
Value Appreciation Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"In 30 years, this $150 that I spent on my jacket would have become more than $1,100."
"Buy land... There is a fixed amount of land on this planet... Buy land and have your children hold on to it; it'll only increase in value."
"You might start off with four hundred five dollars in Bitcoin, and ten years, two years from now, it might be worth ten thousand."
"It's really an asset. And if you think about the way we, as a consumer class, need to change the way we think about consumption, is that we need to take much better care and appreciate the value of the items that we have because there is a residual value."
"I spent real money on a tangible thing, this microphone, or those freaking plants behind me. I spent money on that, and I will have that for as long as I have it."
"An original is always worth more than a copy."
"Skills are the only thing that will always appreciate in time and work in compound, compound in concert."
"If you appreciate the value of money, you'll appreciate the things that money can buy."
"To anyone out that's watching this video, buy stuff that you think is going to go up in value."
"The demand over time driven by the fact that no one can print more bitcoin, it's like the issuance is algorithmically set in stone, that I think over time just creates a positive feedback loop where the thing gets more valuable and more valuable."
"It's always a good investment when you spend money on quality."
"Better to have 40 of something fabulous than zero."
"This is just insane, this is going to be worth so much money."
"Getting this much land in the middle of the city, being this close to the beach for this price tag, it's kind of unheard of."
"I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial 70."
"That's spectacular! I would pay a hundred dollars by the pool for that one right there."
"The only thing of value in this world is whatever part of it you look upon with love."
"It's never going to drop in value, this thing is A1 and it's only going to go up."
"It's worth every dollar and every hour I worked on it."
"Suddenly they appreciate a lot in value because that's an attractive attribute in this kind of modern age."
"Sometimes simplicity is where people find value."
"There's a huge amount of value in this world."
"I do enjoy this box, it's a really, really nice box for everything that you get inside of it."
"I truly believe that if you could buy Manchester United and run it the right way it probably would be worth 10 billion in 10 years time."
"It's the little things that count, I like to get a little philosophical."
"When we immerse ourselves in the story we develop a bond that enables us to understand the value of these precious resources."
"Memories and people are so much more valuable than anything else."
"For everyone that has taken a look at this coin and decided to just go ahead and spend it because it looks like it's damaged, shame on you."
"You never overlook any opportunity. If you see a heads up penny or heads-up nickel or dime on the ground you pick it up because um you know that's opportunity waiting for you."
"Women are worth more than anything in the world."
"I find it very fun to continue to stack both gold and silver because I know what the true value of both of them are and it's a bargain so I like a good sale."
"Just like a fine wine, artifacts become more valuable with age."
"I like the rarity of how it's not so easy to get."
"A fool knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."
"Every link is worth like a diamond in my collection."
"I prefer value appreciation... I just don't see the point of it if it was a bear market."
"Instead people want ownership or they want some ability to participate in the value appreciation of their team."
"I think what most fans want... is really to participate in the value appreciation of their team."
"A tier 3 selector is very generous, this is extremely, extremely great."
"Money is so well worth spent when you spend it on experiences."
"People value what they earn if something comes too easily no matter how valuable it is people do not respect it."
"You can only realize the value of something when it's taken away from you."
"Collect the ones that you guys really like it's gonna be worth it."
"Gabrielle Martinelli: signed for just six million pounds, Arsenal's top scorer and worth much more."
"Investing in your education, that's a stock that only goes up over time."
"It's a piece of treasure that's not even real estate, it's like buying an antique."
"Some things require time, effort, and work to appreciate."
"This is a wonderful time, but we have something even more important today, something much more valuable than GameStop. It's something with real value, it's called silver."
"Appreciate what you have before you lose it."
"It's interesting how people are very quick to dismiss something just because it's not the new thing without considering the value of what it is."
"Thirteen thousand dollars is $13,000. This money is going down in value, this is going up in value over time."
"The price you pay is less important than the value you receive."
"It contributes to their womanly wisdom and compassion."
"People don't appreciate money; they appreciate what they can earn."
"This place is going to be worth a lot by the time we're done with it."
"A man tends to Value what he earns so give him room to earn your physical intimacy."
"There is a wealth of outstanding games that properly appreciate your time."
