach you what you need to know. And I will guide you."
"Obedience to the Holy Spirit is not just about how clearly you hear him, but about how quickly you respond when he speaks."
"Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord."
"The Milgram experiment... showed how far people will go if they're told to increase electrical shocks against others, even to the point of killing that person."
"Listening to God and obeying Him is a major principle in the Christian life."
"I am a product of listening to God, obeying, and using what God has placed in my hand at the moment."
"It brings fruitfulness when we follow the will of God and give death to ourselves, it brings a happy death because we have found true happiness."
"From now on, she needs to be completely obedient or she's unsuitable for the position."
"I prayed that night that God would give me the willingness to obey before I understood."
"Stimulus control on the release cue means the dog gets up immediately when released and never gets up when not released."
"It's a very tough message, it's a very rough message. As I said, moreover, sometimes the devil makes people look at how I sound, and they get mad at me and use that as an excuse for not obeying what God says. And I often tell people, just ignore how I sound and pay close attention to what we tell you."
"And if you obey what we tell you from the Scriptures, you will find that it will be the best decision that you will make in your lifetime. Because any time a message will keep you from eternal damnation, that's the best message you will ever obtain."
"Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all."
"Hebrews 11:8: By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place where he was to receive for an inheritance."
"Real faith leads to radical obedience and a transformed life."
"Belief leads to obedience because when we truly believe something, obedience is the test."
"He saves men not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience" (Desire of Ages, p. 668).
"Application is obedience, and obedience brings joy."
"We must obey God rather than men." - Acts 5:29 (Paraphrased contextually from the text)
"The son only does what the father says... whatever the father wants, the son does, because the father loves the son."
"Let us ask him to give us the urgency to read his word so that we can know his voice and then obey."
"Unjust or immoral orders should never be carried out."
"The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and we obey, we will always be right."
"God doesn't need me in the ministry. He desires that I'm obedient."
"If you look deep into that, it's... I don't know how I can really explain it without getting your page deleted, but God does not want prayer in the middle of the 50-yard line. God wants obedience."
"A person should certainly fear Allah as much as they are able."
"You're just following orders, just doing your job."
"Keeping God's word distinguishes true disciples from the world."
"Keeping God's word is the supreme test of the disciple's love for God."
"Keeping God's word is the supreme cause of God's love for the disciple."
"Victory comes from obeying Allah and the Messenger."
"I want to be obedient, and I want to call you guys to be obedient too."
"Christianity is the worst thing in the eyes of the world because it is the religion of obeying and glorifying God."
"It's important to teach your dog a come around."
"Disobedience takes away joy, obedience brings fullness of joy."
"Wanting God to change his commands for you is the opposite of obedience."
"Obeying God is for your good; He knows the best for you."
"A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
"Jehovah loves you very much for obeying him, Caleb."
"The Milgram Experiment: How far will people go when it comes to obeying instruction?"
"To walk in the Spirit is to live moment by moment in dependence upon him, sensitive to his voice, and in obedience to him."
"If I'm going to live moment by moment in the power of the Holy Spirit, I must listen to the initial promptings of the Spirit."
"Obedience is that you do it when he says do it; rebellion is when you do it when you want to do it or you don't do it at all."
"My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me."
"Honoring and obeying God's word is the key to hearing God's voice."
"When it's all said and done, the only thing that matters is that we fear God and keep his Commandments." - Ecclesiastes 12:13
"God can make a small act of obedience from a transformed heart bring a great harvest."
"The whole reason that you fast Ramadan... is to become more obedient to Allah... to have sincerity... to follow the Sunnah of the messenger."
"Look at the kind of authority that he commands about obeying him."
"Employers want someone that will follow orders, do what they're told, and accept criticism, which is of course crucial for learning."
"Obey lawful orders from police and everything's fine, just law and order."
"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams."
"Anything that you love more than your obedience to God is idolatry."
"In every command of God, there is a good reason for what God is asking, and He wants us to have faith in Him that He has our best interest in mind. He wants us to obey and love Him willingly."
"Be obedient and hearken to the voice of the Lord."
"Should you obey God or man? We ought to obey God rather than man."
"I lay my sin down, I lay my idolatry down, yes Lord, I'm going to obey you."
"Nothing grieves the Holy Spirit more than when we disobey what he's telling us to do."
"The mark of being a true Christian is you will hear the voice of the Shepherd."
"If we want to hear from God, we have to be willing to obey Him."
"Think twice before you reject the instruction of the Lord."
"God, I'll go where you want me to go. I'll do what you want me to do. I'll say what you want me to say. And I'll be what you want me to be."
"Obey me so long as I obey God and His Messenger, but if I disobey you owe me no obedience."
"You're a complete basket case and you should just literally shut up and just obey."
"Life is not about doing what you want, it's about doing what our Father wants."
