
CIA Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"It's unbelievable what a disaster to have an extraordinarily powerful agency maybe the most powerful agency in the US government operating secretly to stir up trouble all over the world."
"The reason that the CIA is so damaging is that what it does is secret and completely unaccountable."
"It's 1975, and the CIA had become mostly convinced of the reality of psychic powers, and particularly remote viewing—the ability to use the mind's eye alone to observe and acquire direct information of locations, objects, and events blocked from ordinary means of perception."
"Operation Paperclip was a secret CIA program that took more than 1600 former Nazi scientists and engineers and placed them in senior leadership roles in American military, intelligence, and space programs in the wake of World War II."
"Not a goddamn thing about the CIA does one have to make up in order to hate them."
"The CIA's institutional problems go back 75 years from its creation."
"A CIA man should be amoral. That may sound pretty shocking, but keep the morals out of intelligence, keep the truth in, and stay away from disinformation."
"According to the CIA's final evaluation, 'The experiments are well designed and the investigators have taken pains to eliminate the known weaknesses in previous parapsychological research.'"
"The most incredible fact is that these psychological experiments, which seemed like they were devised in Nazi Germany, actually did have Nazi scientists working at the CIA at the time under what was called Operation Paperclip."
"The CIA have departments and tendrils within Hollywood."
"That allowed the cia a giant mapping system to which they could literally look into any bank anywhere they could control who could have money who couldn't have money."
"Sydney Gottlieb, known as the black sorcerer and dirty trickster."
"Declassified CIA satellite spy program reveals lost ancient Roman forts in Syria and Iraq... high-resolution images from the 60s, 70s, and 80s."
"The CIA's use of the American news media has been much more extensive than agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress."
"The term conspiracy theory was created in 1967 by the CIA in response to the Kennedy assassination in 1963."
"The CIA's first contact with the mob may well have been through Jimmy Hoffa."
"The CIA rolls up its sleeves, it's time for another coup."
"Perhaps unsurprisingly, these revelations have done nothing to quell one of the biggest conspiracy theories of them all: that the CIA was somehow involved."
"The CIA's recruiting tactics are shifting to reflect the changes."
"The CIA does believe that young people have the capacity to protect America."
"Within hours of the attacks the Central Intelligence Agency determined that Al Qaeda was responsible."
"This recent court filing suggests that the 9/11 hijackers were working with the CIA."
"The Washington Post doing the bidding of the CIA."
"Vault 7 was a group of documents that contained hacking systems obtained by the CIA."
"The Acting Director clearly demonstrated why the president selected her: her character, her experience, and her commitment to protecting the country. She is the right person to lead the CIA, and the Senate should confirm her."
"The president has confidence in Gina Haspel to lead the CIA and wants to see her do exactly that."
"The CIA funded jazz artists, feminist movements, it worked."
"The CIA considered bombing Miami and killing refugees to blame Castro."
"The CIA tried to train cats to be spies... operation acoustic kitty was abandoned."
"When murdering Fidel Castro didn't work, the CIA turned to sabotage."
"The man survived 40 years of the CIA trying to kill him to die of old age at 90 years old."
"Vault 7 is like an instruction manual for how the CIA can hack into cars, smart TVs, web browsers..."
"The CIA has gotten up to far more than the public ever suspected."
"Former CIA director Jim Woolsey now tells The Wall Street Journal today that one week after he joined the Trump campaign on September 19th of last year, he was invited to a meeting at a New York hotel called the Essex House."
"I'm gonna smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." - John F. Kennedy
"I'm going to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces."
"The OSS had time to consolidate and rebuild and it was around 1947 that the CIA was born."
"CIA have launched a public ad across social media and YouTube looking to entice Russian spies into working for them and giving them information."
"The evidence that his murder was the result of the CIA is very, very strong."
"I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and Scatter it to the wind."
"It remains possible that the CIA may have engineered the scenario."
"Research into causer of mirrors has been completely ignored by everyone except the CIA."
"Argo is a movie about an actual CIA operation using a movie."
"The memo itself is legendary...the two most powerful documents involving the CIA and the media."
"If we understand when Kennedy removed Dulles back then, that's the first move that's significant against the CIA."
"No one has pointed out in an international organ that this thing started with a CIA operation."
"Kryptos is a 12 foot tall copper granite and wood sculpture by artist James Sanborn installed in 1990 in the grounds of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia."
"Sorry to interrupt your debriefing, 007. Agent Nightshade, CIA."
"It continued the program to compromise journalists all over the world and today the CIA is the biggest funder of Journalism in the world."
"Trump revoked John Brennan's security clearance, a shot across the bow at the CIA."
"He wanted to 'Splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and Scatter it into the winds'." — John F. Kennedy
"Wokeness taking over the CIA? It's making it impossible for us."
"They can do almost anything. It's the [ __ ] FBI, it's the CIA."
