
Ethical Leadership Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Politics without principles... wealth without work... science without humanity... these kinds of leadership are destroying our world."
"At the end of the day, when you have leadership that taints the word of the Lord and turns an actual community effort into something where people literally sit down and give money to these individuals so they can live lives luxuriously, that's when you lose me and most people around."
"Leadership is about who you're fighting for, the choices you make, and whether you're doing what's right for people."
"Detaching the idea of ethical power from the holder of power is an extraordinarily useful thing to do because otherwise, the king becomes the embodiment of the god and then the king can do no wrong."
"Reward loyalty, don't be a jerk, don't abuse."
"If your rise to power comes at the degradation of somebody else, that is wrong."
"I just don't think we should be celebrating leaders whose main rallying cry seems to be racial genocide."
"A president must have moral clarity and know the difference between good and evil."
"How hard is it, people? Stop thinking about your careers, think more about just doing the right thing. Bureaucratic challenges and inflexible mindsets continue to plague the department at all levels."
"Integrity, honesty, and decency in the country... Bernie Sanders exemplifies."
"When a person has a good motive and they say this is right, this is what we need to do, it will stand the test of scrutiny."
"Being strong and being powerful is using restraint. It's not doing things just because you can."
"The future belongs to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it."
"Change comes about when we realize that the ends don't always justify the means."
"We want competency, decency, honesty, and leaders who will just do the right thing."
"Conscious politics is about not self-dealing and being willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good."
"Truth is everything... leading with integrity."
"If you're racking up off the people, then you should be doing for the people. That's scriptural, it's ridiculous."
"Many here follow me from a feeling of personal regard. I will not ask them to go where I will not lead them."
"Return on character: there is a significant return on character."
"I'm practical optimism, which means I want, like the thought of like demonizing or winning on fear is just completely unacceptable."
"Delve into Neuralink's commitment to Superior Animal Care, establishing itself as a leader in ethical considerations."
"Justice should rain from above, not be squandered into nothingness."
"He's always trying to do right by all stakeholders."
"Let's follow the example of scripture in our own behavior and let's call for others in leadership over us to do the same."
"Ethical leadership, a diverse and inclusive organization, and employers who actually care about their employees' well-being."
"I didn't want to seize power for myself, which is what you've done."
"You become the super good guy by not falling into that as you gain power."
"As long as you lead with truth and fairness, it will be a win-win situation for you."
"People love speaking truth to power until they're in the position of power."
"Candidly, if evangelical thought leaders simply studied carefully what the Bible says about impartiality, it would be a helpful corrective."
"Leadership that puts the well-being of people ahead of profits."
"It will be my role to ensure that I am only serving the interests of the American people."
"In this world today legal ethical moral spiritual not necessarily religious but you're serving a higher calling than just the money."
"You have to be able to make tough calls and tough decisions and still be able to lay down at night and sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that you did the right thing."
"She's genuine and I think she's going to have a conversation and she's trying to do right by people"
"Speaking to people's material needs is not only the right thing to do politically, it's the right thing to do historically, it's the right thing to do morally." - Michael Brooks
"Know the company rules and play by them, even when your boss doesn't."
"Shouldn't our government leaders seek to support the life and dignity of each human being instead of killing them?"
"Followers should not be an excuse to get away with abusive behavior."
"Those in positions of power should always use that power to help those in need. To do otherwise would prove them unworthy of their strength."
"There is a disconnect between what you preach to others and what you do internally. Simply put: Walk The Talk."
"I made this. Oh, mean. Gotcha! Get away from me."
"Nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian."
"I would rather be governed by a Turk who acts like a Christian than by a Christian who acts like a Turk."
"Respecting the position God gave man is not an excuse to do dirt behind the shade of the pulpit."
"His reputation... people of conscience seek him out."
"Our responsibility should be to model the behavior we want others to follow."
"The job of the president of the United States is to stand for truth."
"Trump is weak because he doesn't want to commit war crimes."
"But if you take that honor seriously and you're good at it, imagine what you could do with that power."
"Their metric for a successful nation wasn't its wealth or military strength but justice in the highest sense of that word."
"Ethics should lead into politics, politics into ethics."
"Not all painful choices are necessarily hard choices... Shouldn't someone running for president be able to tell the truth and vent his anger?"
"General Tiani's discreet refusal of the bribe from France without publicizing it aligns with the aim of maintaining the Integrity of African leadership."
"Now it's your turn because I've got animals to go save."
"A person in a position of power should not be in the business of pushing a religious belief on the people they're in power over."
"Having the right person in charge of it, that's in it for the right reason, is crucial."
"There might be an issue with their, again, nothing wrong with a pastor having money and having nice things but if it's at the expense of his sheep well then what kind of shepherd is that?"
"An uncanny ability to always do the right thing."
"America's coming back like we used to be - ethical strength, telling the truth, supporting our allies."
"I condemn anybody, any world leader that calls on other human beings as subhuman."
"Men of power must be judged not by what they feel, but by what they do to excuse miseries inflicted by the will. It's a cheap salve to a wounded conscience."
"If you try to always think with the health and benefits of the animal in mind, you'll do an alright job as a manager."
"Property in public life and probity are key principles Yogi is trying to re-establish."
"Unlike the political opportunist, the true statesman values principle above popularity and works to create popularity for those political principles which are wise and just."
"I seek to govern with the spirit of the law, not just by the letter of the law."
"If they want a mayor who they can trust who has good character and who will be in that position making decisions ethically, then they should choose me."
"If you're not going to do the right thing, you should never be in these positions."
"If you are fixing this world and changing this world and saving the animals and saving the planet and solving the problems of race and racism, well if you're doing all of those great things you have arrived at morality."
"A leader should never ask somebody to do something they're unwilling to do themselves."
"People find real values, objective goods in the world, but our job is now to lead them to the sumo bonum that's beyond even these."
"There is no glory in using your power to destroy."
"Do what’s right. It’s not about you, and it’s not about your dad. It’s about the country."
"It's not about having power over others, it's about doing what we believe is the right thing."
"The only way we can do this is with principles, without a cult of personality and with processes over people."
"Directors must take ethical values seriously, not just pay lip service to them."
"TCU emphasizes its students being ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community."
"You shouldn't have to fleece the people. You got a job and go to work."
"Leadership in this new decade requires a moral capacity to be comfortable in your own skin."
"No power can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, love unfeigned."
"Economic and political objectives must be sustained by ethical objectives, which presuppose a change of attitude."