"How do we know that we know him? If we keep his Commandments."
"Jesus lived a perfect life, and kept His Father’s commandments."
"If we worship and obey God, what do we obey if not His commands?"
"Everything for his glory, everything. And you cannot do it for his glory apart from knowing what he commanded."
"We are destroying speculation and every lofty thing raised against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."
"You're going to be conformed to the world unless you actively pursue obedience to Christ."
"Your obedience to prophetic insight is God's way of making provision for you."
"Just listen whenever an officer, especially an officer, tells you to do something, listen to it."
"One of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology was carried out in 1961 by the renowned Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram."
"He commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord."
"So whatever the Holy Spirit is telling you to do right now, all I'm asking is that you obey Him."
"Serve God in spirit and in truth, and obey the laws of the land."
"Fear God and keep his Commandments: 'If you love me, you will keep my Commandments.'"
"I think the answer is absolutely it is. We saw not only around the country but right here in our own state democratic elected officials who were targeted."
"Immediate response to the Holy Spirit is crucial; delay is disobedience."
"If you do what God tells you to do today, He will open up the entire vista of your tomorrows."
"Obedience itself is not the goal, and 'because I said so' is not a good reason for it for parenting or divine command theory."
"Father, give me the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you."
"You must obey law enforcement because we're a nation of laws."
"You are awesome, you keep your word. I want to hear your voice, I want to obey your word, I want to trust your plan."
"God asks us to trust in Him and to obey Him, even when life does not make sense."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. So before you give out what you think he wants, how about you just do what he asked you to do?"
"Obedience does bring blessing, but your ability to obey is preceded by my gift of Mercy."
"Obedience is the highest expression of worship."
"but the actions the way that these people I'm just following orders I mean we know that was the excuse that the Nazis used in the Nuremberg trials"
"You don't question this. This is something you must do."
"In this war, you are nothing but a suit of armor and a gun. So when I give you an order, you damn well follow it. Do I make myself clear?"
"Dr. Stanley Milgram tested how far subjects would go in obeying authority, even if they believed they were physically hurting someone."
"You cannot obey Jesus without obeying the apostles."
"Children obey your your powers and the Lord this is right for this is wrong this is right no for this is wrong but this is right."
"The serpent deceived Eve by taking her away from obedience to the word of God." - Ron Matsen
"His word created all things... demanded it be so that everything had to obey what he said."
"He's just bending the knee and doing whatever he's told."
"I told you not to morally revere anything over me, but you didn't obey my voice."
"Jesus says, 'Even though you have little power, I'm gonna open up a door for you because you have obeyed me and you have not denied my name.'"
"Let's get busy glorifying the Lord, obeying the Lord, not denying the Lord."
"Remember true freedom comes from using your agency to choose obedience."
"Baroque art was propaganda... it convinced people to obey."
"One of the greatest ways to glorify God is to be content in his providence and to follow commands as they have been given to you in the context of God's providence."
"You gotta sacrifice something, you know? Faith, obedience, and sacrifice, that's the name of the game."
"Try to recognize how you feel when you just get told what to do."
"Don't just obey in my presence. Obey God even more in my absence."
"The greatest gift you can give God is yourself. Through obedience and submitting to His divine will."
"Mary had a vision of the Lord in which he said to her, 'Observe all the laws of a spouse and holiness, purity, and all perfection.'"
"Humanity's weakest souls will always cling to the words 'I was just following orders.'"
"True courage is rooted in conviction and obedience."
"Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and obey Him. Don't ignore the Holy Spirit, obey Him."
"Obeying God is the most intelligent thing you can ever do."
"Nobody likes going to work and being told what to do, but you gotta do it to get the job done."
"Obey God, leave all the consequences to Him."
"It's all about obedience and you doing what God asked of you to do which is to give 10."
"To obey Jesus, you must obey the apostles. That's right, if you reject the apostles, you reject Jesus."
"What they want from you is obedience compliance induced by fear."
"Nobody been saved unless you obey what the word of god says."
"Discipleship includes teaching people to obey all of Christ's commands."
"I would not follow orders if I was in Nazi Germany."
"He did exactly what the prophet saws told him to do."
"God is above human beings, so I would listen to what the Creator says."
"The role of a parent is not to prioritize obedience."
"Obedience to God cannot be hindered by the opinions of people."
"True faith obeys the word of God even if the whole world disapproves."
"Obey God and leave all the consequences to him."
"We chose to be obedient and grow and go on that journey with God individually."
"Your gift will get you there, but your obedience will keep you there."
"I only fear God, as I said, and I'm not always obedient. You know, it's a lot going on out here."
"Faith is not a straight path but a series of steps taken in trust and obedience."
"Obeying God is in Scripture, not the laws of man."
"Success is automated when you obey the laws."