
Ancient History Quotes

There are 595 quotes

"It was designed by perhaps the most famous inventor of the ancient world himself, Archimedes."
"It took a century to place the 2.4 million limestone blocks in place."
"Their siege engines were terrifying and held an arsenal of powerful weapons."
"The ancient Sumerian tablets describe the stories of the gods, their adventures, deeds, and battles, leading to the creation of the heavens, the earth, and humanity."
"DNA sequencing has shed light on the secrets of Europe's oldest natural mummy."
"It started in ancient Greece. The first games that we know of happened in the year 776 BC."
"The Yellow Emperor...supposedly introduced building, taming animals, farming grain, invention of clothing, boats, the Chinese writing system, astronomy, mathematics, and football to the ancient Chinese."
"Then one day around 1177 BC, black sails were sighted off the Egyptian shore."
"Archaeology is not so much about proving the Bible. What archaeology does is it demonstrates to us that what we read in the Bible fits with what we know of the ancient world."
"First erected in ancient Egypt in 1450 BCE, Cleopatra's Needle... it actually sits on top of a historical time capsule."
"And you realize you might be holding something important - part of the skull of an ancient human ancestor."
"Scientists have discovered a city-sized lake hidden deep beneath the world's largest ice sheet, which may hold the key to unlocking the sheet's 34 million year history."
"The earliest known belief in life after death can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that some form of self would be transferred to the kingdom of death if properly preserved."
"This special is my gift to my viewers, a complete expose of everything I have discovered from every aspect of my work, a full explanation of an ancient past stolen from us all."
"Why it was stolen, how this has been achieved, why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence, and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"The truth, however, is that there does exist an incredible reality regarding history, its ancient ruins, and the origins of our species."
"I think we could stand to learn an awful lot if we opened our mind to the possibility that this is actually what it seems to be: evidence of some unknown form of ancient high technology."
"This entire civilization was probably wiped out by the flood."
"The ancient history of Mars is in that rock record."
"When Western Europe was still in the Stone Age, it was the Sumerians who invented writing and the wheel, divided time into minutes and seconds, tamed nature, and built gigantic cities."
"Sargon, king of Akkad, established a powerful dynasty but was still unable to crack the Sumerian resistance until fissures developed among the Sumerians."
"The world's oldest customer complaint, dating back to 1750 BCE, was written on a clay tablet in ancient Mesopotamia, expressing dissatisfaction with the delivery of incorrect copper and poor quality ingots."
"Our exciting exploration of Ancient Egypt has come to a close. It was very fun and interesting."
"One hypothesis is that the Sherden or Shardana in the ancient Egyptian sources refers to Sardinians of the Nuragic civilization."
"Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the Old Testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories."
"Much of ancient history remains unexplained."
"The Union Jack represents the union of Scotland, England, and Ireland."
"Present within the shrines that were built over 10,000 years ago."
"The first to build at Deir el-Barsha was Montuhotep."
"Hatshepsut proved - more so than other Ancient Egyptian female rulers - that a woman could rule during a long, prosperous and expansive period."
"Some of the greatest architectural wonders of the ancient world, including her mortuary temple, were built during her reign."
"Some of the world's earliest known board games."
"Plato wrote an account based on much earlier accounts and even much earlier accounts that there was a land mass that existed called Atlantis located beyond the pillars of Hercules."
"Greek history is some of the oldest history in the world."
"The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is a remarkable list that has transcended the ages."
"The great Kingdom of Kush is one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations in the world."
"The story of Adamu, the first human, created from Homo erectus with Anunnaki DNA."
"Israeli teenagers made quite the discovery: a clay jar stuffed to the brim with gold coins dating back 1,100 years."
"The true history of the ancient Egyptians is many thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"There is new evidence that strongly suggests that the world's oldest, largest, and most mysterious structures ever made are actually thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"Did slaves build the Pyramids at Giza? The simple answer is 'no, they didn’t.'"
"The Old Kingdom’s 4th Dynasty was one of the most impressive regimes in history."
"Unlike most other ancient cities, the commoners were quite well off and had personal space and access to luxuries that were unparalleled. No other city in Mesoamerica would have had this high a standard of living. It was truly remarkable."
"The Khufu Ship: a wooden ship is 4,600 years old and was reportedly so well constructed that it could still sail if put back on the Nile today."
"It's fascinating to see just how close early human civilization came to being completely wiped out."
"According to Herodotus and most other sources, the great king was killed in battle with nomadic tribes, most likely Scythian horse nomads, along his empire's northeastern frontier."
"35 million year old turtle fossil discovered in the ruins of a church."