"I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency." - Harry Truman
"The CIA needs to be completely and totally dismantled."
"Overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his perishing, I think it's beyond A Reasonable Doubt." - Robert Kennedy Jr.
"MKULTRA very simply was a CIA project aimed at finding the secret of mind control."
"The CIA was behind the whole counterculture LSD movement."
"I spent time with CIA psychics, so these guys were hired by the CIA in the 70s."
"I interviewed the first psychic spy for the CIA."
"CIA has always been one of the most diverse workforces in America."
"...it's still up there with one of the craziest ideas from the CIA..."
"MKULTRA was a mind-control program, a brainwashing program the CIA was trying to learn how to control people's behavior without their knowledge."
"The government of Mosaddegh... was overthrown by the action of the Shah... with the help of CIA and British operatives."
"Every single person who died, went to prison, had their life ruined...all of that happened because of the CIA experimenting on American citizens. That's the moral of the story here."
"It's what they killed Kennedy for, it's what they did countless other horrible things for...the number of problems that have been caused directly by the CIA is horrifying."
"the CIA established torture sites around the world in the wake of 9 11 where detainees some innocent were beaten waterboarded and sexually assaulted"
"Cryptus is a sculpture erected on the CIA grounds in 1991. It bears four encrypted codes consisting of 865 letters and four question marks punched into a curved wall of copper."
"The CIA made over 600 attempts on his life."
"Stamper starts talking about how the CIA needs the goggles back because if they fall into the hands of their enemies terrible things could happen because obviously terrible things have never happened due to the CIA."
"My most important finding is that a CIA contracted agent or researcher for mind control, became that witness’ doctor right before he testified and told his story, and then he goes crazy."
"He would be awarded the CIA’s Intelligence Star upon his return to the United States and personally congratulated by sitting Senators for his actions."
"What's it like working for the CIA? That's classified, my friend. No, seriously, you're not going to tell me anything? I'm not going to tell you anything, why not? I could have you killed for just asking the question."
"I'd like to talk to you about the CIA situation."
"They'd completed CIA training and passed with flying colors."
"The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States."
"The CIA had just proven that any lack of experience and technique on its part was more than made up for in sheer courage and Ingenuity."
"For six full months before the invasion, CIA agents were already busy training Afghan warriors and arming them with modern anti-tank and anti-air equipment."
"The CIA hated Castro so much they even conceived a false flag operation called operation Northwoods."
"The CIA was involved with trafficking on three levels... including active engagement in the transport of opium and heroin."
"It would be easier for me to join the CIA because at least then I'd know the lies because I'd be part of it."
"Where are we going, 'cause CIA can't operate within US borders without a domestic agency attached."
"Many people said that he was like a Ted Lasso figure at the CIA."
"The CIA tried their hardest to destroy all documents about MK Ultra but they failed."
"Americans all over the mainland were probably walking around with severe physical and psychological damage thanks to the CIA."
"CIA, you must arrive with an open mind without preconceived ideas of the world you will find."
"I should also explain that although I've researched and written about the history of the CIA for years and interviewed lots of former spies, I don't have a background in intelligence myself."
"Project MK Ultra: the CIA's secret mind control experiments on unwitting citizens."
"Is the CIA working with the cartels? Short answer is yes, they are."
"...the CIA doesn't send people to war it gives policy makers choices and facts."
"MK Ultra is a secret CIA operation."
"The CIA seems to be mostly interested in keeping up the idea that they're a powerful organization."
"CIA officers are the world's best salesman. The only difference is you sell vacuums, we sell treason."
"Arby's, we have the meats and the CIA has video footage..."
"Cory CIA like he didn't even got to say it I know."
"The truth is the CIA has been relatively successful to the detriment of basically all of humanity. But recently, they've been messing up a bit."
"Hollywood creates interest, mystique, and power. The world out there thinks the CIA is all-powerful, and that's a good thing."
"The investigation would lead to the arrest and conviction of alri Ames, a CIA agent working in its directorate of operations."
"The CIA recently declassified a book that tells us how the world will end called the Adam and Eve Story."
"Jason Bourne is a rogue CIA operative who's betrayed the interest of the USA on several counts."
"The CIA does not use coercion in recruiting people. Coercion doesn't work effectively."
"Look, Julia Child was in the CIA, she was a freaking spy."
"There's certainly a lot of fire there as well with the CIA involvement, with the CIA thing with Camarena."
"Confidentiality represents the C of the CIA triad."
"...one of the craziest sounding conspiracy theories did turn out to be true MK Ultra was a series of Mind Control experiments conducted by the CIA."
"That unit and then he was in the CIA, this might be his jacket."
"Over the course of only a couple years, the CIA's network of Soviet Bloc agents began to disappear at an alarming rate."
"Psychic phenomenon were something the CIA had a vested interest in for decades."