"He made me realize the family, it's everything."
"The simple things in life truly matter the most."
"Despite situations being shitty sometimes, you know there's a whole lot out there that is worth that price at the end of the day."
"I feel like in person interactions, I value that more."
"Living tiny for me is about appreciating the things that I have and keeping things that are really special to me."
"What is consistently taken for granted is eventually taken away."
"It's almost like if you gave any gun owner a time machine they could go back 10 years, 20 years and find thousands of dollars worth of stuff they had kind of ignored back then, they took for granted."
"Patience, not passion, is what you need during trials... Real contentment comes from noticing and valuing the small things in life."
"At the end of the day, you see her experience a cup of coffee, and that is more valuable."
"King Dedede merchandise is almost always guaranteed to become valuable in the future."
"Every little thing, if you know the proper use for it, can be very valuable to you."
"One day he won't be on earth anymore and anything you own that he made when he was alive is going to be worth... he's the Andy Warhol, he's the Picasso, he's the Michelangelo."
"You learn how to see value where others don't."
"This Corvette Stingray, a glorious Americana. What I can't get over is the guide on this. It's an awful lot of car for the money."
"There's so much more that I get out of it, it's the spiritual benefits that I really really value."
"You may be getting a deeper trust with possibly what you love, realizing the value of those around you."
"I just think that these are amazing, absolutely beautiful with the savings, I mean, that's just the cherry on top."
"You treasure that amiibo forever... you earned it."
"Only purchase what you truly love and find value in."
"Teach your kids the value of money, the value of what to purchase, and the value of things."
"You don't need to be some hero and buy the bottom and sell the top. You just want your money to be worth more in the future than what it is now, and hopefully more than any other investment you could have made. That's the only thing we need to do."
"This triple-threat Camaro was totally worth it."
"I love the fact that this floor was free. That's tremendous value."
"Art is a bull market. Art is an asset that gains value over time."
"Now come 2022 I fully get why they're worth their money. They are a jewel-like car, beautiful design."
"You see the greater value in the bigger picture."
"Owning less isn't about depriving ourselves, it's about making space to honor and appreciate what we love."
"People take things for granted until they lose them."
"If you're a fan of the old six samurai, you a hundred percent get to get your value out of the six samurai in this world."
"Gold, silver, art, collectibles, things like ammunition, firearms, agricultural property, farmland, Bitcoin - they only rise in value over time."
"This watch, 1973, somebody paid $1,820. I just sold this watch for $75,000."
"It matches so well and it was cheap so you know I love a good deal."
"If you ever get someone that's interested in you, you've opened up this sort of connection and they value you."
"Whoever buys this is definitely getting a gem."
"Jade: The gemstone considered an antique with its value steadily rising over the years, representing compassion, wisdom, justice, courage, and modesty."
"As an Epiphone fan, as a Les Paul fan, as a fan of getting good value for my dollar, I am so pumped."
"The most valuable things, the best opportunities are going to be unexpected."
"Oh, Lord, it's beautiful, $35.99, that's pretty good."
"Old opportunities can come back around for you to do something that benefits you, something that you value."
"If you don't understand the value of something, that value is lost."
"You know, there's lots of reasons we buy firearms, right? Pride of ownership, just the quality, or because it was just, it shoots, it does what it's supposed to do, and it didn't cost much."
"If you like something, pay for it. Supporting creation you like is never a waste."
"Lego has a northern value more than gold yeah so like even out of box Lego and stuff like that has accrued more value than gold which is kind of neat."
"You have to treat it like one of the 10 most valuable assets in the world."
"Here's a look at our finished bracket. Man, this thing looks like a hundred bucks, doesn't it? This is showroom ready right here."
"I think those things are valuable. I think they're worth what we pay for them."
"It's great working with somebody who respects your value."
"Price is what you pay, but value is what you get." - Warren Buffett
"Your value went up, the price just went up."
"I bought both of those examples over ten years ago when they weren't valuable for less than five grand and now they have skyrocketed in value."
"A Rolex or certain watches like that will always go up."
"if you like what I'm doing with the channel or you've watched my videos in the past and they brought you a lot of value it really would mean a lot if you'd subscribe"
"I will probably never sell this vehicle because as the years go on the demand for these is going to go up."