"And that was the honourable way to go as a gladiator, and you could redeem yourself by dying well as a gladiator."
"Israel has not been united as one nation since Solomon's son a thousand years BC so three thousand years Israel hasn't been united but look what it says in 37."
"Studying the ancient world is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with half the pieces missing."
"We're now into this ancient period which is full of magic and splendor and stories and imagination inspiring events and writings so it's gonna be an exciting journey."
"He believed that all of the earliest human civilizations shared some common parent."
"The 5th century BC represented the pinnacle of cultural, political, and economical power."
"These footprints range in size up to a few meters in length indicating that humans at some point in the distant past may have been even larger than many dinosaur species."
"If you're familiar with cheddarman, he would have been around 10,000 years ago."
"The Sphinx was carved at a minimum of eight to 10,000 years ago before the desert in that area. It's more likely that it's more like 15 to 16,000 years ago."
"Wow. Discovered in Siberia in 2010, she's estimated to have been between 6-8 years old."
"The ancient lost city beneath Missouri would be at least 300 million years old."
"Some of the earliest houses invented by ancient peoples were portable tents."
"A sunken city that has lain submerged for over 9,000 years."
"This mask likely dates back to the end of the fourth century BC," said archaeologist Khan Iren, conveying the remarkable nature of the discovery.
"Archaeologists accidentally discovered 85 well-preserved ancient human footprints on a Moroccan beach dating back 990,000 years."
"We know that Denisovans and Neanderthals in this region of Southern Siberia are interacting with each other because in Denisova cave we found the remains of a child that had a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal mother."
"Palmyra, established during the 3rd Century BC, holds many secrets of the ancient world."
"The mystery of Atlantis is not merely about a missing island nation or even a great empire, but about human civilization and how it may well be much older than orthodox teaching asserts."
"The mystery here is that because of this newly discovered shard, it's pretty clear Jerubal was a real person."
"Yuka quickly became an international sensation with experts from all over the world chiming in to obsess over Yuka's interesting history."
"All these three letters are just like codes, these are like Roman soldiers."
"It's the oldest known submerged ancient Greek settlement and one of the oldest sites in the world."
"Imagine the surprise of Classical Historians in the 1870s to discover that the ancient city of Troy was real."
"Before too long, this Linear B was found on tablets all across the mainland – implying that, one way or another, Crete had been destroyed, and the Mycenaean Greeks were gleefully benefitting from it."
"Cyrus the Great issued the world's first Bill of Rights."
"Well, probably to Showcase just how impressive the defeat of the Amorite King Seon was."
"Finding this kind of history for this time is significant."
"The great ancient civilizations flourished during the Ice Age."
"They were mapping those continents early in the Ice Age before the ice age had totally built up upon them."
"A fascinating glimpse into our own ancient past."
"There certainly are very early Homo sapiens in Eurasia where we can tell from the DNA that they have no living relatives so there were waves of people coming and going possibly coming and going backwards again through Eurasia."
"If there's anything to be learned from the history of the Warring States, it's that the kings of Qin are not to be trusted."
"Did ancient humans ever coexist with a race of giants maybe with the Nephilim of the Old Testament or are the gods and goddesses of Roman and Greek pantheons more fact Than Fiction?"
"Chauvet Cave... the cave's walls are covered with intricately drawn animals, both painted and engraved, dating back roughly 33,000 years."
"Karanic, Iran, this long-forgotten city was founded about four thousand years ago."
"The walled settlement here actually predates the Great Wall, which was built on top."
"We think it's in fact the earliest fleshed bog body from anywhere in Europe."
"The Legend and story of the Phoenix was one of the greatest told in the ancient world."
"It's the earliest known confirmation in the record of the davidic dynasty."
"Defied tradition around 60 A.D when she led an uprising against the conquering Roman Empire."
"Much of the content in the Hebrew Bible is based on material taken from other nearby cultures, but the ancient Israelites always put their own unique spin on it."
"I think that all of these ideas were created by the Denisovans and passed on to their earliest descendants."
"The whole notion of a lost civilization goes back at least to Plato."
"The runes are a very ancient cultural phenomenon dating to at least 17,500 years ago in the west of the Iberian Peninsula."
"Send a diplomat to cancel your tributary arrangement with Phrygia."
"It's the oldest map of the stars in the world!"
"Egypt's ancient history is just so rich and special and unique."
"There's a submerged ancient city in the waters just off of Yoneguni Yima in Japan it's believed that this city was submerged about two thousand years ago when an earthquake struck the area and sunk the city."