"I learned CIA taught me how to learn anything fast."
"In a moment of panic when he feared he was Under Suspicion when he later realized his suspicions were unfounded yet to be provided with a replacement pin by the CIA the Gloom of a dark Soviet winter cast a long Shadow over the Trigon operation."
"The 1964 conspirators were heavily supported by the US Department of State and the CIA."
"But there was a consolation prize - crazy reveals about how the CIA may have been cutting deals with the Mafia to kill one of their most famous enemies - the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro."
"When JFK was assassinated, the new administration wanted the CIA to get out of the cloak-and-dagger business."
"Don’t believe us? Well, at the risk of landing ourselves on an Agency watchlist, here are just ten of the most insane covert CIA operations we were able to find."
"Things like legality, morality, and general human decency are considered to be entirely optional for the CIA."
"These included beating suspects, waterboarding, threatening the families of those who had been detained, subjecting them to extended periods of sleep deprivation, and even torment of a far more unpleasant, "private" nature."
"What’s darker: torturing innocent people at black sites or working directly with Nazis? Tough call, right? But the boys at Langley aren’t here to split hairs over, which is worse: they’re asking, ‘Why not both?’"
"The operation was expanded not long after approval, with the CIA then permitted to mobilize these ‘friendly’ forces – pretty sure Nazis are notoriously unfriendly – into taking covert actions within Soviet-controlled areas."
"Operation CHAOS was born, and the part of the CIA’s charter mandating that they focus their counterintelligence efforts on overseas targets was conveniently ignored."
"CIA agents were sent to infiltrate universities across America, targeting various civil rights and anti-war groups, learning the culture and even the different slang used by the groups they targeted."
"David Morehouse was part of it, but Morehouse claims he was no ordinary secret agent. He was a psychic spy for the CIA."
"The CIA improperly used two private contractors with no relevant experience to develop, operate, and assess the CIA detention and interrogation program."
"The most secretive unit is CIA's Special Activities Division, of course."
"Verification that the CIA was aware knew of an expedition for something under the ground outside or near sirichina known as object number one that's crazy."
"So I got hired by the CIA in 1990 as an operations officer and did two tours as an oo and at that point became a pmo was able to move over to what was then called military and special programs division later renamed special activities division."
"We are providing the CIA's assessment; it's not my own personal opinion."
"I am in the C.I.A. I have my own reasons for being here."
"The CIA themselves believed that over 50 percent of reports of all unidentified aerial phenomena throughout the 50s and 60s were merely people citing the U2 spy plane."
"MK Ultra was a secret CIA project that lasted from 1953 to 1973."
"The biggest most successful drug smuggling operation of the last 40 years was carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency."
"Vault seven is a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to release on March 7th that details activities and capabilities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare."
"Tonight, you will meet them and hear about their work in the Central Intelligence Agency's top secret project, OXCART."
"One of the ironies built into the program was the CIA developed a covert procurement program in order to acquire quality titanium from the best source of it in another country."
"The CIA... gathers, processes, and analyzes national security information from around the world."
"The FBI's COINTELPRO and the CIA's Operation CHAOS were both projects that were begun in 1967."
"The chaos program was completely illegal because the CIA is not allowed to operate domestically."
"That was the height of agency recruitment... it was a very busy time to try and get inside the CIA."
"I got the chance to go to CIA's Pakistan Afghanistan Department... those were the years when almost all the things happened."
"The CIA proves time and again that it is always on the forefront of new technologies and trends."
"Some of Mossad's and the CIA's biggest successes have actually happened when the two agencies work together."
"The real-life FBI and CIA also have their very own very real X-Files."
"It's impossible to overstate the significance of the exposé of CIA plans to kill Assange."
"The CIA only works in the best interest of the American people."
"The burning questions in Washington: How could it have taken so long to arrest the highest-ranking CIA officer ever accused of selling out to the Russians?"
"What's the matter, the CIA got you pushing too many pencils?"
"I'm glad these two that working the CIA are on a covert mission because imagine these two being held hostage."
"What if I told you that the CIA could have in part been behind the global explosion of punk rock?"
"It's a 9/11 book... the untold story of the CIA mission to avenge 9/11."
"The first time the CIA directly orchestrated a coup of a democratically elected government."
"Is there really an official CIA dirty deeds man position?"
"Within the realm of espionage, we encounter the enigma of CIA's most wanted men who have successfully eluded capture."
"After 17 years of relentless investigation, the CIA officially closed the case."
"The CIA doesn't know everything, but what the CIA can do is narrow the cone of uncertainty."
"She’s one of the most qualified, most capable individuals ever nominated to lead the CIA."
"The CIA report suggests practical applications of this technique such as achieving personal goals, channeling energy for self-healing, and even exploring different dimensions to access new information."
"The CIA is probably the most family-friendly organization I've ever been a part of."