"It's too good. I can't. This would have been scrapped. It's crazy."
"If you buy one of these, you can enjoy it for years and it will hold and appreciate value as long as you keep it in good shape."
"I love the brand Notori, and I've had some vintage Notori stuff do very well."
"Bitcoin adds a zero every four years. Last cycle it added 10,000 it added a zero to 1,000 become 10,000 and almost reached the next one 100 now we're in store to reach 100 and almost reach the next line which is 1 million."
"Your person thinks that you're like a fine wine, you just get better with age."
"Make sure to LIKE the video if you actually got value out of this."
"This bike is worlds apart from where it was when it came in and has gone from a bike that's almost ready to be thrown away to a bike that has great value was well worth the service and is ready to be ridden again."
"I love investment value. I love putting my money in something that is going to hold its value and appreciate over time."
"If you can take a piece of land which you can acquire at relatively low value, you can multiply its value by hundreds of percents."
"I remember looking at this pencil case a long time before I actually got it and thinking gosh it's a lot of money I could probably get something similar for less but I've got to tell you it's it's just so exquisitely made."
"Treat it as valuable as it's worth."
"The principle of progression states that if you get a property that is near much nicer properties, the value will go up."
"RC 51 is truly a legendary bike. They're not going anywhere but up in value. No plans anytime soon to get rid of my RC 51s or my Kawasakis or the new Ducati that I just purchased."
"I only see their value continuing to hold steady or go up over time."
"You have to understand the value of something."
"We're going to see our utility token gaining more value because it's now being purchased with a stable asset."
"Get yourself in this hobby to that space and then just wait a couple of years and man, it's uh you're going to be able to get some better value."
"This is worth more than gold, it's so good."
"You should collect what you like, if it goes up in value that's a bonus."
"Property can go down in value, but it can never go down to zero. Generally, over time, property appreciates."
"Buying these watches is an investment if you do it properly."
"I bought around five domains for around two to three hundred dollars, and now they're worth around like five thousand dollars."
"If you got some value out of this, give it a thumbs up."
"It's pretty impressive for what you get."
"Understanding the value and rarity of coins like this can make your numismatic journey even more fascinating."
"If you found value in this video, click the like button and subscribe."
"You want to capitalize on the increase in real estate value in the area by owning some of the real estate."
"He was generous but knew the value of nothing."
"It's a timeless design, I think the value's going up."
"Investing in watches... historically watches have always gone up in value."
"Everything tastes better when it's free."
"Choose your customers wisely and make sure they understand the value of the skill and product that you are making."
"Those who do not know the value are not entitled to ownership."
"It's about seeing reality from a different angle and seeing the value that's there instead of just seeing the pain or inconvenience."
"A collector's item... the maker of it did not intend for the item to be collected, they intended it to be used."
"You would cherish it so much more."
"People are like that, they only realize the value after losing it."
"That one dollar would now be worth 11.84."
"Get one now before they blow up because I promise you these cars are going to fly up in price."
"The study found that mobile home values increased faster than those of traditional homes from 2014 to 2019."
"Watches are always great investment pieces because they appreciate over time and value."
"I don't want a discount. I can pay full price if you're the one taking the coin."
"If you bought an iPad in 2008 or something, whenever they came out, if you bought the iPad versus Apple stock, the iPad is worth basically nothing after whatever 13 years, but the Apple stock would be worth like almost 50 grand or something ridiculous."
"...how powerful simple things can be or maybe are and that our tendency is to perhaps undervalue the things that are not expensive or difficult to obtain."
"It's kind of like asset protection... the house goes up in value."
"When you work in building construction, you start to understand value."
"I think when people actually see the work that goes into what you do, it makes the work more valuable."
"All of the things that made me think I'm not going to put my money in this as a kid are the very things that make me love it right now."
"I'm telling you, this licensed stuff, especially the limited edition licensed stuff, it goes up in value like crazy."
"No one values anything when they get it for free."
"If you want to hang on to things, they go up in value because people love this stuff."
"I just love love love heritage brands; I find you get such good value for your money."
"EVO Eights have been going up in value, but are they worth it?"