"Let us now take a tour of western Britain in the sixth and seventh centuries."
"Could this DNA evidence shed light on connections between humans and potentially extraterrestrial beings in the distant past?"
"There was a global catastrophe around 12 to 13,000 years ago that reset human civilization back to a Stone Age era."
"The legend of Atlantis, described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, has inspired countless works of literature, art, and overall speculation."
"Scientists believe that the Neanderthals who killed the family resorted to cannibalism to survive."
"Ancient maps depict Antarctica free from its icy shroud."
"During the void Century, there was a highly technologically advanced civilization."
"You have this fourth son of Noah who goes to the very eastern edge of the world."
"The Minoans were unbelievably sophisticated, believed to have been the first Europeans to make their own written language."
"The Antonine plague was devastating, spreading across the Roman Empire and killing upwards of 5 million people."
"The lost city of the snake Kings: 'archaeologists recently uncovered a pair of mysterious tombs in the ancient city of holmul.'"
"The pyramids and the Sphinx are freaking incredible."
"Ancient civilizations seemed more concerned about working with nature and not directly against it."
"Surviving 100 days in ancient Rome while building my own empire, let's find out."
"Ancient Indian history feels like the halfway point between a fairy tale and a Lovecraft story."
"Centuries before the Pyramids of Giza, India had urban planning that wouldn't be beat."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"Ancient cultures have stories of a time before the moon existed."
"Olympia: a sacred site that shaped the ancient world and continues to inspire for millennia."
"The ancient Olympics: where victory wasn't just about glory, it was about immortality."
"Caligula has been seen for many years as a mad and lustful emperor but increasingly modern historians have re-evaluated the available primary sources."
"Cataclysms could explain why we have such a mysterious past."
"It's much easier to believe that there was a civilization that was a maritime civilization that could map the world."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered almost completely intact in 1922."
"Methuselah is to date the oldest planet we've ever discovered."
"Pyramids may have been built for coronation rituals, akin to organizing the Olympic Games with sacred symbolism."
"What really happened in ancient times? What is your opinion?"
"The way in which so many of these projects around the world were abandoned and have remained unfinished for thousands of years seems to be due to a massive widespread catastrophe that occurred in the ancient past."
"I find ancient history of mystery around it to be really fascinating."
"Three thousand years after her death, Azru's mummy has opened a new window on a distant past."
"Recently in the depths of brunikel cave in Southwest France, scientists discovered a series of rock formations that altered what we know about Neanderthals."
"After 2,500 years, we can show this vision again, recreate this lost world as Pericles saw it, the greatest city on Earth."
"The people who built the world of Stonehenge were innovators discovering and building a world that we still benefit from today."
"Ancient grains of stardust were discovered inside a meteorite in Australia, forming five to seven billion years ago."
"We were visited by beings from outer space some thousands of years ago."
"The temples of Abu Simbel sit on the shores of the River Nile in southern Egypt, built by the mighty Pharaoh Ramesses II."
"Providing water for their populations was one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Roman world, there's no doubt about that."
"Then suddenly at the very time we know as the Age of Taurus, at the very period that our remaining texts tell us the shining ones came and taught humanity, it all changed."
"Each one contains in its fragile form a glimpse into a lost past, the distant world its owner once inhabited."
"The Great Pyramid was made to allow agriculture to continue to stop civilization from collapsing."
"The Great Pyramid was and still is a superstructure enclosing sacred science and mathematics."
"The ancient Sumerian city-state of Ur was founded in 3800 BC."
"The royal tombs of Ur revealed Mesopotamia's golden splendor."
"Pushing back the timeline of the first human habitations of North America far beyond the Clovis."
"One of the most mysterious ancient sites in all of South America..."
"So now we know how ancient was he, we'll go all back and go back to Ezekiel 28."
"The Palestinians are descended from the ancient Canaanites."
"With an area of over 100 square miles between and within a series of mountains and hills, Petra was the capital and greatest city of the ancient Nabataean Kingdom."
"While we're talking about things that happened five thousand years ago, that's also about the same time that a so-called graveyard of the giants was laid down in China."
"Why did prehistoric men, who lived more than 3,200 years ago, make such paintings around the world?"
"Perhaps one day Peru will reveal its ancient Secrets an astonishing collection of ancient evidential items and rediscovered historical factors have allowed the argument for an once lost history to have existed all but now a foregone conclusion."
"I'm going to take you on an adventure into the ancient past, into the core of the heart of one of the deepest questions that philosophers and magi and scientists and beings throughout the ages have asked: Who are we? Where did we come from?"
"When it comes to ancient history, it's very rare that we can be 100% certain about anything."
"These words would be the best record...of what that pre-flood world was like." - Referring to the Book of Enoch
"Ancient Egyptians manufactured stone vases for over five thousand years."
"Carthage committed itself to the task and within a decade had formed its very own elephant Corps."
"To tell this story, it is important to go back, back about 1500 years ago."
"It's like a time machine preserving the ancient history of Earth under all that sand."
"We found this body... over 5000 years old... we found all the tools he was carrying with him... they realized it was over 5000 years old."
"The Earth's atmosphere might have been significantly different, potentially contributing to the extended lifespans mentioned in Genesis."
"Karahan Tepe is quickly becoming one of my favorite ancient sites, a true Wonder of the ancient world."
"Seth was a pre-flood figure who was involved with the building of the great pyramid."
"Are ancient artifacts remnants of an advanced past?"
"The catastrophe is described in ancient sources where traumatic experience is common to all mankind, purged from conscious memory."
"Long considered the greatest of the so-called 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World'."
"For the first time in history, a splendid building such as the Propylaea was not erected for gods or kings, but by citizens for the citizens of a free city."
"Ancient cities are absolutely massive... breathtaking... wonderful."
"Ancient Alexandria was not only the most modern city of its time, but also the center of knowledge."
"These papyri already provide unrivaled insight into life in ancient times."
"Alexandria's heyday under Ptolemaic rule lasted only 300 years."
"They made Alexandria the cultural center of the ancient world, and a stronghold of knowledge and the sciences."
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"Gobekli Tepe completely disrupts our conventional understanding of the storyline of Homo sapiens."
"Gobekli Tepe remains a mystery yet to be solved, a secret sight so important that it could unlock the answers to understanding humanity's complex ancient origins."
"The precise layout of the three pyramids at Giza illustrate the Egyptian obsession with geometry."
"We're dealing with ancient extraterrestrial interactions with this planet going back probably millions of years."
"The curse of King Tutankhamun's tomb warned people off disturbing it for thousands of years." - Mention of the curse of King Tutankhamun's tomb
"Life in China four thousand years ago was obviously more sophisticated than we thought."
"The scriptures are divinely inspired, revealing coded information about pre-adamic events."
"Inside the cliffside cave, Adam found ancient paintings going back 44,000 years."
"We need to start paying attention to what's left over in these ancient tablets and these stories Left Behind from the indigenous because they're the ones who know the true story."
"Ancient ritual sites of Mesopotamia: 'a temple complex was found which was likely dedicated to the god of war.'"
"If these Suramarian texts and the guardians journals are true, and the Temple really was built on an ancient structure, then you may discover the entrance to forgotten complex of Titanic origin."
"The statue of Zeus at Olympia was the physical representation of their God on Earth."
"The history of Wano doesn't just stretch back a hundred years or so, it stretches back well beyond the Void Century."
"I enjoyed myself so if you want to see more of Imperial Rome on the channel be sure to like the video and subscribe."
"Let's give it a shot now we have the Heirs of Dido, how Carthage came to be 500 years ago."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"Most of us have heard of Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument built around 6500 years ago making it one of the earliest known structures of the ancient world."
"The balance of power in this world is shifting away from the old guard and towards the Hellenic League."
"More than 3,500 years old, and only just large enough to fit in the palm of your hand."
"Modern humans in terms of anatomy and behavior have been around for at least 50 000 years."
"Archaeologists in Egypt uncovered an ancient site in a Nile Delta province containing 110 burial tombs, some of which contained human remains."
"The Great Pyramid is probably an extremely old structure, maybe 100,000 years back."
"There's only one common denominator between them, and it happens to be a reference to the oldest calendar known to man: the 600-year Anunaki Ner."
"Magna Graecia was Rome’s entryway to the Greek east."
"The Roman Parthian interactions would inevitably lead to border conflicts with the context for future antagonism."
"The remains of Cyrus were interred in a mausoleum in the capital of Pasargadae, named after his tribe."
"This is the first and to date only physical record of Pilate's existence..."
"Archaeologists have been left excited following the discovery of ancient rock carvings in the western state of Maharashtra, India, believed to be tens of thousands of years old."
"The first known globe is said to have been created in about 150 BCE."
"We feel that regardless of what academia claims is the truth pertaining to the origin and creators of these ancient wonders the skills required to create them are thankfully beginning to become apparent to the majority rather than the few."
"The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets."
"It's crazy that we can look back 9,000 years ago and know things like that."
"Given the data, the Tower of Babel incident as recorded in Genesis correlates well with an event that happened in Mesopotamia's past."